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J.P. Tangen
Attomey at Law (P.C.)
P. 0. Box 297
Hansville, WA 98340
(907) 222-3985


Anderson & Sons LLC, )

Plaintiff, )
~ )
U.V. Industries, Inc. LiquidatingTrnst, David )
Finklestein, Arthur R. Oralla, Martin ) 2NO-23-00057CI
II Horowitz, Edwin Jacobson, Paul Kol ton, and)
Theodore Kheel, Sharon Steel Corporation )Case No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CI
12 and John Doc J - V, )
Defend ants. )

16 I. This is a complaint to quiet title in Plaintiff, Anderson & Sons LLC ("Anderson"),

17 under the provisions of AS 09.45.010 and 09.10.052(a) to an undivided fractional interest in an

JS active mining property.

19 2. AS 09.45.010. Action to Quiet Title provides that "a person in possession of real

20 property ... may bring an action against another who claims an adverse estate or interest in the

21 property for the purpose of determining the claim."

22 3. AS 09.45.052(a) provides that" ... the unintein1ptcd adverse notorious possession

23 of real property for IO years or more, because ofa good faith but mistaken beliefthat the real



Anderson & Sons LlC v. UV Industries Liquidating Trust, et al

Cnsc No. _ _ _ _ _ _ Ct


[!! property lies within the boundaries ofadjacent real property owned by the adverse claimant, is
2 conclusively presumed to give title to the property except as against the state or the United States. 1
,- 3 4. Plaintiff Anderson by and through its attorneys, J.P. Tangen, Attorney at Law
"' 4 (P.C.), file this Complaint against Defendants UV Industries Jnc. Liquidating Trust (the "Tmst");

5 David Finklestein, Arthur R. Gralla, Martin Horowitz, Edwin Jacobson, Paul Kolton, and
6 Theodore Khccl (the "Trustees"); Sharon Steel Corporation; and John Doc I - V. 2
.: ~
u 0
~.=- a,
=-~=-:-•<"? 8 5. Anderson is an Alaska limited liability company qualified to do business in the
;:; ..:l 1:5;::: :::J
c:. ~-0:=r- 9 State of Alaska and is in all ways qualified to maintain this action.
..; :::E::.: ~g
C: ....
' -
10 6. The last known address for the dissolved UV Industries, Inc. Liquidating Trust is

11 One Monument Square, Portland, ME 04101.

12 7. David Finklestein was a trustee under the Trust. His last known address is 920

13 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10028-0208.

14 8. Arthur R. Oralla was a trustee under the Trust. His last known address is 375

IS North Oakland Street, Arlington, VA 22203-4839. On infonnation and belief, Arthur Oralla is

16 deceased.




20 1
We note that AS 09.45.052 was amended effective July 18, 2003, by adding the words "because
ofa good faith but mistaken beliefthat the real property lies within the bo,mdaries of
adjacent real property owned by the adverse claimant" to the statute. In Prax v. Zaelwski,
22 400 P.3d 116 (Alaska 2017) the Alaska Supreme Court, after conceding that the amendment to the
statute would not have retrospective effect, addressed the question of whether the amendment
23 required the adverse claim to have vested before effective date of the amendment. The Court held
that the adverse interest had to have been vested before July 18, 2003, for the claimant to prevail.
24 !bib. 400 P. 3d 119-121. In this case the statutory period began on March 24, 1980, when UV
Industries, Inc. conveyed all of its assets to the Tmst and the Eisenlohr interest was duly vested in
25 the Trust thereafter.
(See: Exhibit A.)

Anderson & Sons LlC v. UV Industries liq11/dali11g Trust. el a/

Case No. _ _ _ _ _ _ Cl
9. Martin Horowitz was a trustee under the Trust. His last known address is 50

East 69 th Street, New York, NY 10021-5002. On informalion and belief, Martin Horowitz is


10. Edwin Jacobson was a trustee under the Trust. His last known address was 340

East 57thStreet, New York, NY 10022-4277. On infonnation and belief Edwin Jacobson is


11. Paul Kelton was a trustee under the Trust. His last known address was 9

Hunting Ridge Road, Stamford, CT 06903-3227. On Information and belief Paul Kelton is


I2. Theodore Khcel was a trustee under the Trust. His last known address was 800

II 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10065. On information and belief, Theordore Kheel is deceased,

12 13. The last known address for Sharon Steel Corporation is 15 Roemer Blvd, Farrell,

13 PA 16121.



16 14. On November IO, 1923, title United States of America issued Patent Number

17 922934, relating to Survey 1294, (hereafter"Survcy 1294")3, consisting of the Convex Fraction,

18 the Concave Fraction and the Tibbits Bench placer mining claims to the Pioneer Mining and Ditch

19 Company and to Louis H. Eisenlohr. 4


21 15. On May 20, 1922, Pioneer Mining and Ditch Company conveyed "all ofits right,

22 title, interest. claim and demand which it now has or may hereafter acquire in and to inter alia)


24 3Also referred to herein as "Mineral Survey 1294,"

4Patent, Recorded as Document 71419, Cape Nome Recording District, Nome Subdistrict,
25 Territory of Alaska, Historical Books, Book 21 O, pages 248-249, on January 2, 1924. Attached
hereto as Exhibit B.

Anderson & Sons LlC v. UV Industries liquidating Trust. et a/

Case No. _ _ _ _ _ _ Cl
" ... [an] Undivided 7/12 interest in TIbbets Bench described in Mineral Survey No. 1294
and Mineral Application No. 0416; [an] Undivided 1/4th interest in Concave, as described in

Mineral Survey No. 1294 (and an] Undivided 1/4 in Convex, as described in Mineral
Survey No. 1294 ... "situate and being within Nome Recording District, Territory of Alaska" to

Hammon Consolidated Gold Fields. (Emphasis added.) 5 This fractional interest it referred to

hereafter as the "Hammon Interest."

16. On June 7, 1922, Louis H. Eisenlohr, a Pennsylvania resident, died leaving his

residual estate, in equal parts to his sister, Marie Eisenlohr, and brother, Charles J. Eisenlohr.

17. On June I, I 937, Hammon Consolidated Goldfields conveyed "all mines and

mining grounds and mining claims, and all lands of, or interests in, any mines, mining grounds or

II mining claims, and all lands or other real estate, tenements, hereditaments or appurtenances,

12 plants, buildings, surface improvements, ditches, syphons, water systems and parts thereof, and

13 any and all assignable leases, water rights, rights of way, easements, appropriations, privileges, and

14 rights incident or appurtemmt thereto, and all other real property and interests therein of every

15 names and natures whatsoever, and wherever situated, either within or without the Territory of

16 Alaska, owned by the Hammon Consolidate Goldfields on the date of this deed" to United States

17 Smelting and Refining and Mining Company (hereafter "USSR&MC"). 6

18 There is no record establishing that Hammon Consolidated Goldfields conveyed the

19 Hammon interest to anyone else prior to June I, 1937.


5 Deed, Recorded as Document #76081, Cape Nome Recording District, Nome Subdistrict,
Te1Titory of Alaska, Historic Books, Book 215, pages 92-94, on May 18, 1935. (NB: the patent is
23 described in this deed as being Mineral Survey 1294. The fair implication of this deed is that
Pioneer Mining and Ditch Company and Louis Eisenlohr retained the referenced fractional
24 interests in the patent, as opposed to a fifty-fifty split, as would be expected.) Copy attached as
Exhibit C.
25 6
Deed, Recorded as Document #78043, Cape Nome Recording District, Territory of Alaska,
Historical Books, Book 215, pages 492-493, on June 16, 1937. Copy attached as Exhibit D.
Page-l o(9 p~scs
Amlerso11 & Sons LlC v. UV /11c/11stries liq11ldmi11g Tmst, et al
C11sc No. _ _ _ _ _ _ Cl

"'~ 19. On Murch 31, 1959, The First Pcnnsylv,mia Banking and Trust Company, a
Pennsylvania Company, and Joseph H. Grubb, Jr., as executors and trustees of the wills of Charles J.


t- 3 Eiscnlohr and Marie Eiscnlohr deeded to USSR&MC their residual "undivided 5!i/1s interest in the
4 Tibbctls (sic) Bench Placer Mining Claim "and other properties [including the outstanding¾ ihs
:,: 5 interest in the Concave and the 3/4 th interest in the Convex]" situated at Nome, Alaska, Mineral
0 6 Survey 1294, conveyed by United States Patent Number 922934, recorded January 2, 1924, in
u: 7 Volume 210, at page 248, Instmment No. 71419, Nome Record." 7 This fractional interests in
iJ Si!
"' '-C.c,"' ...
::.0 .. <'I
C :; "'< '7 8
Mineral Survey 1294 is referred to hereinafter as the "Eisenlohr interest."
:- '!:~.!!'.:!
- .;-0,:: ... 9 C. THE HAMMON INTEREST
-:.: :::
10 20. On March 17, 1975, UV Industries, Inc. (reciting that it was fonnerly United States

II Smelting, Refining & Mining Company), deeded the Hammon interest, (but not the Eisenlohr
12 interest), to Alaska Gold Company, a Delaware corporation, to wit: an undivided 11./h interest in
13 Concave Fraction, an undivided ¼1h interest in Convex Fraction, and an undivided 71t 21115 intcrcst in
14 Tibbets (sic) Bench, «all within U.S. Mineral Survey 1294." 8
16 21. On March 24, 1980, UV Industries conveyed to the Trustees of the Trust all of UV's

17 right, title mu/ interest in and to all assets it presently owns, holds or otherwise possesses any

18 interest in, together with the appmtcnances and all the estate and rights of UV in and to such assets

19 in tnist for the uses and purposes stated hereinabove, subject to the tenns set out below. The

20 Trustees accepted such assets and such Trust, subject to the same terms and conditions. (Emphasis
21 added.)'
23 7 Deed, Recorded as Document 91307, Cape Nome Recording District, Nome Subdistrict,
Territory of Alaska, Historic Books, Volume 242, page 78, on April 9, 1959. Copy attached as
24 Exhibit E.
Deed, Recorded as Document 1975-000163-0, Nome Recording District, State of Alaska, Book
25 276, pages 621-640, 634 on March 25, 1975. Copy allached as Exhibit F, page 14.
See: Exhibit A, Preamble, paragraph 3.

Amlerso11 & Sous LlC 1•, UV Industries liquldt11i11g Trust, cl a/

Cnsc No. _ _ _ _ _ _ Cl



2 22. On March 10, 2011, Alaska Gold Company sold lhe Hammon interest, interalia, "all
ii: 3 of [its] right, title and interest ... if any, in and to that ce11ai11 real property located in the Cape Nome
4 Recording District, Second Judicial District, State of Alaska, and more particularly described in
w 5 Exhibit A auached [thereto] and incorporated [therein] and made a part [thereof] for all purposes ...."
0 6 The said deed included "US Mineral Survey 1294, [an] undivided 7fi 2111 interest in Tibbetts (sic)
a: 7 Bench, [an] undivided ¼lh interest in Concave and [an] undivided ¼'h interest in Convex" by
u '=#,
.. '"-c,,""""
~~<'I<~ 8 quitclaim deed to Nome Gold Alaska Corp. rn (This conveyance did not address the Eisenlohr
o:1.:.i l:l;:::~
1--,:::::i • .,.
=.: t;.d ~ ;=: 9 interest.)
• E:C:: i;;g
""'g §'-'
~ = 10 23. On April 2, 2015, Nome Gold Alaska Corp. sold the Hammon Interest to wit: its 25%
II holdings in Concave Fraction, its 25% holdings in Convex Fraction and it 58.33% holdings in
12 Tibbitts (sic) Bench to Anderson. 11 {This conveyance did not address the Eisenlohr interest.)


14 24. The purpose of this action is to quiet title of the Eisenlohr interest in plaintiff.
IS 25. There is no record ofUSSR&MC, UV Industries, Jnc. or the Trust having
]6 specifically conveyed the Eisenlohr interest to anyone.
17 26. AS 09.45.052(a) provides that "[t]he uninterrnpted adverse notorious possession of
JS real property for 10 years or more becmtse ofa goodfaith but mistaken belief that the real
19 property lies within the boundaries ofa((jacent real property owned by the adverse claimant, is
20 conclusively presumed to give title to the property except as against the state or the United
21 States." 12
23 Quitclaim Deed, recorded as Document 2011-000381-0, March 11, 2011, Cape Nome Recording
District, Second Judicial District, State of Alaska.
24 Quitclaim Deed, recorded as Document 2015-000362-0, May 6, 2015, Cape Nome Recording
District, Second Judicial District, State of Alaska.
25 12 See: fh. I regarding the 2003 amendment to AS 09.45.052 and the vesting of rights ofan adverse

claimant priol' to July 18, 2003.

A11derso11 & Sons LLC v. UV /11t/11stries llq11idatl11g Tntst, et al

Case No. _ _ _ _ _ _ CI


27. The July 18, 2003, amendment to AS 09.45.052(a) did not have retrospective
" 2 effect on claims of adverse possession that vested prior to that date. 13

3 28. Under the law of adverse possession, a plaintiff may prove possession

4 through "tacking" of periods of possession by predecessors in interest in privity and

5 commonly adverse to the named defendants or unknown persons joined as parties. 14

6 29. Plaintifrs proof of adverse possession by tacking is as follows: the

7 possessory interest of plaintiff of the Eisenlohr interest was vested in UV Industries, Inc. with

the 1959 deed and was conveyed to the Trust in 1980, and the Eisenlohr interest has been in

exclusive possession of the Tmst ever since.

30. The use of the property by plaintiff and its predecessors was adverse to the

Trust inasmuch as it was used in support of mining activities on commonly held adjacent gold

12 mining operations and from which significant quantities of gold and other material have been

13 recovered. 15

14 31. Plaintiffs, through their predecessors in interest, have adversely possessed

15 the property, including the Eisenlohr interest, notoriously during the pre-amendment statutory

16 period.

17 32. Plaintiffs, through their predecessors in interest, have possessed the property

18 exclusively during the pre-amendment statutory period.

19 33. Plaintiffs, through their predecessors in interest, have possessed the property

20 adversely or with hostility towards defendants through the pre-amendment statutory period.


13 See: A.S. 0 I. 10.090 "No statute is retrospective unless expressly declared therein."
24 14 Hubbardv. C11rti>·s, 684 P.2d 842,849 (Alaska 1984).
15 A.S. 09.45.052(a) [U]nintenupted adverse notorious possession of real property for IO years or

25 more ... by the adverse claimant, is conclusively presumed to give title to the property .... "

Pugc 7 of9 pages

Am/e1"So11 & Sons LLC ,•• U/1 flul11srries Lfquidatf11g Tn1sr, cl"'
Cnse No. _ _ _ _ _ _ Cl
34. AS 09.I0.030(b)(l) authorizes a person in possession of real property to

bring an action against another who claims an adverse estate or interest in the property for

the purpose of detcnnining the claim.

35. Upon compliance with the clements of adverse possession under AS

09.I0.052(a), the claimant is deemed vested with title to the property against the true

36. Aside from the named defendants, other persons or parties unknown to

plaintiff may claim a right, title, lien or other interest in the property, and such right, title,

lien or interest may be adverse to that of plaintiff. Such unknown persons are included as

parties defendant and identified as John Does I through V.

II 37. Plaintifrs claim to title for the property is paramount and superior to that of

12 the named defendants along with that of any unknown persons identified as John Does I

13 through V.

14 38. Pluintiffrcquests that title to the property be quieted in its favor and against

15 all named defendants along with any unknown persons included as John Does I through

16 V.


IS WHEREFORE, Anderson & Sons LLC asks that the Comt enter judgment in its

19 favor and declaring:

20 I. That the 1959 deed from the Eisenlohr estate was a valid conveyance of the

21 Eiscnlohr interest to UV Industries, Inc;

22 2. That the conveyance of the Eisenlohr interest from UV Industries interest to

23 UV Industries Liquidating Tmst vested paramount title in the Trnst.

24 3. That David Finklestein, Arthur R. Oralla, Martin Horowitz, Edwin

25 Jacobson, Paul Kolton, and Theodore Khccl are the duly appointed Trnstecs of the Trust,

A11derso11 & Sons LlC 1•, UV l11d11srrie.s liquidmi11g T111.w, er al

Cnsc No. _ _ _ _ _ _ Cl
and that they or their successors in interest, whomsoever they may be, are cun-ently

empowered to convey title to the Eisenlohr interest and have refused or declined to do so.

4. That predecessors in title, including Alaska Gold Company, and Nome Gold

Alaska Company, adversely possessed the Eisenlohr interest openly, continuously,

notoriously, exclusively and with hostility towards defendants for more than the statutory

period commencing on the effective date of the Trust.

5. That, in the absence of any Trustee or successor appearing in this cause,

after summons and notice, the Eisenlohr interest is quieted in plaintiff Anderson, which

judgment may be recorded as proof of plaintiff's title in the Eisenlohr Interest in U.S.

Patent 922934, US Mineral Survey 1294.

11 6. That plaintiff be awarded their reasonable costs and attorney's fees in

12 successfuily prosecuting its claims against any defendants who contest this action.

13 Defendants who disclaim any interest in the property and concede the ave1ments and

14 claims for relief plead in the complaint shall be exempt from any application for an award

15 of costs and attorney's fees.

16 7. That plaintiff be granted such further relief that this court deems just and

17 equitable in these premises.

18 DATED this_ day ofFebrumy 2023.
1. P. Tangen, Attorney at Law (P.C.)
19 of Attorneys for Plaintiff Anderson & Sons






All(/t:rso// & Sons LLC I'. UI' Jmlustrics Liq11it!ali11g Trust, ct al

Case No. _ _ _ _ _ _ Cl

AGREEMliNt AND Ol!CL\RATION OF TRUST by ;ind botwetn UV Industries, ·1nc,. a
corooration in /iouhlntfon. under the Jii_ws ofthc.s1a1c of Maine, hereinafter e11led "UV'',. nnd.Dcwid. Af.
i--o~t...tst"" ...,n..T>o,.;,.:.-s...,.11,.,""'-.. h~ ~ .. w,~z, c.,,..,,. T"o•..1,,..-~iz. .., 1c...1~ .. ,-n...-.~,.-=' u:.. ~heel f'

i!: hc:rcinal\crcolh:ctfvety called th!! Tru$t<:Cs.

WnFJtTtAS: On January 17 nod February 9, 1979. the l!oard ofDircetor.s or UV voted to submit 10 the
w stockholders or U\" 11. Pfan ofl.iquidalion and Dis~lutlon {lhi:= "Pinn"). The Ph1J1 wns adop!ed by the
:! stae~holden; or UV at a metting thereof held on March 26, 1~9. 'Tf1e ,Ellan _proviJ~ fer 1hc creation of
lhis IIQ\11Qatinc: In.ISL
Now, Tmro;F0fn;,lrt considem1h:m Of the premises and uthcr \ .:iluable consideration, 1he receipt and

sufficiency of which ore hereby ac)rnowll!dgec!. and confessed, UV hereby crnnts, rcl~ses, ::is:rign,;,
1mntfo~. convey.;; and deJivcn; un10 the Trustee.\ :ill or UV'1, ti&ht, 1ide and interest in :ind to nll il~l!IS i1
pre;ently 01-•rni;, holds. or otherwise pos:icuc;; ;i.n)' intete:sl .in, 1ogclhcr wi1h 1he appunenances a nil nll the
cstaie nnd rlgbt-s- of UV in and to such ~elf, in 1nu1 for the uses :ind p:1rp~e= slated herein above, .subject
to the terms and promions se1 out below, nnd the Trustees hereby accept such ;u5ClS and .such Tnnt,
subject to the same terms and provisions;. to wit:


1.1 Name. Thi:'; ltll.1l shall hi: known :'.U the UV Indu.stries, Inc. LitJuid.r.ting Tnut (chc "truS!").
I .2 Cl!rlotn Term.JJJe/jm!tl, For all 11u1pOSC$ of1his. imtrumeat, unless !he coOle:d othc1V1isc requires:
( a i .Jr.r~menf or Agrume11I of Trost shall rncan this. in.ttrument et- originally ciccuted or as it
may from lime 1n lime he amcr.d'ed pursu3nt lo lhc 1erm:. hcr,rof.
(b) Bmcficiaric.J .sha11 lllC:!Jt stoekhOlders of UV, th ck legal teprcscnlati\'CS, tra~fCICcs 3nd
.mignee.s, who hold a bencfidnl interest in the Trust Es111te.
( e) Jlf!llt]icial Jnlell$l .shall mean 1h.c pmponinn:ilc ,h;i_rc oi c::ic:h. J.toc:kholdcr ln tltc Tnm
E51alc-, c:cpt~d In uni ls. dc:ll!cmined hy the ratio of the nurnbe:r onssUt.:d aud onts1anding .d:i11resor
Common Slack nruv each stockholder held on the cfose of business on the date of the 1roro-1rcr of
uv·s ;l$SCt\ to the Trus1cc:s. hereunder-to Ille number of issued and ou1s1:i.nding shard of such ~ck
held by ail :nocl;hoJden.
( d) rJY s.holl meQn UV Industries, Inc., n eorpor111ion orgMlttd un<'ier the l:i.w.1 or·1hc ~utc of
M3in~ 11nd .in1cndcd to ~c dhsulvcd :iner the c.-cecution. of this ins1rumen1.
( ~) Stoekholdcn .J:hall mean lhe holders or re::.ord 0!"1hc sh::ircs or 1hc ou1.31anding gpital stoc:k
of UV :it tire close of busines~ on the dntc. ofthe transfer of UY'$ aucts to the Trus1ecs hereunder.
( f} Tnut &lat~ shall mean nll the prnpeny held t:Mm time to rime hy 1he TrU.sltt5 undt:l' this
Agfl!emcnl ofTrusL
(g) Tnm Au;:ts i;hall me-an ti.II divh.lcnds-, rcrus, royalties, income, prooecds, .r.nd other rccdptS
or or from tt,c Trust "£.smtc, including but not Untiled 111 CJ) dMdends .r.nd other c:ish distributions
from any corporation. all or a portion of the <>umanJing ~tocl: of which is parr of rhc Trus1 1:-statc,
(ii) wrrtpi!J\S:ilio"11 for any n:m oflh:'Tmst· taken b)' emi.-icnt doinlifl, (iii) proceeds- (whether
cash or $¢CUri1ics) ofsale ain11}' r11rrof1he T.rust Estnll!, (iv) proceeds of insurance upi,n 11ny pan nf
the Trl.l1t, and (v) intl!rest en med on any moot)'S orsecuri1ies held by the Trustees under this
Ag"ri:emezit ofTrus1.
(h) Tru:t Cerllji'"aren,Jiall mean the cenilica1c.s rcpresemingshiltcS of UV Common Stock which
upon 1he transfer uflJ\"s as:.cts 10 lhc Tru11ees under this J\grccrnent orTnm shell be deemed for all

Page 1 of 27 pages

rrtisc pµt])OscS, subjeel to die ,provisions of1his Atrcemen~ ofTrtUf; m evidence the ownership of the
same number of t1nils- of hen.efici:it j1ucres1 in the 't111rt Esra le o!"sharc& of UV .c'l'lmmon Srock, nnd
shill also mean :i11y irul.T\lment dCJ'JOrtlinllted by the Trustees ns, a. 'rtustCct1Jnc:ue issued under this
Agreement of Trus[ in -cxcfuulge for, or lll ,uW.tlmtion fQr.-:;11id UV Ccrnmon Sl'.Oclc ~11ilic11te:s. The
· Trusrces m:iy require the surrender of Trust Cet1/ficares- for le.e:ending or other [denriitcnt!an or Jbr
;1:11bstitulion jf:iucb ,certiGC3.I~ bCl;Ome tt:lM(cr.ibic under S~ion 3.S.
(i) Trust Ci!l'Jijicate lrofd~r~ 11r holder:r of Trust Ctulficat'i!5, or any similar cerms, ~all mean 1he,
r~gistc-rcd owner of a Trust Certilicalc, rissl10Wn by 1he ~gis1r,11ion books n111inrt1ined by 1hc Trusracs.
(jJ Tr'llrttes sh nil mean. the oQ.r; T ~ and their suei:e.uors.
Ll Meaning of Otlu:r Ttrmr. Exccp1 where the context 01hcrwise requires, word~ imporliog ihe
m11sculine gender in.dude the rcmi:iinc .nm! the neuter, ir npproprfare, words importing lhc singular
number shall im:ludc thn plural number 11.nd vke vem, .nnd words lmporting,penons sh.ti! includi: firms,
assoeiarioM, and corporntions. A!l rcfcren~s hercin 10 Articles, Setiioni, and other subdivisio~ refer 10
tlic corri!tpQmJinB Anlclu, Seclions, .:iod other subdividOn!: of tliis in_~JrJmcnt; .:uid the words htarc!n,
heteor, hereby, hereunder, antl word~ orsimUnr lmpon, refer to this ins1rument ns n Whnfo and not to /lnY
p.:Jrticul&.r- Anicfe, Scafon, or snbdivilion tfl.c Ar.rcement. ·

ARTIO.ll ll,
2,J Puf]Jore of Trust. 'fhe sole purpose of chis Tru~t is Ill liquidate the Trun Esru1e in u manner
calculated to conserve :md protect 1hc Trtlst Est:ue, e.nd 10 collect and dbtribu11: the income nnd proceeds
therefrom to the bene6ciaric.s in as promp1 and orderly a foshioo as possible af1er the paymen1 or, or
pto\ision for, expenses and Jiabililics.
2.2 Nolrt!'l<enio11 ta VV. rn no C\'i:rn shnU any pan of1he Trust Es1atc, as this tennis hcti:inabovt:
defined, revc.ft 10 or be distributed 10 UV or to nny stockholder, .:is such.
2,3 lns1rtrm1m1~ ojFurthu AJs11ra11ce. UV and such PC!'SOO!:' as shall h:J.\"C !he right end power nfl:er
1bi: dissolution of UV \I.ill, upan re:ison;i.blc rcqucs1 of the Tru~tcc.!, cxccull:, ncl:nowkdge, nnd deliver
slloh Junhcrinstrumcn'5 :tnd do sucl1 funhc:r acts, ns may bcr,cccssnry or proper IQ clfcciivclyc:m;· out rhe-
purposes or chi:; AgRcmcn1, lo trantfer any property intc11dcd ,..., be co~-ert:d J1ctr:by, nntl to vciic in rbc.
Trustee>, 1hclr successors and n.sslgns, the csmre, po~rs. in.slrurilent~ or fundr in rrtlf1 .hereunder.
2,4 Payh1mr of UY Liabilities.. The Trustees hereby 8$.SUtne all 1he JiabUiilc:i: and clainu (incl tiding
un(ls,:ertaincd or oonlingcn1 Jiabffitie~ nnd o:penscs) oruv. With 1cspect ta claims by officers, dlrecton.->r
01hcr per!;cms for indcmnifica1ion unOcr uv~s B:,faws. thcTrusrnes mnycn.i:a,ec independent legal counsel
11ccc::pt:iblc to them ro render a wrillenopinion as.:o w~rhcrthe applic;ib!c standard ofconduct sct forth jn
UV's Bylaws:bas Deen mi:t, Should :i:ay Jinbiliiy be ltnerted ug.iinst the T,tmees a.s the trarufc~ oruie
Trust En ate or ns a result .oflh!! assumption made in this pnmgrbpb !he Tnr.;tccs may use su~h p;trt of 11te
Trust Es1afe as mtt.y b~ m:~s~ In contesting any such liability or ln paymcnr 1her.:or.
2.5 A.rnKNm~'ltt/or l1tnefi1 qf UV Stod:Jio!du.1. The-Truste-es hereby anign to the s1od~olders Of UV
1hc bcn.eliclnl in1crcs1 ill 111! 1he TruST Enatc, :tnd retain oni}' such focJdent.soro11numhlp as are neccS!ruy 10
undcrt1kc the actions and transactions au1horiu!tl herein.

. .
J.I B1meficial Jnt,:~11.r. The beneficial interest ,of each scockholdcr-shall be dcr.enniccd t,y the
Trusrecs In accordance with a certified copy of UV'",s stockholder ll$t as!! date of ttnrufcr of UV~
~ ro the Tnmccs. UV v.ilJ deliver such a certitlcd. oopyofits :stoekholder list to 1he Tnme-c:s wjrhln a
re:isonablc time. ancr such da1c of transfer. For case ,of :idminis1ration, the Tnutecs shall cxpreu rhe
beneficial in1crcn or each stod:holdcr in 1crzru. ofunits and snid bcneiicla? jntctes'5 shall ~ evidenced by
Trust Ccrtificnrcs.

Page 2 of27 pages


When rhe Trustee.~ have dc!terminct! the: bene6ciat rnrerci:t.s: of the stockholders. they shall notify e:ich
s1oekholder oflf1t! amount orhi.,; h!!lleficia( inr.eresl and shall adv4c ltim fO sum:ndcr his Trust Cet1ilica1er
(to wit,. his 12nlric:1tes of UV Common Stock or oth!:!r 1'rus1 Ccnifica1es i!i!>ued in cxch:inge or ,ubsdrution
therefor) in cxch:inge for the righl!i ofa bcnc~ciRry herein. SUch notice.~ shall be nccompnnlcd by a letter
oftr:rnsmittal for use b:y c11eh.s1ocJ;hofderln tronsmitllng, his' ccnlflcares 10 1hc Trustees, or 10 such 11pint $
the Trus1cc:s: Ina.)' tl~lgmite,
If any coniUaing dnimsortlemnnds nre m;ide orn."-Scned 10 nny shn!C:S of' UV Cotnn1onS1od: or units
oFbencficiol interest, or to nny interest of c.ny stm:'kholtler or Trust Certificate holder; or if there should be
tiny diugrcement between 1he traMferces, assignees, J1eil'3, ,eprescnrmiv~ or legatees suc~eding fo all or
a pan or !he interest of any stockholder or irusl Cct1illc-Jt:c holder ri:suhiag in itdvcrse claims or demands
being 1,11at1~ ir.. eonnccllon with such fotcn:sr, Ihen, In any events, lhc Trustees Shall he· enlitlcd., at
1heir i.nlc· election. to ref\lsl:: lo comply 1Vi1h nr.y .s1.1ch co1ttlicting d~ims or demands, In so refusing, 1he
Trustees m.i;; dllcl 10 mnk:c no paymt.nt or dis1ribution 10 lhC' intcrC.\I rcpre~n1e:d by lhe UV Common
Stock or Trust Ccniflca1es involved, or nn)' pan 1hercof, and in so doing the Trustees slutl1 not be or
become liabl.:: 10 any of such p;irticc. for their failure or reiUSlll to, compl,y wilh .iny of such conflicting
doims {Ir demands, nor shall the Trustees be li11Ellc for un any funds which i1 may so withhold.
The1'1us1ees shun be cnrirlcd 10 rcfi.1in ~nd rcf\Jsc 10 acc. until (i) 1hc rights of the ad,-en.c claimants have
been ~djudfl'lllcd by a Jina I J11dgmcn1 or a. C1.1un or c,:11npe1cn1 ju;isdic.1ion, ( ii) P.ll diifcrc.nccs hnvc been.
adjusted h)' v:-ilid written :1greemcnt hctwccn :tll or such p11nies, and the iru~tccs sh.3:11 bav~ been
furnished wid1 ;tn cxi:cu1¢d counrerp:1rt of such ngrccnienr. or (iii) there is furnished to the Trustci:s a
surely bond or other security ~athf.icto,y to the Trus1ee;;, :ti: lhey shall d-=cm .ipproprfate, 10 fully indemnify
1hem as bc1ween all conllieH::1g claims or demands,
All Jiquld:tting di.mibulions and Other payments due any Tlusc Ccrtifieale h.:ilder who has failed 10
surrender his Ttusl Ccrti!il"l11cs (10 wil, his ccrlhicn1cs of UV Cominon S1ock or 01her Trus1 Ccrtifitatc~
issued in cxcl111nge or subs1itu1ion therefor) :!hall bl! rcwined b}' the Trus1ccs fur his bcnelit umil his Trusl
Cenilic::i.rcs are surrendered or unul he furnishes (ii cvicicncc su1isfac1ory TO them of the foss. 1hefl, or
d!!slruclfon of such ccnificatc5 and {ii I u surety bond .s3!1:sfactory .o them, unlimited in amQllnt lflhey .!hall
so :q>edfy, or .~uch orbcr .s1:curi1y or indemniry a~ may he ,eqoir.ed by them, JI\ which e\·em lhe Trusrccs
.1bttll release 11II bquidadng diruib1niom due such stoclhokler to lum.
3-.2 Rlgl11s of Ber.i:fic1r1ric.1. Em::h hcne6i::idry shall he entilfod 10 panlcipalinn in the rieht~ :ind
hcoefits clue to n b~nelid:1.ry he:tcuntl.::r:u:wrtling- lo hb hcncflcinl intcrc:.<;1, ~ch l:lcnclltinry :;h:dl 1:1:l:.c .and
hold the ~nmc subject 10 all the lc!m!i :lnd provisions of this Agreement of Trust, 1111: in1eres1 of 1he
benefieinry is hereby declare.I and sh:,,11 be in all respee1s pcr3onnl properly and upon 1hc dcarh of 3n
individU31 bcndkiary his inicrcst :.hall pass to hii. leg;'li ri::prcsen11nivc nnd :;tJ,;b dealh sh:t.ll in no wise
1,:rminale Qr :alfcct 1hi:: validil)' of this AgreemenL A beneftciary$ht1II have no title 10, tight 10, possess.ion
ur, managemen1 of, or cnn1ml of, 1he Trust ~t:.11e ex..:cp1 111, herein e,;presi;ly provided. No widower,
widow, heir. or devisee of nny pcr1on who may be a bene6ciary slmll ful\•e an; .right ordov.:cr, holl1C$lead,
or inherirance, or or panitiun, or of ;rny 01her r.ight, s111101ory or othcr.Yise, in any ;,roJ)l!Ity whlltever
formir.g u part nflhe Tru.s1 Es1a1e, but 1hc whob title, lcnnl and 1?qui1able, to all the Trw1 Esratc shall be
vesrcd In the Trustl?cS and Ille. :sole interest af1he beneficiaries shall be the rights nnd benel'ils given to such
perloru undi=r 1h,: Acrccment nfTrus1.
3.3 Jzsua,iec ef Trust Ce,.rljir:r,rr:r. "rhi:: bcm:r,cial inti:mt5 hereunder slmll be 41vided Jn10 equill
undivided po mom, herein called Unils. equul In number to the- number of issued tind oumcm1ing slmres.
M CV Ct1mmon Swde. each smekholder held :.I lh!: do5c of business cm the date of the tl';)nsii:r of UV 's
,usctS ro the Trustees hcrcumler. which. slmll be cvidcnL-cd by the trust Cer1ilientc.~. a~ ddined in Secrion
J.2(h) a how, The number or Uni1s reprewmed hy :my single Trus1 Cer1ifk.i1ci !>hall b.:: dcsignttted on
:.uch Trust Ccnificiuc:. Nu rr:ietianal part of e. ~ine!c Un[t shall he ksued but in lieu thereof 1hc-Trunce5
may 11111:ke s\leh ])tovi~ion with re5pect lO frncrions of Units ::u 1bey may deem appropriate. As scr fbnh in
Scclion J.:!(h) .ub,wc. rhi: i:i:nill,:;;1cs rcpresen1ing sh.i~s of UV Common Swck shall be de-cmcd 10 be
Tnis, Cenific.-.1es. Tri.lit Certificrues issued in exchange or in subsdtution for snid UV Common Sloclc
ccttificates s!mll he in such form ns ro.iy be fi:tetJ by the Trumec.~. with such chan(l81!s the Ttu5te~ may
from 1i01e 10 lime find necessary or llcmable to conform 10 any 11pplic:11ble lnw~ or rcg!llnlions.

