Geological Field Report On Jaintiapur, Sylhet by Shahanaj

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A Geological Field Report on Jaintiapur and Adjoining Area, Sylhet

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Dr. Md. Sharif Hossain Khan Shahanaj Parvin
Professor, Roll no: 305
Department of Geological Sciences, Reg: 20190548565
Jahangirnagar University Exam roll: 191274
Session: 2018-19
Dr. Md. Sakawat Hossain Department of Geological Sciences
Jahangirnagar University
Department of Geological Sciences,
Jahangirnagar University

Dr. Rumana Yeasmin

Department of Geological Sciences,
Jahangirnagar University


Submission Date: 10th March, 2024

This field report, encompassing the physiography, geologic structure, geomorphology,

sedimentology and stratigraphy along the economic aspects of Jaintiapur and adjoining area,
Sylhet, is on the basis of all the scientific facts and data, found during the field survey that was
done by 4th year students of department of Geological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Savar,
The jaintiapur region and its surrounding territories are situated between two distinct geological
formations. To the north lies the elevated Shillong Massif, while to the south is the subsiding
Surma basin. The studied area lies in the northern part of Surma basin, a sub-basin of the greater
Bengal Basin, located in the north-eastern part of Bangladesh. The investigated area is situated at
the south of Shillong Massif and lies in between latitude 25°05'N to 25°12'N, longitude 92°01'E
to 92°12'E.
The objective of this study is to investigate the physical attributes, rock composition, rock layer
arrangement, structural properties, and economic importance of the rock formations discovered in
Jaintiapur and its neighboring areas.
The structural elements of the study area are mainly controlled by the active Dauki Fault. The
regional strike of the studied area is N82.4 ̊ W and dips 34.9 ̊ towards the south. The study area
offers a monoclinal fold, indicated by the dipping of beds in same direction.
The exposed rock in this area has been classified into eight lithostratigraphic units. They are-
Limestone unit, Blackish shale unit, Pinkish sandstone unit, Silty shale unit, Sand- shale alternation
unit, Yellowish brown sandstone unit, Molted clay unit and Variegated color sandstone unit. These
rock unit correlated with the standard formation of Assam on the basis of gross lithology. They
can be correlated with the Sylhet Limestone, Kopili Shale, Barail Formation, Bhuban Formation,
Boka Bil Formation, Tipam Sandstone, Girujan Clay, and Dupi Tila Formation respectively, based
on their lithological characteristics. The deposition of these rock units indicates a historical
interplay of marine transgression and regression. A significant fault, the Dauki Fault, has been
identified as a prominent feature in the region. Various sedimentary structures, including nodules,
undulations, lens-like formations, micro cross-lamination, and iron concretions, have been
observed. Additionally, the presence of economically valuable deposits, such as boulder beds and
limestone, enhances the area's significance. Furthermore, there is potential for hydrocarbon
exploration and production in the region.

Chapter-1: Introduction................................................................................................................... 6
1.1. Location and extent .......................................................................................................... 6
1.2. Accessibility ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.3. Physiography .................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.1. Topography and Relief ............................................................................................. 9
1.3.2. Drainage .................................................................................................................. 10
1.3.3. Climate .................................................................................................................... 10
1.3.4. Population ............................................................................................................... 11
1.3.5. Vegetation, Culture, Wildlife .................................................................................. 11
1.4. Regional geology and tectonics...................................................................................... 12
1.5. Previous investigation .................................................................................................... 14
1.6. Purpose and Scope ......................................................................................................... 15
1.7. Methods and Equipment Used In The Field................................................................... 16
Chapter- 2: Description of Individua Sections.............................................................................. 17
2.1. Dauki river section ............................................................................................................. 18
2.2. Tamabil road cut section .................................................................................................... 21
2.3. Nayagang section ............................................................................................................... 22
2.4. Gourisankar Kamalabari road-cut section ......................................................................... 24
2.5. Shari River section ............................................................................................................. 26
2.6. Dupigaon section ............................................................................................................... 32
2.7 SPECIAL FEATURES ....................................................................................................... 34
Chapter- 3: Structure ..................................................................................................................... 37
3.1. Major structures ................................................................................................................. 37
3.1.1. Fold: Monoclinal fold ................................................................................................. 38
3.1.2. Fault ............................................................................................................................ 41
3.2. Minor Structures ................................................................................................................ 42
3.2.1. Joint ............................................................................................................................. 42
3.2.2. Drag Fold .................................................................................................................... 42
3.2.3. Shearing ...................................................................................................................... 42
3.2.4. Boudinage ................................................................................................................... 42
3.3.5. Fracture ....................................................................................................................... 42

3.3.6. Sigmoidal .................................................................................................................... 42
Chapter – 4: Sedimentology.......................................................................................................... 43
4.1. Facies Analysis .................................................................................................................. 43
4.2. Depositional Environment ................................................................................................. 45
4.3. Grain Size Analysis............................................................................................................ 47
4.4. Depositional Processes....................................................................................................... 50
Chapter- 5: Stratigraphy................................................................................................................ 51
5.1. Stratigraphy of Individual section ...................................................................................... 52
5.2. Correlation with other sections .......................................................................................... 56
5.3. Correlation with Regional Geology ................................................................................... 57
Chapter- 6: Economic Geology .................................................................................................... 62
Chapter- 7: Conclusions................................................................................................................ 63
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................... 64
References ..................................................................................................................................... 65

List of Maps
Map 1.1: Location Map of Jaintiapur Upazila.. (Alam et al., 1990) ............................................... 7
Map 1. 2: Physiographic map of Bangladesh. (Alam, et al., 1991). ............................................... 8
Map 1. 3: Topographic Map of Bangladesh ................................................................................... 9
Map 1. 4: Drainage Map of Jaintiapur Upazilla ........................................................... …………10
Map 1. 5: Bengal Basin in the context of the Indian, Tibetan and Burmese plates. b. Map shows
tectonic elements of the Bengal Basin and location of the studied area (modified after Alam et al.,
2003) ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Map 3.1: Tectonic Map of Bangladesh…………………………………………………………...38

