Entrevista A La Abuelita

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Choose a member of your family or even a friend for an interview and complete
all seven questions. Write down his/her answers to each question.

I interviewed MARÍA(My grandmother)

1) Which do you do the most in a normal day, speak and listen or read and write? I
do most is talk and listen.
2) Think about times when you learned important things in your life. Did you learn
them by using written communication or by using oral communication? Can you
give an example of each one?
I learned by oral communication. Example of written communication learned to
sew, uses many numbers of measurements and molds. Example of oral
communication: I learned to read from the teachings of my parents and
3) Can you think of any culturally important stories - stories that everyone or most
people in your culture would be familiar with? Why is this story important?
The story I remember is that of Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo and it is
important because it is the story of the foundation of Peru and I shared it with all
my family.
4) How do you learn best, when you read something about a subject or when
someone shows you a process or explains it to you? I learn best when they
explain me.
5) List as many examples as you can of where we see oral communication in
mainstream North American culture. For example, in court during a legal case,
everything is performed orally.
On the radio listening to news, music, health advice, cooking recipes, natural
6) Do you come from a cultural background where oral communication is
important? In what way?
Yes, oral communication is important because it allows us to talk and find out
what is happening around us.
7) When we teach young children, it is all done orally. How is that different from
how teenagers and adults are expected to learn?
It can be taught to adolescents and adults with brochures, readings,
educational graphic material. Explanations also work.


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