Page 3 of 27 pages

J.4 Re£1srrt.1Jfo11 nf Trust C<!ll/fir:arc.r. The Tru1IW shnll caus~ 10 be kepi, ut such ulhcr place or
pJnces•wirhin or wirhou11he:Sr111c nfNew York ainhe-T.J1L1.IC.C:'i ma.y4c1crrninn, bonk.s ibr thl! regi.mat!on
nnd transfer of. nny of die Trust Ccrtificares, btrein sometime.~ called the .R~gio,cr Of the Trustees: and,
upon prcscnta1ion for si1ch purpos~. lhe Trustees shall, under ;;:uch rcason;i&lc rcgula!ions as they mey
prescribe, cau$c 10 be 1c1tb1crtd or lr:msfcm:d 1hcr.=in. UDY Mthc Tmst Ccnilkatcs. 11m Rcgistrnc r~r rhc
UV Common S1ocl:. &h:tl.l be lbe RcglStrar for th~ Trun Ccrtilicatcs und the ·rnntces ma-}' appoint one or
more sueces5or or add.itiaaal n:gis1rnn: tor ~cJ1 purpose, and :may •p;ey $Ufh rcgis1rar or rcei!~t:i.rS
r~onnl,Jc oompens:ilion for~rvi0$.
3,5 T,anr/U of Tntsf Ccrljjif!ut~.r. Upon 1~ving a ruling from the rnrcrnal Rc~-cnue Ser~ia: th:H
1hc Trust Cerlilic.1tcs may be tcansfcr.'.lb!e without adwrs.::ly alTcc:ling the In s1arus of the Trust IIS :r
liquidating mist, or such ut/1er iwurnnces. es the)' deem nccessnry nnd ;ipproprimc, the Trusrecs may; 111
1!leir disemtion. pmvidc th:tt lh~ 'frost Cerdfic.:ucs ru:id tht:" lnlcn:sts rcprcsenred thereby (hue n,l fr,H::ional
pan of.:i single Unit 1hcn-of) may be 1ran.ifcrrod by th~ boldenhcrcor iri pcr:;on or by a duly au1hori7..!d
.rgent or i11torn~}', or by the ptop~rl}' nppoin~d Iceal rt!pn!Se11taiiv12 of the haldcr, up,Jn 1!1.C surn:nJer of
111e 'l'rus.t CcniliCJle. duly executed fbr 1rnnsfor. ro 1he Trustees wi1h ditcctions tha1 such transfer be made.
.ind r~rdcif in the .lwgis:cr of 1hc Trustees, upon tire dclive!)' of such o:hct documcnb aS' the Trust.:es
nmy rca~nnhly rc:quirll Md upon rite p;:iy111enl of lhc reasonable lll\11sfcrcliarges, if:in'y c~1ablished b!{ the
Tnts{cci for rlu:~ purp:>se of n:imbuniin([ 1he T~C3' for tf:e c.q1:nsl!.~ ineidcn~ lhi!rcto. Until any sueh
w1.nsferis 1eoorded in the Rci;igt', oflhe Tnt!!et;, the Trustees may lre!!rlhc holtler ofrero«l' oJ':m)' Trus1
Cer1incare m;: tha owner lhcreof for al/ purposes and shall noi be char/:"cd wi1h notice or any dalm or
dcmnnd to such Trust Certificate ur i!.c intcrul of:ml' 01her r.crsun. The ownership .lnd n:gjsu:11ion of th!!
irust ~rtilict11es he in nny furm whicl( lht! applicnbl= fay; pcrniil5, ~bjec1 1n the rcasnn:iblc
rcgulalion thcmJf by the Trusri:es. The Transfer Agent for: the UV Common Stock shall be the Ttrut5fcr
Agcnl for the. Tnm Ccniika1C'o 1md the Tru.\le1!3mt1y appoint nnc or .more ~uc~r or nddilion:11 11·3,uj"er
ai:cnts, nnd BIi!)' pay sudt Tr.nufor AJ!ent or 1runsfcr 11.g1m1s i'l!::ISQnablc: compcnnnon fer Sen,kcs. The
Trusrees in theirsofe: discre;ion m:iy teratln;ite tJic lr.1nsfi!rabili1y M1hc Trust Ct!rliticat~. In the even1 1hc
1·rustecs do no1 pm Yi de for mmsferAbilil,I,' oflhc T111SI Cerliflcnre:; and 1h~ i.nlci'C$1S represcnlcd d1c-ri:by or
m the e~·cnt the Trustctls tcrmin,:m: ~Uch 1rarufcrnbili1y, Ilic Trust Certificate.$ :llld tbe intcre1ts repmenrcd
thucby mti.y not be lrallSfemd ci1hcf by 1he .ben:fici~r"Y lll per~on t1r b}' a duly nutl111ri1.t:cf agini ~r
anomey, or by the properly appofott:d [eg-31 reprcscnrati\•~s of the· ~Jl.::liciary, nor may a ~nctidill'f·,:
authotily or r,awcr to sell, .uflgn, 1ra,~~f<!r, encumbu. er In any other m:iru:er nnricipalc or dis1xuc: of his
lrlh!rc:it in the !rust; provided, however, th:u the itJ.t.!l\!51 ofa benc/icjnry s?rn/[ be a.uii?nable ortrruaf~:cble
by will, lmesutti:: suecc:i:sion, er operation or law.
J.6 Eilert ti/ Trnn.r/er. The: recordalinn in the Register of 11Ic TruslCcli of a rrJnsiCr of a Tnm
Cenific:i1c shall, for 1he purpu~ of this 1rusr, trnosfcr 10 1he trausfcrce .as of the dnle nf such record:ition
all right, title and intc~t.:>fthe tmnsfi:oor fo and 10 the Trust Ceni/ie:itc 10 \\•hicli 1hc lratuf.!ror migh: then
be or thcn:afrer become enritftd. cx~pt that a transfer of :r1"rust Ccnilicarc 5,.\i:111 not by such 1ransre:-,
trtmifor to 1Ju: tr.:rn1fer<!e the rigbl of the trnn,feror ro ::my sum pi!yablc by tlzc Tn.r.stecs lo i1nldcr.; of record
on a dale prior 10 1hc dnte of teolrdauon. in 1he Rcgi'.(fcr oft he Trustee$ oi tho transfer.
J,7 J.furilarcd. Ltist, Stalr!n. a11d D~sfr't~/td Certi/ir.nre.s. In t.'tlsc n.ny ·rrw:1 C:r:iflc:ue :h:tll be
n11111Ji11cd, Iott, swlcn, or destroyed, t.bc:n, upon 1hc production of such rnulifotcd Tru!l Cenilk.11e or upon
the receipt of evidence !i:ttis(;!.("'.ory 10 the Trustees ,:irthi: loSS. theft, or de:muc:tion of such Trun Ccrd/icau:
:i.-:d llJX>n receip1 nlro or.-. :IUl'<=I)' bood ~:,d:<(ac10ry10 them: ~nllmlted In amount inhey 5111111 so sped(}', or
~och other security er indl!l:nttitY .u may be n:quired by 1hcm, the. .Trustees in their disc.retian rn:t.y <!XCtutc
o.nd tlclivcr or cause Jo be cxec:uti!d and dclh.·etcd a new Tnill O:tdlii=a1c in CJ1:dm.uge fo1. aod Upon
cnnecll::nion of, tlie'd Trust Cctlilicai.e, or in liCu of tbc Tl'U5t Cenificale so Ion, s10JC11, -or
tlCJ:troyed. Any holder of a new Tws1 Cenitlca1e ¼succl under Ihis Section .shnl[ he <!nrhfed 10 the bt!aefi~
oflhis Ae;recmcn1 ofTnm equally i:nd ra.Ulbly holders "ofTrust Cenilie::nes. Thc· TrU!iltcS, in
their discretion, may pince upon such acw 1"rus1 Ceni/ic.:i:e :t disling,uishinz marl:. or legend r.o comply with
the rules of ilny sc-curitics exchange or 10 t011(orm 10 :i11y ·u;~ge with respeet the~ro, bu1 .u1ch mark or·
lcgcntJ. shall in no wise ;i:ffccr 1he v:didiiy of soch new Tnul Certiticalc, If .required· by 1he Trustees, rhe
11 ppliCilnl for such .subslltu1a c:enlticatu may :mob~ required. as a c-onditio11 precedcnr ro the ~suance of

Page 4 of27·pagcs

/lucit ccnu'ica1e, 1n pay 111\ reasonnbfo ~'its., c.,pcnses, ;ind nllomeys• fees incurred in connection wi1h 1he
i~uancc orsoch Trust Cenili~1c,
J..8 ApplicabfclAw. As ta ln:i.ttcrs a/fecting dtetitle, owncnbip, transferability, or .attachmeo1 of the
interest of:t beneficiary in the uusl nnd'1'rust C.::nifit3IC~ evidencing said intcrc::st, the laws from lime to
lime in- force in the ~!Ille of Mn int sh:dl govun cxcq,t ns od1ccw.isc herein specifically provided.
3.9 Trusti!es- rtJ .Beneficiaries. Each Trustee, either individually or ir. I! reptcscnr~tlve or fitluciary
tap:icity ll'l3.Y be: a bcncflciary a11d mny ncquirc, own und dispose orTrus1 ~niflca1es evidendng his
benc-ficinl inttres1 lb the same cx1c;11 as if he were not a Trustee hereunder.
3.10 Umitatimu of l.iabilil)i ofOt!1teficiurie.s. No bei1cficfar}' sb.lll be subject 10 any pcr:;onnJ liability
-.vJ:atsoevcr to nny other {l!lTmn or persons in oonncclion wilh !Ile Trust ~tale or !lie: affairs of this. lrllit.
save only 1h;,t .:irising from his own willful rnisconduc:1, knowingly nnd in1en1ior.:illy committed in bad
fimh; and all Jiu ch other persons shall look solely 10 the Trust Es1111c lbr s::1.tisl'action of claims of any nniure
arising in conneei!on with the affair~ of this trust; If.:iny hcn~ficiaryofthii 1ru.s11smade party ta any .suit or
p.roeeeding.s 10 cnrorce any such 11:iliiiity, he shall not on oceounl 1hcreorbe hcld to :1.11.y personnl linbili1y.
3,ll Jn<lmtnlfir:atfo11 of .Bem:ficiarie1, Each bcncliciary oftbis trust sh.:tll be: mdemnific:d by snd
receive n:lmburscmcnt from the 1:rosc Estate- llR.:linst and from any end 3JI Joss, liability or dem3g:c: whic"h
h,'! may incur' or sum in, In good faith and wi1hoot zros.~ negllacncc, in th~ exercise and performance of nny
or the powers .:ind do ties of n ~m:liciary.


4. l Durarfon. The exi~tencc oft/us trust shell lerminatc lhrcc from the da1e of the transil:r of
UV's :wets m 1h1: Tnmei::s, untes..s m earlier terminalion·is required by the applicable fa~ of lhe state of
Maine or by the action of the bi:ncliciarie.~ as pro\•idcd in Sectfon 4.2, or unlcs~ e.1rlicr 1enninatc:d by lhe
di-st rihmion of all of 1he Trust E'it.J.te as provided in Sec lion 5.5.
4.2 Terntlnalfun b,1 Bcn{Jiciari/!$. The trust m.iy be termimUed nt any rime by the :u:tfon of
bcnefici:tries ha:vin.e. an aegre,ente benciici:il irnerei:t or¾ ...,; c.vjd<:nc,;d in 11,e manner provided In Anlcle
4 3 Ccmlmw11ct of Tr,mfor Wir.ding- Up. Afier the termination of the mist lllld for the purpose or
Jlquid:tline..and winding up the afTajrs Of this trust, the Trustees shall continue to .acl ai: .such until their
du1ii:s ha,-e b-een fully performed. Upon dinrihu1ionof nil of 1hc Trust Estate, the Trustees shall retain the
hoo~s. records, !loc:l:holdcr lisu, Common Stod:: ~rtillc:i.tes and filtl: which shall have been deltvered to or
crcn!cd by the Trustees. At the Ttusleet' Uucrc:tioo, all of such records uml Joc:umcn1~ mn}· be demoyc:d
111 any time after three years rrom the distribminn of all of the Trust .Es.tate. E:t!X!rn ns otherwi.~c
spc:ci!icn.lly provided herein, upon the dimibulion of all of the Trusr Estate, the l"rus:.::es shall have no
further duties or obligations hcre:111der cx<=tpt to account us provided in Section 5.6.


S.I Salr. of 'Frust Esra re. 11w Tr~tc:cs may, al such dmcs ns they ina}' deem approptintc, lrnnsrcr,
assign, ar atbcrwis~ dispose of all or any part of the Trust Estate n.s they deem i!ppropri1ue :n public:
:i.uc1ion or'o.l private s.1lc for eash or sceuri1ics1 or upon credit ( ei1her secured or unsecured o.s the Trustees
shulJ detc:r.minc}.
5.2 Collccli<m nf /lSSl!l.s, All Trust sh:iil be:. colh.-cted b}' the TCU!itCC:s and held as il pari
of the Tr1!$t Emne. The Trt1s1ces sh:ill hold the Tnm E.s1nte wi1hout provision for or lhc paymenl of nll}'
interest !hereon 10 any benelic:la1y.

P:igc 5 of27 pages



,..ii: 5.J /'oymcmJ o/ClaJms. l!xpenus and Liabilltier. The Trustees ;shnll pay from 'trust As.sets all cJ:iims~
~ cxpel'l!ics, charges. Jiubilitie.., .and obtigu1ions <1f1he Tru$t Estate .and all Jiabilitie.s and obligarioiu which
the Trustees :;p:dfkally .mu me and agree _lo pay pui-suailt to this .1\grccme1u ofTnm and such transferee
~0: linbilities. which the Trus1ce11 may be obligated to pay ::is· tran~fenes oflhe Trust !!state, inc!uding nmong:
w theforego1ng. and wilhoutlitniling 1he gtncralify ofthc forcgoini::, 1Itteres1, ta.~, 11~cssmen~ and publle
cll.lU'gcs ori:vccy kind and nature 3..11.d the com, charges, a·nd ezycnscs "CConccmi-with or gm"Niog out or.the
i:: o!Xecutioo or ndmini~rndonofthis trust nnd suclt otbcr pl\.ymcnts awl disbu~etncn1s as are provided in thi;.
J\$eemcnt or wfl/cb may be dclernti'ncd to be 3 proper chaf]J\! llg;tinst die Tnm &rate by rhc Tn!.!itCt.S.
The Trustees may, in rhe!rdiscrcrion, m:tlcc provisions by rcsl!n.'e t)r oll1erwlse: out of1he TrUst AsieLs or
ii: the Tn.1st Es11ua, for :such. amount as the itus1ees in .g1Jod fai1h may de1ermine-10 b~ neces.stiry to meel
prc.~ent or fu1ure claims. and liabililics of 1he lnlsr, ~hcthcr tiitcd or CO/llingen1;
$,<f. J11tcni11 Di.r1n·hurio1,s, At.1uch tiru~ es m:iy be determined hy them, bu tat lc;ist semi-rmnually i(
practicable, tf1e Trustees mny di:mibu11,\ or tal.t$e 10 be dlstribUted. lo the beneficlnrieS ofncord on Th~
close of business on such rccurd Wire n~ the Trustee~ may determine, in proportiol\ to *e res~ve
inkrc.-.Ls orth~ hcncficfaries in the Trust a~ule, such cash or no;i-cnsb PrnP.enr comprlsinc n porrion oft he
Trust F.scate ns lhc Trustee; mey in lhuk sol: discttirion determine may be climiblllcd without detriment to
dtc coruervtttion nnd protccrion of the -Trust Estate.
5.S F(1,al n;urib11t1iJn. Jfrhe Truste~ determine that nlf claims, debts, Jiahllitie.S', and obligatior.s of
the frusl have been pnid ordiscirnrzcd, or if the Wstcn~e of the tmst sh nil tcnninn1c pur.sunnt to Sections
-1.1 or 4.2, lhe Trus!e--...:1 shaU, as- expeditiously a.s i3: oons1s1em with the conservn1ion und pro1cc1lon of the
Trus1 fatate, dis1ribu11,? the Trus1 Es1n1e 10 the bClleHciarifla. of record an 1he close of bustnes.s on such
record Jare as the TrusJces may determine, in proponicin to ,heir fmercsts 1hereit1. The Tru!itees .,hall
make dfapo.~ition of 11.U 1iq11ida1ing di.s1rib11tlons and orher payr:i.ents due nnY stockholders who have not
been loc:i.ted or who have not surrendered thclr Trwt Ccrtlfi~res for canc:dlation punuam: 10 Sccllon J. I
in :'tccord:mce Wilh M"oine 1;1.w.

S.6 RtJJarrs- 10 Bt11ejiclorid. As soon :\$. practicable af' 1he en~ of each Jfsct.1 year or the uust ;ind
.11ter 1cnnina!io11. of rhe trnst, the Trw1ces sh,1ll submit a wriuen report and accoum to the b~neliciarie~
showing (i) 1hc ass-cc; and liabiliries of the trusr at the end of3uch iis:al year or upon 1crminn1ion end 1he:
n!~!pts nnd disbuncn1cnts of dte 'Trusi,:es for s1.u:h fis:::il year or period, omillcd by independent public
:ictountanrs, Cli) .any ch.1nges- in rhe l'rud .Est:!fo which they h:ivc not previously rcponcd. nnd (iii) any
action taken by 1hc Tru..tecs in i.'1.e performance ot their du tie, Under ll1is Agreement QfTrtm which they
h:ive· not previously reporrc:d and which, in their opinion, materially afle<:-.s the Trusr 'Es1a1c. The Trustees
may submit similar reporti for sucit in1erim periods during thi! fiscal y1mr :is they dcerr. ndvisabfe, The:
,1pprovt1.I by beoetic:iariei; having .an ag~C'ilte bencfici:11 lnrercst of rilorc tb3n SO% (If any Rpon or
attount sh:LU, 11s to all matters and· 1ranuctfons c.l!kfoscd therein. be .tinal and binding upon. alrpcrso11s.
whether in being or nof, who may therror chercafier become interested in 1he Trust &ta1e. The fiscal year
of the trust ,;hall end on 1hc? [:ISi daJ, .:if February or e.:id1 yeur 0:1/ci:s the Ttusfec~ deem j! edvis,1ble 10
e:st,1bJish sorn.: omcr dare cs the d1t1c. on tVh!ch Uie fisCilJ year of the rMt shall ..:nd.
S.1 F«lt!ral h1came Ta.x lnfr,m1a1kin. i\s soon as practicable ofrer 1hc close of each .liS<:al ye:u, the
Tnmccs sh11ll m11it 10 each b1mefteiury 01 the dos.: ofthe. ycnr, n smlcmcn! showlnc on n unit basis the
d:if<l..'o llnd <l.-n"u4u or1111 di~triburiuns. tnildc by 1hcTru!1cc.S'~ depiction and deprcci:mon aJ!owances,Jfany,
anJ .$;ucli other .information t"eltsonallly 1111:1.ilnblc 10 the Tru.$1ecs which mny be helpful in dc!cnnming
the amount oflnxab!c lno;,me from ~he trust that such beneficiary should Include in his Federal in::ome rnx
return for lhe preceding year. rn .rddilion, afrcr receipt of n reques1 in good f.Uth, or in 1hdr disc~lion
wi1ho11t luch rcqW$t, the Tnmecs fumToh to BIi}' pc.-:;on wJio ha:. bc:n a bcncJicfo.l)• ,11 .any time
during 1he preceding yc.i-r 3 ~1.:uemcn.1 c:,nrniningsuch rur1hcrinformmlon as fs rca.~onnbly .nVllil:ible 10 1hc
Troscces which may be halpful fa de1crmllling lhc .amounl of tuabfo ineome which such per.son should
include in his Federal income lax rclurn.

Page 6 of27 pages
J.P. Tangen
Attomcy at Law (P.C.)
P. 0. Box297
Hansvillc, WA 98340
(907) 222-3985



Anderson & Sons LLC, )

Plaintiff, )
~ )
U.V. Industries, Inc. Liquidating Trust, David )
Finklestein, Arthur R. Gralla, Martin ) 2NO-23-00057CI
Horowitz, Edwin Jacobson, Paul Kolton, and)
Theodore Kheel, Sharon Steel Corporation )Case No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CI
and John Doc I - V, )

Defendants. )


Addition 1

5.J Payment o/Clolnu~E:qren.res anti Liabllitia. T&e Trus(t'Ct .sho.JI pay from Trost .r\ssets all cl.zim~
c,;pcnses, charges, litt&ilitfos. aud ob!igu1ions Of the Trust Esuue and all liabilities and obliga1ion3 which
the Trustees :;pecifically assume and agree-_10 pay puf'llunilt Io this .Acn:cment ofTnm and such transferee
linbiliries-wbich the Trusteell may be obllga1ed to pay ns·tr.ansferccs of the 7ruH Es1a1c, lncJud[Dg runong:
the foregoing, acd without limi1i.og the gcneralif y oflhc: foregoing, iIUe~I, 1n.,es, ;issessmenis. and public
chu~ llievery kind-and nature and the costs, ch~es, aild e,;penses canneCled'Wilh or growing out orthe
o!.Xf:cution or ndmtnlstrii.don.ofthis trust and such otber payments and disbur.:emtn1s as ale provided in th\:>
Aareemcnt or which may be d<!lemtincd to be n propec clteJJ1~ the Trus! Esmte by thl.l Tni.srees.
Tlti: Truslces may, In 1helrdlsctetion, m:il.'.e provisioru by rcscn:e or othcrwi.i<! out of the Trt151 or
rhc: Trust Es1arn, for :such. .imount as the Tnwccs in _good f:lilh m:r.y dclctminc to be, necessary ro meet
prc.,;cnt OT furure claim!>, and liabil/lies of 1he trusr, whether tixcd or eonti;,genr.
S.4 1111,mm JJ1'.f1n°b111/011s, At such times e.s m:iy be determined by chem, but at lci15t scmi.-nnnually i(
practicabfo, the Trus(ecs mny distribu1e. or CDl!$e lO be dlstribt1teC.10 the beneficlarieS: of record on 1h~
close Clf business on such record cfute n;; the: Trustees· may determine, in. p1oponfon 10 *e rc5pective
intercs!J of1he: beneficiaries in the: Trust a~-m1,:,, such cash or non-ca,;h protel1Y comprisinc: a porrion of1he
Trust fata1c 11s the Tnm,:es may fo. thel'r oole dbctlltion determine mny be.diruifiuted without de1rimcnt to
lhe conservation and protcaion of the ·TI1l5f Est.ate.
5.5 Fb1al Dfstri/i11rM1:. Jfti:Te Tr11s1ees dererminc that nil claims, debu, JiabUi1ies, and obligation;. of
the trust have been paid ordisdrnrged, or if the .:ixlslcnce of the trust shall tcnuiniue pur.sunnt to Scction.t
4.1 or 4.2, the Truste--..:1 s/JaU, a> exr,cdi1iously as is cons1Sl(:III wfth. du~ conservnlion ond pro1cclion of the
'rrus1 &tate, di.mibure the Tnist Es111te ro ;he bendicis.rie1 of record ·on 1be clOSC' of business on such
record date as the Trustees may de1ermine. in proponitin 10 ;:heir imercs1s therein, The- Tnarces 5haU
make di.~position of 111! 1iquid,11in:: di.~ltibUtlons and QI her payr:icuts due nn)' stockho1dc;s who h:ive not
been loc.:iled or wJ10 hnve not surrendered thdr 'l'rust Ccnlficares lbr Cllf!Ccllation pur.ruam 10 Seedon 3.1
m .lctord:i.nce- wllh M'nine lnw.
5.6 RtpfJrl.r to Il,mejicforid.. As soon .u practicnble after 1hc cnJ of each Jisc:.1 yCllr or the l!USI and
after lerminolion of 1he: 1nm, the Trustees ~hall subralt .ii w,iuen n..1]0rr and nccount lo the b~nefici.iries
showina (i) the asset5 and liabilities of 1he trust at the eo.d ot'such ;ise;il year or upon 1crminn1ion end 1he
recclp1s nnd disbursements of the Trustees for sucl1 :is::nl ye-Jr or period, cenined b1• independent public
:icoountarns, CH) .any ch.1nZ<!S in the Trost .Es1:1tc which lbey h;ive nol previously repon<!d_. n11d {iii) any
action tal::en by 1hc TnlSl:ees in .t.lte performance of their du1ic,; tinder Ulh Agreement ofTrus, which Ihey
b3ve· 1101 previously reporrl!d and which, in their oplruon, nui.1cririJJy atlec-'.s the Trust l:s1ate. The Tr1mees
may submit slmi!llr report:; for suert J.Dtcrim perind:5 during thl: fiscal year .n they dcerr. ndvisabfc, The
approval by beoeflcia.ries having .in. :.iggrl!gate beneficial iurenm of rftor~ than 50% of any report or
.:icrount .sh:tll, .:i.s to 3ll mauers and transaetioru: dikfosed therein, be iimtl and binding upon affpcrsons.
whcd1erin being or nor, who niay th err or 1hereaner become .intl!rcst<!d in 1he Trust E.$1a1c. The Jisca.l• year
oflbc mist shall end on 1he li'.ISt till}' of February of c.:ich ~ear u:tfcss the deem it advjsablc-1<>
c::scablisl:. some offter do.te 6S tbe tla1e on whldl the Ii~ ye~r of the !Ml shell ~cf.
S.1 Federal /11came Tax I11formatfon. AS soon as practicable of1er foe ~ose of each fiscal yw, the
Trus1ces ~hall mail to each benc/lcinry 111 chc clo~e of11te ycnr, a stnlcmenf showing on a unit basts the
d:ir~ nnd 'l.-nnuncs of11II iii~tribution,. made: by 1be"Inmecs, depletion ;mel deprecl:mon a11owances,1fany.
:u:1d such-01J;er .inforntncion as. ls rcnsonabfy al-'ailnblc 10 the Trustees whfch mny be helpful in delcnmning
the amount off:uabfellla;ime from ~he tnJSI that such beneficiacy sbnuld lni;jude in .his Federal Uloome mx
n:rnm for lhe' preceding year. ln :iddition, afier receipt a( a request fa itoPd fai1h, or in 1heir Chere don
wi1hoUJ. such. rcquc.~t, the ·rrusrecs muy furnish lo an)· pcr$0n who ha~ been 11 bcnelici:uy .11.any tir.:r.c
during the preceding a s.t::i1cmcn.1 eoniainina: such fur1ber inform111ion as is rcnson!lb\y nvailablc 10 1hc
Tniscces which may be helpful fa dc1crminins: the amQunl of taxable income which sueh p::rso:i should
include in hi$ Federal income tnx rc1um.