List of Figures
Figure 1.5: Sreepur Tea Garden………………………...………………………………………..11
Figure 2.1: (a) Sylhet limestone (unit A), inserted image shows Nummulite (b) Thick bedded
fossiliferous limestone (c) Contact between unit A (Limestone) and unit B (Shale), inserted image
shows unconformity; exposed along Dauki River Section. (d) Conjugate normal fault (horst and
graben) (e) Normal fault set; exposed along Tamabil Road cut Section. (d) and (e) belong to unit
Figure 2.2,2.1,2.4: (a) Pinkish sandstone (unit C) with two joint set exposed along Tamabil road
cut section. (b) Silty shale (unit D), inserted picture shows laterite bed (contact of unit C and D)

dipping towards SE, exposed along Nayagang section. (c) Fishhead structure exposed along
Gaurishankar-Kamalabari road cut section………………………………………………………23
Figure 2.4’: (a) Matrix supported gravel bed unconformably overlain on top of the silty shale
unit.The contact of this unit is an angular unconformity. (b) Paper laminated shale exposed along
the Gaurishankar-Kamalabari road-cut section, Jaintiapur……………………………………….25
Figure 2.5.1: (a) Yellowish brown sandstone, middle portion of unit E, exposed along Afiafanagar
tea garden. (b) alternation of shale and calcareous sandstone band, both shows deformation due to
dragging, exposed along Tetulghat. (c) Mimic of Dauki Fault Fault at Shari river section……..29
Figure 2.5.2: (c) Contact between shale (unit E) and sandstone (unit F), repetition of unit E
indicates evidence of reverse fault (older unit above younger unit). (d) sigmoidal structure, exposed
along Putirchhara. (e) Intrusion of shale into sandstone, inserted picture shows formation of
brecciated cohesive conglomerate with wood fragments. (f) Striation signature within shale…...30
Fig 2.5.3: (g) Dark grey sandstone (unit F), inserted picture shows anthracite coal. (h) Strike slip
fault with dip slip component (unit F). (i) Mottled clay (unit G)….………………………………31
Figure 2.6: (a) Flute marks (b) Mudcracks (C) Yellowish brown Sandstone (unit H) exposed along
Dupigaon Section……………...…………………………………………………………………33
Figure 2.7.1: Clay galls……………………………………………….…………………………..34
Figure 2.7.2: Flute marks……………………………………………..…………………………..34
Figure 2.7.3: Convolute bedding………...……………………………………………………….35
Figure 2.7.4: Concretion………………………………………………...………………………..35
Figure 2.7.5: Nodular Structure………………………………………….……………………….36
Figure 2.7.6: Scouring surface……………………………………………………………………36
Figure 3.1: (a) Sylhet pole point (b) Sylhet pole and great circle (c) Sylhet rose diagram………...39
Figure 3.2: Sigmoidal Structure…………………………………………………………………..43
Figure 4.4: CM Diagram (after PASSEGA & BYRAMJEE) ………………………………….…50
Figure 5.2. Correlation with individual section…………………………………………………..56

List of Table
Table 1.7: Equipment’s used in the field……………………...…………………………………..16
Table-2.1: Rock type, Attitude, Lithology and Sedimentary Structure of Dauki river section……18
Table-2.2: Rock type, Attitude, Lithology and Sedimentary Structure of Tamabil Road-cut
Table-2.3: Rock type, Attitude, Lithology and Sedimentary Structure of Nayagang section.……22
Table-2.4: Rock type, Attitude, Lithology and Sedimentary Structure of Gourisankar Kamalabari
road-cut section……………………………………………………………………….………….24
Table-2.5: Rock type, Attitude, Lithology and Sedimentary Structure of Shari River section…....26
Table-2.6: Rock type, Attitude, Lithology and Sedimentary Structure of Dupigaon section….….32
Table 4.1: Facies Analysis………………………………………………………………………..43
Table 4.3: Result and discussion of grain size analysis………………………………………...…48
Table-5.1.1: Dauki river section…………………………………………………………...……..52
Table-5.1.2: Tamabil Road Cut section…………………………………………………….…….52
Table-5.1.3: Nayagang Section…………………………………………………………..………53
Table-5.1.4. Gourisanker – kamalabari Road cut…………………………………………..…….53
Table-5.1.5. Sari River Section…………………………………………………………………..54
Table-5.1.6. Dupigaon Section…………………………………………………………..……….55
Table 5.2: Regional Stratigraphy of the Investigation area……………………...………………..57

Chapter-1: Introduction

Located in the eastern part of the Indian Subcontinent, the Sylhet trough within the Bengal Basin
contains around 17 km of sedimentary rocks from the Cenozoic era. The sedimentation patterns in
this basin are influenced by the uplift and erosion processes occurring in the nearby Himalayas,
Indo-Burman Ranges, and Shillong Plateau. The Jaintiapur area, situated in Bangladesh's Sylhet
district, offers a unique opportunity to study the continuous Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Sylhet
trough. However, our current understanding of the Sylhet trough and its correlation with the
stratigraphy of the Assam region remains incomplete. The existing stratigraphic information of the
Sylhet Trough or the Bengal Basin is limited and has been correlated with the stratigraphy of the
Assam region, which has a different tectonic history. Therefore, the Jaintiapur region holds
significant value for comprehending the geology of the Bengal Basin. The main objective of this
study is to create a comprehensive geological map and gain insights into the rock layers and
structural characteristics of the area. This research will contribute to a more thorough
understanding of the Sylhet Basin in Bangladesh, which is a part of the broader rock formations
within the Bengal Basin.

1.1. Location and extent

Jaintiapur, which is located in the Sylhet district, situated around 45 kilometers northeast of Sylhet
town, the approved study area is situated in the northeastern part of the district, close to the border
between India and Bangladesh. Geographically, its coordinates range between latitudes of
25°05´N to 25°10´N and longitudes 92°0´E to 92°15´E. Jaintiapur covers the foothills of the Khasi-
Jaintia hill range and is featured by high and low altitudes in the north and south respectively.
The study area encompasses the examination of Bangladesh topographic sheets no. 83c/4 and
33c/8, covering an approximate area of 147 square kilometers. Extending from Balla Ghat to
Afifanagar in the east-west direction, spanning about 14 kilometers, and from Tama Bil to Shari
Ghat in the north-south direction, covering approximately 11 kilometers, this region within the
Sylhet Basin showcases diverse topographical features. Geographically, the area extends from the
Dauki River in the north to the Hari River in the south, with Jaflong situated to the west. Jaintiapur
itself is positioned at the base of the Jaintia Hills within the Shillong Massif.
Along to the following six sections our field work was preceded-
I. Dauki river section
II. Tamabil Road Cut section
III. Noyagang section
IV. Gourisanker- kamalabari Road Cut section
V. Sari River section
VI. Dupigaon section

Also work in two location –
• Afifanagar Tea Garden
• Sonatila

Map1.1: Location Map of Jaintiapur Upazila (Alam et al., 1990)

The study of Jaintiapur area within the Sylhet Basin provides valuable insights into the
stratigraphy, tectonics, and basin-fill history of this geologically significant region.

