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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Don Panyong St., Telbang, Alaminos City, Pangasinan
Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: _________
Grade/Section: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________

MAPEH 9 - Health
Week 2

Intentional Injury Prevention, Safety and First Aid

Background Information for Learners:

The basic necessities of humanity incorporate food, clothing, and shelter. In any case, it is not enough that we
have these fundamental requirements assuming we are living in fear and the uncertainty of danger every day. Today, one
rising need that we want to focus in on is safety.
We are uncovered 100% of the time to risks, regardless of whether we are youthful or old, rich, or poor. It is
essential that we know about what these potential risks are, what these can mean for us, and how we can set ourselves up
to keep them from occurring or minimize their effects if they happen to us.

What’s In
The key to suicide prevention is to act fast and take the suicide attempt seriously. A straightforward yet effective way is to
talk to the person if you are worried that s/he will attempt suicide. It's going to feel awkward and uncomfortable to speak,
but anyone who shows indications and warning signs needs immediate help and also the you respond, the better. In this
case, you will express concern for that person by saying “I wanted to test abreast of you because you haven’t been
yourself lately”. You'll may also ask questions, like
“Did something happen that made you begin feeling this way?” You may also offer your help by saying “I might not be
able to ready understand exactly how you are feeling, but I care about you and that I want to assist.”
To prevent from becoming a victim of assault and abuse, one important consideration is knowing the proper self-defense
techniques which involve physical, mental, and emotional assertiveness.
These are the following:
Self-esteem – having self-confidence that will make you less likely to be chosen as an easy target.
Assertiveness – having a bold and confident behavior, like speaking with conviction, may prevent a physical attack. Since
many attackers want easy victims they can overpower quickly, saying forcefully phrases like “Leave me alone” may
surprise an attacker before s/he can make a move. Body language – making direct eye contact and using a strong voice are
some actions that can send off a message to the attacker that you are aware of how to take care of your safety and that you
will not be victimized easily.
Intuition – one important rule is that if you sense danger, or if you sense that something is wrong or about to happen, you
should immediately get away.
A self-protective attitude – most important of all, you must realize that you are worthy and have a right to be treated with
respect. Being safe is your right, but it is also your responsibility.

What is It
Rated PG- Remember a scene that shows violent actions and behaviors leading to intentional injuries from a TV show
(cartoons, sitcom, etc.) that you have recently watched. You may narrate or draw this scene in your notebook. Answer the
questions that follow.

Guide Questions:
1. From what type or genre of TV show did you get the scene that you have drawn? (i.e., cartoon, sitcom, action,
fantasy, soap opera, etc.) Is this suitable or appropriate for your age? Why?
2. Do you enjoy watching this show? Why?
3. What are the effects of watching shows that depict violent actions and behaviors to children like you? Why? How
does the government regulate TV shows that depict violence? Read the additional resources below.

The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) is the government agency responsible for
rating television and film for the Philippines. The rating of TV shows and their descriptions are the following:

Meanwhile, the classification of movies and their descriptions are as follow:

The classification of TV shows and movies were based on the following criteria:
1. Theme – if the film contains violence, threat, abuse, horror, or other themes that may cause fear or disturbance to a
young child’s mind
2. Language – if the film contains dialogue beyond polite language. However, disrespectful, nasty, and sexually-
suggestive language or gestures are not allowed
3. Nudity – if the film contains occasional, as well as natural non-sexual nudity

4. Sex – if the film contains and presents sexual activity
5. Violence – if there is representation of any violence that is likely to cause undue anxiety or fear to young children
6. Horror – if there is representation of horror and frightening scenes that is likely to cause undue anxiety or fear to
young children
7. Drugs – if there is representation of, or reference to, prohibited drugs or their use.

What’s More

The Impact of Abuse and Violence

Analyze the following illustrations. Then answer in your notebook the guide questions that follow.

Directions: Identify the injury. Write your answers in your activity notebook.
Guide Questions:
1. What types of intentional injuries are being portrayed in the illustrations?
2. Based on these illustrations, what are the effects of intentional injuries on their victims?
3. What are the other impacts of intentional injuries?

What I Have Learned

Performance Task:
Directions: Draw a shape of a shield on a short bond paper. Fill up your shield with pictures and/or words that represent
preventive measures that will keep you safe from violent actions and behaviors leading to intentional injuries.

Shield of Protection!


Directions: Read each item carefully and fill in the blanks with a word to complete the sentence. Choose your answers
from the pool of words in the box. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper to be submitted.
assertiveness movie self-esteem suicide self-defense
self-protective injuries legislations safe intuition

1. ______ will always expose you to harm, especially those intentionally committed by other people.
2. The key to ______ prevention is to act fast and take the suicide attempt seriously.
3. Being ______ is your right, but it is also your responsibility.
4. _______ is having self-confidence that will make you less likely to be chosen as an easy target.
5. ___________ refers to having a bold and confident behavior, like speaking with conviction, may prevent a physical
6. ________is one important rule that if you sense danger, or if you sense that something is wrong or about to happen;
you should immediately get away.
7. As an adolescent, you are protected by the government through the different ________.
8. To prevent from becoming a victim of assault and abuse, one important consideration is knowing the proper
_________ techniques which involved physical, mental, and emotional assertiveness.
9. A _______ attitude is the most important of all; you must realize that you are worthy and have a right to be treated
with respect.
10. The ______ and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) is the government agency responsible for
rating television and film for the Philippines.

Prepared by:
Name of Writer – Teacher III

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