Page 6 of27 pages


6. l 1.Jmitallons 01: Trwtees. 111e Trustees shall not at any time, on behalf of the trus1 or
bencficiadcs, enter ill to or en.gage in an}-' bu,inc:ts, and no pnn or the Trust 1!sta1e ot the pr«t.-eds. revenue
or income thcrerrom ~hnll be Wed or disposed of by the Trustees in of .:iny bu.sinw. This
limitntiorr shall npply lrrC$pective of whether foe conduct of any $Uch business activities is deemed by lhe
Trusrecs to be necessary or proper for the con.o;ervation aad prolec:tion of the 'trust Bm1c. The Tru.11ct:s
~hall not inven unyofthc f\Jndshcld 1'n:.1tEs1.i(e, i::xcept th3.t the Trustees may invest nny portlon l'lt
tfle Trtl!t Esutc in ccnlflca.tes or deposit ofclomesdc banks having in excess orsio,ooo,oao in cnpi1nl and
.\UfPIU$, saving., nccoun~ or certificate.\ oi'deposit issued by any savlngs ins!i!Ullon inrured by the Federal
St1.\.'ings and loan tnsurancc: Corporotion, :ind m:trkctable direct ob/igatioru of, or zuaraote.:d ;t1; to
principal am!. interest by, the United St:11es-Oovcmmen1 or any agency !hereof. The Trustee:!; shrill be
restricted 10 the holding and collection of1he Trust A.~ets and the payment and i!Utrlbutlon th.:reoffor the
purposes ~t forth in this Agreement and to tile con!crv:i.tion and protl!cllon <if the Trust Esi:ue and the
administration thereofinaccord:inee with 1he provisions of this Agreement. In no event shall the Trustees
rcceh-e any pr<>pcrt}", m3ke any d[stribntlon, s:uisly or discharg,: any obligation, claim, liability or expense
or 01herwise take any action. whiclt is inconsistent with a comµJc1e liquidation of UV as that term Is;. u~d
and in1crpre1cd bySe.ctioos 337 and 33 f of the fnicm3l Revenue Cade of 1954, regulations promulg.:ited
thereunder, and ruling>, decisions, ;tnd dc1errnin:1tions t1f the lntemal Revenue Service and courts -0f
compc~nt jurisdiction,
6.2 SpEC/fic Powm rt/Tnutecs. Subject Ill 1he provisions of Section 6.1, the Trustees: shnll ha\.'e the
lbllowing specific po-,vim in e.ddiciun lO nny powers conferred upon them by any other Section or provision
ofthfa- Agr«-:mcnt of Trust; pro~-iJcd, hoWe\·cr, that enumer:11ion of 1he folfowing powers sh.all no! be
coMidercrl in anr way lo limit or eon1rol thi:: power of1he Trost~ to ect ns 5pccitic:illy authorfai:d by any
orher Section or provision of this Agn:cment and to net in such a manner as the Tnmee!o may tlecm
nr:ccsMuy or appropriate to conscr.·c and protect the Trust Estate or 10 c;onfor on 1he beneficiaries the.
belle/its- itltended 10 be conferred upon 1bem by this Agrecmc,ic
( a) To determlne the tetms on which assets comprising the Trust Es!arc: should be sold or
otherwise disposed or.
( b) To collecc and tee\:ive any and all money and orhcr propeny orwhatsoc\'.:r kind or n:uure
due to or owing nr belonging to the trust and to give fuU discherge and acquitcanre therefor;
l c) Peoding sale or 01her disposition or diuribu1ion, 10 rernin all or any '1.SSet~ conni1uting pan
of the Tnm E.stnlc rcaartlle~ ofwhethe"r or nol such : i ~ ~ :ire, or may becoroe, un.:krproducti\.',=,
unproductive or a wasdng asse1, or whe1!1er such .as.sctr, if considered to b¢ invcstmems, mighl be
coruldered to be- spcclllatl\'1! or c:-:trahilianJous, The Tl'IJ.Stees shall nol be llndc!" .an)' duty to reihvcst
such p:in of 1he Trns1 F..state- ns IMY be in c:isb, or as may b~ convened lnro cash, nor shall the
Trusu:cs be chargeable with intcrcs~ thereon cxo::pt 10 the cium1 that intetcH may be 10 the
Trustees. on such cesh nmo\lnts:
{tl) ·ro rc1tln ::ind set aside· .such funds cul or the Trost Estate ru. the Trust,:cs .she.U deem
r.~nry or expedient to pay. or pm\"ide for thi! payment or Ci} unp:Ud ekiina, li:ibilitlc,, do bl$ or
obligatlum. of the IMtor UV, (ii) contmc:encics, nnd (ill) the expen~cs of administering dte Trust
(c} Tl) do and perform any acts or 1hio~ neecssncy or appmprultc for lhe conservation and
prorection of the Trust Estate, in duding atts or things ne1:CJ.sey or 11ppropria10 to maintain n.uets held
by llie Trustees pending sale or olher disposition thereof or di3tribution 1hereof 10 the beneficiaries,
and in eonncetion therewith (o employ such. agenL~ and: 10 coofi::r upon them .such authority us the
TnJStCl!S may deem c:c~i11111, ,'lnd to p.ay rea.so11.:i&le c.ompcnsation 1herefor,
(f) To cause an}' in,•c:smicnts oiTrus1 As.sets to be: rcgistw:d n~d held in 1hc name or11.n:y one or
more of their names orin the names ofn nominee or nomi:nees ~·ithoulincn::i.~ ordecre.l\Se ofliabilitY
wi1h, re.\pCc:t thereto;

Pngc 7 of 27 pngcs


~ (g) To inslitu1e or defend action;; or dcciaratory judgmeol$ or other nc:tions ruid lo 1akc 5\lCr.
;,\ other ;tction. bi lhc n:,;me of 1he 1rust or of UV if 01hcnvise reqtiitcd, ns lh~ Trustees may deem

neo::ssa.ry ordeslrnbfo 1oenforre any.instruments, conrrncts, :igrcerqems, or ~usci: or action relettinC 10
or forming a p3rt of 1he Trust l:stnte:

(h) To- c:ir.c:el, t,mninate,. or amend :i:ny instruments, cnnttactt, or agrccmems ruL:uing 10 or
forming a purl of rhc: 1'rim Esl:ttci and ro c1tcc1.11e nc\V in.1trumcnt3, conttnc1s, or ugrccmcnrs, 1101
witbstnnding that tile 1crms of:10y such in.~tn1ments. oontractll, or iq:recmenu may exto;:nd beyond the
terms or thii; ttust, provided that no such new instrument, oonfract, or agreen:cnc sh:iU pcrmk the
a: Trusrees to engage: in nny .activity proJ1ibircd by Section 6.1;
(I) To vole by pro.'iy or otheN-isc and wilh tUII r:owcr of~bstitution all shares ofsrock Md all
~ecuriries held hy 1hc Trustees hereucdcr ru:id to exercise every powcr, electinn, disereLion, option and
subsa.iplion. right and give every aotiee, make every d¢m11nd, and to do cy;:ry act and thing m re5~:
to any .shar~ of'i;:1od: or olher securities held by 1hc Trustees whiclt the Truslees might nr could do if
they 1.vcre the .ahsolt1fc ownm lherCt:lf;
(j) To undertake or join in any merger, plan of reorannfza1ion, collSOlidmion, liaoidaiion,
dissolution or readjustmenl of e.ny c01:porallon, any or whuS<! sb:i!'C$ of .Steck or other .Securitiu,
obligations, or properties may at :tny time ronstitu1e. 2. pan of !he Trust-.£513.te, and ro a.ccepc the
.!iubSU.u1cd shnre5 or stock, bondli, securities, oblig:atloru: and ·p1opcrlic.s arid to hold the same in 1rus1
in acC()rdancc 111f1h the prol'isions f1en:o!;
(I::) In connection wllh I.he sale or other disposition or distribution <lf :my securiti.:s held by fhe
Tru.~1cc.~, 10 comply \\'ith the applic.1bTe .Federal and $f1ue securlt!es lnw:1, and lo eil.1cr into agreements
relating ,o sal~ or other disposilion or dimibtnion thereof;
(I) To contr:tct for and to borrow money in wch amounL~ as the Trus11:l!.I: <le:!m nd,i5:!.ble tor any
tr11s1 purpose:: (including, hut without Ilmitation, prorecling {Jr ony Jl(lmon of th.c Trus:
fa1ate and making any payment of income· or prim:ip:11) _and. in connctdou 1h1:rcwuh, 1.1 draw, make,
nccepr, endorse, execu1e, is.sue nttd dcliVt:r proinkrory nolt:.'l, drafts and other ncgnriable o.
trans~rabfc instrumen~ and cYidence of indebtedness nnd all rene1,...ils or Cl';!etuions ot $a me;
( m) To authorize tr.1nS.1ctioru between corporations orll!ln:r entities held by die Trus1ces a~ part
of the 'fru$l Es11uc;
(n) In tflce\•ent 11:nyofthepropcrcywhich is()r may beo:Jmei?.pan<1fthc Trnn Estah::issitunfed
in nny mte Qt' olher jurisdiction in wl1ich ;1n)' TruJ.tcc is not quallli!!tl 10 :tct ns TJ't!S!(!e, to nomin:i-te
and appoint :u1 lndividuo! or l!Orporale tnmee -qualified In ;:ict in such :state o:- other jurbdiction in
com1ecuon with the pro1rnrty siweicd in 1?tat s1nte or other jurkdic1ion n.'i :i. 1n1si:e nf ,uch propeny
and requin: rrom such uu~ee such :lllcuri1y as may he, designawd· by th!!: Trusices, The uu«ee so
nppoimed $h:tll / al! the righl.S, powers, pri\'i1eges nnd duties and shall be subiect to the condifion.,;
and lin1it.1tioru: of chis 1nm. ex-rept a$ modilic:d <>r Jimito!d by !he Trustees and except where _rhc ~ame
1nay b(! modified by the 10:ws-ofsuch 11n1c or01hcr jurisdic:1ion fin whieh ctse, 1be laws of1he rn11e 11r
other jurisdiction in whkh such ltuslec k acting s:1.ill ptcv1:1l 10 the ex1cni netciSal"}'), Such uostce:
sh:ill be answerable fo •he Truslecs herein appo!nt¢d for all monies, assets and other ptoperly which
m.ay be re,;clved by ii lncon11cctlon whh the 1uJmini:nn111Dn or.such pro_percy-. The Trustees he~uruJcr
may n:move such tn1.m::e, with or without caU$C. and appoint ~ ~uc~sor rrustec ar any time by the
exeeutioa by the Trnslccs of a written instrumen1 declaring such 1rus1ee removed from office, nnd
specifying Ilic etrec1[vc da1e and tintc or removal:
(o) To grant or consent.lo liecµse.s. casements, and consents for rotids, richts--Qf~waf, JXl'.Yt:r
lines, telephone lines. pipe lines, boundllry line ai;;reemenl.S, and similar uses.En cf to gr:int 0U1er
rlglus, on or wilh respect 10 1hc Trust Estate, wherber or·nof the rem, theroof rn,a~• ti tend beyond the
dur.11ion of this trus1; 3nd
(p) To petforrn any net au1hori1.ed, pcnnifl~d, or required unJer any fns1rumcnt, contract,
tigreemcnf, <lr cause of action rela1iog to or forming a part or the Trusl Es rate wlu!lhcr in fhc nature or

Page 8 of 27 pages

an approval, consent_ demamJ, ot no1ice thereunder or otlicrv.·ise, unles:s such act would r.:quirc the
con~nt of 1he bcnclki:irlcs in :iccordancc with the express provi:-lons nfthls A{!rcemenL
G.3 Pcwers of Trustl!i'S to Denl wllh Trwr In N,,n-F/duciarJ' Cap!lcJ(J•. Any Trustee may, except :is
limited by Seclion 6-.1 herein, Joan property fa, borrow _properly from, purclme propercy from, rell
property to, or othcnvisc deal willt the Trust E.~ta:e ro· ifhe were not a Trustee tben::of, pro\idcd th:u ;1;ny
such dealing: shall bi: with the prior written ,coMent ofa mnJority tiflhe TruslcC"li not orltcrwise ln~sted
1hercln. If thcr<! is no Tm:;tce Ml .olhcnvise interc.~tcd in the m1nsattion for which such prior written
con~nt i; req,uired, then the trans:iction shall bt prohibited.


7.l Ge11ualty. TneTrustees 11a:ep1 and undertaxew diseh.:uge the created by !his Ag,cem~nr,
upon the term:,: nud conditions thcn:or. Tlrn Trustees shall c:;,;ercisesuch of the r:ighi.s and powers \·esttd in
them by this. ,\greemenr, and we thc sami:= d<!grcc ur c:1,rc and skill in !heir exercise: as a prudent n1an
wouJd. cxc:rei!.~ or- under tile cirtumunnccs in the conduct or hi.-. num .ul':iirs. No provWon 01· this
Agucment shall be construed In rclic\'c the Trustees from lfo.bility for th cir 011/JI negligent ;1ctior,. their own
negligent i'ailurc 10 ai:t. or tlu:ir own wilffid miswnduct. l!:tet:P.L that:
( a J No Ttusre.: sh:!ll be re¢pOnsihle fur lhc acrs or omiuiorts of any other Trust.:c if done or
omitNd wHhoul his knuw!\!t!gc or consem 11nlc.~s it shall be prov.:d thar such Trustee was negligent in
.uccr1aini11R the pertinent facts, and. no s1u:ccssor Trt:.~tee shall be- in an;• way re:po:uiblc for rhc acts
or emissions o!"anyTrusteo!S in office p:ior tn the d:uc on whiclt he becomes a Trustee.
(b) No Trus~c shall he li.1blc c~pl for the petformancc of such. duties :im:! obligations lS nre
specilic:dly set forth i11 this Agr~mcnl, and no implied covenants or obligations shall be rc:id imo tl1is
Agre:cmenl .:rg:iinst the Trus1ec.s.
(c) In the .!.bs:cncc of bad faith on !he p:1.rt or the Tru~1ecs, the Tn:str.:cs may conclusively rely, JS
co the tnllb of the sta;cmcnu 11.nJ Lhc correctQC!-S of lhc opinion., cxprCS$ed therein, upon a.o.y
ecrtl1icatcs or opinions fumislu:d to the Trustees and t.'OnforminG 10 the requiremcnu: or 1hu:
Agreement; hut i11 the case of any such certifii:a:cs or -opinion;; which arc reqnired to be
furnished to 1]1e Truslees by any proviS!on hereof, the Trustees shall. be llllder n duty 10 extimine the
same to de~crmine whe:beror no1 cltL'Y conform co the rcquircmcn~ ofthis Atrecment.
(d) No Trunee shall be li:ibfe fon.ny error of judgment m:ide in gnod faith.
{e) No'TJ'U!tee-sball be [fablewhh ropect to any !lction taken oromiucd 10 b,;:. taken by them in
nood foi1h in accordanre with lhe direction of beneficinries having an aggrci;:uc beneficial fotet~I or
more rfuin '50% rd:mn~ 10 the lime, mc1hc:d. and place afconducrinc: an}'Proo.?cding for .iny remedy
available 10 ;he TCUSiCCS. or exercising Mj' rm~ or power conf,;:.rr~d upon Che 'Trustees under thl5
1.1:. Relta11~ b,}• Trusrear. Exccpr as otherwise _provided m Section 7.1:
(a) The 'rrusrccs may rely and shall be pr01cctcU in acring upon nny re:,;ohnion, certifiC!!.le,
.st:uctncnt, instrument. opinion, repon, nolicc, requesr, consent, order, or other paper or document
believed hy them to be genuine and tn have been signl!d or presented by the proper party or panic:1.
(b) The Trustees mi1y consult \\ith legaJ counfc~ to b¢ selected by them, and thc Trustee.~ shall
not be liable for any action mken or sull"l!tt!d h}' 1bem in accord:i.oce with the advice nfsudl (OUnsel.
(e) Persons denling v.irh Trus1c~ sb11II look only w the Tnm £state IQ sausry any TI:ibiluy
incul'rcd by the Trustee!: to suclt person in carrying- ou1 1hc 1crms of 1hi~ mm, ttntJ lhe Tiusrees shall
llnve no personal or individual obligation co satisfy any such lh1bili1y.

Page 9 of27 pages

i,3 Indmmlficutlon o/Tnutees. Each Trustee 11hal1 be foilemnilied by 1111d 1'1:0!i,ve reimbursement
from the Est me al!'ainst and from .any and nII.Ios.s, liabUlt,Y or which such TrusJcc mzy incur
or Sustain, io good faith :ind withou1 gr~s negligence, .in tlic e:.ccrcisc and ptnfonnan~ of any of the
powers and du.ties oE such Trustee under this Agre,:ment. The Trustee, may whh ns..ceis of the
Trust Es1atc, st.tch insurance as thc.y feel, io tbe exmise ortheir discretion, adequately insures that cacli
Trustee shall be fodemnilied against any:sudi loss, liabi!Jt:,, or pum1an1 10 this Section.

~.J AtJl011 h)-• Tn1ste.Jr. All action required or permitted to be 1akcn by tfi.ll Trustees, in their C3pacity
iu: lru~1c11s,shnll be roJ.:cn (i} :it ll mccring at which ll quorum is prescnt,hnving been duly called by one
or more of l11c Trustees on at least three days' prior written or tdc:graphic no lice 10 all of the Tnlstei:.s thim
serving, or (ii) witfi.out a meeting, by a wriucn vote, rcsolu1ion. or 01J1cr writing signed by all 1he Trustee.~
then serving. Except where !hi$ Agrccmenr otherwise provides:, all action laken at such :i. mcetfng be:
by vore or resolution ora rnajorliyof.suclt oflhe Trustees as ar.c preitnt and shall havi/l the same force and
c.lfoct a.s jf taken by all the TntStees. A majority of !he Tru.dees then servfog $hall C0.'15.Jilute :1 quorum.
8.2 Reliance on Scatcnunt by Tnlsteu, Any per~on dealin2 with the Truslcc.s shalt be folly prorecied
in rilI11ing upon 1he Ttust~es• certificate .signed by any one or more of 1h.e T/1.Utccs Ihat 1hcy have aulhority
to take :my action undt!r Oris 1f'Jst. Any person deoliog with the Trustees shall be fully prolected in r,:lying
upon the 1·rum:es.• certificate sctling fonh che facts coocc:ming the calling of any meeting of lhe
benefici.e.ri~. the giving of notice lhcreoi; and the octim, taken at such meeting, .incloding the. aggrega1e
hl!llcikiitl iuteJ~t of beneficiaries taking such action.
8.3 App//calion tJ/ Money Paid or Tlansfened 10 Trwleu. No person de.aling with the TrtUttcs 5hal!
be r~uired to follow du: application by 1he TIUS'lees of.any money or property which mny be paid or
tran!lferred 10 the Trustee~

9.1 JI.mount ofCt1m;wua/ion., fa lleuofoonunin!oru:oro1hcrcompensa1ion Jixedbyfaw forlrustec:s,
each Tnmce :utall receh·e :is eom_pcnsation for ~erviees as Tnt.'ltec- hereunder and as 2.dditinnal
compensation from 1he ptoceeds of the sale of;1ny pan of the Trust Estate while he. js serving as
Trustee, sucli ~mpeM.irion as shn!J be Jim cic1ermined by tin! Bodrd of Directors of UV at the- time this
Agro:mem is emeretl J010, or ns may subsequcnlly be appro\•ed by beneliciaric.s having an aggrcga1e
beneficial interest of more 1han- 50%.
!>.2 Dott!J .of JJoyme111. ·nie payebl.:: ro e.rch Trusree pum.ii:nt. to, 1he pn:l\isions of
Scccion 9.l shall be p;:id quarterly or al such other limes .is .the Truslccs me.y de1crmine.
9,3 Exp,mus. Each Tnmee shall be ri!imi:rnrsi::d from the TnlSl Estate for .ill cxpeMeS
incurn:d by him in the perf1Jrmancc .of his duties in ao:ordam:c with thfa Agree men I.

10.1 Number oj'Tnl.ttees. SubJe:ct 10 the J!TOVisions of Seelion 10.3 relating to th~ p<!Jiod pending the
nppoinrment of a successor Trustee. there sl-.nll always lie not Je.,;s 1hnn three Tnmcc.s ofrhis UU$t,.. e::ich or
whom sh!J.11 be a citizen and rcsldein ofthc Uniled Stales. .
If any oorporaU: Tru$!Cc shall e\•er change. hs name, or shalJ n:.;irgaw" or rcin«?rpora1c,. or shall
merge with or into- or conS<\Iidate with .any olher bank or UUSI ~mpaoy, such-coipornrc Trustee· shall be


Page IO of27 pages


J.P. Tangen
Attorney at Law (P.C.)
P. 0. Box297
Hansville, WA 98340
(907) 222-3985


Anderson & Sons LLC. )

Plaintiff, J
~ )
U.V. Industries, Inc. Liquidating Trust, David )
Finklestein, Arthur R. Oralla, Martin ) 2N0-23-00057CI
Horowitz, Edwin Jacobson, Pau1 Kelton, and)
Theodore Kheel, Sharon Steel Corporation )Case No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cl
and John Doc I - V, )
Defendants. )


Addition 2

dcecrtr:d 10: b~ ;t. continuing entity and shallconlinue to a Trustee hereunder wi1h. rhe same tiahilities,
duti~ po',1.'Crs, titles, dl$cre1ions nnd pri'll1eg~ as arc: h~rein speci5ed for a Ttus~e.
J0.2 Rcsfgnntlorr. am! Removal Any Trustee may resign -nnd be discharged from the trusts hereby
cce:ito!d by giVin& wriucn notice. thereof 10 1"hi: rcm;1inlng· Trustt.'CS und by mailing such notlcc 10 1he
beneficiaries at their respeetlve ;tddresses as they :ippear in the records or the Trt.1$\ees. Such resignation
sh:dl become ctrtttive on 1hc dny lpccified in such. notice or upon the appointment of such Tcus1ce's
sttcee.ssor and such successor':.. ac:ccpt3ntc- ofsud1 :ippoinnncnt,, whicbevct is earlier. Any Trustee m11y be
removed a1 any lime, with <tT\\.ithout cause,. by bimeficiaries ha\.ing an aggn:gue bcm:tieilll interest of¾.
103 Appoimmcnt o/ Successcr. Should ,11 any time :t Trustee resign or he removed, or die or bt.::::0mc
inc11pable or action, or be ndjudged n. bankrup: or inso1ven1, a v:te.i.ncy shall be deemed 10 exist .ind n
~ueeessor shall be appointed by the rcmriicinz Trustee or Tnmees. If sucb \'acancy is nor £1Jcd by lhc-
rcmaining Trus!ee ur Trustees within. 30 d:iys, the b~neficiarics mi\y, purouant 10 Article Xlll hereof, call a
meet mg 10 appoint a sua:cssorTrustee by mn.iorily in intcrc:11. Pending the appoincn1cnc of a ~uccessor
Trustee or TrosleeS', the r~malntng Trustee or Trustees then Serving may t.i.kc any :i-ction in thi; manner set
far1h.inSeC:UOn 8.1.
10.4 A«epta11ce qf AppoinJir.i:!111 fy Successor Trustel!, Any successor Trustee appointed hcrcunde:
shell c;::u.-cu1c an instrument ~,ccepting .such appointment Jicrcunder :and shell d~li~·cr one eountcrpan
thereof cad: to the other Truslc~ and. in ca$t! or· o rc.,ignatioo, to llu: retiring Trustee. Thereupon .such
:ruccessor Tru.sice shall. ;,,ithou1 ~• runhcr act. bcccmr: \'csted with all the c.,u1es. propenic:s, right.I:,
po wets~ rrmts, and duties or hi~ or 1rs prcdccct5or in the trust hereunder wiUI !iJ:e effect: as if origin:llly
named therc::in; huL the: retiring Trustc:c sball 1:tvcrthclcss, when. r.:quested in w1isinir by tbe succtssor
Trustee or by the remaining ';, e;,;cculc a11d deliver a.n. ir.STrumcm or inmumcnts conve7ing <ind
1ransferriog: 10 s11cit successor Truslei! upon 1he trust herein expressed, all the estates, propcrti!S, rig.ht5,
powers and trusts ofsuclt retiring Trusrte, and sharl duly assign, transfer, :ir:d dcli~·i:r 10 .successor
Trustee i!.ll propcny und money held l,y him hereunder.
lO.S Bondr. Unless: required by the Board o( Directors of UV pclor·to th.c ttansfor ofth~ ns.rets of UY
10 the 1'nurc~, or unless 11. bond is req.uired by lnw, no bond sh:i.11 be rcquir.:d of m.y original TrusU:c
hereunder. Unless requirt:d by .:i majority witc of the Truste~ prior. to .: successor Trimee•s acccpiancc of
1in .!!ppoffltml!llt .I$ .sueh pllrsu2nt 10 Si;ction J0.4r or unless a bead ls reqmred by faw, no bond shall be
reqmr-:d or uny $uc~or Trustee hereunder. Ir .i bond fs requiri:d by Jaw. no suri:1y or sccurit~ with
respect to such bond shall bl.! required unless rcquirl:!d by law or unless rcquin:d by the Board ofDircc1on
or UV (in the case of an original Trustee) onhe Ti11s1ees On ofa suixessor Trus!cc). Jra bond is
ri.'-qulrcd by the .l3oartl -0f Directors of UV .;,r h}' a majority ...-011: or cht: Trustc::cs~ thu "Board ofDirecton of
UV or the-Trustees, .:s the c:asc IU.l)' be, shall determine whel11er, nnd to w.hat ~xteor, a surety or security
with n!spcet to $Ueh bond sh:i.U b,: required.


11.1 Evldettc-e of A.a/an h-; Ber.cficiaric.r. Whi!JU!Ver in chis Agme'mcnf. it is provided that the
bcnefiditrics may take any attion (including the milking or :my demand or request, tl!e gi'.ing or any
no lice, oonscnt, or waiver, .he removal <1f11 'fro:stcc, the 2.ppointmcnt of a suc:cssor Trus1cc, or the takicg
of any othi:r aclion), the fact that at the time uf taking any /.'llch action such holders have joined therein
may be evidenced (i} by any instrument or nny number of ins1rumcntt or similar renor executed by
bcneliciarics in ~ n or by agenl or auorney opJx)inted in wtillrig, or (ii} by tlic rl!COrd of the
bene:lici:ujes voting in favonhereof ol any meeting ofbcnefici:incs duly called and held in na:onfanct: with
the pmvisi(JllS or Article XU.
11.2 limilalion an Suirs by lJtm:jiciarlcr. No beneficiary shall .imy right by vinue- of any
prO'lision ofthis Agreement 10 insriurte anyac1ion or procccding:it law or in equity :iga{nst an)' partfOlher
than tht Trustees upon or under or with resr.ect 10 the Trust Es tote or tbe :ie.recmenlS rcladm: to or forming

Page II of27 pngcs

p;m of the Trust Eslate, .nm] the: bentftciilrits di, liereby waive any such {ight, uni cu beneficiaries having
an aggre,gatebencficinl intcrestof:25% shall have made wriuen teqt!C!t upon tbc Trus(«:s to jns1i1u1c such
action or proceeding in their own names as Trustees berc.WJdi:r and shiiTI have offered to the Tn.tSIC:e:s
reiuonableindcmnity against tJ1a costs iltld e:cpcn.s:csto bc-izlt:11m:1:l-thereiri oI' thereby, and the Trustees (or
30 da)'S ruler th cir ttccipt o( such. notkc. request, and offer oflndcmni1y Shell havc·failcd 10 institute :my
such .iction or proceed.lug,
11,3 Requfre,11ent of Undertaking. ~c Trusl~ may ttnymurt to reqw'!'Ct. D.nd any court rrlay
in its discretion require, in any suit for the cnfo1ccme.n1 or any right or remedy under tlils Aarccml!nt, or in
nny suit against the Trutl~i:s for any action taken or Clmined by them as Tru.m:cs, thc:filing by any parcy
litigant in such suit of an undcnaldng ro pay the costs or such suil, and such caurc may in its discretion
assess rensonablc co.SB, including. rc!l!ionahfc auomeys' fees, agtlfnst any pany liligant"in such suH, ha'l"ing
due l"t'gard 10 1be- merits nnd c:ood faith ·of the claim$ or derenses made by such p9.n~• litigant; provided,
that' the provi!Jnns of1his Section shall not apply lo any SWtby the Trustees, ·and :ruch 1Jndenakins shcill
not b~ requcs1ed by the 'trustees or olherw~ required in an~· suit by any beneficiary or group or
bene6d11ric.s fiaY:ing an aggregate heocticial interest or more tha11 5'Ji;.


12.1 Purp~ ofMe.etlngr. A meeliag-Qfthe beneficiaries may be called at any-Ume und from lime to
lime to 1he pro vis.ions of1hls Anicle for the purposes of taking any action which the ft'rnls or !his
Agrc.:mcnt pcnnit ,1 bcneiicitiry having a specified aggregate bcnelicinl incercs110 lnke ~lbcr ai:dog alone
or with the, Trustees.
12.2 Mel!lir.g Called by Trtuletr. "J'hc Trus1ee.s may at any rime call a mcetiog of !he bcneiiclaries to
he herd nt such lime and· at such plac.i whhin the stnte Maine (or el.1t:Whc:re,ff so determined by a
majority of the Trus:ree:s) Ill lhe Trustees shall determine. Wriucn rmdce or ever,; meeting or the
beneficiaries .sh.nil be gh-cn by the Trustees (e,::ccpt as provided in S1:ction 12.3), which wtiuen notice will
set fonh the time. .and pface of ~uch meeting and in general terms the action proposed to be in.ken at such
meeling, and shall be m;u1ed na1 ml'lre than 60 nor l= than 10 dnys before such meeting i$ to be .held to
all oft he beneticinries of record not mare 1han 60 days before tJ1e dace ofs:uch meeting. The notice shall
be dirttted to the beneficiaries at thdr respective .i:ddrcs.KS as !hey appear in lite rcC{Jrds oflhe Trusrces.
12,3 MeclingCalkd on Request of Be11eficfarfes. Within 30 days after writlcn request 10 the Traslees
by beneficiaries having nn aggrcga1e beneficial interest of 25% 10 call .i meeting of nll the hcnefldarics,
which written reque1t Eh all specify in reasonable- dct.'.liJ the o.ction prop,:i~ed to be taken,. the Tru:nees shall
proceed under the provisions ofSecUon 12.2 to c::ill .n meeting oftha bcnclidarics, and irthe Trus1ces (
to ell/ such .I:lccLing wi1hin such 30-day period 1bcn such meeting mnybe C:UlcJ by bcru:ficillrics h:iving an
aggregate 'm:ncficial interesL of2S$ or their designated rcprcsen1a1ive.
12.4 Pusli11J Eruilled 10 P'rile· ar Mct1i11K of JJenWctarft?s, Each beneficiary on the record date shall
be cn1iticd to 11011: at a mt.-cUng ofthe beneflci:tties either in person or by his proxy !July nu1horizcd in
writing. The signature or1he beneficiary on z;ueltv.Titten autru;lri7.atian need not be wjtnesscd or no1arlzed.
12.~ Quorum. At any meeting ofbcncl'ici!lrie.~, the preser!"ce ofbenciii:faties having :in acr:reil:ite
beneficial inlere.'il ~-ufficien1 to take. action on any matt" for the transaelion·otwhich Such meeting was
called shall be necei:rory to constinnc a. quorum: but if Jess than a quorum he presem, hcne11daries 1illvil1g
an aggregate beneficial interest of more than SO% of the aggrc.{:ate benelicinl in IC rest of 3ll betieiic:i:uics
rcpre~ntcd at the meeting may adjourn sucli, mcetillg with thcsam.e clfcct :mU fornll inttnls Md purpci~es
as though a ,quorum had been pr~n1.
12.G .Adjournment of,iftering. Al:19 meeiing ofbcneficfaries.may.bc :idjoumcd from time ro tirne antl
a meeting may be- held a, such adjonmcd lime and pla~ without funher no1icc.


Page 12 or 27 pages

12..7 Con~t of u~e1i11gs. Th~ Tnrstees sh:tll :tppolnt the Chairman. and the Setrctary or t11e
meeting. 'The vote upon any molution suhmitlctl lo any meeting ofbeneficiaries shall be by wriUel!"ballot.
Two Inspcc,01"$ of Votes, appoin~d by !ht: Chnirman of lhc mceung, shl!ll count all \'tltes cast 1111he
meeting for or agninst ·any ~1)11.liion :imf sfi1JU•1nake :ind file with the Stcrcmry of the meeting their
vc:rified 1v.ri1ten .report.
12.8 Rcccrtl of M!!eJi11K, A record or the proceedin~ of .::ich mcering of hencficiaric:s shall- bc
prcpa~d by 1hc Sccretnr,' of the me~ring. T/1e record sh111l be sinned Dnd verified by tl1e Secretary of the
mcr!:Ci.og and shall be dcffvered to lh!! TrustccJ;; to be prcscl'Vtd by them, Any record so signed nnd verified
sh;tll be conclusive. C\idcuce uf ult 1he m.alfcrn therein stal~d.


lJ.l Cfll/JCII/ of .Bcneficlun"u, At 1hc tlircction ar with the conse.nt ( evjdeaced In the maaner
pmvided in Sccdon 11. l J of benclicinries h:wing 11n :Jggregalt: bcneti"ciul in le rest uf ½, the Trustees s~lllr
prompt1y make nnd e-:u:curc :t dcclnration .imendina chis Agreement for the purpose of 114<1ini'iln}'
provisions ro or cltl!Jl8ing; ir. all}' n1anncr Vt elimin:nlng ;my of 1hc pro-.·islons nf !his ,\2'.r'<:;efllcn1.or
amendments hereto, pl'ovidcd~ howe\·i,?t. no such amendment $h.tll p!rrail the: Trus1ce.s.b'e_r@ndcr-ro ..
cno.:ip,r: in eny• prohibited by Se-ction -6.1 or a1Tcc1 1h~ bcnciiciarle:s' righ~ to re~~-e llicir..j,ro.nt:t..
Sh.ire.~ of1hc 'frn.~tEstate .it 1he time of distribution. --:. -:-~.- ....
lJ.2 Nalfc~ a11J EJ[ecr of A1nl!nd111ent. J>rcmptly nf1er chc execullon by the Tnu1ces- or':in}'-nich
dedamtion of' amendment, 1he- Trusrc:es shall give r.otice- uf rhe sul.!s1.rncc of ~uch nmendinenl to":lhc, in lieu thereof, the Trusrei:5: may send ;i copy ofche nmeadmcnt ro b1mdiciary. U.Ik}n
the exccllfion.or ony such. dcclaralfou.or by the Trustees, 1his Agrct!ment ,hall be deemed to be
modified and omcnde.d lo accottJancl! tlicrcwitf1 nod 1hc rcspecnvc righrs, liinilauon.s or·nghts, obligations,
dutiL-s, and immunities of the Tnmccs .1nd the bcnc.'ici:tric-s ur.d¢r lhls Agreement sh.lit· thereafter be
determined, e:ccrci~d, :rod enforced hereunder subject in all respcctS, 10 such modifica1ion and amend•
meni. nr.d all the tl!rms and cnnditions of al"I.',' suclr amendment sh:ill be 1hc:rcby deemed to be patt of1he
temif and ..--ondirio~ of d11s Agn:c111enr for .:iny and .all purposes.