1.2. Accessibility
There is a well-established metalled road that extends from Sylhet town to Jaflong, passing through
Sripur and Tama Bil. Tama Bil is located approximately 60 kilometers northeast of Sylhet, while
Jaflong is situated 45 kilometers from Tama Bil. To reach Jaintiapur, one can take a bus that travels
to Jaflong. Additionally, there is a mud track connecting the Shari River with Jaintiapur, and
another mud track runs from Jaintiapur to Mahismara Bil along the Bayagang River. These routes
provide convenient access to various locations within the Sylhet Basin. Exposures of geological

formations can be easily observed along the mud tracks or footpaths in the area, allowing for direct
examination and study. Sylhet town is well-connected with Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh,
through a comprehensive transportation network. This includes roadways, railways, and air travel,
facilitating convenient travel between the two cities.
1.3. Physiography
Physiography is a description of the physical nature (form, substance, arrangement, changes) of
objects, especially of natural features.The term is obsolescent and is replaced by geomorphology.
Physiography is the description & geomorphology is the interpretation [Glossary of geology 1992].
The investigated Jaintaipur and adjoining area is bordered on the northeast by the abrupt scarp of

Map 1.2: Physiographic map of Bangladesh. (Alam, et al.,

the 4000 to 6000 m high Shillong Plateau, and on the east by Khasi-Jaintia Hill Range [Khan,

1.3.1. Topography and Relief
The investigated area in the Sylhet Basin, Bangladesh, is bounded by the Khasi-Jaintia hill range
in the west-east direction and the steep escarpment of the Shillong plateau to the northeast,
reaching heights of 4,000 to 6,000 feet. It is characterized by diverse physiography shaped by
geological forces, including the uplift and erosion of the Himalayas, Tibetan plates, and subsequent
uplift of the Shillong plateau. This has resulted in the formation of hills, plateaus, and valleys,
creating a captivating and varied landscape.

Map 1.1: Topographic Map of Bangladesh

The area exhibits a hilly terrain with numerous low to moderately elevated hillocks, along with
valleys, giving it a rugged appearance. The average elevation ranges from 60 to 340 feet, with
notable peaks such as Sonatila, Tamabil, and Dupi-Tila. The region also encompasses flat alluvial
lands, including the Boga Bil or Bally Bil plain, utilized for cultivation during the dry season but
prone to flooding.The foothills of the Khasi-Jaintia hill range feature high and low attitudes to the
north and south, respectively. Small hillocks are found in an east-west strip, while depressions
known as "Haors" characterize the southern part. Gravel beds of Holocene age are present in
alluvial fans, rivers, and hills, composed of metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rocks of

various sizes and shapes.Overall, the area's diverse physiography and geological features
contribute to its unique and dynamic landscape within the Sylhet Basin.
1.3.2. Drainage
The major river of the area originated in the hilly areas of India in the north and most of them flow
over Bangladesh as meandering rivers. Hari, Dauki, Nayagang, Bargang etc are the major rivers
in the area. The notable rivers include the Dauki River, originating from the southeastern part of
the Shillong Plateau and flowing from India into Bangladesh, and the Hari River, which starts in
the Khasi-Jaintia Hills. The drainage pattern of the area is mainly dendritic. Structurally, the area
is an outer reflection of a monocline that trends nearly E-W.
Major rivers flow perennially, while smaller ones are intermittent. Marshy lands, swamps, ponds,

Map 1.4: Drainage Map of Jaintiapur Upazilla

and smaller watercourses are present, serving as water sources for irrigation and domestic use.
Drinking water is obtained from dip tube wells and dug wells. Water availability can be limited
during the dry season, but heavy rainfall during the monsoon replenishes the aquifers, ensuring an
adequate supply of water.

1.3.3. Climate
The climate of the investigate area is usually tropical to subtropical in character marked by
uniform temperature, high humidity heavy rain from May to October. The climate is thus moist,
worm equable. There are three distinct seasons in the Jaintiapur area:
I. The summer: which begins from March continues up to May with moderate precipitation.

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II. The Monsoon: That starts from June & lasts till October. During Monson the sky is often
overcast with dark clouds, and it rains heavily accomplished by gusty wind & occasionally
with a cyclonic storm.
III. The winter: It begins from November & continues up to February, with a pleasantly cool,
clam, & dry weather. We went the investigated area at the winter season.

1.3.4. Population
There are 121,458 people living in the studied territory. The majority of these people are Muslims
(91.23%), Hindus (12.066%), Buddhists (0.92%), Christians (0.017%), and adherents of other
religions (0.16%). The inhabitants face socio-economic challenges, residing in both hilly and flat
terrains with limited access to amenities. The literacy rate is low at 21%. For the majority of people
(53.38%), agriculture is their main source of income. Other occupations include teaching, weaving,
quarrying, gardening, fishing, and trading. Non-agricultural laborers constitute 10.32% of the
workforce, while 0.70% are involved in industry, 12.60% in commerce, 1.79% in transportation
and communication, 4.71% in services, 0.79% in construction, 0.64% in religious services, and
0.15% in rent and remittance. There is a divide in land ownership: 51.05% of people live without
any land, compared to 48.95% who own it.
1.3.5. Vegetation, Culture, Wildlife
The surveyed area has a tropical to subtropical climate, creating an ideal environment for abundant
vegetation. The area is characterized by dense forests, comprising a variety of trees such as shimul,
champa, chapalish, teak, and betel nuts, accompanied by tall grasses and bamboo. Main crops are
Tea, Paddy, potato, bay leaf, betel leaf. Extinct or nearly extinct crops Tobacco. Main fruits are
Jackfruit, pineapple, betel nut. From Jaflong to Afifanagar, tea gardens adorn the hilly landscape,
while different areas flourish with watermelon, orange, pineapple, and various fruits. Sylhet,
Bangladesh, is well known for its abundant vegetation, which includes orchards, tropical forests,
and tea plantations. These features all add to the lively cultural atmosphere of the area. Tea can be
grown in this location. This region produces a huge amount of tea. We noticed a lot of tea gardens
when we investigated this area.