14.I fWng .Documents-. Thi:! Agreement ~hall be filed or recorded in the office or the Sccrcfary ~r
Starn of the st;ttc cf Maine. or in.sucl1 other office u;officcs as lh~ Trustees may d<!lenninc 10 he·ncccuury
or de.5irablc. A copy of chis Agrccmeru and .:di amcndmenis thetcof shall be flied in chc office of eaeh
Trustee ;:ind sh:tll be aVl!llablc :11 all times for inspc:lion by ;my beneficiary or his duls autl1orixcd
represenra1ive. The Tnmecs shllll t11c or record ;rny .:unc.'ltlment of1hJs A.arccmcrn in thi: same places.
where the original Agrccmenl is filed or rcconJed. The TruStt!el shall file. or r-eaird any instrument which
relmc.~ ro any ch:mc:e in the-office ofTnmee- in the places where the C1riginul Agn:cment is: Ji)c:d or
14.2 /1:wttian if Parties m Establish Trust, ThlS Acri:cmtnt is not intended :o create and ~hall not
bl!-inicrpretcd :u: .creating .1n associadon. partnership, or joinl vcnrute ofnny kind. It is intended .as .i tf\!St
ro bc gcwcrocd :md consmml in alt respects a:. 11 trusc.
J4.3 L.m11.r 1Js ta Co/l'itntctfon. Thfa ~\creemcnc i.i111!I be go\'l.lmi:d l;,y and carucn.tcd in .Jccord:tnte
with 1/Tc laws oflhc u:irc arMaine, :ind UV, lh!! Tru!tces, :i:td the beneficiaries ( by llu:ir nccep1:incc ofany
distnbu1ions made to them pursuant to Ibis Agreement) consent and agree 1h:it 1his Agreement shall be
eovt!Uled b)' anti oonnruet.1 In. 11ccordnna: whh such law$.
14.4 Separahillly. In UlC e~nt any provision of 1l1is Agreement or tht: application 1hcrcof to .iny
person t;1r cim1mst11nces sh:ill be linall~• derermincd by n court of proper jmimiction to be invalid or


Page 13 of27 pages


unenforceable to e.ny exrem, the remainder or this Agreement, or the applitJlion or suelr provision 10
persons or clrcumstantcs other than those as to-which it is- _tic.Id Invalid or uncnforcea&1e, shall not be
affected then:by. and each provisfon <>f1hfs Agreement shall be valid .ind enforced 10 the fill/est eXUnt
permiued by Jaw, ·
14.S Noli«s, Any notic<!: or oilier cornmunication by the Trustees 10 any b!!ncficinr-;sh11U be deemed
Co have bc'en sufficiently given,. for nil :purposes, if given by being: deposi!ed, postage prepaid, in a post
office or letter bo;,,; addressed to such pcnon nt his addr~ as. shown in: the T«otd's _of I.he Tcu,.tecs.
14.6 C"unt~rpar/1. This Agreemen~ may be CXet:Ulcd in any number of caunicrpam, each ofwhieh
shall be an origioaJ, bot such countcqmns shall together comlllutc but one and rhe s4me- iostrumem.
IN" WrTN.ESS. W.lf.ER.EOF. UV Industries, Inc. b:ts caused. this Agreenicnl lo be.signed and acknowledged
by iii. Chalnnan or 1he Boud :ind il~ corporate seal to be n.ffiICd hereto, nnd thti iinme coJW ?llt!Sted by jl$ h"\\
Sccrctnry, and the Trustees herein have signed, sealed, and cxctt.m:d this Agreement, eJJecliM<fh&~enty-
fourth day of March, 1980. i ·


~ BY.---'--=--''-'-'=-"-~-'-----~--"-----
-=- =::·-_.::;·=:. Cliofm1aJ iJf the .Btard
and Chief .£xec1,1tlve OJJk.:,
:-·. ':':-


~ As ·rrusrcc of the Uv Jndustrfos, lac. Uquidtt1ing Tru.,1 and not individuafJy.

The na.rne UV .Industries, Inc. Liquidating Tr.tut (the "Trust") is tile. desi.rinll:ion of the Tnmecs for
the lime bcin2 under an Agreement and Dcdaralion orTruSt d:ued M11n;:h 24, 1980. AU pimons. tlc:1.liog
•1,ith the TTU.~t must looK. solely 10 the uw.t property for \he-enfOtcctnent or any claims against the Tnm .as
neither the Tnurees, officers nor holden afbC11cAcie.l inlercs1s nssume any liability for ablig-Jrions
entered imo on behalf of the Trust.


Page 14 of27 pages



) ss. ;
COUN'.l'Y OF NEW l:Oru<: )

On tbe 1..\€(.. clay of Ma~ch, 1980, before me personally came

Martin liorw.itz, to me ~nown, who, being by me duJ.,y sworn, did
depose and say that he resides at 150 East 69th Street, New
York, New York 10021; that he is Chairman 0£ the Board of
UV INDUS'l'RIES,, INC. , one of the corpora:tions described in and
wh~ch executed the ·foregoing instrwnenC;· that he knows the
seal of said corporation; that the sea1 affixed to said
instrument bearing the name of said corpo~at~on is such corporate
seal; that it was so affixed by authority of the Board of Directors
0£ said corporation; that he signed his na.~e thereto by like
authority; and said Martin acknowl.edged said instrument
to be his f:::-ee m:~t and deed and the .free act and deed of .said
corporation. ·
Wj.tness my hand and official. sea.l the day and year first
above written.

- -- :::


Page IS of 27 pages



) ss. '
on the 11,::~~Y of Ma:rch, 1980, before rne personall:it came
'E.t\tvllJ ~4-'-<'\fffi\ , t.t? me known, whor being b1 me duly
swoxn, aid d~\pose and ==:2.y that P,e resides at "?:,\,.(:-,0 a. 5'1.- '5-\-
t,> \ f.J'-\ - and said M4v41tn r,-lo.,a.,li
acknowledged said instrument to be his free act and deed.
Wl.tness my hanc1 and official seal the aay and year first
above written. ,

St'fMOtlfl HOR\'IITZ
{NOO.'.l'i.RJ:AL SEAL) Notary Pull!ic, ~•-•·" ~lew Voit
Mo. !:!.-JS&J;!>O

-Quauncd In N~N York county
.COmmh!ion E:.~e; r.::r1c11 30. lrut

Pngc 16 of 27 pages


. l ss.,
Qn t.h_e ;ti day of March, 19-80, before me personally ca..-ne
Mt., Q.1-1·1\> H oU\u(f1' , to me known, who, by me duly
swo.?:"n, did de,R_~se and say thut lie :.!:"esides at • 'S'O E. ~a:!, c;'f-
f.3 l..j_ ~ and said 11.\A-vhS-i H ovwdJ
ac~nowledged said instrument to be his· free act and deed.
Witness my hand and official seai the day and ye first
above written.

(NOTAR:tl'.L SEl\L) '

Page 17 or27pagcs



) ss.'
..., t'"T'
_J,_ OnQthe A day of I1arch, 1980, before me persona1l.y came
A VM.v-\1 , 6f'",l\--\(J,,. r ~o :rne knownr who, being by me duly
swo:n,. did depose and say that ~e :resi.~es at "'b"1S-O t,:i,crJ&i o""'-W-4vtb
Av\,,,sJ,,..,'1,._ and said A,"1,,,.,.,.. CL Gv"-\I"< ·
acknowledged said instrument to be his· free act and deed.
Witness my hand and official seal the and year first
. above written.


{NOTA3D\L SEAL) :~a~:,.'7Z: •,.

Nolo:y P:.,o>c '•h•'•' ~· P:,-.y Yo:rA:
r,o. 3t-rnl,5HO
Q11.1rm~d In Nim Yor',1 county;
Co:nm!0t:m &pirc.s i\l.uch a 2 , ~


Pngc 18 of27 pngcs ,



) ss.'
on the ?...t day of March~ 1980, before me personally came
'D41.h~ ,; ~,.,,_\~ , t<? me. known, who. bei.J.lg by me duly
sworn., d:i:d depose and say that: lie :i:es.:tde!ct,__at C(.:,.O f.J-'hk ~
!->'1 1-''.:l and said !Jr.J"'" \'-1 v,~9J,._ •
acknowleQged said instrmnent to be his free act and deed~
Witness my hand and official seal the day and year .first
above written.

(NOTARIAL SEAL) • ~ , ,.,,:_ l!;. Ii!~•· 1a1k t

Ud. jI-1865.!50
Qu;:Jil[l.'l.l lo NeN '\'ork Coun!y

Commi.s~i::n j;xpuc:; 1.-brc.i :We 19a,L

Page 19 of 27 pages

... '·. .,_.

f ss.'
COON~Y OF ·NEW Y~fl:t )
,Pn th~ 2 l-day of March, 19'80, before me personally came
() 4.vl \<ol"i-o\.-,, , to me known., who, bei:ng b:t me duly
sworn, di:d_i;l.cpose ana s~y that he resides at. C\ t-\'-'uh&vl 12..,TY,() Rt•
~,v<ll • DI-· and 1?«~ \ l.<:o \ ,1-,.,V\, •
acknowledged said inst!"ument to he his free act and-deed.
Witness my hanri and offJ.cial seal day and year first
abo'ie: wri.tten.


SEYMO'J!'l !~~ilWJTZ
(NOTARX.i\L S.EAL] Nata1y l'uh. .i: uJ New Yotk
No. 31,lS!rSJSO
Q11cJifi~ bl Ne,,, •,ark Ca11nw
.Cotnmi~icm E.'(pj~e!J ;\!:1.~ ~ 19.91./

Page 20 of 27 pages

J.P. Tangen
Attomcy at Law (P.C.)
P. 0. Box 297
Hansville, WA 98340
(907) 222-3985



Anderson & Sons LLC, )

Plaintiff, )
~ )
U.V. Industries, Inc. Liquidating Trust, David )
Finklestein, Arthur R. Gral!a, Martin ) 2NO-23-00057CI
Horowitz, Edwin Jacobson, Paul Kolton, and)
Theodore Khcel, Sharon Steel Corporation )Case No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cl
and John Doc I - V, )
Defendants. )


Addition 3


) ss.:

..i\. on the '2.?J da~ of J.Iarch, 1980, before nie peI:sonalJ.y came
Tntn'1X)Wl t.) \ ~ , to .me knotm, who, he½$ by 1ne duly
.sworn, d.ici depose and say ·that he resides at io-0 . . S'"- 4-a.
l.ll{ t"L{ and said ~o.\lO'\.,G, ~~\.<.\...e&
ackno~r.leaged said instrument to he his free act and deed.
Witness my hand and of.ficial sea1 the day.and yeal:' first
above w:ri.tten.

Pngc21 of27pagcs

. .. ...

Alec tlo. 19650250 D Pages 22

Fee Paid$ 5
DCl'I O141Sl65025003 LQTA
---FILE □----------------

Page 22 of27 pages


-. -· l.

Thi:: S11:to::e F11r Uie l?y

ScclllOrY er Sf111c
StCR.ETMt't OF stAiK

. ~mSA !!SOS antl 807. Uu: undersi,snctl i:~•1pur.illort :.11fop1.i 11te$C ,\rlicli:s or An1endn1~111 •
PurMJu!I; lo .13-,\

SECOND: Tfte .uu=udment 10- tl1e Article! o[ !ncorpur.1ttcin of tile cl'.lrpotation ~c, out in E:dtlhir ·A ;m:1d1ad

hereto w:is3dopt<:d by 1hc sh.:miholdars :lt-.:tcof :ita nice Ung leg:iliy called :ind h,!ltl 011 _ _~J~1~m~•~~•~---• I Ll.1.2.•

On S:Ud d:11e, the number of !lmr.:s outstanding: :ind enti1!~d 11:.- ~uh~ on su.::h :.1tn!11t1m~n1, am! !hi!
nUmb~r of3fmu .,.med for und :ig:iiu~t s.tid .:inumdm,;"nl, rcspct:ti..,cly, wue as ror.ows:

~umber ofSh2.r-::s Outn:inding

and Entitled to Vnle Vo1cd for Voted A,µinst

3,295,_429 2,22!) ,694 52~016

Tot::i!s 3,295.,429
FOUl'tTII: tr sucll :imtnllmcnt pN>\'ldc.s for c:(clumgc. ~fuuiITc:,,Uon or c:t~""!llu11un of mutd 5h:,rc!, th~-n\;loncr
in wh!cl1 the :mnc 3'hl\\ be tffeclcd ls coma'incd in E.xhlbH S :itta.:ltcd hereto, lf it Is not ~l forlh in the i:ll1Jendmcn1 ilr.::lf..

"FZFIH: · If w::h arnendmcnt ciftr:ts :l ch:ingc in the numl)(:r or p:it ·.~Jut:. of au1hut!zcd :fh:ir~ the nuntb-!r oi'
M!:iros wlii~h 1lLc corpor:Jt/un l111s :iu11toilly to-luuc 1Jflcr giving cJTccl ro s~ch amendment is :is follows:

Series · Number Pa:- V:ilu.:

Of ,\ny) . orsh:ires (lf Any)

The 1111111 nuntberor~u such :d1:in:s (of111\ cl:l:iScs ~nd mic3) wlzlumt rur rulm: h, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dr.irc~.

Page 23 of 27 pages

0 •' .l.. .. .-....
. . -~ ... -· ·.·..-_·,,
J , SIXTH: The 1,1ill1res1 tif th\! ~tiJ11!1CU of!,!~c1.if yrc ~rj,ure7i._,n irl the 51:iH: of\\i~i(11! i; ~--~. M.QJJ.t! ~ '...
' sgtiare, Portiand, Maine: 0-:111,;_, ~~ •· :·; ..
'1 I (JT1.:i:l.rUfnlll:.u11,;-1>1l~I -
9, 197:2

":c,- .I
u: -Leonara··z.x,. Ne:lil01J...i.-~
(ly_p,:- or Jll/fll t,~llt.' ~ntl L'llll'lclil')
By._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

:SOTE: •ll1fr; forin- $ltuuTil nlH he UJe-d If uny cl:SS'S' Cl( U1:iros t:nll1lcd to tOII! ilI il Sl!p;tr:ltl! clO$$ for.
,.1:iy of !11.:: rc:ts11JL:i s~J 0111 in J!iOU, or bcc:iruc tli~ srtl:lcs ui pro1·idl!. Fur vme necess:11)'
ifvr 1,1tlup1i11n sec !,li05.



~-r;o b;: c111np\l:11:1\ unly lf l:l-!hibil t,. DI B \It'! nol swc lhll tCIJ.Ultcd. infof!n"Jlio1L

u '
11.ti: n~mi: or cr:e ~"llrp.n:it1,)n ~hoUld. bi!: :~·;.eJ, ur.d the- :tncun,1:nt r.111tt Ur. cii:,tdd _h}' { I l ll11, Clerk.~ l~) !:i:l lf:e
Pn!~ldrnl or :i via.,•presldi:nl ::im[ t-y 1l1e Scc:rc:rcry ur ::in :m1st:.111 .ccri:1:1ry or such olher oflkcr :u thc byl.iws Ill~}·
d~ii:n.iw :i·i :; jcconU ,:wdfylnp o(tkcr or C) J ff 1!1cre 1m: r.o i\lch o([i-."Cr.;, thi:n !•Y :i mJjoril)' or the dltC:1.'tors orb}•
s1icl1 dirc.:ruu :1.~ m:i.j• b..- tli:shm:i!C'tl hy·o. m:tjorlty tor dlri:clori; Ileen in office or (41 i( there att 111:i ~"t.1d1 d'1rccl(lrS,
then by Ill,: lltl;l,fo1s, l)r ~1.1ch nr thc111 ~ ""'Y be de.,;i&11atet1 bJ," th,: hollltrs, orrtoard oh m~iorlty or:11t:ou111:ir11Hui:
sh~p::j i:ntltl~tl.!O wile t~n!Cli\ nr lS J b:,, till! holcil:is- or all oE the 011111:mtling sh31c,, of the corporac!..,:1.
• . Page 24 of 27 pages ·







VO~EO: '!'hat the provision of the certificate of organization

setting forth the naine of ·th~ company be amended to

uTh.e name of said Corpoxation is UV Industri~s, Inc~"

Page 25 of 27 pages

Fife Ho. 1965'0250 n Pages 2

tl!i, '-;>l(l! fill tlu; f:y
Fee Pafd $15 • ( S.•c1~1.1r}" M ~::i1r
OCH 0161965025003 DISS
O3--'25,.,.l-980 MAINE
ARTICl.E.t; Of DISSOLUTJ01',.. stonmP.'! or STA.1£

C. n, -•-•••~-7~:::,:_NoN, .....
~t,,r..., ,, ~1,!t
'""--8..c.d!,£.;...t.4_ AG.:l<T

run.u:m\ \0 13-,\ MltsA fill )0, th~ 11nd~lliJ'11Cd tOl[IOl:itlon ~,\opb Ilic fo\111winc kUtfc ofDilw!ution rtlr lhc plHJJO~e
(,r il<l.\O:vi:1g1J;r i:l:IIJ>[l;:,JI on.
FIP.5T: ,\ s!alcment c,flnlent lo clli,$0!vt lhe cwpo::ilio:i w.u filed witl1 the &:c.nt:ny {'Ir S1:itc u:i:

SltC<iNO~ All debts, obliptions ;mil li;,,hililil:$ or tt.r. eurpo:~linn h:ivc been r,,i,t an:f di:.:lu:t.:d, or ;tcquarc
pMvil:illn h:is h:r.n 1r,;idr-ll1c,::for~

'l'lllltJl; All ri:m.!.lnlu& 1•wr.e1ty aml :l.."i..<.elt of lhc cor;ior.i\ion hN,i: b:tn d!:h!h•llL-d :11:1:,ni;: ii~ ,h·,,rhoht,m. In
:ic,;uufar.i::.: Y.i!lt lh:ir.1c1~\l,-c 1lr)tt~w1I int.:rcrt!.

Flll!RTH. ll1c1c :11e no .\'.lit~ r,tndinz c, the corporat:On in on~• ci;:u1t, 01 ~d'(q1131c p1ovi~ion Ills. bcfn ,n.~ilc
for the :1..1thr~.-:li1111 C\( ~nyjudyncnt,,.:mJcr n1 dccrc~ wl1Jc:lt nuybt cnte1cQ ~.J", it in :i.ny r,t11~1111cs,1il.




-· '
I •~I 'IC oflfcr~.J:c,tbly'ur1.,11, HQC
. ' 4--~i'rifril
,uqc •od <"~['ldi';f _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-~~m F.J101:wi•.:z. S~c:r~tary •

').111,l l•t ~(~t1n1J,:i1,i:d l>y OR!Gl!':Al. l'AX tl.f:AR,\NCE 1.1:'irl:lt rrc11~ llu1uu t1fT.1utfon.
••111~ r~nr. ,,r tl1~ t(lfjl'J1z1ion sl1ouii1.t,c 1,p,~,1, :ind the tloc11mct1t 111u~I be ~!Jncil' by (1) the: Onk w (2) Uy 1),c l't~~idcnl or

®I ,ki:•J•Je.iJcnl 3ml b)' the S,•c1clory or :m :1~h::1n\ 3cc1tlary 01 1u:h 01hc1 orfiecr :i.~ the bylaw~ m1y ik~ruitc ;is a sr.~nd. rcr:ifyir
1•U'i't:n ur (J-) if tl1:1e Nt; nu lllcll of0:t1:;, lh:11 Ii;,' .'I ,r.:ijplit)' or lhc di,c.-~tnrs Ot li)· :mch dir~ctors :IS I~)' lie l,'llp,lled by
· m1j111\I)' 11( llu~c:01$ lh~n in onltc Ur ('1) IC ~'lure :111: 11;:i mcl\ ilircctr;,rs, lhtrt by 1J,e.hol1~.urMh oflh~m :tt r,uybedtiir.,Ult
I,;• ihc ln1Jtl,m, ar m:u:.1 of :i mljC1:il)" of .,11 0111.u.:wtlh,i: 1h~1~ lnliU:ll to \'oll! 1li~1cQn or (5) b.r l!u:: hr,l,Jcu of Dl/ of 11
1•ul!l:11rdJ11~ ,J-.a1cs of d,r «irror;iti(tn,
l{II\\.I ll') 1JlU'J..Ull
Page 26 of27 pages

'.!letruu:ein~ Shur, Sn(,lyer & Nalaon Stnt& Office Building, Augo,sta, Mai nit 04333
1. ~OtLWllCUt Sq_uani Tel. No. (207) ~6ti·Stif1:
?ort!and, l{n'Ine 04101
March 17 • 1980
Attn: Leanard M, Nelson

Ihis it: ln rcspcnse to your :i:ccent CO!tD!unication with .th!! Bureau of Taxntion, State
of Maino. acr .fotlom;.:
( ) l. Receipt is ackncwledged of a notice to the State l'n~ Assessor of the filing
by thC!. oi State. of a St::it.C111ent of Intcnc to Oisoolvc the above nllIIUld
2. CertHicnt:'..on i.s llll!.de on bn'haif of the State of Ma:lnc, Bureau 9f
t:l)Ceticn tbnt. the 1:ecords of tho Stll.te. of Hsinc., 3ur~au of !t'rucation do 11ot: show
out:;.t:m1Clin3 tax liability :ogid:n!l.t tho abo-vo uaoe.d corporation.

{ ) 3. 'I.he records of the Staco Tax .t..ssossor, Bureau of 'Irucaticn il'idicato cutst:nndins
t:n,: liabiU.:cy in the W!launc of Please :aake i:1.1JP1Cnt
7-.,=-•~1~,~,~.,~,c--.,-nelosing the rcmittQuce. n.otice supplied- trpon tecaipt by thi!l offica
of paym<!nt: of the tax, a tax clearance letter for the. above na:ne.d coipor.i.tion ,till
be mailed to yoti.

( ) 4. Tha Scci:otn'l:y of State. must file your to ll!.!:!iolve the above naJ::ll!d
cot:porat:ion. tie have c..'1-tocked with the Secret:ai:y of Statc1 s office and to date,
yout: Tnt<!nt. to Dissolve !Uls. not. been filed with. then, l:herefo:r:e, you't' request
has been placed in an i'lllLCtive filn until ,:e li,:c. notified of :,,aUl:' filing cf the
L'l.tent to Dissolve with t:ho.t office.
( ) .5. Othe)::._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

If you,; any quastl.cns concerning thin niatt~: f.cel £TOO to CO!l0.unicute 1:hb: office~

• 'r rr I
Page 27 of27 pages

J.P. Tangen
Attorney ut Luw (P.C.)
P. 0. Box297
Hansvillc, WA 98340
(907) 222-3985


Anderson & Sons LLC, )

Plaintiff, )
~ )
U.V. Industries, Inc. Liquidaling Trnsl, David )
Finklestein, Arthur R. Gralla, Martin l 2NO-23-00057CI
Horowitz, Edwin Jacobson, Paul Kolton, and)
Theodore Khcel, Sharon Steel Corporation 1Casc No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CI
and John Doc I - V, )

Defendants. ))


Addition 4
248 1-:xnmrrn

u; TESTIMOlfY WHERF.oF, I, Woodrow Wilson PI'es!dent of the United

st.e.tes of America., ·caused these letters -to be made ~a.tent, and the Seal, or·
the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed. ·•
c;.IVE!I under my hand, at the _City or WnshlnstOn, the T\1enty-th1l'd day or
October in the year of our Lord one thous!U\d nine hundred and sevent,cen o.nd of
thn Inde\:i"Cndence of the United Stt1.t,r.9 tll.e one hun~rcd and Forty-aocond.
By the President : WOODROW WILS'JN '
(SEAL OF Tl!E LAllD OFFICE} By 1.!, P. LeROY, SecretB.ry,
J R • L, Q. ·c, LAl.!AR,
REconr.EO: Patent Ntllllber 604725 Recorder or the General Land Office.
_ Rcc0rded at rcquc3t of Jno,K,Allon, Jo.n, 2, 1924, at~~~S ~


#71419 PATENT
Irome 0416, ---- /
To a.ll to whom these presents shall come, GREETIUG :
WHEREAS, In pursuance of the provisions of the Revised statutes of the
United states, Chapter Six, Title Thirty-two, and legislation supplemental there-
t_o, ther? have.been deposited in.thetffaneral Land Office of the United States the
Plo.t a.nd Field Noteu o'f survey and/Ce:t' of the RAg1ster of the LBnd Office /
at Nome, Alaska, accompanied by other~idenco whereby it appears that the Pionee
Convex Fraction, Concave FraCtion, end Tlbbotta Bench placer mining claims, de-
signated by tho surveyor General as survey No. 1294, embracing a portion ot the
unsurveyod public dome.In, in the Cape Nome I.fining District, AlBska, and bounded,
described, and platted as follows: Beginning for the description of the Convex
Fraction placer cla.i:n, at corner lro, 1 1 t1 fir post fourinches square, two feet
tibove ground, mark"ed 1 1294 C and 4 126a tJ., in mound of earth; identicnl with
corner Ito, 4 ot SilrveY !lo. 1268~ the Uno Bench placer claim, from which u. S, Lo-
cation uonwnent No. 11 bears south seYenty-two degrees west six thousand twenty-
four and eix-tentbs feet distant; •
Thence, first course, north eighteen degreee th!rty-thre'e minutes west
one thousand three hundred ninety-two and eight-tenths feet to corner No. 2, a
fir Post !'our inches squaro, two feet above ground,· marked 2 1294 C. and 3 1268
tJ. • "in inound of eal'th; identical with corner Ho. ,3 or said Survey 110. 1268;

'l'bcncc 1 second course, north twonty-nlno dcgrece th1rty-nlne m1nu.too

,east seven hundred two and seven-tenths feet to corner lfo. ,3, Q fir post four fee
long, four inches square, marked 3 1294 c, in mound of earth;
Thence, third course, eouth tourteen degrees tWenty-rour minutes east
six hundred nine and tlve-tenths feet to corner No, 4, a fir post four tc~t l_ons,
tour inches squnre, marked 4 1294 c, in mound of earth;
Thence, fourth course, south two degrees twenty-five minutes west one
thousand three hundred rorty-two feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning;
Beginning, tor the descr1pt1on ot th~ Concave Fraction placer at
corner No. 1, identical with corner No. 2 ot said Convex Fraction placer claim,
also marked 1J294 CF, from which said U. $,Location Monument Uo. 11 bears south
flrty-eight degrees fifty-seven minutes nineteen seconds west six thousand one
hundred seventy and forty-seven-hundredths feet distant;
Thence, first course, north twenty degrees fifty-nine minutes west one
thousand four hundred ninety-four and flve-tentha teat to corner No. 2 1 a schist
stone 10· x 7 x 9 inches 11.bove ground, marked P.2 1294 CF and 4 464, with mound ot
stone; identical with corner !lo. 4 oi''the Belia K1rk. placer claim, survey llo,464;
'Thence, second course, north torty degrees thirty minutes east seventy
eight and seven-tenths feet to corner !Jo. 3, 'a fir post tour feet long, tour Inch
ea square, marked 3 1294 CF, in mound•of earth;
Thence, third course, south forty-tour degreea thirty-two minutes east
one thousand one hundred eighty-five and five-tenths feet to corner No. 4, !dent•
!cal with corner Ko. 3 of said Convex Fraction placer claim also marked 4 1294 OP;
Thence, fourth course, south twenty-nine degrees thirty-nine minutes
west seven hundred twu and s~ven-Leutha reet to corner No. 1, the place of begin-
Beginning, 1'or the descript1,>g~ pifr ti\\Hg@lbbetts Bench placer claim at
corner No. 1 1 a 1'1r post four Inches square, two feet above ground, marked i 1294

T; 2 1268 U, lAB 4 1197 and ?..Ab 4 464, in mound ot eo.rth; identice.1 with corner
N"o. 2 of' said Survey No. 1268; corner lro.--4••0!' SUr.vey No.· 1197, the No. 1 Above
Discovery plo.cer claim and corner No, 4 ot the No, 2 Above Discovery pla-cer claim,
Survey no. 464, rrom which said u. S.Loeo.tlon-Monument tlo. 11 bears south fifty-stx
degrees three minutes firty-three seconds west five thousand six hundred seventy-
six and aeventy-one-thouso.ndtho feet disto.nt;
Thence, first coUrse, north twenty-seven degrees west one thousand
three hundred seventy feat to corner no. 2, o. quo.rtz atone 11 x 12 x 6 .inches a-
bove ground, marked 2 1294 T, l 464 .. ;i11464, and 4 464, with mound of stone; ident-
ical with corners Nos, 1 and 3 of s;,.ld Bella Kirk and Uo. ?. Above Discovery clei
respectively; and corner Uo, 4 of th11 Uo. 3 Above Discovery plo.cer, Survey
No. 464; •
Thence, second course, .north seventy-four degrees ten m.inutes east ~tr.
hundred ninety feet to corner No, 3, identical with corner No. 2 of said concave
Fraction placer claim, also marked 3 1294 T;
Thence, -third course, south twenty degrees fifty-nine minutes one
t~ousr.nd four hundred ninety-four and five-tenths feet to corner No, 4, identical
with corner Jlo, 1 of said Concave placer;
Thence, fourth course, south eighty-eight degrees forty-two minutes
west five ·hundred seventy-seVen feet to corner Ho. 1, the place of beginning; the
pre~ises hereby granted, containing forty-one acres and four hundred forty-one
ll0/.1 "thousandtho of an acre: .
0<t1p. NO! Xl/OW YE, that there is therefore, pursuant to the laws,
her by granted by the United States unto the Pioneer Uining e..nd Ditch company and.
Lou s H. Eisenlohr,·the placer mining premises heroinbeforo descr.ibed;
TO HAVE A?/D TO HOLD said mining premises, together with all the r.igh~s,
privileges, iimunities, and 0,ppurtenances of whatsoever nature thereunto belong!
unto the said grantees above and to its successors and his heirs and assigns
forever; subJect·neverthelese. to the following conditions and stipulations:
FIRST. That the grant hereby is restr.ieted .in its exterior.limits
to the boundo.ries of the mining promises, and to o.ny veins or lodes of quartz
Or other rock .in° bearing gold, silver, cinnabar, load, tin, copper, or other
vo.luo.blo depos.its, which may have been discovered within said limits subsequent
to and which were not known to exist on August 25, 1921.
SECO!lD. • That should any or lode of quartz or other rock in place
boo.ring gold, silver, c.innabar, lead, tin, copper\ or other valuable deposlts·,be
claimed or known to exist the above-described premises at said last-named
date, the same is expressly excepted and excluded from these presents:
THIRD, ThBt the premises hereby conveyed shall be held subject to any
vested and o.Ccrued water rights for mining 1 agricultural, mo.nufe.cturing, or other
purposes, and rights to ditches and reservoirs used in connection with such water
rights as may be recognized o.nd acknowledged by the local 1 customs 1e.nd decis
ions of the courts. And ther~ is reserved from the lands hereby granted a right o
woy thereon for ditches or constructed by the aut,hority ot the United
FOURTH. That 1~ the absence Of necessary legislation by Congress, bhe
Legislature of Ale.sko. may provide rules for working the or premises
hereby granted, easements, dre..inage, and other nocesnary means to the
complete development thereof.
IN TESTIMOJfY W!fEREoF, I. CoolidgE, President of the United
states of America, have caused these let~ers to be made Pe.tent, and the Seal of
the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.
GIVEN under my hand, in the District of ColW!lbia, the Tenth day of Nov
ember in the year of our Lord one tbouae.nd nine hundred and Twenty-tbreo and of
the Independence o~ the United Stat~s the one hundred and forty-eighth
By ADA BRADDOCK,Assistant,Secretary,
RECORDED: Patent NW!lber 922934 Recorder of tbe General Land Office,
.-Recorded at request or E.J,Gormo.n, Jan, 2, 1924, at 3:15 P, •lil.


Nocio 0416,

c.,1.su11 of ti, R,~h!or ~, 11, L•d om,. 11 Non,o, Al11akn,

,cwopulod ~, o:•" n!di,u .,.,,.~, 11 •ppur1 11.,1 the l'ionoor l:ining lilld Di lch Coc.ipany and Loui
11, E.ioenlohr

bye wu•d 11d p.M ,., 1k Convex. Prue lion, Cono.avo Fraction, and Tibbettn Bench
plaoor 111iniz,g claima,

du:gu1d ~, 1.. s...-;,, c,.,.,1 >1 Survoy l\o. 1294, ocbraoing u portion of the unour-
voyod J ublic a.ot:.aizi, in tho c..i.I,e hou.o !lining !lietriot, Uaaka,

,,d lr<,od,d. dm•!bd,,,a ,1.u,d >1 r,11,-..,, B,ir,.r,, for tho do11oription of tho Convex Frao tio11
pluoer c]ait,, "t corner 1:0. l, u fir pout four foobos oquoro, two feat
above WCLllld, U-lhOd l H!~4 C dlld 4 ll!GU u•• in lhOUMi C/.f o.i.rth; idoutica.l
with corl!Or lio, 4 of Survey I,~. li.lGB, the lino oonch placer olaic, from
wh1ch U, S, Locution Lonll!uo11t tlo, 11 boors south eovot.t.y-two dogrosn ,root
six thoLmw:u tllenty-!our cwa six-tentha feet diutant;
Tho11co, firnt course, 1101·th nir.hteon deerees tbirty-tJ:reo ci1,-
utes west ouo thouauuu tJ;roo hw.c1rci.l ninety-two u11d OJl!bt-telltbo foot to
corner J,o, 2, a fir poot four .inches uquaro, two feet c1bovo ground, niarkod
2 12S-4 0, und 3 1266 U., in mo11na of earth; iJeotical with corner llo. 3
ot' onid Survey No, 126U;


Noco 0416.

ThoLoo, 00001,d courno, north two11ty-nirie de;:rcoa tb.irt.y-uiM min-

uton oaot onon hundred two .:1nd oeven-touthe fe"t to corner No, 3, J fir
post four foot loor., four inohr,n equuro, mro. .. d::; 1£94 0, 1n ~ound of Mrtl
Thence, third oouroe, south fourteo11 d1113roee tw&nty-(ot.r 111in11loa
cast 11ix hw.11rod nine uu.1 five-tenths foot to curuor lio, •l, ., fir pout
four foot loor:, four iuclics square, 4 1294 0, in moun:1 oi earth;
Thouce, fourth course, south tv,o dor,rees twer,ty-1'ive 11,it,ute!! west
one thouuaud throe hw1aro11 rorty-two foot to corner No, l, the, 1,laco of be-
BDB"in11i1.r,, fur lt.e doecriJ tier, ol tt,o 00110..1.vo PrJct,ou plaoeor c~ai:r
at corn .. r No, l, itlur.ticul \\ilh corner No, L of Convex Fr11ctio11 1,lac1u
o]aiu.,aloo uarked l 1:.k,4 OP, fro::i 1~hich suid U, .:i, Loc ... tio11 1:011u::c.11t Nu, ll
benro oouth deweos fiCty-seven i.,inuten nioeteor, ecconds wust
11ix tl10ueana 01:e hw,ured 11evcr,ty w:.11 10rty-B6VBc,-hundredtJui (oot di11taot;
Thor100, firet courna, north two11Ly Jogroo::i l'ifty-nfoo i:.inulee
11eot one thouoanu fol!.r hw,urod ni1.:oty-four .11,:1 fivo-tenths fo1Jt to cor1,Jr
!lo, ;,;, .1 .iuhint uto1111 10 x. 7 x. ~ iuches above F.TDUrul, t.<lr:.teU ::: 1:;9,; c~•
aLd 4 464, with n.ound of otoM; idoc.tiuul with corMr fi, .• 4 of tho llClllll.
Kirk plaaor clnin., Survey J,1.. 'i64;
Thouce, second course, north forty deeroo~ t irty 11.inuteo oust
avvo1,ty-cif;ht -ll.11 11ervot1-te11tha foot lo oorour J:c,, 3, a fir post four feet
lonr,, four i11ch110 uqUAre,;.od 3 1~94 CF, fo :i.ow,d o, 0.:1.rth;
Thence, thirU oouroo, so11U1 fortJ-fo-r UoGroeo ti,irly-two ;:,il,-
utoe 0110 Lhou~:.-1 or.r, hw111.roa elelity-fivo Jnd l'ivo-tenU:s feet to cor-
m,r No, 4, ideuhoul with oorm,r lio. 3 ol euid Oouveic Fractioll rlacor olllia
also curkod 4 12!:-t. OP;
The1,oo, fourlh oourao, soutli twe1.t3-11u,e tlegroee tl;irt7-11i1,& 11.i1,-




i= l\omo 04,16.
ff: utoo woot oovon hw1,1rod two and sovfi11-tenths feet to corner No. 1, tlio
pluoe of hegioning;
Bogiruiit1p:, 1or the doaor1ption of tho Tibbetts .Hench plnoer cl.i.l:D
at corner Ho. 1, 1.1 [ir poot four fool-es squ.are, two feet 11bovo ground,
n.,rkcd 11294 T, 2 H!68 U, L..U 4 1197 und 2Ab 4 464, in cound ol" oarth;
identical v1ith corner No. :d of eaio. Survey t:o. 1266; corner 1:0. 4 of
Survey l:C.. 1197, the. lio. l Above Diocovfiry plao<or olAin. an.i. corn<or Nu. 4
cf tho No, 2 Abovo Discovery plncor clai~, Survey No, 464, fro~ which adid
U. S. location f.011w:ient Ro. 11 bears south t'iity-six de,rreeo tlireo mi11utes
fifty-throe ouoondo woot five thouu, 11.ix hw,'1rod sov<oi.ty-!iiX ilhll sevr,nty-
0M-hu1:nrodths feet distru,.t;
Thence, first course, north twenty-oevon degrees wost ouo thou-
Sillld throe hundred seventy fellt to corner tlo. 2, a quartz stone 11 x rn x U
inchuo abovo ground, IWr.t.od 2 lUi<lc T, 1 464., 3 464, .md 4 464, with 11.ound
of otono; ide1.ticlll with coruors Noa. 1 and 3 01' sdiJ. belle. Kirk uud llo.
2 Above D111oovery placer clai1:.1s, resp,otively; lllld cor110r !lo. 4 of tho
llo. 3 Above Discovery placer oluiu., Ourvcy tlo. 4.64;
The1,oe, secoud oourso, north oovo1,ty-£01,r i.toereeo ten ndoutes east
oix hw,dred ninety feet to coroor }lo. 3, identical ~ith ooruer No. 2 or
eaid Concave Fructioo placer c]aio, also aarked 3 1;~4 T;
Tho1,oo, third course, south twenty degreoo fil'ty-ofoo n.inu1es enst
ono thouulil!d !our bwidred niooty-i'our u1:d five-tenths feet to corm:r No, 4,
idl;nticol wlth cori,er No. 1 of eoid Concave Pra~tioo plucer olofo.;
Thence, fourth course, ooutb eip,ht:y~eir,ht de8f'ees 1'ort3-tw0 11iill-
utes weat five hundred seve11ty-oeven foet to oorner Jio. l, tha pluoe of be-
gio11i11r,; th& pntuseo horeir, rT,11,ted, co11tal11fog fort:y~ouc acres .111.1 four
hundred forLy-one thous11.t.1a.ths of Ull 11.cre.



No1t1e 0416.

l'ioneer lliniIIB' tllld DHoh Comi,o.11y 11nd louiu H. tinonlohr

itn uuooeeeors und his heirs

:ed u.:r,i, ro<nu, ,.~jr<I ,... ., io I~• r.u ....1:,;: •••!U,01 a.d ,:!;,,.J,11..11

£!~ST. lhd lt< gl>lll hu~ m,d• 11 «1!1l<tod lo 1!1 ••l<1lor ll,rJb lo lho bound,i!H of th u!d o,!nl,i; prtdiet, ud lo 101 rd•l

"Mos of ~•uh ,, olhor ,u\ lo p1uo b.,,~ g-o!t, 111,11, clouhr, t,..i, tr., oopicr, or olbtt n!r1~!, d,:,0~11,.,•l<b ,.,, .,.. bw,

,..i ,,c!o,l,d In:., lhto protols.

rOURTH, n,1 In I~ ~b1tK1 of oom11r, lo£bbtioo bjo Co,::,.11, th l,thbt,,e of Alllnlm.

,.., pml:lo n:!<1 f" ,.,,1<1,g- tt, mlnlr: cblm •• p«o,lm lmbt i:n•tal, tonM■: • .,,,.,.1,, d,ilo,r;r, tnd 01hr o,m.ur, ,.,... lo I!.■

coa,pl,lo dnolo;,otfl\ 11,,r,of.

Ill TE5TIWO~'I' WHEREOF, I, C11lvi11 Coolidge,

r,1..,,,.,d tlo s..1of u, c...,.1 t.,.cd om.. 10 bo ~"'""to ,ll,td.

c1vm ••~.. .,, Ud, I• Ibo o;,1,1,1 .r c.1 ...M., lh1 TENT!\
($[Al) NOVEMBER lo lie rm of otf lord ••• lhouw~

nl .. b:.z,fad nd TWEHTY-THREE
P111:c I of3 Plll:CS
orn, person11.lly appeared R, H, CRosa and r::,?l,Camp\Jali, ~nOW!l t,o mo to b11 the
tee-President and Sooretary rosp~ot1vely 1 of the oorporation deacribed in and
hat executed the within 1nstrumont,and also known to ~e to be the persons IVbo ex-
outed it on bebil.11' of the corporo.tion therein named, tul.d they acknowledged to me
hat such corporation, oxecijted the s~e.
IN 'NIT?IESS WP.ERP.O~, I have hereunto set r.iy hand end affixed my o!'!'icial
eal 11.t my c,ffice in the C.1ty and-County o!' San Franr.i:lco,· tho day snd yoar in
his oertif'ioate !'irflt above written,
Notary Pub~~c. in o.nd tor the City add County of
San Fro.noisco, State or Ca.11f'ornie.,
IY Commission Expir11s April 18th, 1926, ·

Recorded at roquest or J, D, Harlan May 18 1 19J5 at 10:41 !..,II. 0'-


#76081 D EE D l?D~I.:: 2. Is.- Atp{i; ;)·2...,

, THIS t:pEUTORE thio 20th dof· 01' Uay 1 1922 1 by PIONEER MINING All'D
DITCH COUPA"NY, a corporation duly orga.n1zed D.Jld existing under and by virtue 01'
.the lawo cf the A·ta~of lreve.1s., tho party of tho first part, unto HA\!MON' CONSOL-
!!DA'IIED GOLD FIELDS, e. corporation duu, organtz~d and existing un:iOr Blb.c!. by virtue
Qf the laws of the State or J,lo.ine, tho party of the seoond pe.rt,


That said porty or the r1rst part for and in oonsidore.tion or the~su~ or 0

Ton ($10) Gold co1Il or the United Ste.tea 01' Alller1oa, to it in he.nd paid
bf said party or tho sooond po.rt, e.nd 1'or other oonsiderations to it moving from
the party of the sooond p!l.rt, the receipt whereof is hereby aoknD'll'ledged,
doeG bl' these proeont:o tranofor and convey to said pe.rty of tho scoond part,,- and
to its oucooosore and assigns, all of ito right, title, interest, claim and de-
me.nd., which it nO'I;" he.a or msy horoo.fter acquire, in.and to those certain placer
minine: claimo uituato in the Cnpe llomo Mining n.nd Record tns: D1etr1ot in tho So-
ward Peninsula, Territory or Ale.aka, as 1'ollo:vs:
1, All those placer mining cle.1ms 1n ssid Cape name Uining and Re-
oordins Distriot situate on Anvil Creek, knO'Nn Bnd desigrui.tod e.s follows:
NO .9 ABOVE, as deaoribed in Mineral Survey No; 365 nnd
Mineral Application lto, 0398;

K,L, B~JCH, as dPsdribed in M1narol Survey Jfo, 1253 and Uineral

Applioo.tion Uo, 0397;

OMINSK FRACTIOJI, as described in Mineral Survay No; 1253 and

,Mineral Application No. 0397; /
2, All those plocor mining,.claims in Cape llomo 1J1n1ng ond Rocord-
1ng Dietrict situate on Center Creek, known and dooigns.ted .a11 1'ollows: .
Undivtdod 7/8 interest in LILLIAlf ASSOCIATIOU e.~ described in
Mineral .Spptl!Uun' Minere.l App11ostion No. 03~0.

3, those certain plnoer mining claims in CApe llome Mining o.nd Record-
1ng District situate on Cooper Creek, knD'HJt and dosigne.tod as ~ollatvs:
FIVE COIUIER, as doooribed in Mineral Survey No, 1849 and .!.lineral
Application No. 0373;
Undivided 47/48 intorest tn No. 3 BELOW on Cooper Gulch, as
doocribod in Minnral Survey No. 1252 nnd Minorc.l Application No.
4. All those mininig: claims in said Ct1pe Nome J.lining and Rooording
Png~ 2 of3 pai:Jj 93
73;,o f 2 I:, P'~7t- .9 3

iatriot s1tu11,te on Dllxter creek, kno.•m on 0

ea1gna. o ea o v :
NO, 1t ABOVE, ·a.s d"eso"ribe d in Mineral Survey No, 1246 aid Minerd Appl1c6,tit
1cin No, 0371;
Undivided 6/6 interest in NO, 2 BEilCH,- I•. FORK 1 DFXTER, LOUISE BENCH, and
GOLDEN1 oe described in Mineral survey No, 1256, and l,(inera.l Application
!Jo, 0$88
6·, · All those certain ple.cer 'mining olairus in said Cape llama ll!ning a.nd Reoorld
ng D1etr1ci situate o~ Uexter Hill, knCMn and designated as fottows:

·SUGAR AND AHJ GOLll PRACT!OU f\8 described in mineral Survey No. 1254

... and Mineral Application No, 0375.

' ..·
All tli.ose oorhin ple.oer miriillg cle.ims 1n •said CApe Uome Uining and Ro-
ordinS O!atriot situate· on Dr1 Creek, known and designated o.s follows:
no. 2 BELO'//, as doeoribed in Minornl Surv11:y No. 1250 nnd 1.t'1Mral

- ...
~pplioation No. 0374;
PRAGUE, ne deaoribod 1!1 JJinere.l Survey Uo. 1268 e.nd Mineral Appl4oatio'!-
No. 0376j

UNO,M described in Mineral Survor,No.126B and Mln~ral App11oe.t10n_1l'o.

Un:l.1v1.ded ½,
fntere:it tn ,TosT A LITT!E FRACTION, as described it\
Uinero.l Survey No. 1296 nnd Mineral Applioat;on Ho. 0418;

Undiv!tlea. 7/12 interoot in T_IBBETTS BENCH, as described in Mineral

sul'vn:y,llo.1294 Bnd M1nero.l Application No,0416;
·Undivided ¼ tntorost 1n CONC(iVE, as described in Mineral S~vey Uo.1294
and Mineral .Appliost1on ?lo, 0416;
Undivido:I. ¼ 1nt8rost in CONVEX as described in J.linero.1 Survey No,1294
il.nd Llinoral Application ?lo, 0416;

7. All those certain placer mining claims in said OApe Nome Mining nn:l Ro-
oori:ling District Rituate on.Fl11.t Crcok, known and deaign11.ted as follows:
Undivided½ 1.ntoroat in 110, 2 FLAT described in Mineral Survef No,1248
and Mineral Application No. cqoe,

B, All those certain placer mining clo.1me in s11,id Copo Noma Uining and Reo ord"-
illg' l)iet,rict situate on Li•ttle Creek:, known and doaignated o.s rollows:
UMivided ~ interest in NO. 1 BENCH R, r~. as described in Mineral Surve:;
No, i251~and Mine~al Applioation No, 0369;·
WED:;S FRACTIOlf,as described in ?.!in<>r!ll Rurvef }fo. 1,865 nnd
}lino,ral ·/!;:,plicntion No, 0377;
TOO'raPICK FRACTION, as described in Mineral survey No, 1303 and
Mineral Applic11-tion llo, 0428j
All those certain plBoer mi:ning claims in said Cape Nome Minine; and .Re-
Dlotrict situate on Bering Sea, knann and ~~eignated as follows:
FORSEL!.S /jSSN,, e.o described in Mineral survey Uo. 1301 ond' Minoro.1
Applice. tion Ho, 0421,
All those certain placer minins olaima .in said 6ope llome tUnlng and Record-
D1otr1ct situate on Center Creek, known nnd destsno.ted ao follows:
Undivided -/! tntoreat in NO. 4 ABOVE (BELtE), as dosorib;d in Ulnero.l
survey No. 1288.
u. Atl th~se certain placer mining claims 1n sold Capo Nome Mlnin3 and Record-
1.,, Diatriot situate on Specimen Gulch, knc:iwn and doo1gnotod es 1'011ows:
Undlvfd~ -/! intoroet in lfO, 4 BELOW; ee 1n Mineral
Survey No, 1287 and Uinernl Application NO. 0414i
~11 tbooe certain plaoer mining claims 1n snid Cape Nome Mining (Uld Record-
District situ.ate on Tripple Creek, knO'l'ql and donlsna.ted ao follows: •
Undiv,tdod 2/3 lntoreot in llO, .2 BELOW, no doocr1bod in UinCral
survo:, No, 1289;
Undivided 2/3 interoot in N0,-3 ,BELOl'i, ao described µi Mineral
surve;y No. 1289;
rugc 3 orJ 1mgc$

Excopttng nnU reserving to the gro.ntor, thfl ,rifiht-of-way of Soward Peninsula

Ratlwn~, toaf!tbar with all Bnd Ding~lli.l', tho rails, ties, embankmonte, bridge~,
v1a'1uete, eidine;e, torminRls, ste.tions, freight yards, and depots, and ot,hor ·
structure11, s.a thP. B!ll11e is no-11 coristructed and exists over (Ir on nny of the above
described property, •
TOGETIJf.R ?lITH I-Lt, ,All'O 'Stlf(HJL,AR, tho tenements, horoditaments and appurtenance
thereunto bolongins or·· in an,y apportain1ns, and tho reversion a.nd reversions,
remainder and remainders, rants, ieauea and profita thereof, Together with any
end ell other, further or edditiOnal undivided interests which tho party of the
first pnrt m~y now have or may hereafter nequtrA in or to any of tho above ment-
ioned plnoer mining claims wherein en undi'vldod ·1nterost is horoby convey11d,
To iIAVF. AN!> TO BDLD all end s1n; the oatd promisos togother with 11.ppurt~n-
anooa unto tha said party or tho soeon~ prrt, and to its auccoaaors and asoigns
rorover, SUBJECT, 110\'lEVER, to the following interests, 'llAims, liens nnd flblie;a.t-
ions which onid pA.I'tY or the second part hereby expressly assll!lleo o.nd.agreos to
pe.y and perfo.'{<1.·1towit: ·
1. As to all of said claims and properties, to any Md n\l aivcrse claillla, wbtoh
msy havo beon·herotororo,or which mey hereafter be interposod to appl;cation ~or
2, As to Forsolla Association on Bering S011., to an agreement to convey one
claim, more or Iese, to Georgo D. Schofield, •
3, Aa to touiso Bench on Left Fork or Dexter Crook, to intoreot of Joseph

IN WITNESS IVJIE~O"!' the said party of tho f'1rst p11.rt- has 09-uasd these pre-
sents to be exeouted, undOr itS corporatA seal, by its dulY authorized officers,
the dii,y and yea.r heroin above first writtlln,
PIO?-i"EF.R MrnrnG & OITC!! /
Vioo Preaidant
O. W. CA\l?BET,L


Oitl' and County of Ean (ll.soo

Pran- ., t
On 26th day or November in the yosr •One Thousand lline Hundred and
twenty-two before -mo, FLORA HALot., a Notary PUbl1c in and for the City and Countf
of San Francisco, State of California, residing ~hera1n 1 du~ 00Jlttlissioned and
sworn 1 personally· appaarod R.H. Crose ond G, W. Calllpbell 1 kno-,m to me to bo the
ice-President ~nd Seorotary respectively, or the oorporation-deecribed in end '
thnt sxocutod the within instrum~nt, and also kno-~n to me to be th~ pers6ns who
xccut.ed it mbebalf.of the eorporo.tion therein named, end thq,iacknO-Nlcdgo'd to
e tbat Buch oorporation executed the sa~e. • •· ·~
IN WI'l'N:O'SS IVHEREOZ:,, I bave hereunto set my h!l.nd a.n:1 affll:ed m,y official ooal
nt ~Y offico in the City and County of Sen Franciooo, the day nnd ye6r in tbi~•
ortifioate .t'irot above 1Yr1tten,
lilOT/.RIAL SEAL) Notary Publ1o in e.n.1 for tb~ City ani
San Francisco, State of Colit'ornill.
y commia9ton expireo April 16th, 1925,
Foaordad at requeot or J, o. H~rlen Moy 16, 1935 at

Page 1 or 2 pages

WITNESS-~ han:I and ott'!cial seal this Booond day ot June, j1937.
' \Joto.ryf Pu.blic
(lJotarial Sea.l) 1.f¥ c0111p11s,sion exptres Sel,t l~, • 1940.

Rocorded at requeot Cit U, S, s. R. & li, Oo.--A. Satbor June 16 1 1937 at 10:46 A,M

~. :.: ..
#7B043 •· t ;, ~
, 3
DE E D ?if'.,;,/c 2 I:,- /4;< 49/'-
:-; ~ ;~
K}l'O.\f :°Ai.i:, llEH 'BY 'l'HES"E PRESENTS: 'lbat H.M.!MON CONSOL!DM'ED GOLO PIBLDB-11 a
oat'poration organ13 ed and existing under the laws ot the .
State ·.q_r lle.1ne, herein-
attor rererred to as the "Gr~or" 1 in oonsideratton or ono dollar (!1,0D) and
othor good am valuable oons _e!:'..B.t.J.on to it PJl,.icl._by_ tho UNITED STATES S!lELTIHG
REB'IKiliG !ND MIHIHG COUPAfiY, a-oOrporat1on orge.ntZecl an:1 existing UIJder the
laws or tho State or Vaine, hereill&rter rorerred to as "Grantee•, the receipt
or whioh oonsi4.erat1on 11!1 hereb7 aokna.ledged, does hereby graD;t, bargain, sall,
convey, oon:rtrm; au111gn, transrer, set over std. deliver un~o the United Staten
St:ielting Rerin~ng and Mining Com.pan¥, 1\s ,8'UOooosors all!i aoeigns,111 minoo ancl
mining groundo~•and mining olaims, whether patented or unpatented, · and &II¥
or, oi: 1ntereate :ln, aey mines, mining grounds or mining 01aime:1 ard all la?lds ·
ot other real sot.ate, tenements, hereditamente or 11.ppurtenanou, plants, build-
•• :-,. inge, 11Ul'l&o1t improvement.a, ditobee, l!lfphone, wattir systems arid· parta thereof,
' . .
and any n.ncl 11.ll assignable l~?eo, water rights, r:lgbta or •af, easements,
appropriations, privileges, Bnd r1Bhts incident or appurtenallt thereto, and all
otllor real propert1 sDd intere';lte therein of ever1 namo aDd nature _wha.tsoover,
atld wherever situated, either within or without the Torritor1 CJt·Alaska, Olmed
bf the Ham:non ConeoUd&ted Gold Fields on tBs date of this deed,..... Thill deed
10 lllSde bf' Hemmen Conoolidatod Gold Ftaids to United State_o SmOlttne: Ro:t'ining
atld !lining Coaiplll)f', owner r,t all us· oapitai stOOk, for ~•ppurpoee ot oompletel7
11~u1dating Hamnon Conao11dated Gold P1eldo 4 ,

TO HAVE AHO TO HOLD unto be United States Snolt1D8 Refining and JUnihg
COIDpe.llf, !ta,auooeesore and aestgne, to i\e.own uee.ard baboot forever.
And tho H&lllll!on Coneoltdated Gold Piold~, ~ Granter; covenants Jind
agrees witll the United States ~olting Rorining sncl Jlining Co:npatlf', its !fUOoeoo-
ora 1!1Jld,asa1gns 1 that it will ~t timo, On dem.1uid of the Ullited Statea Smelt-
ing Rer1n1ng e.nd Mining Compan)', the Gre.ntoe, make, exiouto, an:t. deliver to the
Grnntee, ito 1'.JU.coeosors and aae1gns, such other and turthor deeds or oonvoranoe,
asoignlllents ~nd tranetero a.a m117 be neoeesu:r or' proper to more tu111 ·oonve:,,
trnnsrer to and vest in tho, l!&fd Grantee', 1t·e ~oosaore and aastgna, ti~la to
the'proport7 oonvered an:l.'tranDt'erred and intended to be oonve1od slid tranet~rred
hereby, .. .·
No United Stateo InterbabRevenUo etamp'n atfiXed hereto, none being
r oquirod lll la'lf • , ·
IN WITNES6.';WREREOP 1 tho,1.1~Icl.H1U11111_on.Co!l~ol1c:l,a\9d Gold Pieldn has oaull'&d .
itll' o.orporato namo end seal to be,hei-eW'.lto aubao_ti~d ·a?ld o.tttxod o/ tt8 ottioOra
thereunto duJ.¥ author1Zed 1 this rtra.t da¥ or .rune~ •IS~1, ·. /
Slgnod, oaalod and dalivored - aJ.Wo11 coNsoLroATEo Goto ·PIELDS
in tho prooenco or ~ c.~.A, Hie;Ht, f>rooidont (Corporo.te Seal)
M, L, olo w h ATTEST:
.. Ge0rg0 i',;
.' 1 Sacrotar,y
l{ s Ko~edf COWONWEAUI'H. OF u-ASsACB.uSE:'1'1s
count.r ot Suttolk es, .· 1
:• 1 •

THIS IS 'l'O CERTIFY that before· me.,. the .uZ!der81giied lfotary PUblia within and
tor tho 11bovo named county and ca:mnom-•~l\li · ~roon&lti" appeared on tho date
hera1narter oet ~orth in this cert1ricate 1 ihe abD~e dehtioned, c. A. Hiallt, to
11111 por·so11&ll¥ kllOWn to be tha identiC•l•J.P..dividulll desCribed h~roin and the
, Page 2
.=::,fr:::. ::.:::. / ::> a • 4-.'JJ

prasidont Ot the Eamnon coneoUd&to~ Gold Fields, granter oorpore.tion nmed in

tho foregoing 1natr.u:nenf., and acknowledged to me t~e.1, ~e, being duU, authox:1:iec1.,
0 xocuted tbe. torego!ng instrument tor o.nd in behalf of the Hamnon Cono011dated
Gold P1eld8 as ·u,e tree atd vo1uniar1 act ani:l defld and ao bio tree and vo1untlll'.Y
a.ct' nnd· de~d .,t_(!J;"!bo'·uaea and purpooea herein sat tor~b.
WITNESS m)' hand and 0rr101a1 oenl thin second. dQ' ot June, 1937,
. -.
(Hots.rial Sa&l)
Nota.ry Pllbl1o within and tor the aforefl&id
Count.1 and Com:ionwe&lth •. ·
·Mt oo:nm.aaton e:zptreo Sept, 16 1 1940,

Recorded ~t requaet of tr, 6, s. R, & U,Co, -- A, Se.thor J\lne 16, 1937 at io:47 AV.

#78CW.9 D E E D

THIS IllDENTIJRE, Uisde tbe-19th.daf or June,-J.937, between P. n. SCHUL'r'Z ✓

ot Seattle, Washington an:I. a~esent in Nome, Alaska, party or tbe first part,
and PRANK RUDOLPH KRAUSKOPP or So11tt1e 1 Washington al:ld at present in Nome,
~lo.ska., the partr or the neoond pi.rt, W I T N E S S E T H :
· That tbe party ot the first part tar and in oonsideration of the sum of
OHB DOLLAR ($1.00) Logal Tender err tho lJnitod States ot >Jh11erica 1 _and other
good and valuable oonsideration,tho reoeipt whereof' is hereby acknowledged ~1
p&rt7 or tho first pa.rt, bas granted, bargained, so1d, remiSdd, releti.~d and and b7 these presents does grant, bargain, soll, remiee,
release, and forever quit--ole.i!n unto the said pe.ri:, of! the ~o®d part,. and to
bis heirs and aot1igne those mining al.aims looo.ted abo',Cb. Oi1100ver7 on
iRoN CREEK in tho· tormor Kougnrok'Rooording P.reoinot and 1n tho capo Nome Record
ing Pr&oirioi, Second Division, Territory of Alaska, s.¢,spooiticall.1 knO";fD as.
toll01Je; to1it:
NO, 4
NO. 6
NO. 6
NO. 7
NO. B ,
TO~BER WI'l'B. all &i:icl ain1I11lar the tenements, bereditamente o.nd appurtenano e
thorounto belonging or 1n anywiao appertaining, and the renta, issues and profit
thor11ot, and o1s·0 _all tho estate, right, title, iflteresi, property I posBOe&ion,
olllim and demand whatsoever, as woll in lawns in equity, or tho said party or
the ttret·pe.rt or• 'in or to tho oaid prem.1sos and over,y part and parcel thoreor,
with 'the appurtonancoa, · ·
TO HAVE AUD TO HOLD, all and singular the said pre111isas together with tho .
appurten,i.noos o.nd privileges thereunto incident, unto ibo po.rt,7 or the
second po.rt, and to bis heirs and aesignS tarover,
PROVIDED, bwaver• that 0&1d proporty is aubJeot to n certain LI)auo and
Option made on the 16th day of Deoember~ 1956 1 between Grant.or herein and Gust
co.r1eon, &Jan Swanson, Poto Ciirleon and A. T, Dab;lberg, po.rtners·doing buo1noes
under tho name ot Guot Carlson & CDi!lpatl)' •
PROVIDED turther 1 that th10 Deed shall not take ertoot until the ot
Grantor at whicb.ti~e allot the provisions and oonditions or this Deed shall
automo.ticallY vest title to the berO"in montioned propert7 as modi.tied heroin .in
IN WITNESS lmEREOP, the said party ct the first part baa hereunto set.hie
hand and so&l the day and year tir et above writton. J
C, C, T!!,nner
Uo.Xine Livingstone.


I •



Mil) 'I::'.::;;-:· J:.if,,PAN:' 1 a Pe:rn1.ylvania corp.:,rat.ion I and JOSEPH H.
GkUBil, ~Ht., as they nre successor executor!:. nnd trustees under
ti.~ wll) .,r Chnrles J. l!:j~enlohr and n::: 1.hey are executors and
'trust.eel:: u~de:- the w::1 vi' ,.:e.rie Ei,;e;·fohr 1 herein<1f:er called
! :.l.e 11
l,:-ur,wrs 11 and u:a :-sn STA'l'ES S-:EL '!':" 1-iG gEF'IlfiHG Mrn MINING
1 co:.,PA:!1, a ,,;ainc corr..,r:!tior. 1 hereiu..:.fter called the "Grantee"

d IT~ l S SR T 11 ! ft Al:

;,a: sui<i Grwn.vrs, in oonsidar:.tion of the sum of One

Dollar (~~1.vO), lawful m::ney of the United States of America,
0.1,d otiie:· valuable considerations in hand paid by the said
Grant.e~, th,:i rccoipt wher.:.of l!-: hereby acknowleciged, do hereby
:;rant 1 bur-,;ain, ;5ell, re:.,.;.M, :-elease and forever quitclaim
unto the said G:-.lntet?, l;i;e follo~:ing described oroperty:

Im undi vlced five-twelfths (5/12ths)

ir.te:-est in the 'l'ibbetts Bench Placer Mining
Clain: situated at r!omc, Alaska, Mineral Sur-
vey No. 12%, c.;.nveyed by United States
Patent No. 9224J4, recorded Jamrnry 2, 1924,
in Volume 210 1 at paee 2Ml, Instrument No.
71419, Nome>rd.

1\JG~'fiiE!i ,;I'l'H all and singular the buildin[s, structures and

improvements thereon, .ind all ditches, water ridlts, tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining, and the reversions, remainders, rents, issues
an<l profits thereof; and 1 also, all the estate, right, title,
interest, property, possession, claim and demand whatsocve:-,

Page 1 of 5 pages
. 4R~W/X»a!'.ijli!.J, ·.-... s.. I l . -"?"'\"''''"
' - - , ,:· -"iixiiuiq°'E ..

as well in law as in equity, of the said Grantors, of, in, or

t:o t.he said premises, and every part and parcel thereof I with

the appurtenances.
'N HAVE AND 'JO HOLD, all and singular .;he said premises,
I! to,~e•;hor with the appurtenances and privileges, thereunto in-
~ cident 1 unto the said G:-antee 1 and tti its successors and

11 a~;sir;ns !'orever.

I ill 'fhe Grantor~ are successor executors and trustees
I ur.der th.z will o!' Chnrles J. Eisenlohr, who died at Philadelphia,
I P~nnsylvania 1 Septe::1be?' 20 1 1947, leaving a will and codicils
ad~itted to probat~ Decemher 22, 1947 1 Orphans 1 Court of Phila- i
delpi1ia County 1 ~lo, 14.ZJ of 1948, and as such executors and
trustees a:-e entil;letl to exercise the powers of sale provided
in said will of Charles U. Cisenlohr,

{2) 'file Granters arc also successor executors and

t.rustees under the i'l'ill of Marfe Eisenlohr, W'lo died at Phila-

r. ::::::: ::n::~:::i:~ ~::u:::h:::,l::::ta:: :::::d:::~i:as

Ct'lunt.y, No, 241,fi., July 10, 1929, and as such executors and
t.:-ust.ees i::re entitl~d to exe:-cis9 the powers of sale provided
!.a snid will of Marie Eisenlohr,

{J) Said Charle5 J, Eisenlohr was 'the sole residuary

Louis !!. Eisenlohr, who diP.d at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

..:une 7, 1922 1 and whose will was ad'llitted to probate in the

- 2 -

Page 2 of 5 pages
- -.....:.:::a:w-t.-:a.:;::JF ,. d[ , ; ...... ..
·11111 rrxnfoFfil '-"'!'f•-:ow
- -

. Fl''
. I
Orphans 1 Court of Philadelphia County 1 No. 3448 1 October Tem,


(5) All debts, taxes and specific and pecuniary legacies

due from the estates of said Louis H. Eisenlohr 1 Marie Eisenlohr 1 '
and Charles J. Eisenlohr have been paid or provided for. All 1
the residue of the estate of said Louis H. Eisenlohr has been
distributed, one-half to said Marie Eisenlohr and one-half to
said Charles J. Eisenlohr; all the residue of tho estate of
said Marie Eisenlohr has been distributed to said Charles J.
Eisenlohr. All the residue of tho estate of Charles J. Eisenlohr
continues to be held in trust by the Grantors as trustees under
the will of said Charles J, Eisenlohr.