Figure 1.5: Sreepur Tea Garden

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The studied region supports a wide variety of wildlife, with its wetlands hosting numerous bird
species, including the well-known Ratargul Swamp Forest, which may be found in its marshes.
The majority of Jaitapur adheres to Islam, which is the most common religion in Bangladesh.
Mosques and Islamic tradition play significant role in the religious and cultural life of the people.
The people of jaintapur are known for their skill in various handicraft. Among the traditional crafts
are kane works, handloom weaving, ceramics, and bamboo crafts.

1.4. Regional geology and tectonics

The Bengal Basin, which encompasses the foreland shelf and Foredeep, is separated by a
continental slope, as explained by Guha (1978) and Saltet et al. (1986). The Surma Basin, situated
in the northeastern part of the Bengal Foredeep, is bordered by the Shillong Plateau to the north
and the continental slope to the west. It is separated from the Faridpur Trough, a subdivision of
the Bengal Foredeep, by Madhupur and the Tripura threshold (Reimann, 1986, and Matin et al.,
1986). The Surma Basin, characterized by an oval-shaped structural depression, extends
approximately 130 km in length and 60 km in width. It is considered an extension of the northern
part of the Bengal Basin. The basin began subsiding during the Oligocene Age, reaching its
maximum subsidence during the Pliocene Age (Holtrop & Keiser, 1970). Additional forces from
the north and southeast have influenced the area. The collision between the Indian plate and the
Eurasian plate has generated a north-south stress, causing the movement direction along the Dauki
Fault to reverse. As a result, the Shillong Massif has undergone uplift while the Surma Basin has
experienced subsidence.
The investigated area is located between these two contrasting structural formations and is
bounded by the Khasi-Jaintia hills and Shillong Massif to the north, the Goyain trough to the south,
the Atgram anticlinal structure to the east, and the Goyain Trough and foothills of the Khasi-Jaintia
range to the west (Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, Volume-2, Page-14).
Jaintapur and adjoining area is our Investigated area fall in the Surma basin (Sylhet Trough) of
the Bengal foredeep of bangle Basin. The Sylhet trough, lying at the northern part of the folded
belt, ascends gradually towards the Hinge Zone in the west, while passing toward the Bengal
foredeep. The Sylhet trough is a tectonically complex province of the Bengal Basin. The
configuration of the Sylhet trough is thought to have come into existence during the late to
post-geosynclinal phase of tectonic evolution of the Bengal Basin, partly as a fault bounded
through, Subsiding from Oligogenece or earlier times towards with its peak of subsidence since
Pliocene (Holtrop and Keizer ,1970) . It is also believed that the structural development of the
trough is related to contemporaneous interference of two major tectonic events:
 Emergence of the Shillong Massif in the north that was accompanied by creation of Dauki fault
 Westward prorogation of the Indo-Burman fold Belt.

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This sub basin is around 10,000 km2 in size, with the Shillong plateau to the north, the Tripura-
Chittagong fold belt to the east and southeast, and the hinge zone to the west. The trough is open
to the southwest and south to the main portion of the Bengal Basin. . While the highly elevated
northern Shillong Massif is situated entirely within Indian territory, its southern fringes form a
narrow strip of hills and hillocks in Bangladesh (Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, Volume-2, Page-
The area is bounded by the major E-W trending Dauki fault towards north, whichis still active. A
continuous series of hills of this area stretches from the Jaflong River (Dauki river) to the south–
eastward direction. The western edge of this hilly strip, located between the Jaflong river and the
town of Jaintapur, is made up of block faulted Eocene and Oligocene sediments, whereas the hills
and hillocks located east of jaintapur consist solely of Neogene deposits. The alignment of these
elevations parallel to the general strike of the rock formations.

Map 1.5: Bengal Basin in the context of the Indian, Tibetan and
Burmese plates. b. Map shows tectonic elements of the Bengal
Basin and location of the studied area (modified after Alam et
al., 2003)

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1.5. Previous investigation

The Sylhet district together with the investigated area has been said to be highly prospective of oil
and gas from many years. Large number of works has been done on the studied area as well as the
shole district of Sylhet.
For this reason, in Sylhet, large volume of exploration work-geological, geophysical and drilling
activities carried out since 1923 by different organizations and Barma oil company (BOC) hadbeen
the pioneer. Three more oil company namely Pakistan Petroliem Ltd. (PPL), Pakistan shell oil
company (PSOC) and stanvac oil company (SVOC) joined in later (Dr. Guha,1975).
Many geologists had been worked on Sylhet through. The work data back to early fifties of the
centuary, when Evans P.(1932) first published the stratigraphy of the Tertiary succession in Assam
which is considered as the Bible to the stratigraphy of the region till today. Among the geologists
Holtrop J.F. and Keizer J. published a correlation chart “Chart of Surma Basin Wells” in 1966.
They stressed and poorly exposed in the form of “Upper Marine Shale” in the Surma Basin for
correlation within the basin.
Maroof Khan, M.A. (1978) published a report and a reconaissance geologic map in the scale 1
inch to 1 mile of the eastern and north-eastern Surma Basin. The map embraced the whole Tertiary
succession of the area except the Sylhet Limestone which forms inliers in the east bank of the
Dauki River.
Palynostratigraphic analysis of Oligocene outcrop sample was done by Wallid K.M. (1982),
Reiman, K.V. (1983). Wallid palynological investigation and Reiman’s (1983) on the subcrop
have clearly revealed the presence of Oligocene forms.
Haque,M.(1982) studied the development of Surma Basin and its relations to hydrocarbon
accumulation. He developed a scheme of palynological Zonation of the Cenozoic succession in
the Surma Basin. He also reviewed the exposed and subsurface Stratigraphic of Surma Basin.
Hiller and Elahi (1984) published the structural development and hydrocarbon entrapment in the
Surma Basin. They concluded that the Surma Basin is a proven Miocene Gas province and was
Structurally stamped by the contemporaneous interface of the major tectonic movements.
Paul, D.D (1988) revised the structure and tectonics of the north-eastern part of the basin and
comented that the east-west trending Structural feature (fault) were developed by the forces,
resulting from the under thrusting of the Indian plate towards NNS direction where it collided with
the Eurassian plate.
Khan et,al (1988) reveals that the gases discovered in the Basin are genetically similarly to each
other and are generated probably from terresirial kerogen at various levels of maturity equivalent
to approximately 0.6 to 1.5% vitrinite re reflectance oil from patharia and Sylhet- 7 have similar
characteristics and may have sourced from the Oligocene sediments.

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A comprehensive seismic grid and structural inventory respectively was established for the first
time in the Surma Basin with German Technical Assistance performed in 1979-1982 (Elahi and
Hiller, 1984).
The Surma Basin was also studied by M.A. Maroof Khan of pretro Bangla,Monwer Ahmed of
BAPEX. This area was also studied in details by D.K.Guha of petroleum Institute.
Recent investigations have been conducted by students under the guidance of professors from the
Geology Departments of Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka University, and Rajshahi University,
contributing to the expanding knowledge about the area.

1.6. Purpose and Scope

Being a geology student, it is crucial to complete fieldwork in order to compile practical knowledge
of geology in an organized manner. This report focuses primarily on the field’s geological aspects,
which are based on the physiography, regional geology, petrology, sedimentology, and structural
analysis of the Jaintiapur area. The specific objective of this fieldwork is:
 Researching the nature of sedimentary rocks and sedimentary structures like ripple marks,
cross-bedding, bioturbation, concretions, etc., to gain insights into the depositional
conditions of sediments.
 Identifying and analyzing structural and geological features such as folds, faults, joints,
unconformities, gorges, waterfalls, etc., through observations of attitude and lithology.
 Preparing the map and convert the field map into a geological map.
 Understanding the structure, stratigraphy, and petrography of the area being researched.
 Systematically gathering the samples.
 Correlating the local section with standard geologic column.
 To establish the geological and depositional history of the area under study.
 Increasing the scope of geology knowledge.
 Knowing the economic value of the studied rock samples.
The report includes an overview of the subject under investigation. The geological study, which
contains a significant amount of geological evidence, and this Field report may be helpful for the
further investigation of this area. Because this area of Bangladesh is so important, there is a vast
opportunity for further study.

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1.7. Methods and Equipment Used In The Field

Mainly two methods have used in the field-

1. Traverse Method and
2. Sieve Analysis Method
 The survey is conducted using the traversing and spot locating methods along the areaswith the
best exposure. It is known as traversing to split an area into numerous stations and measure the
distance between them by adding up the number of steps.
 The clinometer is used to measure the bed’s attitude, data is extracted from a suitable rock
exposure, and the exposures are appropriately photographed. We also observed the lithology,
petrology, and structural characteristics of the next exposure and followed our honorable teacher’s
instructions regarding the rock materials.
 A base map with the scale of R.F. 1:25000 was also supplied to us prior to the fieldwork, in the
field we measure the attitude and latitude longitude of the exposure and put them on the base map.
 After completion of the fieldwork, the samples were taken and tested in the lab for grain size
analysis. The results of this examination are utilized to characterize the petrography and
depositional history.
Table1.7. Equipment’s used in the field

Equipments Uses
1.Base map Used to locate observed information on the base map
2.Clinometer Used to measure attitude of the bed.
3.Pocket lens Used to observe the texture of rocks and sediments.
4.Note book Used to note down data and other features.
5.Haversack Used to carry all the equipment.
6.Hammer Used to collect sample and find out the other sedimentary structure.
7.Water bottle Used to carry water to drink.
8.Dilute HCl (1m) Used to identify the cementing material of the rocks whether it is
calcareous or not.
9.Sample bag, Tag Used to collect sample.
& rubber band
10. GPS Used to measure the latitude and longitude of any place at any time.
11.First aid box Used to protect from any initial infection.

16 | P a g e
12. Camera Used to take photographs of important features.
13. Sunglass Used to protect eyes from dust and from heavy sunlight.
14. Permanent Used to write down the information about the sample on the bag for
marker pen, tags laboratory analysis.
and rubber band
15. Clip board Used to hold the base map in proper position and took support for
necessary drawing.
16. Others Torch light, pocket knife, glass plate, cup, spoon, scale, pen, pencil,
eraser, sharpener, water bottle is used in the field.

Chapter- 2: Description of Individua Sections

Our investigation focused on five specific sections:

They are:
1. Dauki river section
2. Tamabil road-cut section
3. Nayagang section
4. Gourisankar Kamalabari road-cut section
5. Shari River section
6. Dupigaon section
Also work in two locations, they are- Afifanagar tea garden and SonaTila.
At Day-1; 02-02-2024: we worked at Gaurishankar Kamalabari road-cut section.
At Day-2; 03-02-2024: we started working from Mamar dokan, Ballaghat; covered Dauki river
section; crossed SonaTila and ended at Tamabil road-cut section.
At Day-3; 04-02-2024: we started from Sripur tea garden, then covered the Nayagang section and
ended up working at Gaurishankar Kamalabari road-cut section.
At Day-4; 05-02-2024: we worked at Shari river section. We started from Afifanagar tea garden,
crossed Tetulghat and ended at North-east of Lalakhal BOP.
At Day-5; 06-02-2024: we worked at Shari river section again.
At Day-6; 07-02-2024: we started from Shari river, entered Dupigaon and continued working

17 | P a g e
2.1. Dauki river section
The Dauki River holds significant importance in this region as it is the largest river and originates
in the southern part of the Shillong plateau. It enters Bangladesh near the town of Dauki and
transports a substantial volume of channel gravels during the monsoon season. The area is well
connected to Jaintiapur via a paved road. The Dauki-River Section, spanning from location 2 to
location 5, was thoroughly examined and surveyed.
Table-2.1: Rock type, Attitude, Lithology and Sedimentary Structure of Dauki river section:

Unit Location GPS Attitude Lithological Sedimentary

no. (Dip direction/ Description Structure
Dip amount)

A 2 25°8’5” N Bed: 155/31° Fossiliferous- Thick bedded

92°7’45” Limestone
S (Nummulites)/ Sylhet
Joint set 1: Limestone crystalline
218/86 rock, yellowish grey in
Joint set 2: color, highly fractured,
318/68, 290/59 lower part is brecciated
B 3 25°10’43” Dark grey (indicates Laminated
N presence of organic two
92°0’37” matter), thin laminated unconformitie
S fissile block shale s
above unconformity
C 4 25°10’47” Bed: 112/14 Pinkish color Thin bedded,
(Sonatila) N 100/11 Sandstone, hard and micro cross
92°01’27” J0int set 1: compact lamination
S 020/88 presents in
Joint set 2: some to places