(b) Said Louis H, Eisenlohr was in Nome, Alaska on or

about October 9 1 1920 1 and that, so far as known to the Grantors,
he is the same person as the Louis II. Bisenlohr named in a cer-
tain deed dated October 9, 1920, in which E. E. Powell conveys
to Louis fl. Eisenlohr an undivided fifteen-thirtysixths (15/36ths)
int.erest in the Tibbetts Bench and other properties; said deed
is recorded in Volume 204 of Deeds, page 299 1 in the office of
the Cape Nome Recording Precinct; they also certify that, so
far as kno~~ to them, said Louis H. Eisenlohr is the same in-
di vi dual named With the Pi.oncer Mining and Ditch Company as
one of the Grantees in the above mentioned IJnited States
Patent No. 922934 cover1nr: said Tibbetts Bench Claim and other
properties;and that,. as a result of the abovementioned distri-

butions of the rasidue of the estate of Louis H. Bisenlohr and
of the residue of the estate of Marie Eisenlohr, an undivided
fjve-tweli'ths (!i/l2t;hs) interest in said Tibbetts Bench Placer
Mining Claim is to the best of knowledge and belief of tho
Granters presently held by the Granters as Trustees under the
will of said Charles J. Eisenlohr. This deed is intended to

-) -

Page 3 of 5 pages
- - ~~ ......-~.-,,_. ,•..,., - .
. '

- $10·
convey all right, title, and interest in said ~ining claim held
by the Grantors as executors and trustees underI the willS of
Marie Eisenlohr and Charles J. Eisenlohr I respectively, or

otherwise •

• IN WITNESS WHEREOF said The First Pennsylvania Banking

and Trust Company has caused this Deed to be Cxecuted in its
name and behalf under its corporate seal, duly attested by its
proper officer thereunto duly authorized, and the said
Joseph H. Grubb, Jr. has hereunto set his hand and seal this
J /#" day or ~ , 1959.



~-- • . -· ·-1'!'

9liSSlSTA.\IT S[CUTAl!'I'"

COUllTY OF ~ .,,_,..
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the 3/-day o f ~ 1 1959,
within the said Commonwealth and County, personally appeared
before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said
commonwealth and County, the within na..11ed If. J r : ~
to me personally known to be the identical individual described
in and h'hO signl?d the foregoing instrumont in behalf of The First
Pennsylvania Banking and Trust Company, who being by me duly
sworn did say that he is ~~ ct Th·e First
Pennsylvania Banking and Trust Company, and that he was and is
duly authorized to execute said instrument in behalf of The
First Pennsylvania Banking and Trust Co~pany, and acknowledged

- 4 -

Pagc4 ofS t•gcs

fJS.4 .22$ lt

t '·· \C 0 WCJJJ+f8$1&14.ZZ: -•

to me that he executed said instrument for said The First

Pennsylvania Banking and Trust Company as its free and
voluntary act and deed and for the uses and purposes therein

set forth•
IN WITtIBSS WHEREOF I I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed my official seal the do.y and year in this certificate

first above written.

TIIIS CER'l'IFIES that on the ia,LY day o r ~ , 1959,
appeared before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public
the Commonwealth oi' Pennsylvania, County o f ~ •
in aud for
the within named Joseph H. Grubb, Jr., personally known to me
to be, t.hc identioal individual described in, and who executed
t.he for<.!Joing instrument freely and voluntarily for the uses

and ?Ur!10ses therein mentioned.

~ll'l'tlESS my hand and orficial seal the day and year in certificate first above written.

Notary public in and ror"-ihe
Com.~onwealth of Penn~ylvania
County of fa:.t .. :...(f-'· 7;dH..00R,PICURD!ID
pll\lA. I. PH\lA. co~ PA:
My commission expir~Acmfll -w· , ,-nes 11n 1, 963

, ~ ' 7'-?-o°7'..,_./-,1,aa t'"'l,

• -5- .

: Page 5 of 5 pages

---- ..
llOOK :J'J6 PAGE 6ri,/
N0:11c Rtccnl,ng Dl,tri<:1:


Th0 Grantc,r, tlV lNI'.IOSTRIES, me., • MA.lno Corpora.lion (fonncrly

1/NITJro STA'IES SMBC,TING ael'INIHG & MINING COMPANY', a M11111,0 Corporution)

or 437 !Jlllliaon Avettuo, Now York, Now York l002Z, !or and 1n 001111ld(lrll!:lon ol

TEN DOLLARS ($10,00) and other go,;,d and wlu11blc ccnllldota!:l~o 1D hand paid,

ronvey1111-11d qldlcl1W1111 to ALASKA 00!.D COMPANY, o. Dal1twc,re Corpo:rat!an ol

I07 Madlao,, Avc,uuo, Naw York, Naw York 1aou, <lnultco, 4.lld to lta aualgu11
faiid tr11i:ceaooro filravcr, ,ill wtor,:,ot which lt bu 1D tho mlclng ,;:r;,von,d by

ipat.mta frcm tha United Sb.tea of All:lorlca 4.lld 4.11 ara daac:rilll!d in tho Milloral

:<;urvayo hilled in Exhllnl •An 11.tb,.chod bcrato, 1111 otwhlclt aa!d IU'O altuabl

..'n tb!J Cilpa Nomo Rilcordlng Dlatrlct, Sc:condJudlelal Dbl:rlct, State or Aluka.

DA'l'ED Gt Na9i'York. Nl!ll' York, th111 ri'' d.y o!Mm:cb, 111711, '

) n.
• 'l'BISlSTO CERTIFY that on thio ~df\:10C.Mucll, l6TII, b!!!arem0,
undDrmjpled Notary I'ubllc in 1111.d !or the Stnro or Nftlll York, duly a:imm!u!oaed
n>Otti, ~ 11ppcQ'11d K=tb n p ~ Cid tl"Y!?PPE aortd,tJ
ll;;;;;;;c;;;c;;«;;;;;;, to 1110 pcnonaD;y Joxnn1 IQld l<noW11 t:, 1110 to be th!, ~
iD and -.he> cwelded. the !ol;'egohig .Statatmy Quitclaim D~, ADdih.yac1mcJr-

tomo, ll!ldeacho!the:m, tluitth&ye::cecuted sa!diztBU'Ulllmit aathcl'lwddfflt

dBee:retaey, ~ v e l , y , o!UV INDUS'I'lUBS, INC., forthll USCBmul.p,upo,fM

..... __
lll:lllie>DOCI md 'lli:ldcr authority .oo ti, de> gnintcd by Uio Bo&:rdofDintto::e

., -----
-~- -
.::-U· .,-.. ~. ,. j

I ...... r. •• Jl:lr&,Ahfet.L:: irt'ffit·>tziea :+ '

c! said eorpor,11,llon.

WITNESS my h,md 11.!ld 0Ul.011llnotanal oeal 01> the~. month .llld :year-
1.n tb1a certUleato 11r11t above W!;'!,lten.


/ ...~.:-
! .. .'\'.
{ ,. ;.
,_ ''



" .,

···--- ·.-
'' 1 o!Bxhtb.lC nAn a.ttuchcd lo deed da.11:d ~ \1~ , 1915, between

UV Wdu111.nos, Inc ll.fld Alaska. Gold Company o:ivcrtng pr,ipertlea locllled iD. the
C11pa Name Recardlag Dl11trlcl.

U.S. Mtaenil Sunray 325, except Uw.t porbon otPortll.fld B=ch

Chum c:anvcycd to the City o!Nome by dccd i-ccordcd Novumbcr a,
1981, ln BQok 245, 185, CApe Nom11 Rocord1a.g Dlatnet, do11-
erlba.d a.a !i::,Uowa•

Begmning a.I Comer No 3 o! U.S. Survoy

No. 325 cf the a.aid pl"' i,unu,g clnl.m:
S 61° 501 W 820.00 led lo 1l11 Comer No. 4: lhe11eo
S 6° 16' E 75.20 lHl to Ila Cornu No ll: thottC!I
N n° 10 1 £ 1360.SO rcct to lta Com11r No. O: thence
N 1° 27' W 142,20 rcct to a. pola.t on the boundary
bdweett. Corner Uc. 8 llftd Corner No, l of uaid
cllLlm llUl"Voy: N e2 1131 1to" w 518.10 tN.t to
Com11rNo. 3, tho ln111a1 poUlt and place, ofbo-
U.S. Mlnerul Survoy 326.

U.s. !dina.llll Survey 327.

U.S. Mineral Survey 328.

U.S. ?Jui11111l Survey 32D.

U.S. AUnantl Survey 330

U.S. lUne111l Survey 33t, cxc:,,pt 11111U1div:idod 1/2 lntorest 1n thll

porllon ofa.llld land daacriba.d u tollowa:
Beg(mmig at II pol:t.t on Llilo 4-1 o! Mlnnlo Blllll'b..-..:-
S ~ 33t at tho Ulllll'llcdl.on o!BW Llilo Be11ch Clal!o
ft on right llm1t, aco:iod lier cm lldd Dry Cl-Mk, aald
paint bo.l!lg 591,6' N 1130.55111 11 W from Corna:r fl
ud SB g:ircier of 11111d Wnnlo Dell Placer, th=ice aloo.z i'
1ndd L!ue 4-J. N 03 1155'!1• W OU.3 1 to SW tomo::r ofnld
Dench H, thcnert N 34. 001'5~ E 1098,4.1 to NW <:Ornllr of
aami:, thcoei: s 38°00' E 190,2' to NE o:imtt, thence
8 43°08' W 88!1.~ 1to tin!I 4.-1 Wnnli: B,:,11 Placer o:intaln-
lnll' 15.81 aereu and alao C1Scept 5/24. tnti:rllllt 1n that por-
tloo of 11a!d ll.fld dmac:rlbod u, !i::,llo.11:

Co:<11111C11c:lng an 1h11 North Lino o! oa1d Wnnla Bell Placer-

at a point l35,8' narilnroatedy ftam Comer f3 o:r HE
=a.rot ea1d Mlunlo Ball Clllri>, thene111Jcng ■al.d North
Uno N 54.0 11:1 t/4' w 1293.5', lhenco s e2°11• w eeo.2• to
lhoSW' g:in,~r ot llllld Ben,;b No. J, lhenertS !1!1°36' E
UCi.2' to SR g:imor ofaald Bench fl, lhcnco N &T 002• E
878'.l' to polntofbeginnlng. o:i11tdt:ihiz 17'.81 aeru.

lJ,B. l!lnordSmvey 338 •

• _..._...,.., __

0,S. MlnonlSurvey :144.

U,s, MlD.ernl. Survey 345,

o.s. r11ui11nl Survey !140.

U.S. IUc11nlSurvcy 30,

O.s. Mla11ral SUl'VflY• axc11pt tha.tpartfon or 11ad llllld d..acilbod

1a d1111d n,o:,rded Ju1111 l&, 1915, ln Boak 197, Pop 38a, ao bJn-
tn!nlng 4.,53 11<:rell,

0,S. PJl.naratSurvtiy385.

U ,S, MlaCU"al Survey 4.10 , ~ t lha.t portion cxmveyed to Bdwin

.a: £11wfti .la. deed umrd11d r,1a.y zo, lB08, 1n l3oak 183, PagalSS,
and duo 0¥cllpt that portton o:1nv11:red to 0, D, Snowd1111,, et,d,
11.11 trwrtaee ot tl:i11 N11iv..11 in and 11.boutN<>lllll, r.u:0rdcd li'ab:ntQ"J'
7, 1907, 1n Book 170, P11go 385, a,d dr;,o orcept that p<>rt:LllllOOll-
voyed to lha U.s. Co:i:!IDUJ.llloner or Bduut:lon, ~ e d octtibe:r 1,
lllU, ill. Book 101, Poga 3fl,

U,s, Mlnanl Su:rv,,y 411.

Th1tpart!on oto.s. Mlnonl Su:rv,,y UB knoWII 118 lhll Op 1/2.

o.s. Mlaon,ISIJ.Ml>!Y no.

U,S, MlaenlSurvay US,

0 .s. Ml.,:,.uol 8=--tO" 43'.

u.s. MlnoralS~os.

0 ,S. M!ntnl Surv11::, UO,

U.S. PJl.n!U'1ll Survey CU,

U.S. Mlnlll'fl SllrVe)" tu.

U.S. Minon! Swvoy 4tS,

U.S. M!DIIXlll.Survey Ot,

0 .S. Mln=ilS\l:rffY U!I,

0 .s. ldlnl!l'fl SIU"WY 4~B.

o.s. Nl.nenISurvay ur,

=- ·-- -=·•- ,,. ¥4 :p11__,,, - - ~



,. • 0 ,

.JKlfe_JAGE b;J.5---
••,., -.J•ni: D11tn<t V
~gc 3 cfbhlbll nN attached lo dccddn!cd Tu~ \1l-- , 11175, between
UV Indw,trleo, Inc. imd Ah.nk11. Gold Compony c:ov=ing p:rcpcrUen lacn\cd in thll
Cape Nome lle,;:onlli,.gl)lutrict,

U s. MI,:,.oral Survoy 401,

U s. Llltl.l!IlllSurvey 462, c:,:c,:pt tl:111.t porlll)n kDown elJ the Upper

Oa11 llnlt ot Nl!llic II. Pla<:er.
U,s. Min11nl Survey 4.6S.
US. ~nlSurvey 484,

U,S. MmcnlSurvcy 47S. 1

U.S. Wnenl Survey U8

U.S. Mia~ Survey 4.71

U S. Llll:lcral Survey 410.

U,S. Mhusral Survey f.S5, exeepl W1lllore Bench. ed a:i:eept an

undlvldcd 1/8 lntotetit lll and aloo ..:=:pt An Ulldlvided
lfO JutnreDtin 13 Below on lJocmllgb\,

U.S. 4BB,

U,S. M.hlernl Surv111 492. except 1B Above D111c:oVllr,I' on Bourbon

crt!ck, -.:id akoundlvided 3/4 intnreatln l'lt.cllr.

U,S. Alli:t■ nlSurvcy 4113.

U.S. Mh,enlSurvay tst.

Bon~n Auoocla,t!Q11 a11dJcweJ.l l'lg,o:irofll.S. ~r;:t Su:rva;y (119,

c:Gept that porllcm or c,dd laid 'Withdnwn fiir illllltaey,pu:rpollGO
• ~ - on the Ilurt!lU ofL!wd J,hn■gem.eut M:r:e. Fb,t:S.O. 10~11.

U,S. MlnOWSurv"7-l81,

Uedlvldcd 1/2 inteye!Jt in Ni;,. 2 llockct-Gulch Plaota: Clail,:i,

U.S. !4lnerll Surv"1" 501.

U.S. MmcntlSurvoy 502.

U.S. Mh:icnlSurvey 5!1l,

- . . .• · ~~~~~J,,ny;"'iti'W~I
•••~-.;;W!!;'i,!'C;-._ BOOK ·.41/lo,R~,
•• · • l\11n1c Ui;corJrng Dmntt .~ ·

c,, ••••• "°""'""' """'~- j
P11g11 4. ofExhlb1t "A• 1.ttachcd to dccdldotad )\r\~ 111!.. , 197$, boht'ecn
UV Incluotrlea, Inc. a.eel Ala.uka Gold C:-,1;,j,•1,..l.o,,)' cove.ring pn>parlico lOClllcd iD. tho

U.S. Mmual Siu-vey 505 except that porhon 0!111dd lwld dcoc:rlbcd
a.a lDllowu:
Commencing ct •>••f-' No. 2 ofKld'a!C!l Plo.=
Claim, U.S. Mtn1.> ...i Survey No, 505, oald comar bOlllg

tjm,. Crcclc,
E..:low Claim Oil
~• S.
u.s. Mb::,eri,J. SllrWJ' No.
605: th11nco S. lf' 31 1 W. 574.50 feet alobg tho lina commcn
to o,ild Kid'o A1111>'r,:n,,,Jo PJ11ccr Clmm lllld No. 3 :Bo.low
CWm to I.ho nuJ Pal.nt 0tlloginnlc1r far th111 doacrlpt!cm:
lh~11co C011Wlu.ini S, 18° 311 W. along a.aid commcm lino
3R8.5O fc,,t to Coz,,M No. 3 ol 11.o.ld Kid'• Aoaaclal!oo
C'Wm, n;!d oom\1 being OOIIUl!Qll to Comar No. 4. ofthci ·'
11foremct1tlc11:111d N!•. 3 Bel.t)w Claim 11.11d Comer No. l of
lha Ne;,. 4 Below 611,\,, 011 IJtuo Cn!c!k, IJ,S. Mlnan!.SIU"Vey
No. 1!011; lhCDOO ~- 15 11 18' W. alcmgtho 11.ue commac,_ to 111111d
Kid'o Aoa.,!=;Plll.eax- Chlm artdNo. 4 Below Clalm
811.50 font to fl ~r:i th.t ts CCD!lllon to Comar No. 4 ot
11a!d No. 4 BlllowlClalm and Coma:i;'No. l of tb11 No. ti Below
Claim. =Ltttln ei..'-:6 • a.s. MIJ1Dnl Survcry No. 51!5: thci!.011
N, 18" ll3 1 f3" w.l•= cal.i:I Y.ld'11kuioa1at1,m PhcllJ;' Clglm

ba.b::oa- N. lD" co• 1·

801.18 fut to a pfll':I on tho woata:,;'ly lino t!='tlot, uld polnt
0.2!5.0D loft fram Comer No. 8 of IWd,
llld. 111 ADSll<:iat:loll Pla,;,cu- Claim; tbDllCO N. 10" •e• E. olong
Dold wllato?q lll1 1010.00 teot: tbm1eo s. 78" cs• un s.
llo:fOIRI 111old Xld'11 AoooCIIHc:11 Placet- Cld.m S09.tl8 t6Gt to tho
pa.b::ot ofbcglnnl.n ; conttlnlng lB. T2 IIC1'60 mot'O ,;,:rl131111.

0 ,B. !Juw:al S~11y 507.

u.S. Wn.enlsgnoy sea.

U.S. UlnanlSurw;v 509.

O.S. r.!l..QanlSIU'Vlly 510.

tJ,S. tlltumll Survey 511.

o,s. MulonJ.Sunoy 512.

trntllvidl!d. 1/32 lntcrost, ~ .B. ?,!.1.1:umal Su=ey 523.

O.S. Nlnenal Surv,,;y a?O.

o,s. Mlncmal.Suncy on.

U.S. MlnonlS~ 812.

U.S. Mlnonl.SIIJ'W7 875' •


i ..

UOOF: :J. 'k PAGE 62-;. -

l\11ni11 Um,rli~~ 11,.rn« ~

Pag11 Sot~blt"A' 11tlo.ch11d to dead dllt.od ~ J1'b,., 11175, b11twec;,,

UV Indu11triu, me. ~ Alaak11 Geld Cc111paoy covanng p~ert:ICJI Joc11ted m Iha
Qlpa Nome, Rttcordln•, D1111rlet,

U.S. ?,o,,,., .lSurvcyGH.

U.S. Mt-11.> .J.Survcy 675,

U.S. tb,r., 1J. Survey 685,

D,S. tb,r.v.lSurvcy 860.

U.S. U,,,1..1 'al Suryi,y 687.

U.S M,,1.1'alSurv11y688.

U ,S. M,,,., .J. SllrV11y689.

U,s. M..r.m Survey 890.

tJ,S. hO,M 'al Survey 8111, except an undivided 1/2 lnlere11tin

Dench JI. plai:er cl.Ali=.

U.S. W,t.> 'al Survey 894, Hcept llcn,;:h 11 oft Dl4cov~ 011 Wondi=i,-
Creelc PJ1t.:-• Claim.

U,S. Mll,u .1 Survey 895, ueapt th.At port:11111 of11ald Wld w:lihln
th11 Mab') B1111ch Cllllm.

u.s. w..1.1 ..i Slll"Vcy sea.

u.s. Mil,1.1.lSurvey 897,

U.S. Ml,,t,I 'alSUrvey HD,

U.S. W.,1.> "'15~ 88&.

,. U.S. W.,t,I .lSlll'Wy 707,


U,s. Ml,,1.l 'al Survey 710.

u.s. w::r.r~.surwy 111.

U,S, Ml';f.r":..SIU'Vlly 712, i
U.S,.W':tr.1 SurvCJ'?13,
• U.S. Ml~ S111'VD3' 71f..

No. 1 AJ,•,,.-..Pl= nnd No, 2 Abcrvo D1no:,a,c.r., kl U.S. Wucnl
Survey d f;,
U,S.J.11';?::i", Sunq7l0,


P•!OJ If OJtJ:xhibJt "Aw attached to deed d,tcd ~ 1

\ !),. • l07S. bahr1'11Z!
UV lndutt:rlaa, me, -ll1d Aluh Gold Ccmpu,,y aweririr pn,pcrtfaa locu.!dla the
Capo Nome R«ui:dii:i,r D!ab-:lc:t,
U.S. Mln11ralSunoey'1l1.

u.s. Mh111r&1Sunoey na.

U.S. MJ.neral.Sunoey 71D.

U.S. Mh1tlral Survey 720.

U.S. Mlner-.l Sunoey 7:1.

u .a. Mtaet"al si:n,ey 722.

U.S. MIMralSurvtiy73D,

U.S. ?,UurdSurvny 7tll, exc,eptm tmdlv.lded 1/lfi!ltcrut.

O,S. !illilcrd S\ln'cy 7U,

U.S. MinllnlSurvq 7!1D,

U.S. Mineral Sllt'VeJ' 71111.

U.S. MineralS\ln'O)" '16'1.

U ,S. Wsi~Survey 711&.

U.S. Min11r.:IS~ 711!1.

D.S. W:>llrd.S~,iy 7711.


u.s. !,!h:m·.i~ uo:i.

U,S. Ml:>11nl SUrvey tlDt.

U ,13. ldh:iudSw;-vey 11D!1, ucept U..tportlori of odd land conv117ed

to th• St.te of Ala.ab b7 deed ~ a d Pcbruuy ll, 1Gll3, ira Book
2CD, Pap :ic, lllld de1crlbod U tollow11:

Be,(inn!ng •t • p,ob:,.t am.mtm Tith Con:ierNo, let aaid

<Ill.a oral aurvl!J' cl Hid 4WHDce Pl•~ and wl.!b Cai:ner
Ne,, TcIWne.n.lGurveyNo. ll12otNo, J.Plat ~
l'l.aoerand ~m ,rh!ch U.S. Lca,,t1ai:,. ?Ja,:,,wnentNo, ll
bear.I:! lil'"lTl2z• 2 5352.liO ft: tlnu,ce N 211920' B 512 .10
tttoaptdi:itcommonw!lb O;in111~N,;,, DofMln~S~e,-
No. 11011 ot411'r't1Il.t'ePw:e:t' &D.d ,ritb Coma:-No. -1 of
I,qtuBmich, hllnl'1'-.l SIU"Ve;T Nn, ue:t; th!l!lceN 111•sa•
W :in.CO ft to •pclnt oomma11 lrith Comer No. 2 o f ~


-• t ·tb ri1ie:i sez :==


I" f ~fr'·~~'%,'?~~"'l.!'~-.•......~\t1'<ro!!'..-=,,;i-f.9~~~r.~~~
'°;;\-: ir::."', · · · - · ·ElvOl(.·'-.Fr, · nWE
• ' • N11mc R,:an,.!i"ll Oi11ri~t

Pago 'lorEli:hiblt "A• atta.chcd to deed d a t e d ~ 1111-- ,
1G76, bel\feen
UV lndwrtrles, lno, and. Ahaka Gold Co=pmy covering p:t" localed tu the
Cap" Nomi, lh1cotdlng Dl11trlct.

l-ARC-!203; thcoca du" Baat 573, 70 ft to a point on Line

2-3 ofMl.nenlSurveyNo. 1105 oftawrcuc11Pb,Cfll' ooi,unon
with Corner No, 3 of Leu" l-MC-4.2015; tbaoce S 34•57 1
W 5i,3.g3 ft to a polnt 011 L!n" 4-1 or Ml.nenl Survey No. llBt
ort~tcr Bench Pl•= commo11 with Co:1,oer No. 4 o!!,cu,e
l-ARC-4201: S 34•57, W 220.30 :It to tba lnltl.t point
&lid phco of beginning,

U.S. MlueralSurveiy 1111.

U.S. Minerd Survey 1112, e:cct1pt that porliou of uaid land a:111v1.yed
to thoSU.teorATaok" by deed rea>rded Febn,aey I, lln, Jn Book
24g, Page 34, deecrlbcd u followa:

Begl.oolng •ta paint common fflth Corner No, '1 or add

mlnaral aurvey of 11ald claim aod with Conlor No, l of
All.tiers! Sw:vey No, 1105 of Lawr"m:oPbccr: thl!llco
s 73•35• B 57 .on to• polnt on Lb:111 4-1 of M.lnanl.Survey
No, 1184 ofLe,torBcochPlum• commou with CormsrNo,
5 o!I.eu11 l-ARC-UOB; thaoce S 715•35• B 201,10 ft to a
pclo.t common with Conier No, 15 o!Mlil.aral Survey No.
1112 of No, 1 Flat Crock P4cer &11d with Corner No. 8 of
teue lw.utC-taOI: thcoct1:S 1ol133' W 332,13 ft to apolnt
common with Corner No. 'l ofLeue th1111oe
du.e West 313,,&2 ft. to a polnt on Uoo 'l-1 ofJ4LocnlStu:Tey
No. 1112otNo. 1 Flat ~Placer; thmi.CIIN 2..21' B
f3S.f3 ft. to the ID.H!al point md place ofbc&lnm-nl•

D.S. MlneralSu.rvey 1118,

U.S. Ml.oenl Sll.rVII)' 111'1',

D.S. Ml.oara!Su.rv03' wa.

D.S. Minenl.Smvq iu,.
U.S. Ml.oeralSu.rvq llH.

U.S. WoenlSu.rvey ;125,

U.S. MJ.oenl Survey 1127. =ept thatporlion that omtlic:ta ,

B. O. Bench Jllcht Umlt Wood er Cre&lc: u e:ccluded in the d1od
h'Otlll'ionaer MID.log• Ditch Co. reccttded 5/10/3~ii1 Book 215,
• l'a(O 13.


O,S. lllnen1Survt!7 ll32,

U.S., llU.

• ---•-•~•····-··~ . , _ ~ ~ - •.;,-_,.,,;·•·•·••·=•·•-·•-•·•·.i••Fl•·•·•••M""'
• _____..,,,:..;:.-d;.a_s•••••

Pag11 I 11f bhlblt •A" attached to deed da!ed

j ~ \"\ , 1875, between
UV 1Dd11t1tries, hie, and All.Oka Gold Cclllplll:l,Y covcrillgpropcrll,:11 located In the
C.p11 Nome l\ecording D:1.trlct.

U ,S. Mineral Survey 1131S. I

U.S. M!Jicral Survey 113D.

U,S. Mineral Survey 114.2.
Uadlvl.ded 1/Untercet, U.S. Min

U.S. MlncralSurvcy1UD.

u.a. M1.n11ra1aurvoy nao.

olSur-vey 1145,

U,s. Mlnera!Survey 1151.

U.S. Mineral Survey U53.

U.S. MLc.a:ralSurvey llSt.

U.S. Mineral Survey 1155,

U.S. f.llii11nl Survey llSIS.

u .s,
Nlneral slll'VI!¥ 1161, =cp thnt po:rtfo:i that con.tllcta with
e. o. Banch lli1btIJmitlfo;id11r 11B m:eludcd. ln; tho dood
trem Pioneer Mlnlng I Dltcb 0:,., corded 5/10/35, Bc,olc; 215,

U,S. ¥!n&n!Survey 1110.

--U,a. Ulneral.Sllrvq UIS,

U.S, Ml:ltl"Ql.S~lll,, e=ep
·w th11 Stde of Aluka. by deed
·t:ll, Page u. de11c::rlb1!d U !'ollo

B11guming at a pclnt oi,, 11 3-,

ol Bllld aurvc;y
of Hid clalJll CODll:IICtl wl. Coni11rN0. Bof!dl.narlllSurvo.y
No. 1105 ofLt.WX'llllcll Ph And Coniar No. l cf ,.
Ll!atie 1-ARC-U0t: theco s ea~w B s12.110 tt to aPQ!nt
COlllmOc wl.tb O:im11r No. of!dl.non,lS\11'VCYNo. llB't
ofI.ostl!rBlll:l.cbl!'lacer with Corr111r No. 9 ofL,,,wrenco
PlaOIIZ', Mlnc:ral SIU'VI!)" • 1105; thet1cc S 20 11 041 W 88'1' .65
ft to a polut = r.l.n11 4-1
d1.1a limit t51.D!i a to a
all.Id teirter Beech Pacer. thccco
t C0mll10!1 '0i'ith Cor:ae.rNo. 9 of
Ll!atie 1-AllC··U0I; thlll:l.o N 18 1145' E 1148,80 ft to a pllict
COl!mlOZI wl.tb O:it'.11111' No. or Le4Jio 1-ARC-U0B; thanco
N 7'•321 B DS.T0 ft to the tin] point end plllClll c!b11ginnlng.

U.S. M!nffalSurvoy UIIS.



:,. ,,• I'

,• Page 9 1;1rEshlblt "A" 11tlneh1!.d to deed d a t e d ~ \'\)).. , 197/i, between

0V lnduotrico, Iac. ll.lld Al118ka ~Id Company covering pn,portlos loc11.tllli 111 tho
C11.po Noo:ic Rccordlng Dlotrict,

U.S. M.b:,erll.lSurvc:y 11B7, e,:ccpt that porbe11 o! oald. ll>nd COllVcyed

to tho Clt,y at Nome by Deed November B, 1981, m Boak 24/i, P11g11
1B5, dcoc:nhcd 1111 followo

Bcgi:ullng at the Corna.I;' 15 af sidd U.S. Minerd.Survey

Na, 1187 oftha uald clalm: lhe11co S 011.10• E 75.20 !oet
to 1tu Cornal' No. 8', thence N 77°10' E 11&7.BO feet to
Ito Corner No. 7, tho11cc S 41°00 1 W 854.60 !eat to its
Corncl' No, 8, thence S B1°5C 1 E 637 .:10 fqet to 1to
Cornlll' No. 8: then ca S 711".57 1 W Bll.20 J'""t to !ta Co=ar
No. 10; the11c11 N '11°301 w 1ace,10 f,:,e;t to II pob:it 011 tha
boundllr)" Wlo between Corner No, 10 11.11d Comer No, 11
ct 11Gld clllUII Minet'al Survey; thenco N 81 111:10 1 E Mll.59
fed to Comer No. 5, tha ia.ltlal point 11.11d pl1ca ofba- I
ginui:ig, 11.11d IUJlo o,:cept 11.11 undlvldod 1/3 in~otin
that pDrlio11 of ou.ld lond Jmown 118 Mcloo11 Deneb. J.
U.S. MinoralSurvoy 1170.

U.S. Ml.r:icnzlSurvcy 1113,

U,S, M111orc1Survoy 1115.

J U.S. Minanzl S\1.1:Vcy 1178.

U.S. Mb:lllnlSurvoy 1117.

Undlvldcd 1/2 interoot, U.S. Mlnlll'lll Survey l108'.

Undlvidcd 1/2 Ultaxeat, U.S. !.ll.nlll'lllSu.rvo.y n~a.

Uodlvlded l/2intuoist, U.S. Wnanl.Sunioy uao.
Undlvidcd 1/2 intorcot, U.S. Minlmll.Survcy 1181,

U.S. Ml.o=nl Survey 11B2,

U.S. MlncrulSun,ey 1183.

u.s. MlnllnlSurvc,y uec.

U.S. Mlll~Survey ll85.

U,S, Ml.auuJ.Survoy 1189.

U.S. Ml.a=n!Survey 1182,

U.S. ldl.oorll.lSurvi,y 1193.

r, • 11 orlQ ,.,..


Paga 1Do!Exhib1t nAn attached to deed d a t e d ~ t1'!..,, , lil'l'S, betwc:c::i '1

UV !ndu1triea, tnc. 1.11.d Ab.cka Gold C0111paey coverlng propertl.ea loeatedln the
Cap a No111a Rccordhig Dl11trict.

tJ.S. lllneralSurvey llDi,

U.S. Mineral Survey l1.V5.

U,B. Mh1eralSurvey 11.VO.

U.S. Mineral Survey 1U7.