Lamination: lamination refers to the presence of very thin, parallel layers or laminae within a
sedimentary rock. These laminae are typically less than a centimeter thick and can be distinguished
by variations in color, grain size, mineral composition, or other sedimentary characteristics.
Planer bedding: Planar bedding is a common sedimentary structure where layers of sediment are
deposited horizontally or with a minimal tilt. These layers are often parallel to each other and can
be distinguished by variations in grain size, composition, color, or other sedimentary

18 | P a g e
Planar bedding can occur in various depositional environments, such as lakes, rivers, deltas, and
marine settings.
Tabular Cross bedding: Tabular cross-bedding is a type of sedimentary structure characterized
by inclined layers or sets of layers within a larger sedimentary bed.Tabular cross-bedding typically
forms in environments where wind or water currents are responsible for the transport and
deposition of sediment. The cross-beds in tabular cross-bedding can exhibit different orientations
and can range in size from a few centimeters to several meters in scale.
Unconformity: This is a type of geologic contact- a boundary between rocks-caused by a period
of erosion or a pause in sediment accumulation, followed by the deposition of sediments anew.

19 | P a g e
Figure2.1: (a) Sylhet limestone (unit A), inserted image shows Nummulite (b) Thick bedded
fossiliferous limestone (c) Contact between unit A (Limestone) and unit B (Shale), inserted image
shows unconformity; exposed along Dauki River Section. (d) Conjugate normal fault (horst and
graben) (e) Normal fault set; exposed along Tamabil Road cut Section. (d) and (e) belong to unit C.
The hammer on the photo is 30 cm long.
20 | P a g e
2.2. Tamabil road cut section
The Tamabil Road offers a notable and convenient exposure alongside the highway, providing a
clear view of the geological features. The section encompasses locations 6 to 12.
Table-2.2. Rock type, Attitude, Lithology and Sedimentary Structure of Tamabil Road-cut Section:

Unit Location GPS Attitude Lithological Sedimentary

no. (Dip direction/ Description Structure
Dip amount)
C 5 25°10’42” Bed: 200/4 Fine grained Thin bedded
N 184/22 pinkish Sandstone
92°10’38” S 182/24
C 6 25°10’50” Bed: 029/25 Pinkish Sandstone, _
N faulted (normal
92°01’69” S fault) with thin
bedded clay,
sandstone is

C 7 25°10’44” Bed: 342/16 Pinkish sandstone _

92°02’20” S

C 8 25°10’34” Bed: 192/24 Pinkish Sandstone, Well-

N medium grained, developed
92°03’02” S compact cross-
C 9 25°10’30” laterite bed – _
N intraformational
92°05’07” S within pinkish
C 10 25°10’18” Bed: 321/05 Pinkish Sandstone Well-
(Sreepur N clay galls, hard and developed
Tea 92°05’07” S compact cross-
Garden) bedding
dipping in
ripple marks
C 11 25°10’15” Bed: 216/31 Pinkish Sandstone Large scale
N 236/19 with fine grained cross bedded,
92°05’14” S 212/04 and well sorted thin
223/28 lamination

21 | P a g e
Joint set 1: o48/65 thin to thick bed, present in
Joint set 2: 120/80 clay galls present some places
C 12 25°10’04” Bed: 270/09 Pinkish Sandstone Cross
N bedding
92°05’04” S
Trough cross bedding: Trough cross-bedding is a type of sedimentary structure characterized by
inclined layers or sets of layers within a larger sedimentary bed. The distinguishing feature of
trough cross-bedding is that the inclined layers form elongated trough-shaped structures.
Trough cross-bedding typically forms in environments where water currents or wind are
responsible for the transport and deposition of sediment. The size of the troughs can vary from
small-scale ripples to large-scale dunes, and the angle of inclination can vary depending on the
strength and direction of the currents or winds involved in the deposition process.
2.3. Nayagang section
It encompasses the area between location 13 and location 14 which indicate unit C and unit D; and
contact between unit C and D.
Table-2.3. Rock type, Attitude, Lithology and Sedimentary Structure of Nayagang section:

Unit Location GPS Attitude Lithological Sedimentary

no. (Dip direction/ Description Structure
Dip amount)
C 13 25°08’53” Bed: 162/28 Pinkish Sandstone then Angular unconformity
N 154/32 interformational Laterite
92°06’53” 152/37 bed which suggest
S 140/45 unconformity
Joint: 044/79
D 14 25°08’24” Bed: 177/51 Silty shale Trough-cross
N 173/53 lamination, convolute
92°07’17” 174/49 structure, flaser
S 172/50 bedding, and mud
171/43 flacks
Joint: 088/75

Angular unconformity: It’s a type of unconformity where horizontally parallel strata of

sedimentary rock are deposited on tilted and eroded layers producing an angular discordance with
the overlying horizontal layers.

22 | P a g e
Figure 2.2,2.2,2.4: (a) Pinkish sandstone (unit C) with two joint set exposed along Tamabil road cut section.
(b) Silty shale (unit D), inserted picture shows laterite bed (contact of unit C and D) dipping towards SE,
exposed along Nayagang section. (c) Fishhead structure exposed along Gaurishankar-Kamalabari road cut
section. Scale: hammer is 30 cm, pencil is 13 cm long.

23 | P a g e
2.4. Gourisankar Kamalabari road-cut section
It encompasses the area between location 1 and location 15 to 17.
Table-2.4. Rock type, Attitude, Lithology and Sedimentary Structure of Gourisankar Kamalabari
road-cut section:

Unit Location GPS Attitude (Dip Lithological Sedimenta

no. direction/ Dip Description ry
amount) Structure
I L-1 25°08’08” N 154/55 At top- Angular
92°07’58” S matrix unconformi
supported ty, paper
gravel bed lamination
with pebble,
mostly sand.
At bottom:

D L-15 25°08’23” N Bed: 172/85 Mud, clay, Flaser,

92°06’24” S 180/42 sandstone wavy,
Joint: 284/65 Alternation; lenticular
silty/sandy bedding;
shale; very scouring
fine surface
D 16 25°08’06” N Bed: 172/85 Sand/ Silty Drags,
92°07’39” S 181/25 Shale ripple and
Joint: 310/60 (middle part nodular
308/80 of unit D) structures
are present
D 17 25°08’21” N Bed: 176/35 Paper Paper
92°07’29” S 182/45 laminated lamination
shale, sandy/
silty shale,
trace fossils-
Loccia are
present here

24 | P a g e
Flaser: When mud streaks are present in sandstone then the structure is called flaser bedding.
Lenticular: When sand lenses are present in clay or mud then the structure is called lenticular
Wavy: When mud and sand proportion is being equal then the structures are called wavy bedding
which indicate the fluctuations of energy condition. This are formed in the intertidal zone.
(Lindholm, 1991).

Figure 2.4’: (a) Matrix supported gravel bed unconformably overlain on top of the silty shale unit.The
contact of this unit is an angular unconformity. (b) Paper laminated shale exposed along the
Gaurishankar-Kamalabari road-cut section, Jaintiapur. Scale: The hammer on the photo is 30 cm long.

25 | P a g e
2.5. Shari River section
It starts from location 18 (Afifanagar Tea Garden) to location 35.
Table-2.5. Rock type, Attitude, Lithology and Sedimentary Structure of Shari River section:

Unit Location GPS Attitude Lithological Sedimentary

no. (Dip Description Structure
Dip amount)
E 18 25°06’53” Bed: Shale- 195/55 Shale/ Sand- Shalr Thick bedded,
(Afifanagar N Sandstone- 204/47 alternation. with large
Tea 92°06’02” S In the lower scale cross
Garden) portion, bedding
Sandstone with
slightly Shale. In
the middle
portion, sandy
Shale, in the lower
portion, coarse -
grained yellowish-
brown Sandstone.
Moderately sorted
Contact 19 _ Interformational Thin
between laterite bed. Just lamination
unit D above the laterite
and unit bed is Silty Sand,
E beds are thin
E 20 25°07’34” Bed: 230/50 Alternation of Lenticular
(Tetulghat) N 220/45 calcareous bedding,
92°11’20” S 218/56 Sandstone band micro cross
219/35 and Shale. Thick lamination,
Sand bed in Shale nodular
structure and
structure are
E 21 25°07’59” Bed: 208/46 Sandy Shale with Micro cross
N Joint: 324/35 fissile nature lamination,
92°07’57” S mimic of
Dauki fault
E 22 25°07’30” Bed: 222/45 Fine grained Micro cross
N Joint: 022/50 Sandstone lamination,
92°11’14” S cross bedding
E 23 25°06’54” Bed: 226/64 Dominantly Shale Micro cross
(NE of N with silt and sand lamination
Lalakhal 92°10’55” S

26 | P a g e
Contact 24 25°06’48” Bed: 195/55 Bluish Shale at Thick to thin
between N 198/42 base, yellowish bedded, the
unit E 92°10’46” S 210/52 brown sandstone contact is
and unit 190/40 at top either
F conformable
or fault
E 25 25°06’47” Bed: 212/37 Very hard and Brecciated
N Fault surface: 193/53 compact Shale and rock along the
92°10’46” S coarse Sandstone, fault surface
conglomerate with
wood fragments
F 26 25°06’39” Bed: 202/61 Yellowish brown, Trough cross
N 198/50 medium to coarse bedding
92°10’44” S grain Sandstone present
F 27 25°06’23” Bed: 186/72 Dark grey color
N Joint- 275/88 Sandstone with
92°10’36” S anthracite coal
F 28 25°06’30” Bed: 179/54 Yellowish brown Mega trough
N Joint- 331/51 Sandstone cross
92°09’43” S bedding,
ripple present
E 29 25°06’10” Bed: 195/53 Shale bed intruded Ripple
N 198/65 within the
92°10’04” S Fault plane- 312/80 yellowish-brown
Sandstone. Shale
beds are highly
possibly related to
thrust fault
E 30 25°06’35” Bed: 180/72 Grey to yellowish Striation,
(Putirchara) N brown color Sand sigmoidal
92°09’24” S with Silt/ (dextral)
Sandstone structure.
subjected to
F 31 25°06’22” Bed: 195/46 Gray Sandstone Trough cross
N 186/45 bedding, thick
92°09’12” S Joint: 098/88 bedded, with
100/85 visible micro-
F 32 25°06’22” Bed: 212/46 Fissile Shale A number of
N within the joint present,
92°09’07” S Sandstone. Shale strike-slip
thickness is about movement
7-10 m, which is Strike slip

27 | P a g e
the part of the with dip slip
sandstone of unit component,
F and this sinistral fault.
exposure along the
F 33 25°06’11” Bed: 188/28 Yellowish brown Cross
N 192/30 Sandstone, hard bedding, thick
92°08’54” S and compact silty/ bedded
fine sand
G 34 25°05’59” Joint: 028/88 Mottled Clay, _
N soapy nature,
92°08’42” S bluish color,
sticky nature
H 35 25°05’51” Bed: 192/55 Varigated color Mega trough
N 178/55 Sandstone, coarse cross bedding
92°08’38” S Joint: 088/78 grained, poorly
060/64 sorted.

Ripple cross lamination: Forms when deposition takes place during migration of current or wave

28 | P a g e
Figure 2.5.1: (a) Yellowish brown sandstone, middle portion of unit E, exposed along Afiafanagar tea
garden. (b) alternation of shale and calcareous sandstone band, both shows deformation due to dragging,
exposed along Tetulghat. (c) Mimic of Dauki Fault Fault at Shari river section. Scale: Hammer is 30 cm
long, man is 152.4 cm tall.

29 | P a g e
Figure 2.5.2: (c) Contact between shale (unit E) and sandstone (unit F), repetition of unit E indicates
evidence of reverse fault (older unit above younger unit). (d) sigmoidal structure, exposed along
Putirchhara. (e) Intrusion of shale into sandstone, inserted picture shows formation of brecciated cohesive
conglomerate with wood fragments. (f) Striation signature within shale. Scale: The girl is 160 cm tall,
hammer is 30 cm and pencil is 13 cm long, coin is 2.5 cm in diameter.

30 | P a g e
Fig 2.5.3: (g) Dark grey sandstone (unit F), inserted picture shows anthracite coal. (h) Strike slip fault
with dip slip component (unit F). (i) Mottled clay (unit G). Scale: Hammer is 30 cm long, the lady is
155 cm tall.