U,S. Mincral Survey llDII.

tJ.B. l&eralSurvoy 11gg.

tJ.S. ll111aralSurvey 1202.

U.S. W.,,eral Survey UOS.

U ,S. lllnenl Surv,,y 12Dt.

U.S. Mineral Survey 1205.

U,S. Millenl.Surv07 12011, except thu pol'ticn of aald l.lZldlymg

wl.lh!n U.S. Mlnual.Survay 123:1,

U.S. ldlnual Survey 1207, ~cept ~ " Tn.ct.

U11d1'rided 1/t hitercat 1n Webb Addi.ti= U.S. MJ.neral

Survay 1210,

u.s • .IJ!Aoral.Survey :ml, ~tBcncb. Cla.lm 11,

u.s. Wnanl Surv07 1212.

U.S. Wnenl Survey 1217,

U.s. r.llncral Survey 121g,

U,S, Wnora1Survey123D.

U.S. MinaralSurvey 1321.

U ,8, lllncral Sl.ll'Vq 1222.

U.S. Mlnanl.Survey 122",

U.S, MlnlWllS=J" 12H,

U.S. ~Survay 1226.

U.S. MlnenJ.Surve;, 1321,

. ~·-.:~
; i ;' ~ , ,_.
1 . ~pi.;,, ...,,, .. i:.'.,;,i·:.. \ .' .. , . . ,•
·-1.h,.-~ • . . ,...,. ,'. -.~'-'

. _s_,.,,.,.,,..._=-...; ~. .• _


Pag11 llo!Emib!t "A" atta.ched to deed da.ted ~~ \1~ , 11175, between

UV Ind1111b::ic11, Inc. and Ahokt Gold Company c:ovuingproperti&11 lc:,c•l11d ll1 lh11
C.p11 Nom11 Rccord!ng Diatrlct.

U.S. Mlnanl Survey 122g.

U.S. Minenl Survey 1230,

U ,S, M.loenl Survey 1241. '

U.S. MlllenlSurvey 12tll.

U.S. Ml.o.11nl Survey 12n.

U.S. Ml.o.cnl Survey 12ta.

o.s. W...•nl S=ve,y l~tD, CIXC<lpt that porl!on ol 11.W. 1-nd

conveyed to th11 City of Nome by Deed, reeorde,d Nove=ber S,
lQ51, ll1 Book 2t5, Pq11 1115, d11aerlbcd ..., !ollowa:

B114Ull1Ulg •t Conier No. lo! lh11 add mh!.eral

ourvcy or u.ld cldm; thei:ie11 S 71 11ST' W lOT .110
reet to its Conia.r No, 2; thonce- N 2s•u 1B
'120.20 feet to ite Comer No. 3; thl!nce s s1•011
B 320.02 !1111t to its Com11r No. Q; lhei:11111 S
41932' W 721.40 feet to Ccmier No. 1 o[ u.ld
mlnanl 11\lrVcy o!11dd clal.m, th11 initial polo.!
&o.d place o! beginniol'.

lJ.S. ld.lJ:tai-aISurvey 1250.

U.S. Mlo.enlSurv11y 1251,

U.S. Mlo.enl Survey 1252.

U.S.' 125:,.

U.S. Ml.nanlSurvey 125,.

Undivided 5/1 interut, lJ,S, M.lnenI Suney 1255.

U,S. Mlo11n.lSurvcy 1251.

U.S, l:lloenlSurvey 12111.

U.S. Mlo.enlSUl'VIIJ' 12112,

U.S, Wnen1Su""J"" l253.

U.S. lfinnnJ.Surn17 l2H.

U.S. lllni:nl Survll)' 12115.

U.S. Wl1enl Survey 12111.


Page 12 o t ~ t ~A" attached to doad d a t e d ~ ~ 11 ~ .

1075, b0twc=
1JV Induetrioo, Inc. n..nd AlGllka Gold Company ~gp:i;,;,portico 10(£:A"I ll1 the.
c,p11 N01J:10 Racording Dlatrlct.

U.S. Mit11:ralS1,U;Vey lZ84.

0.S. l>lu,l!lrlllSllriroy 1287.

U .s. !.hnoral. 81,U;Voy 1208.

Uudlvldcd 2/3 intoraot, U.S. t.nn~S\l.rVoy 1280.

U .s. WD.imzl SIU'Vey 1282.

U.S. Mblmil Survoy 1283.

Ucdlv.ldcd 1/4 i n ~ cc C011011ve Fnctfoll, undivided 1/4

1Dte.Nllt ll1 Coe.vex P:raat!oll, and UDdMded 7/U b:itoxeot le
'l'ibbctbJ Bo®b, O.S, WclU'Dl.SutV0y 1204.

u.s. M!nenl.Survayl288.

U.S. Mic.anlS\l.rVey 1291,

U.S, Mhuu;c!Suney 12118,

IJ,S. Ml.t,_lltalSurvey 1209.

U,S. M!no:-111 SUJNey 1301. '

U.S. Mlcord SIU'Vey 13D2. '

U.S, Mittllm Survey l8D3. :-
U.S. Mlcl!lrd SIJX'\faJ' 130&.

U,S. Mlcar:n!Survey 1308, ,f

U,S. Nlnonil Survey 1311!1.
U.S. Mhlaral Sllt'Vey 1310.

0 .S, Mhllmll Sun'c,y 1311.

U .a. UhlOl'lll.Survey 131:t,

O.c.divi@d 3/4 fc.ton,.o-t, U.S. lillllcm,l,sy 1313.

U.S. blb:!..c,.nlSUl'V'IJ' 131', excopt an ~dlv.ldnd l/2«b

lc.!etootll1Aua,m'llo C&c8'U"I.Dd do:, ~tthn.tportlt>tl
or Sandy- Ena!.io'D Cllll~ t,;i Irri.B,.wttl by deed dlllod
f/J.B/27, rac:c,l'dod 5/12/28. Book :us, Paa,, as •


Pnga 13 ofEzhlb1t "A~ attached to dl!od dnlcd

"-W\o-v&o \'\'(,, ,
11175, bt!l'WOCD
UV lnd1111trlea, Inc. 11I1d Alaok11 Gold Compo.DY c:ovcrhlg p:roperticuloeatcd in tho
Capo N01110 hcording Diutrlct.

U.S. Mu:io:ralSw:-vey 1310,

U.S. MinorlllSurvey 1311.

U S. IUnc,ral Survey 1318,

U.S. t.11.nonil.Sw:-voy 13111.

o.s. ~Unorol Survey 1321. l
U.S. l&c:ral Survey 1323.

u.s. lll.nualSw:-voy 1324,

Undivided 1/2 intucat, U.S. Mlnuel Survoy 1330.

U.S. Minc:ral Survey 1333,

U,S, Mincnl Survey 133t.

U,S, Mlnc:ral Survey lS35.

U,S, Mln=ilSurvcy 1338.

U.S. litlnual Slll'VO)' 1338,

U.S. Wnc:ral Suna)' 1339, o=apt tha~port!on of odd land

convoyed tQ J. s. Walto by daed nf;urd..a 8/18/'2.fJ, in Book
211, Pago 333, and nzcept that port!an. of 11111.d lllnd convoyed
to the U.S.A. by deod ncoi:ded S/28/88, in Book :ua. P~o
125, that cerlaln portlon of 4rlb:D,;-llr;ol:l~cphet-nllldy-
Bu.Rka•FIIIDIJU11-tbld11%1- 1111d Rarrlot Plll..ou', more pttdcularl¥
daacrlbod ao1g]lawa, to wit:

Bcglnnlng .v.t O,n,er No. l, Jdont!eal with a point cin

llni:i 4.·5o1'Leeo ca- ue111y md botwaon.
Sta.tao Smelting Befmlng and Ml.nh:ig C=pui,y 111:1d
Nomt Wnt!D, lnc., l'rith the United StatM gf Amnrlca
and the l.nll!rllcc:tion thereo.f with u.a. Cwpa of
Rrlgl.neon:i Grid CooTillnuo N. 101,000 f:ran whlcb
hltenectlcn U,S.L,M. 1·C bear11 ~ 23o04, W SO!i,08
t.cot: thmi.l!fl duo Enzrt HO.OD faot dong o«ld ,irld
• llillt to CQn,si- No. 2: the:i,;,a s 10°58'
w 503,00 rcet t,;, 0:,mm- No. a: th.llnco s 3~ 0011 w
4.Bt,U feet to ComuNQ. 4, from whanco COrnor
L9 cf.odd Artblll""Brcmc:o-Ccphcl·Dancb-E\u'l!ka·
Famouo-Goldi:n.m:id Barrlatl'Ia=, U.S. Mlllenl
Survey No. 1339 baaro N 71°63 1 W 71g,9 teoti the11co
N 16"111 E 857.ili feet to C.or.11.or No. 1, tha l.nltbl
point mdpla,;o afbogl.m:,hlir, the wholo,


, • IIOOK ~?6 PAGE~
• Nnm.11 R«t1Mln" m,tna ~ s1l

P•io 1' o!E:dilblt nA" attRChod to dead dntad ~½tR4 d!!...- , 1075, between
UV Indualrlno, Inc, and AllLllkD Gold Comptm,Y i:overlng propcsrtlco lac:Jl.lGd 1n tba No1n11 Eocorduig Diotrict

an::! cxc~t that port!cn otoa!d llllld ccnvoyed to tho Cil;y ofNom11
by clcodr=dcd 1/9/84.1nB00k.240, Page 320, tbat,:,,rtc,.ln
p11rt!c11 of Artbur-llro11c:o-Cephcl-Dandy-Bur11lul-1'11mcua-Gold,m
,md Bllffl11tPllleer, moro pnrtleularl,y d""<:ribad a.a !olli:nro, to

Fro1n Comer No, 10 ottba Arthur, Bro:aco,, ml.n.b:,,g

cl.aI.m, O,s. Mmanl S = y No. 1339; thence S 63°.14 1 E.
a d1ata.,:,.ca or T!S.1,4.4. t.iatto th11 NW ccrngr of tho p:r<iporl;y
hondn doocrlbad, .and tho polntol'bogw:,ing; th1111ee S
25".ID' W, a. dl.rrta,:,.e,, of 140,00 !.eat to tho SW c,,:,mgrot tho
propcrrty herdn dooc:n.bcd, Froro thur =~, the United
Statca Land ldoo11I11ent No. C-.1 bl!aro S eo 0 J5' W, 11. dlatai,.,;:a
of M8.l7 loot. Thenca S Bt 0 u• E, a dl.otazica ofil!0.00 foet.
ThDDCII N 25°19 1 E, a. d11rta.o.c11 of 140.00 teat. ar to th'2 top
of bank oftb.o So.aka Rlwt'. ThDDca N 84. 1141' W, 11. dlotanee
of 250,00 roo-i, or with m1111.t1dcro nlong the ho.ale ofth■
Snako lUvor, to tho polnt o!beat,u, Tha llbcvn d1111c:rll>od
portion oftba AJ-tbu:c-, B,:onco, at.Ill., mm!Dg claim, U. s.
Ul.o.anl Sun,ey 1339 enCOll'p~llllO!t thooe lat.a ol:iown 11<1 Latu 8,
9, 10, 11 and 12 ottha N01110Towni.lto, U, S, Surny No. 4.51,
and a.a 11howlt all tho afl!dal plat thoroc!,
and ~ t that poriio;1 of oaid la.o.d c:anvoyed to the State of Alo.Gb.
by deod .l;'ll<;Ordod 11/8/68, hi Bock 281, Paga rt, tho 1biw.Lrr£
do1u;:dbod real ootato 11!11.111tod in Arthut', B.nmco, ot •.d., that
portlon ol'Bloclc 135 Nomo Townollc, U.S. Survey '51, IIKlnl par- I
tleulu)3 ducribod Bfl 1bllowc: ·J
Commlll:lclaQ' at Conlcr No. 11 c,f tho Artlmr, lkoxu:o, .,)
Cephlll, D ~ , lhtr;-olta., Famouo, Golden a11d li,s:niat '
Pb.te'I', 'M,S, 1339 lrcm whlcb U.S.L,M, 1-C boaro I
S '1'2"55 1 W 1155 toot moro or lllllll, procoad s 14013 1 w
192 ract to a polnt 011 lha lino bctwc11n Comer No, 11 and
ConlcrNo, 12 ofArthu:r, Bro11co, Cephd., Dandy,~.
Famou11, Galdon and HllrrlctPlllc:er, M,S. 1330, tha trua
pla,;c ofbog:b:mlng, which 111 Cor:llcrNo. 1 ofSlaughtc:r
Houao Sito: proeoed S 14°131 w .17-' toot to Camor No. 2; j.
Uumco N 04°u• W 28'/' toct to Cornor No. s: tb1111ee N 25"10'
E UO toot to O)rner No, 4: tho1:u:11 S a. 04..1 1 E 252 !oat to tho
truo ploco of bogiDDJ.l:lit,

111:1d al.a ~opt tb,rt portion of llllld Ulld <:anVIIJ'lld to th.n City ot NQ:110
by dead :re~ed 1/10/80, hi Bock :.181, Pago 259, !hut corimn ponlon.
ofthaArtbur, Bronco, Cephcl, Dll!ldy, Euraka., FlllnOlli;o, Golden 11.!;d
Hamat Ph.i:ar M.S, 1339, 111onr pnrtlculorly doac:ribod 1W mllO'lll'o;

llogiDDJ.l:lit ■t Conuir Ni;,. 1, ldco.t!<:11111Jith tho ocuth'lll'C11t I.

c:arzia:roftbe. ct'Nom.11 l'oweX"Plant Sita, from whlcb
U.S,L.M. N11. 1-CboltttlS 80°161 W 548 • .l'l raotp~

. ,.

L !! __ b.N)EC!


~,,.,..,,..,.._, '·,," ... "'."·' · ·~~~f~.z.~:'"~:.; Gd#l

Pago 15 ofE:l:hlblt nA" nlhiehod lo deed d&led ~~ !'1C , 111'15, b11twn,m
UV Indu.atd.CII, Inc. w,d Alulcn Gold C,;1111pany ,;ovcri.Qg pn,pozbca lix:11,t,xi 1n the
C..po Nomo ltcoordlng Di.utrlcl.

S 0'4"41' E 25D feet to Corzior No, 2: th= N 2&"1111 E

HO !cot to Cornor No, 3; thcmco S 81°41' E 80 feet to Cov:>.Cl:'
No. 4; lhD!lce s 25°111' W 1'10 fc,ot to Can,.IU" No. 5; tber,,eri, l'
5 Bl"U' E 287 r.,...t ta Comor No. 6, Apolnt on lln11 botwoett.
Conu,r No. 11 and Corner No. lZ ot 11a.ld claim: th11n01:1 "1otig
nld cbdm prccced S U 111S' W 3(0 !cct to Comv No. 7: thMca l
N 8t 0 tt• 253 !<!<!I to Comor No. B, npointon bcnmdar,yl.l.iio ~•j
bctwocn Cornc,r No. l lllld Con111r No, 22 ot lllBB Airport f
r...11110: thatu;11 north 118 r~ to Comar No, 0 ldont1cal "'1th
Comar No. 22 or 1RBO Ahpc,rlLoue: th'""o'"N :i., 000• W ~....,
278, 7 toot to CcrnosrNo, 11 id1111t1Cl!l with Co:n1Cl:'Na. U of ·•
1885 Auport teua; th,mco N 8t u• W l~O.Z !oet to Corn.or

11 ldentlcnl '111:ith CornuNo. 20 ot 1118!'1 Ahs,ort t.uuie: thl!llCO

N 25°19' BU 1'110I to CcirnwNo. 1, tho truD place ot bea{l:ming.

tJ ,S, Mhi11ni.l Survey U40.

f.l Spoc!m,m o.nd wuilvidcd 1/8 Ultcr11ot U1 13 Sp,;cla.Ol)., in O,S.

Mb:lcnl.Survey un.

U,S. Mlaoral.Swvcy 1!114,

u.s. Waarllll Survey un.

U.S. Mlnan!Survey 13U. J

U,S. Wt!llrn!Survoy lSU.

o.s. Wtlcnl 5'1ll'Vc,:,y 1350.

0.S. UlnenlS~l351.

U.S. Wnoral Survcy 1351.

U,S. WtlnralSlll'Vey 1353.

Combi!lat!on, f7 Dbov11, lllld J111111 Aaaoci1t!cn, In U,S.

Mlnox-al Sunr,:,:y 13".

U.S • .llineraJ.Survey 1350.

Undivided 1/2 inw-cat, U.S. Ml.nonl Sun.y 1351.

U.S. Mlnenl.S~ l:ISH.

U.S. J.llnatalSarvoy 13,9.

0,S. MlnDnlSUM'ey 1383.

u.s. MnenalSurvoy use.

-•••flililii>,L..1-.l.ll••--·•••---'""•••-•'"'"""~·•-<••rlWd•••·••••••~•·••'-•"••-•·-·••"'·,-:.--- --·-l


PogelB Df:E:%h.lbJt nA• altachod to dead datad ~ lj ~ , 1976, :r.1:wcmi

UV !nduatrieB, Iae. IL!ld Alaolal Gold Cozcpaqy covorli>g prcpo:rtfc.a loatcd In U,o,
Cclpa Nc11:1a lle,::cnllng Dlatrlct,

Na. 3 Bcnc:hBc!Dw Goodhtck, U.S. Mineral Survey 1308,

U.S. Mitt~SWVeyl:171.

u.s. AUz,Cll'llls11rve,y nrz.

IJ'.S. Miu.era! SllrVay 1373.

u.S. Uinanal.Slll'V",Y U7'.

Undivided 7/2f il,tct'ttf, U.S • .!.UnUGI.Survey 1378,


O.s. Mlnl!nl Sunol!,Y 1378.

D,S. WnualS~ 1370.

U ,S. f.l1nm'111Surv11Y 1381,

Ui1divided l/f .lntdn,,,t, O,S. W:onlll S\.lnt7 JSB2.


u.s. !41.iionl 61Uvay 1387.

0,S. &lln~ SIUVllf l.!114,

D.S. Nb:im'111Survq l.!119.

V,s. Mlnara.lSIU"VDY 1800.

U,S, Mlncnl.Su:.-v.,y 1801.

U,S. Mlnlfflll SittVBY l&OZ,

U.S. Mlnanil Siu-vey 1B03,

D.S. !JhianlSurvay 180f,

U,s. M!n..ra! SIU'Vey 1811, \

U.S, l4izwral.S=r,y 1812, j

F.>;HIBITF ,-,,

"'t:;-~~:r--~~.-~-.~: :·" . ·'· .:-. ,·
'• ~- .. • - . •·
;!£'~:. ----~ ·.- --~'-="""-··•~r-,.~2 .. -- - '
f1l·oic :/76 PAGE f!,.
11g Dismac

,. Page 11 olE:u>l.b1t*'A" .tta.c:hed to delld d•ted

Cope Nome Recordhig Dialrlcl.

11':.,, , 1975, betwcon
UV Illduntrlog, lac, llnd Ahek. Geld Ccapan,y a,vllrlll~pmportloe lc,ca!ad in lbo l I

u.s, MlneralSurvey 11l7.

U,S. Minu.ISurvq 1121, j
Undivided 1/2 b:itcnu,t. U,S. IJ.llle:ral Sun,ey 1835.

tlndlvlded 1/2 lntercot, U.S. Mln!!ralSurvey lBU,

tl,S, MlnonISuney 1833,


U,S. IJ!nera1Si.u:-vq lB31.

U,S. Mb:1cnl Sunq 113g,

l" .S. MlneralSurvl!J'" IHO,

U.S. Mli:icnlSurvey 1141.

U,s. MlneralSllrVey l!n,

U.S. Mineral Survey lHt.

U,S. Mil:,eralSurvay JUG, except the Ell.:lt hAlfof

K•p• A.o90el.atlon.

U.S. Mleenl Survay ttU.

U.S. M.lncnl Survey 11~;.

U.S, Mln11nlSllnCJ" llU.

U.S. Lllncnl Su:r-vey llH.

U,S, Ml.n.eralSun-ey JU~.

u.s. Mlnonlsurvv un.

U ,S. Lllnaral.Survey 187?.

• U.S. WnerdSurva,- llU •

u.s. Mmerll surva,- 1ns.

U.S. l&anl sm-ve,- 1117,

U.S, ll!ncnlSarv.,,. IUII.



Pcagll 18 c!J:::diibit •A'' attached tc deed dalcd ~! 1'7t;,..,- • 1975, ~atwacn
t7V J'udwrtrio,i, Ine, lllld Aluk11 Gold Compa.ny COVl!rlligprcpertica ~ iD lha
Cnpa Nom11 ll.o:ordu,g motrlet,

U.S. !.tl.nnrlll. Blll'VIIJ' 18D3.

u.s. M.tno:rD.161.U'Vay 1808.

U ,S, Mirian! SIU'Vay 189'1'.

U,S. Minanil.Slll'Vey 1B98.

u.s. nll!:,aratSurvoy-2113,

V.S. Allna:rd SunllJ' 21H,

U.S. Ml.nnraISurvoy 2U~.

U.S. !.lliia:ral 131.U'Vay 2UB.

U.S • .Bllna:ral SurvQY 2117.

u.s. !.lliian.l.Slll'VQJ'!!.118.
U,S. Mil:,a:raJ BllrvllJ' 2119.

\ U.S. ldb:len!Su:n,o;y 21211.

{ U.S. kllnenl!hu-vey::u.u.
tr.s. ~S\ll'Ve3"W2. i•
0 ,S. Wnenl BIU"Va;y' 212{. ·I
u.s. M.1i:,iin1Slll'Vey 212s.

U.S. Mlnan!Survay2U~.

75•Ui63 '.

Kt.a 25 4 cz rK '15 ,:.,.
AtQUESTEDJ'!!!'r~•lt 4 ,Jt-'"7-~ 11
J.DDRESS ~9¼, (U: •

__ ,......_,
. >iF


MOV145 (CV)


AT Nome

Anderson & Sons LLC )

Plaintiff(s), )
vs. ) CASE NO. 2NO-23-00057CI
U.V. Industries, Inc. Liquidating Trust, et al )


I request the court's permission to serve the defendant named

See: list of defendants set forth in attached Affidavit of Diliigeot inquiry,
under Civil Rule 4(e), by posting on the Alaska Court System's legal notice website.

I also request to do the fol/owing additional alternative service:

In accordance with Civil Rules 4(e)(3) and 4(e)(6)(B), I would like to serve absent,
deceased and unknown defendants by publication m the Alaska Journal of Commerce


I state the following upon oath or upon affinmation under penalty of pe~ury:

1. A court case has been filed or is about to be filed against the defendant.

2. AH-omptc to Sarvo tho Dafond=inl:. I ol±cmptcd to serve l:hc defendant With the
summons and compralnt by:
D Personal service by process server that was returned unserved, because:
[Attach the return you received back from the process server.]

181 Certified mail, restricted delivery, return receipt requested, sent on 03/15/2016
to the defendant's fast known address:
See attached Affidavit of Diligent Jnguhy
The mail was returned unserved, because: [Attach envelope you received back.]
Post Office notation indicated that the respectiove defendents were unknown,
deceased, or no longer at that asdress.

Page 1 of4
av~14s (4/23) avn Rule 4(e}
3. Attempts to Locate the Defendant. In addition to the above, I made diligent Inquiry
(reasonably searched) for the defendant as follows:
[Check only the boxes that apply.]

a. D I wrote to and/or questioned the defendant's friends and family:

Person Contacted Relationship Results

b. D I wrote In and/or questioned the defendant's current and previous employer(s):

Employer Contacted Results

c. D I checked telephone directories and Polk city directories (available at the library),
and called telephone Information:
Directory Checked Results

d. D I used a locate-and-research company (such as Accurint, Ingens, Motznik, etc.):

Company Contacted Results

e. 0 I conducted people-finder research on the internet:

Website Researched Results
.New York Times obit11aries Obih 1ary frn md
Wikipedja Obituary found·
Maine Dlvisiob of Corporations No current information found
f. [El I checked Facebook and/or other online social networks, with these results:
No entries ·· ·
g. D I sent the summons to the. defendant by first,class mail (not certified) In
on _______ [date], with these results:

I enclosed pnstage sufficient for the return of an answer.

h: D I asked motor vehicle registrars at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [lor,,Von(s)J
with these'results: --.~..; , , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CTV-145 (4/23) avn Rule4(e)
i, 0 I called utlllty companies:
Company Contacted Results

j. 0 I searched property tax listings:

Community Searched Results

k, 0 I searched the Alaska Court System's trial court records online

(https:1/ to find any cases Involving the defendant.
Then I went to the courthouse to check the fi/e(s) for a current address and
found: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

I. D I searched court records outside of Alaska:

Location of Court Results

m. 0 I searched recorded or filed documents at

(1) /gJ the Recorder's Office of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources
(https:/, with these results:
No relevant conve1Ya□ ces found
(2) 0 a recorder's office outside of Alaska: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
with these results: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

n, 0 I searched business llcense Information at

(1) ~ tho Ak:1ck::I Oiviclon of Cor-por.:itlon~, Bu:1inc:1:1, and Pn:,~Jont1l Uo::nslng
(http:/[www.commerce.alaska,oov/web/cbplD, with these results:
No results found

(2) 0 other local and state agencies outside of Alaska, with these results:

o, 0 I believe that the defendant may be in the military, Therefore, I contacted the
following military locator service(s):
0 Air Force: (210) 555-2550
0 Army: (855) 771-5357
0 Navy: (866) 827-5572 or (901) 874-3388
0 Marines: (703) 784-3942
0 Coast Guard: (866) 772-8724
with these results: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

CIV-145 {4/23) avn Rule 4(e)


I!! p. D I made the following other attempts to locate the defendant:
"'0: 4. The purpose of these efforts was to give the defendant notice of the case, so that the
0: defendant could appear and defend it.
5. I believe other methods of seivice (for example: publication in a print or onnne
newspaper, email, messages on the defendant's social network account, physically
posting on the defendant's front door, etc.) may be more likely to give the defendant
actual notice. Therefore, I did the following:
For unknown defenants John Doe 1-V, this is the only way to locate defendants. In
conJunctlon with the named mdiv1dual I rustees (other than David Fmkelstem for
whom no mrormallon could be tound), obttuanes or W1Krped1a entries md1cating date
of death, md1cate mat there rs no other way to serve them. Marne Div1s1on of
corporations has no current mformaflon on ffie I rust. Sharan Steel accepted seivrce.
After completing the actions described above, I do not know the whereabouts of the defendant,
and I do not know of any other sources of Information I can use to learn the whereabouts of
the defendant.
JP Tangen
Print or Type Name

\it,·,¥\~ :nc,;,:,a,..,
Subscribed and swam to or affirmed before me at_-'<''-',..L.l~t'-"-4"----W----"'"'51>
on \wo;ii<:k 7.1 , Tcf,?.;-5 •

cJurtc1erk, notary publlc, or other

person authorized to adminl,t_r oat~
My commission expires: \a 11----i CL-;l'.l--:l


G:,,...... r::t::Y:t «-.


CTV-145 (4/23) avn Rule 4(e)
AT Nome
Anderson & Sons LLC )
Plaintiff(s), )
VS, )
U.V. Industries Liquidating Trust, et al

Defendant(s). l CASE NO. _ _..e2,_,N.,,,Oc,-2,,,3~-0~0~05~7csC<0.I_ _

[NOTE: This notice may not contain a minor child's name. You may use initials instead.]
To Defendant: U. V. Industries, Inc. Liquidating Trust
You are hereby summoned and required to file with the court an answer to the complaint filed
in this case. Your answer must be filed with the court at
Nome Alaska
within 30 days alter the last date of posting of this notice. You must also send a copy of your
answer to the plaintiff/plaintiff's attorney named: ~J-~P~·~T~a~n~g~e~n~----------
at this address: P. 0. Box 297, Hansvil/e, WA 98340

If you fail to file your answer within the required time, a default judgment may be entered
against you for the relief demanded in the complaint
This is an action for* Quieting Title to a fractional interest in US Survey 1294, located in
the Nome Recording D1stnct, Second JudIcral □ ,strrct, Alaska

Toe rellef demanded is Title be quieted in the Plaintiff

--- - - - - - - - - - -- ----------,
You have been made a party to this action because
You may have an interest in this matter


AUG 2"1 2023

* Explain nature of the action. If real property is involved or has been attached, give legal
description and specific location of the property. If personal property has been attached,
describe the property. If a mortgage Is to be foreclosed, state names of all parties thereto
and dates the mortgage was executed.

CIV-101 (4/18)(cs) Ovit Rule 4(e)(4)

AT Nome
Anderson & Sons LLC )
Plaintiff(s), )

U.V. Industries Liquidating Trust, et al

CASE NO. --~2,..,N,-0~-2~3c,-0"'0~05~7c..,C,.,_I_ _
[NOTE: This notice may not contain a minor child's name. You may use initials Instead.]
To Defendant: David Finkelstein
You are hereby summoned and required to file with the court an answer to the complaint filed
in this case. Your answer must be filed with the court at
Nome Alaska
Within 30 days after the last date of posting of this notice. You must also send a copy of your
answer to the plaintiff/plaintiff's attorney named: J,c,c.,Pc..·,,,ne;g_,e,,n,___________
at this address: P. 0. Box 297, Hansville, WA 98340

If you fail to file your answer within the required time, a default judgment may be entered
against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
This Is an action for* Quieting Title to a fractional interest in US Survey 1294, located In
the Nome Recording Olstnct, Second Judrc1al Olstnct, Alaska

The relief demanded is Title be quieted in the Plaintiff

---- -------·-------------
You have been made a party to this action because
You may have an interest in this matter


Deputy Clerk

* Explain nature of the action. If real property is involved or has been attached, give legal
description and specific location of the property. If personal property has been attached,
describe the property. If a mortgage is to be foreclosed, state names of all parties thereto
and dates the mortgage was executed.

CIV-101 (4/18)(cs) Civil Rule 4(e)(4)


::, AT Nome
(.) Anderson & Sons LLC
;l Plaintiff(s), )
U.V. Industries Liquidating Trust, et al
,- )
;;; CASE NO. _ _..,2scN,,O"'-"23,,c-~0.s.00,,,5,,7_,,C'-'-I_ _
~ _____________l Defendant[s).
[NOTE: This notice may not contain a minor child's name. You may use initials Instead.]
To Defendant: Arthur R. Gralla
You are hereby summoned and required to file with the court an answer to the complaint filed
In this case. Your answer must be filed with the court at
Nome Alaska
within 30 days after the last date of posting of this notice. You must also send a copy of your
answer to the plaintiff/plaintiffs attorney named: ~J.~P~·~T~a~n~g~e~n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
at this address: P. 0. Box 297, Hansville, WA 98340

If you fail to fife your answer within the required time, a default judgment may be entered
against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
This is an action for• Quieting Title lo a fractional interest in US Survey 1294, localed in
the Nome Recording D1stnct, Second Judtc1al 01strict, Alaska

The relief demanded Is Tille be quieted in the Plaintiff

You have been made a party to this action because

You may have an interest in this matter


* Explain nature of the action. If real property is involved or has been attached, give legal
description and specific location of the property. If personal property has been attached,
describe the property. If a mortgage is to be foreclosed, state names of all parties thereto
and dates the mortgage was executed.

CIV-101 (4/lB)(cs) Civil Rule 4(e)(4)

AT Nome
Anderson & Sons LLC )
Plaintlff(s), )

U.V. Industries Liquidating Trust, et al l
CASE NO. --~2~N~0~-2=3~-0=0=0=57~C=1_ _
[NOTE: This notice may not contain a minor child's name. You may use initials instead.]
To Defendant: Martin Hoiwitz
You are hereby summoned and required to file with the court an answer to the complaint filed
in this case. Your answer must be filed with the court at
Nome Alaska
within 30 days alter the last date of posting of this notice. You must also send a copy of your
answer to the plaintiff/plaintiffs attorney named: J~·~P_,._,T"a"'n~g=e"-n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
at this address: P. 0. Box 297, Hansville, WA 98340

If you fail to file your answer within the required time, a default judgment may be entered
against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
This is an action for* Quieting litle to a fractional interest in US Survey 1294. located in
the Nome Recording D1stnct, Second JU01c1ai U1stnct, Alaska

The relief demanded is litle be quieted in the Plaintiff

You have been made a party to this action because

You may have an interest in this matter

* Explain nature of the action. If real property ls involved or has been attached, give legal
description and specific location of the property. If personal property has been attached,
describe the property. If a mortgage is to be foreclosed, state names of all parties thereto
and dates the mortgage was executed.

CIV-101 (4/18)(cs) Ovil Rule 4(e)(4)

AT Nome
Anderson & Sons LLC
Plaintiff(s), )

U.V. Industries Liquidating Trust, et al
l) CASE NO. --~2,.,Ne,,Oc,-2es3~-□~□~□~57~C"'I_ _
Defendant{s). )
[NOTE: This notice may not contain a minor ch/Id's name. You may use initials instead.]
To Defendant: Edwin Jacobson
You are hereby summoned and required to file with the court an answer to the complaint filed
in this case. Your answer must be filed with the court at
Nome Alaska
within 30 days after the last date of posting of this notice. You must also send a copy of your
answer to the plaintiff/plaintiffs attorney named: ~J~.P~.T~an~g~e~n~----------
at this address: P. 0. Box 297, Hansville, WA 98340

If you fail to file your answer withfn the required time, a default judgment may be entered
against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.

This Is an action for* Quieting Title to a fractional interest in US Survey 1294, located In
the Nome Recording □,stnct, Second Jud1c1ai □ 1stnct, Alaska

The relief demanded is Title be quieted in the Plaintiff

You have been made a party to this action because

You may have an interest in this matter


AUG 2 9 2023
Date Deputy Clerk

* Explain nature of the action. If real property is involved or has been attached, give legal
description and specific location of the property. If personal property has been attached,
describe the property. If a mortgage is to be foreclosed, state names of all parties thereto
and dates the mortgage was executed.

CIV-101 (4/18)(cs) Civil Rule 4(e)(4)

AT Nome
Anderson & Sons LLC

U.V. Industries Liquidating Trust, et al J

Defendant(s). l CASE NO. --~2~N~0~-=23~--

□ -00=5~7~C~I_ _


[NOTE: This notice may not contain a minor child~ name. You may use initials instead.]
To Defendant: Theodore Kheel
You are hereby summoned and required to file with the court an answer to the complaint filed
in this case. Your answer must be filed with the court at
Nome Alaska
within 30 days after the last date of posting of this notice. You must also send a copy of your
answer to the plaintiff/plaintiffs attorney named: J"'.~P~-~T~a~n~g"e~n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
at this address: P. 0. Box 297, Hansville, WA 98340

If you fail to file your answer within the required time, a default judgment may be entered
against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
This Is an action for• Quieting TIiie to a fractional interest in US Survey 1294, located in
Uie Nome Recording 01stnct, Second Judtc18I District, Alaska

The relief demanded is Title be quieted in the Plaintiff

You have been made a party to this action because

You may have an interest in this matter


AUG 2 9 2023
* Explain nature of the action. If real property is involved or has been attached, give legal
description and specific location of the property. If personal property has been attached,
describe the property. If a mortgage is to be foreclosed, state names of all parties thereto
and dates the mortgage was executed.

C!V-101 (4/lB)(cs) Civil Rule 4(e)(4)

AT Nome
Anderson & Sons LLC )

Plaintiff(s), l
U.V. Industries Liquidating Trust, et al l
CASE NO. --=2~N=O~-2=3~-0=0=05=7~C~I_ _
[NOTE: This notice may not contain a minor child's name. You may use initii11S instead.]
To Defendant: ,_P.,,a,,.ul"K-"o""l,,to"n--------~----------~~~
You are hereby summoned and required to file with the court an answer to the complaint filed
in this case. Your answer must be filed with the court at
Nome Alaska
within 30 days after the last date of posting of this notice. You must also send a copy of your
answer to the plaintiff/plaintiffs attorney named: J~·~P~-~T~a~n~g~en~----------
at this address: P. 0. Box 297, Hansville, WA 98340

If you fail to file your answer within the required time, a default judgment may be entered
against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
This is an action for* Quieting Title to a fractional interest in US Survey 1294, located In
the Nome Recording D1stnct, Second JuOlcial D1stnct, Alaska

The relief demanded is Title be quieted in the Plaintiff

You have been made a party to this action because

You may have an interest in this matter


AUG 2 9 2023
* Explain nature of the action, If real property is involved or has been attached, give legal
description and specific location of the property. If personal property has been attached,
describe the properly. If a mortgage is to be foreclosed, state names of all parties thereto
and dates the mortgage was executed.

C!V-101 (4/18)(cs) Civil Rule 4{e){4)

AT Nome
Anderson & Sons LLC

U.V. Industries Liquidating Trust, et al )

Defendant(s). l CASE NO. --~2~N~O~·=23~·=0=00=5~7~C~1_ _


[NOTE: This notice may not contain a minor child~ name. You may use lnitlals instead.]

To Defendant: John Doe 1-V
You are hereby summoned and required to file with the court an answer to the complaint filed
in this case. Your answer must be filed with the court at
Nome Alaska
within 30 days after the last date of posting of this notice. You must also send a copy of your
answer to the plaintiff/plaintiffs attorney named: =-J-~P~-~T~ac.n,_g~e~n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
at this address: P. 0. Box 297, Hansville, WA 98340

If you fail to file your answer within the required time, a default judgment may be entered
against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
This is an action for* Quieting Title to a fractional interest in US Survey 1294, located in
the Nome Record.Ing □ 1stnct, Second Jud1c1al 01stnct, Alaska

The relief demanded is Title be quieted in the Plaintiff

Yau have been made a party to this action because

You may have an interest in this matter


AUG 2 9 2023
Date oeputyderk
* Explain nature of the action. If real property ls Involved or has been attached, give legal
description and specific location of the property. If personal property has been attached,
describe the property. If a mortgage Is to be foreclosed, state names of all parties thereto
and dates the mortgage was executed.

av-101 (4/IBJ(cs) Ovll Rule 4(e)(4)


2 J.P. Tangen
Attorney at Law (P.C.)
3 P. 0. Box 297
Hansville, WA 98340
4 (907) 222-3985



Anderson & Sons LLC, )

Plaintiff, )
v. )
U.V. Industries, Inc. Liquidating Trust, David )
Finklestein, Artl1ur R. Gralla, Martin )
Hmwitz, Edwin Jacobson, Paul Kolton, and )
Theodore Kheel, Sharon Steel Corporation )Case No. 2NO-23-00057Cl
12 and John Doe I- V, )
13 Defendants. )

14 -~-----------)
16 UNDER CIVIL RULES 4(c)(3) AND 4(e)(6)(B)
17 This Affidnvit of Diligent Inquhy has been prepared in support of tho request of counsel for

18 Plaintiff for permission pursuant to Civil Rule 4(e)(3) to serve process on absent, deceased or

19 unknown Defendants by publication.

20 t) A complaint to quiet title in this cause was filed on February 23, 2023.

21 2) Service of the Summons and Complaint by certified mail return receiptrequcsted 1was

22 attempted on March 15 - 16, 2023 on the above-named defendants at their last known address as

23 follows:


25 1 The postal receipts and rclurn receipt rcqucslcd cards arc in the physical possession of counsel
for the Plaintiff.
Pase I oFH pogcs

Anderson & Sons LLC v. UV Industries Liquidating Trust, et al

Affidavit of Diligent Imtuiry in Support ofRequest to Effect Service of Proces.,; by Publication under Civil Rules
4(c)(3) and 4(c)(6)(B)
a) lN Industries, Inc. Liquidating Trust. UV Industries Inc. acquired a fractional

interest in the Concave, Convex and Tibbets claims as the successor in interest to one of the

b) The remaining fractional interest (sometimes referred to as the "Eisenlohr interest")

was owned by another patentee who in 1959 and upon the death of his successors in interest's
personal representative, conveyed the Eisenlohr fractional interest to UV Industries.

c) The summons and complaint were properly sent by certified mail, return receipt

requested, to UV Industries [nc. Liquidating Trust (the 1'Trusl") at the address specified in the

Liquidating Trust Agreement (the "Trust Agreement"). a copy of which was filed with the
complaint in this matter as Exhibit A.
II d) The summons and complaint addressed to each of the individual Trustee

12 Defendants were returned to the undesigned with a notation by the Post Office that the address was

13 "insufficient'' and that the Post Office was "unable to forward."

14 i) According to the Trust Agreement, "[the agreement] "shall be governed by and

15 construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Maine ...." Trust, Article xrv. Miscellaneous
16 Provisions, Section 14.3.

11 ii) The Trust was agreed to and declared by and between UV Industries, Inc., a

18 corporation in liquidation under the laws of the State of Maine and David Finkelstein, Arthur R.

19 Gralla, Martin Horwitz, Edwin Jacobsen, Paul Kolton and Theodore Kheel, as Trustees.

20 iii) The address of the registered office of the Trust in the State of Maine as set forth in
21 the Trust Agreement is One Monument Square, Portland Maine 04111.

22 iv) The Trust was to tenninate not later than three years from the date of transfer of
23 UV's assets to the Trustees.


Pngc 2 of8 pages

Anderson & Sons LlC v. UV Industries liquidating Trust, et al

Affidavit ofDiligeot Inquiry in Support ofRequest to Effect Service of Process by Publicntion under Civil Rules
4(c)(3) and 4(c)(6)(B)
v) After the termination of the Trust "the Trustees [were required to] continue to acl as

2 such until their duties have been fully performed." Trust, Article IV. Duration and Termination of

3 Trus~ Section 4.3.

4 vi) A diligent search of the records of the State of Maine discloses no current

5 information about the Trust.

6 vii) Extensive litigation between the Trust and Sharon Steel Corporation ("Sharon

7 Steel"), the beneficiary of the Trust, did not address the issue ofEisenlohr factional interests held

by lhe Trust and not expressly conveyed to Sharon Steel.2

viii) Ostensibly, Sharon Steel acquired all interest in the corpus of the Trust pursuant

10 to the Trust Agreement.3• 4

11 ix) According to OpenCorporates website,5 UV Industries was a Maine Corporation,
12 Entity Number 19650250D, and was dissolved on March 25, 1980.
13 e) Sharon Steel. Sharon Steel is a named defendant in this case because it is the

14 apparent beneficiary of the Trust.

15 i) Sharon Steel was served with the summons and compliant by certified mail, retuni

16 receipt requested on March 15, 2023.

17 ii) The original return receipt is in the possession of the affiant, a copy of which is

18 accached.

20 2
See: UV Industries, Inc. v. Sharon Steel Corp., 631 F. Supp. 1219 (S.D.N.Y. 1986); United States
21 Trust Company of New York v. Executive Life Insurance Co., et al, 791 F.2d 10 (2d Cir. 1986);
3 UV Industries, Inc. acquired a fractional interest in the Concave, Convex and Tibbets claims as

22 the successor in interest to one of the original patentees. The remaining :fractional interest was
O\vned by another patentee. In 1959. upon the death of the second patentee's the personal
23 representative, the successor in interest conveyed the remaining fractional interest to UV
4 For a detained discussion of the relationship among UV Industries Inc. and Sharon Steel
Corporation please see:
25 smelting-refining-rnining-co/ last reviewed August 1, 2023.
5 me/19650250D, last checked August 1, 2023
Pase 3 ors pages

Anderson & Sons LlCv. UV Industries Liqu;dati11g '/rust, ct al

Affidavit ofDiligent Inquiry in Support ofRcqucst to Effect Service of Process by Publication unclcrCivil Rules
4(e)(3) and 4(e)(6)(B)
iii) Sharon Steel has not filed an answer to the complaint or nn entry of appearance as

2 of the effective date of this affidavit.

3 fJ David Finkelstein. The summons and complaint were sent to David Finkelstein,
4 Trustee, at the address specified in the Trust Agreement by certified mail, return receipt requested,
5 on March 15, 2023, and was returned to sender unopened with a notation on the envelope by the
6 Post office (copy attached) that the recipient was not known and that the Post Office unable to


i) A diligent search of the Internet bas not revealed any contemporaneous infonnation

about the whereabouts or status of the said David Finkelstein.

g) Arthur R. Oralla. The summons and complaint were sent Arthur R. Oralla, Trustee,
11 at the address specified in the Trust Agreement by certified mail, return receipt requested, on
12 March 16, 2023, and was returned to sender by the Post office, unopened, with a notation on the
13 envelope by the Post office (copy attached) slating that the addressee had "moved 5 years" and
14 that it was unable to forward.
15 i) On infonnation and belief, Arthur R. Gralla is deceased. See:
16 hltps:// R. Oralla, last reviewed August 10, 2013. 6
17 h) Martin Horwitz. The summons and complaint were sent to Martin Horwitz at the

18 address specified in the Trust Agreement by certified mail, return receipt requested on March 16.

19 2023, and returned to sender unopened with a notation by the Post Office (copy attached) that the

20 recipient was not known and that the document was "unclaimed."

21 i) On infonnation and belief. Matin Horwitz is deceased. See: obituary, New York

22 Times, July 2, 1985., last

23 reviewed August 9, 2023.

Wikipedia article stales tlmt "Later in life, Oralla settled in Arlington, Virginia."
1'agc4 ors pngcs
A11derson & Sons LlC v. UV lndu.~trios Liquidating Tr11St, ot al
Affidavit ofDiligcnt Inquiry in Support of Request to Effect Service of Process by Publication under Civil Rules
4(c)(3) and 4(e)(6)(8)


I- i) Edwin Jacobsen The summons and complaint were sent to Edwin Jacobson,
u 2 Trustee, at the address specified in the Trust Agreement by certified mail, return receipt requested,
ii: 3
r and relurned to sender unopened with a notation by the Post Office (copy attached) that the
"':5 4 recipient was not known and that the document was "unclaimed."

'"I: 5 i) On infonnation and belief, Edwin Jacobsen is deceased. See: obituary, New York
6 Times
a: i] 01
7 obituarv?id=29392888, last reviewed August 10, 2023.
= " '
=-ti] <(""
N 8 j) Paul Kolton The summons and complaint were sent to Paul Kelton, Trustee, at the
~ --J:~~
• <ii • ti N
e.. ~05§' 9 address specified in the Trust Agreement by certified mail, return receipt requested, and returned
S, X
10 to sender unopened with a notation by the Post Office (copy attached) that the recipient was not
11 known and that the Post Office was unable to forward.

12 i) On infonnation and belief. Paul Kolton is deceased. See: obituary, Stamford

13 Advocate
14 obituary?id=2I l 91780, last reviewed August 10, 2023.

15 k) Theodore Kheel The summons and complaint were sent to Theodore Khecl,
16 Trustee, at the address specified in the Trust Agreement were returned to sender unopened with a
17 notation by the Post office (copy attached) that the recipient was "Decesed. [sic.]"
18 i) On information and belief, Theodore Kheel is deceased. See:
19 ht1ps://en.wikipedia.orn/wiki/Theodore W. Khcel, last reviewed August I 0, 2023.
20 I) Based upon a diligent review of all Internet entries for contemporaneous
21 infonnation about the UV Industries, Inc. Liquidating Trust there are no known successors in
22 interest to their responsibilities the foregoing Trustees under the Trust.
23 m) Unknown DefcndanLc; John Doe I-V In the case oflhc unknown defendants John
24 Doe 1-V. Plaintiff respectfully requests permission to serve them by publication in accordance with

25 Civil Rules ("CR") 4(e)(3) and 4(e)(6)(B).

Page 5 of8 pages

A11dorson & S011s LlC v. UV Industries Liquidating Trusl, el al

Affidavit of Diligent Inquiry in Support ofRequcst to ECT"cctScrvicc of Process by Publication under Civil Rules
4(c)(3) ond 4(c)(6)(B)



~::, 3) Civil Rule 4(c) Sets forth the steps that must be taken with regard to Service of Process
u 2 a) Rule 4(c)(l) authorizes service of process by certified mail, "where a rule so
,- 3 provides."
"' 4 b) Affiant hereby certifies that none of the defendants are infants,7 incompetent
:c s persons,11 a corporation (other than Sharon Steel) or Limited Liability Company ,9 a Partnership,10
6 an Unincorporated Association, 11 the State of Alaska, 12 an Officer or Agency of the State, 13 a
Public Corporation, 14 an Officer or Agency of State as Agent for Non~govemmental Defendant.!1
ge:.;g:~;Q -

8 ~ U n a Forcign.....Country: 16 under the provisions of Civil Rule 4(d).

'1.1) '"....
~ ~.;,O
~ .!!
o?;; a
e.. =,--- 9
c) Civil Rule 4(d)(l 0) provides that service of process upon may be made upon
s a--
~ ~
to "unknown persons who may be made parties in accordance with statute and these rules, by

II publication as provided in subsection (e) of this rule."

12 d) Civil Rule 4(d)(l 2) provides that service of process upon a parly outside the state

13 "as provided in subsection (h) of this rule."

14 c) Pursuant to Civil rule 4(e) 17


7 CR 4(d)(2).
17 8
CR 4(d)(3).
CR 4(d){4).
18 10 CR 4(d)(5).
II CR 4(d)(6).
19 12
CR 4(d){7),
13 CR 4(d)(8).
20 14 CR 4(d)(9).
15 CR 4(d)(l l),
' CR 4(d)(l3).
22 17 When il shnll appear by affidavit ofn person having knowledge of the facts filed with the clerk that aflcrdiligent
inquiry a party cannot be served wiU1 process under subsections (d) or (h) of this rule, service shall be mude by posting
23 on the Alaska Court System's legal notice website and as otherwise directed by the court as provided in this
subsection. The party wlm seeks to have service made under this subsection shall include in the affidavit of diligent
24 inquiry a discussion ofwhetherothermeUlods of service listed in paragraph (e)(3) [Incompetent Persons] may be more
likely to give the absent party actual notice.

PPgc 6 ors pages

Anderson & Sons llCv. UV Industries Liquidating Tntsl, et a(

Affidavit of Diligent Inquiry in Support of Request to Effect Service of Process by Publication under Civil Rules
4(el(3) and 4(cl(6)(B)
i) Affiant hereby certifies that nftcr diligent inquicy it appears that each and all of the

defendants, other than Sharon Steel, herein cannot be seived with process under subsections (d) or
(h) of this rule.

ii) Affiant hereby certifies that this is not an adoption case.

2) Affiant herein seeks by this affidavit a waiver of the requirement under the provisions of

Civil Rule 4(e)(2) to secure service the defendants herein by posting on the Alaska Court System's

legal notice website and by publishing notice of the summons and complaint because the residence

of each of the defendants in this case, other than Sharon Steel, "is unknown or cannot be

determined after inquiry" because the said defendants all appear to be deceased.

3) Pursuant to Civil Rule 4(e)(6), "the court, in its discretion, may require service of process
JI to be made upon an absent party in any other manner that is reasonably calculated to give the party
12 actual notice of the proceedings and an opportunity to be heard. The method of service could
13 include publication of the notice in a print or online newspaper or other publication at least once a
14 week for four consecutive weeks .•. or any method the court determines to be reasonable and
15 appropriate."

16 f) Civil Rule 4(e)(4) says that "fi]fservice is allowed by any metl10d listed in

17 paragraph (3), the puny who seeks to have service made must also send the absent party a copy of

18 the notice and the complaint by mail as required in paragraph (2). Proof of mailing shall be made

19 by affidavit of n deposit in a post office of the copies of the notice and the complaint or other
20 pleadings.

21 i) A:ffiant hereby certifies that the notice in the form of a summons and complaint

22 which stated the nature of the action, the relief demanded, and why the party to whom it is

23 addressed is made n party to the action was mailed to each of the defendants by certified mail,

24 return receipt requested on March 15 or 16, 2023.

25 ii) The complaint, which concerns real property sets forth the legal description of the

Page 7 ors pages

A11derso11 & Sons LLC v. UV Industries Liquidatlng Trust, ct al

Affidavit ofDiligent Inquiry in Support of Request to Effect Service of Process by Publication under Civil Rules
4{c)(3) nnd 4(c)(6)(B)
property and the district in which it is located.

iii) The summons specified the time within which the absent party had to appear or

answer or plead.
iv) A:ffiant states that if service is allowed to be made by publication pursuant to Rule
4(e)(3) 1 the notice wi11 state that an answer must be made not less than 30 days after the last date of

publication and s1ml1 state the effect of a failure to appear or answer or plead.

WHEREFORE, Anderson & Sons LLC permission to serve the notice of the

summons and complaint in a publication once a week for four consecutive weeks

DATED this_ day of August 2023.

J.P. Tangen, Attorney at Law (P.C.)
12 of Attorneys for Plaintiff Anderson & Sons LLC

AlaskaBarNo. 7507051


18 Subscribed and sworn to or affinned before me at ':vb\C\ (lj~n • Washington on August

19 21, 2023.






My commission expires: (p/ 1'71-Z,t,7...']
rnsc 8 ors p:i~
Anderson & Sons UC v. UV Industries Lfq11idating Trust, cl al
Affidavit of Diligent Inquiry in Support of Request to Effect Service of Process by Publication under Civil Rules
4[e)(3) and 4fol[6l[Bl
.'J\,.. I ilUI! IIDlillilUiilillHIIII IIIIUIIIIUIIl/1 lii!}aii1

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!Mil All rL
~ IFlfiOWI:
□ Eltpected delivery dale spaci!ied for domestic use.
ro1 Domestic, shipments inc,lude $i 00 of insurance (reslric!ions~·.pply)! ~
,1 USPS Traclting service included ,or domestic and many in' emef onal destir a ·on,.
'f J.P.Tangen
Attorney at Law (RC)
(1. l?:i Limited international insurance.'¥.: \ ,
m Vt/hen used jntemam)naHy, a customs declaration ioITn is n.\1Uired. P.O. Box297 0,

\\\. Afnsurance does not cover certain items. For dei:ails regarding claims rumtusio~ see ih,
. Hansville, WA 98340 ~I\)\ (y
I. .JI
Domestic Mail Manual athttp:f/ ~\t.1,··\\l
tt: See ln1emational Mall Manual at for availability and limrtaiions r i ~ - =

1 } UV Industries Liquidating Trust




o,no1;rnlrz-J.N 04/lj6/23
I One Monument Square
I Portland, ME 04~01

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·iomostic shipments include $100 of insurance (resiric'!iens apply)!
USPS Tracking9 seroice included l'or domestic ancl many international des-~na:iions.
Attorney al Law (P.C.)
~ ~,\

ti Umilcd international insurance.:h': P. O.Box 297

"' Wlmn nsed in!emationally, a customs declaration form is required. Hansville, WA 98340
'lr,•,m1mr.1, rklo$ not cover certain items. For details regarding claims e:tclusions seethe
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Comp!olo ltoms 1, 2, and 3,
A. S!gnatura
Cl Pilot your nnmo .ind !'.Iddress on the reverse □ Agent { il:lvid Finklestein, Tr»st,ee
. r.o Uml wo c:m rotum lhe card to you.
r - ,- J.11u. 1-1<r:::.-.1f.\l - ·uq;.-c . 81 Received by (Printed Name)
Q Addresseo
C. O:ito of De!fVcry
iUV In · Liq»'tintillg Trust
1 ., 'lit : 920 P rkAven ey ·
1<1,:·ru1m 'l.'Q
/\'l"l'l•:Ml"l'IW -
R ressdillercntfromltcm1? □ Yes
lo!ioxlry address below: □ No
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rP JR\ ~ (Q) tRs ~ "TI~V ®
lMu ~ a tL
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El Elcpec!ec! dAlivery date specified for domestic use.
,ments include $100 of insm-ance {restrictions apply).*
( g9 service included for domestic ancl many inlemalional destinations.
ational insurance/:1c
J.P. Tangen
temationaily, a customs declaration ·iOrrn is required. .
· Attorney atlaw (RC)
-.:rnsuranco does not cover certain itertls. For details regarding claims eJtciuslons seeihe
Domestic Mail Manual at http:1/pe.usps.cotn.
.. ,., -
P. 0. Box 297
u ~oo lnlnrnalinn;.,I Mail l\11,.n,,~1 .... r..u-.11---•·---
" ! JI_ : , .,-,, \,
Hnnsvillc, WA 98340 / ...1.a.{\.'
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1::1 Complete items 1, 2, and 3.
o Print your name and address on the reverse JC
0 Agent°''
D Addrassed I
v.\\ '\..,( fl o·Y
so !hot we can rel um the card to you. B, Received by (Printed Namo) c. Onto Ol DcfiyefY,;! -R-'r-s- ,a,u /-RFS-lN c
m Attach this card to the back of the maHplece, .• _: I
~~on ~h_e_fron~lf_space permits. __ _
o. Is d6.ve1Y address dilfcrcnl frcm item 1? □ Yes '"ft,
-1 A,,t,.i,. A,..,_,,....,.,,.,
If YES, enterdcUwy address be!ow: □ No / '1 ATTEMPTED - NOT KNOWN
Arthur R. Gralla, Trustee UNABLE TO FORWARD
1- UV Industries Liquidating Trust
375 North Oakland Street lll,.ll,l,l,1,11,ll,lllull,11,,.111 .. lllulllulllulll,
Arlington, VA 22203-4839 ......,
\ 1rnm11m1m11m11~m11mmmm11111mirn11 g~i=1:,---~ gijs~~J
\ 9590 9402 7787 2152 4952 69
a~Conta-m.l'JC<l"' I

2. ArtlcloNwnbcr(Transror/romservlcolmo/l

., 7□21 □95□ _□□□1 2661 □6 79 --~"""""""""'

PS Form 3811,July 202~ PSN 7530-02-000-9053
OCo?lcclcnDc!rlU}'Jl.c$hlded~ ~lcdDelivc,y

Domestic Return Receipt. j

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IEiill fJ)O:STJJ.l SERVICE® !Ml h\ □ lL ~ f~~M: ,...-,,, ....~,\--
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( a IJSPS Tracking• sen.rice included for domestic and mam1 ini:emai:ional desiinal:ions.
J.P. Tangen M~~;;;;;~;·•w•ov;;;lu.1cd
D !•lo Such S11c<il D No Suci1 Num~~r
, tJ Limited international insure.nce.m>:
Allorney a/L aw {ta;; 3 11
_?. :,,.,
" ci Wilen used intemalionally, a customs declaration Imm is required. P. 0. Box 297 i1\ /

~ "Insurance does not covet certain items. For details regarding clalms exclusions see the
Domestic Mail Manual at f,-.
f \\
Hansville, WA 98340 ~v l
.., See International Mail Manual at: "Tor avalfabllity and limil:ations of coverage, 1 i


;) il1iiii1111
: f'1 9590 9102 77JJ7 2152 1952 7b
11111 I ~:~·,
· j,
Martin Horowitz, Trustee
UV lndustl'ies Liquidating Trust
50 East 69th Street
I NewYork,NY 10021-5002
United States 0
( I
I Postal Service .Sender. Pfease Print your name, add"ress, and ZJP+4° In this box0 ')
\ I
Attorney tit Lm, (RC)
• I P. O.Jlox 297

I Illansville, WA 98340

tj ......~es~ p /27~ l',• - ()/'

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~ UN!TEDSTJJ.TES tp ~ fil © lRl ~ iV®

Expected deliverlf date speciiied fm• domestic use.
f1\!il A LI IL [ ".,;01\11:
Domestic shipments include $1 OD oi insurance (resmciions apply).*
USl'S 'ii"rac!dng0 service included for domeslic and marrJ[ international cles!inalions. J.P. Tangen .~J
A~ :".fr-\'
Limited intema:lional insurance.* Attomey at Lm11 (RQ)
When uooci intemationally, a customs declaration fo1m is required. P. 0. Box 297 ·;

.surance does noi: cover certain items. For detaifs regarding c!ajms etclusions see the
mestic Mail Manual at http:1/
Hansville, WJ\,/28340
3ee International Mall Manual athttp://pe.usps."for avallabilny
r:?- Y' .i~
' ,.'
:LA=f 1Rw1l(f[E [Efi\qVftJ=O\;E
i ( Edwin Jaco~s~n: Trustee . ; ..
dustr1es fa __: •_ mg·..!
~ 1/

, 340 East 57th Street
·1l•:f·•.5"- 1f•n-,•~t.:;Q
• ..,, ,,,,.::i !i,• lN ,' r,.r,..,,v,._,, l\lV 11022-4277 j. i'
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/liiiJ, 1 l.l"f!TED STJJTES
I?~ B© l?J ~ lf'V ®
M b'.\ DIL ~ r-~~[lll:
El E"pected deli,\ . , date specified for domestic use.
ti Domestic shipments include $'l 00 of insurance (resmc'lisns apply).•·
J. J?. T;mgen
( : IJSPS Tmclting" service included fOl' domestic and many intemaiional destinations.
Attorney at Law (P.C.)
m Limited international insurance.m' I POBox297
a When used internationally, a customs declaration iorm is required. I Hansvme, WA 98340

•insurance does not cover certain items. For details regarding claims exclusions see the
Domestic Maif Manual at
I ._Jx,_f
* See International Mail Mnmml at frltp:1/pe, ·for availabiJJl\J and limitations of coverage.
I TheodOi·e Kheel, lrestee

- --·• .-C:,• •·' . ·•·•·• , · u ~ , . •· ,_--,,.-:.,--c;ac

UV Industries Ljquidating '!rust
800 5th Avenue
\ ,. ; •/!fl/l~iJ<i_iii~-i<,,_,,: ~
I' -~ ~omp-;eta.·l;e~~-1-, ~: an•~;:·~-,, · -- .,._,.,._ _ _ · ~ilturo I
New York, NY 10065
i' c Print your name and address en the reverse ){
D Agent

So that we can return ihe card to you.
m At1<1cfi·th1s pard to the baclt or lhe mal!p!ece,
or OQ the front if space perrnlls.
"\ •.
13, Roce!vad by (Pn"lll~d Nilmo) C.
□ Addressee
D:ito of Dotlvo,y

P, Is delivery ccldress differenl frcm Item 1'1 □ Yes

UYES, enler do!Ivesy eddross below: □ No
Jclor~ Kli I, Trustee
l, •
• .InduStries\ !qui I ng Trust
300 5th A~~nue..\
NewYork, r '100q:,

□ CclllfocdM:tlResblctedD!:!..."CIY
□ Slsn,l.lllll)CDn~m.illcn"'
9590 9402 7787 2152 4953 06
-,~Ari=.,~, ~N,-,mb=er~m~ron~,7/er~,~, -m-,.~~~,,~,7,., ~,7,
□ Cottocl on Delve,;, □ Sig,l~ll!IO Con!l:m:lllcn
----1 □ Cc:feet on Dc5vciy~trlcted Dcliltery Rcstrlcied Dcl'l-ay

7□21 □ 9s□ 0001 ~_661 □ 6 □□

' ~• -~J.!llll
/ : PSForrn3811,Ju!y2020PSN7630:02--000-0053
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2661 □ 631 ITOSE!IL
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~ POST/ll SERVICE® IMI fo\ ll IL r !:=ROM: 7

J..::ted delivery date specified fordomesiic use.
~-~~ f;;

lomestic shipments include l/,1 lJO of insurance (res!lictions apply):'' ~Q~·

\1 --
ISPS Tracl,ing0 c., lfvico included for domestic am:! many irr1ema!ionai destina:lions.
.,. P. 'Hmv,c11
I) ~
~~ I
tlllom1.:1• 11/ l,11J11 (RC)
jmited intorn;1lhi11,d i1murance.1~
,._ ..
then uscrt intnm.tliuno.liy, a customs declaration form js required. P.O.Hos 2cn
I lunsvi111•, WA 98340
1rance doo:: no! items, For details regarding cTaims e~clusions see file /1 ; '·1

C r ,n
1;1111111 ,.1!1l:1in
1estic Mail M:1n11.11 ,11 1111,,:111m.. . l
ie lntemationnt M;dl M,11111,1! ut foraveilabllityand limitations of coverage. , , • l
·:; • "; :i


ERATE i'iJ ANYWI 11;111
Paul Kolton, Trustee
UV Industries Liquidating'frust
·r --!



V\CKEO s 11\!SURED To schedulefrea Ps.cJ;age

scan the QR code.
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PSOOOO1OOOO14 I EP14F July 2022
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CZOZ/iz/8 NO SlHOO~ ivi>i1'v,sv~J'~~r M'lb~~J 12 USPS.COM/PJCKIJI _,,J


Om Complete ltems 1, 2, and 3.

~Ill Print your name and address on the reverse

~El ~~1!:;,:::;~:u::~:~:r ~~::~!piece,

o or on tho front If spaco ponnlts.

~ Shllron Steer-C~I'poratiOn
~ ATTN: Legal Department 'I
m° 15 Roemer BLVD
'.I Farrell, PA 16121 ,
"'w .,,,,./ I'
; II 1m11m l!ll l!I Illilllllilli Ill Iii IllIIIU Ill
l!J 9590 9402 7787 2152 4952 83
Gcortt!lcciM.oo De.vo,y
~ O Certirl!!d /I.ill RQ$!rlc!cd D~livc:y □ S!gootu:o COl\f111MUon""
U: □ COilect on 00'\'C,Y □ Slgn:rlu:g Ccnr11111:1ncn
£_, .ArtJclll!:Lwn.~fl!.O.@fillW'I.Wll..SOll'icelabelL...--- Q.~lPi,"11,~t>,ery Ri::ilile~ Do!lwy Rnltlci.lXI Octivory
7 □ 21 0950 0001 2661 0617 \l:ill~lll0ledDol'Jvoiy

PS Form 3811, July 2020 PSN 7S3Cl-02-000-9053 OomesUc Re tum Rocolpt ;

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