31 | P a g e
2.6. Dupigaon section
It encompasses the locations of 36 to 40
Table-2.6. Rock type, Attitude, Lithology and Sedimentary Structure of Dupigaon section:

Unit Location GPS Attitude Lithological Sedimentary

no. (Dip direction/ Description Structure
Dip amount)
H 36 25°05’45” N Bed: 180/82 Sandstone are Flute marks, mud
92°06’40” S pinkish, greyish, cracks “pinch and
whitish, yellowish swell” structure
color present as well as
spiral feature (?)
H 37 25°05’46” N Bed: 162/82 Sandstone _
92°07’04” S dominant with
Shale mainly in
upper portion
H 38 25°05’45” N Bed: 173/86 Sandstone _
92°08’38” S
H 39 25°05’51” N Bed: 179/57 Silty Shale part of _
92°07’10” S unit H. Pinkish,
yellowish, whitish
variegated color
H 40 _ Bed: 346/82 Varigated color _
Joint: 286/61 Sandstone; varies
in pink, yellowish;
whitish color due
to kaolinite rich

32 | P a g e
Figure 2.6: (a) Flute marks (b) Mudcracks (C) Yellowish brown Sandstone (unit H) exposed along
Dupigaon Section. Scale: hammer is 30 cm and pencil is 13cm long.

33 | P a g e
Strath terrace: Narrow elongated erosional unconformity is the result of either a stream or river
downcutting through a bedrock, found at Location-3
Clay gall: Clay gall is a markedly flattened and somewhat rounded pellet or curled fragment, chip,
or flake of clay, generally embedded in a sandy matrix and esp. abundant at the base of sandy beds.
It may arise from drying and cracking a thin layer of coherent mud, the fragment commonly rolled
or blown into the sand and buried, and forming a lenticular bleb upon wetting. We found clay galls
at Location- 10, 11 and 26.

Figure 2.7.1: Clay galls

Flute marks: Flute marks, also known as flute casts or flute marks, are sedimentary structures
commonly found in fine-grained sedimentary rocks such as sandstone, siltstone, or shale. Flute
marks appear as elongated, streamlined depressions or troughs on the bedding surface of a
sedimentary layer. They have a distinct asymmetric shape, with a gentle upstream or stoss side and
a steep downstream or lee side. At Location-36, there was flute marks.

Figure 2.7.2: Flute marks

34 | P a g e
Convolute bedding: It forms when complex folding or crumpling of beds or laminations occur.
This type of deformation is found in fine or silty sands, and is usually confined to one rock layer.
Convolute laminations are found in flood plain, delta, point-bar, and intertidal-flat deposits. At
Location- 14, we found convolute bedding in silty sand.

Figure 2.7.3: Convolute bedding

Concretion: Concretions typically form through the precipitation and accumulation of minerals
within the pore spaces of sediment or rock. The process begins with the deposition of sediment,
which can include sand, mud, or other particles. Over time, mineral-rich fluids, such as
groundwater or pore water, flow through the sediment and carry dissolved minerals. Before
entering the Shari river section, we found concretions.

Figure 2.7.4: Concretion

35 | P a g e
Nodular structure: A nodular structure refers to the presence of nodules within a rock or
sediment. Nodules are rounded or irregularly shaped mineral or rock formations that are distinct
from the surrounding material. Nodules can have different shapes and appearances, ranging from
spherical to elongated or irregular. They often have a distinct texture or color compared to the
surrounding rock or sediment, making them easily recognizable. At Location-20, we found nodules
of shale.

Figure 2.7.5: Nodular structure

Scouring surface: Surface formed by the removal of sediment by water flow. At Location- 14 and
15, we found channel bed scouring.

Figure 2.7.6: Scouring surface

36 | P a g e
Chapter- 3: Structure
The Sylhet region exhibits a diverse range of geological structures and is influenced by complex
tectonic processes. This region is a part of the larger Bengal Basin, which is distinguished by its
active tectonics and sedimentary cover. The Surma Basin, a portion of the larger Bengal Basin, is
the main geological structure in the Sylhet region. The northern part of this basin subsiding below
the Shillong Massif and this part bounded by Dawki fault. It is a sedimentary basin formed by the
deposition of sediments eroded from the Himalayas and transported by rivers. There are many
different types of rock formations in the Surma Basin, such as conglomerates, sandstones,
siltstones, and shales.
A large number of major and minor geological structures have been found in the investigated area.

3.1. Major structures

The major structure of this investigated area predominantly trending E-W direction due to the N-
S directional compressive forces of the tectonic convergence between Indian plate and Eurasian
plate. The area is tectonically very complex and controlled by a very complex system of faults,
particularly known as the ‘Dawki Fault System’.

37 | P a g e
The major dominant structures of the working area are Folds, Faults, Unconformity and Joints.

Map 3.1: Tectonic Map of Bangladesh

3.1.1. Fold: Monoclinal fold

The area Tamabil seems to be an anticline, but it can be better explained by a rollover against the
major Dauki Fault. The compressional forces are responsibility for making the area tectonically
disturbed. These did not help to develop an anticlinal structure. The reversal of dip was caused due
to roll-over against the Dauki Fault. It is also supported by a northward surface slope of the
Tamabil check post to Amsapna village [Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, Volume-2, Page-1-14].

38 | P a g e
The high deep at Telughat (near Afifanagar) area, low dip in the Baurbag area in Shari river section
suggests that the eastern part of the area is possibly affected by several folding episodes. The
angular interception of Dupi Tila hill range with Jaintia hill range indicates a NW-SE trending
force direction during Plio-Pliestocent time (Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, v-2).
The higher attitude in the older formations and lower attitude in the younger formations in the
Shari River section indicates that the area forms a part of the monoclinal fold [Bangladesh
Geoscience Journal, V-2].
The higher attitude in the older formations and lower attitude in the younger formations in the
Shari River section indicates that the area forms a part of the monoclinal fold [Bangladesh
Geoscience Journal, V-2].
Strike orientation in our investigated sections:

39 | P a g e
Figure 3.1 :(a) Sylhet pole point (b) Sylhet pole and great circle (c) Sylhet rose diagram

40 | P a g e
3.1.2. Fault
Within the investigated area the structure is influenced by several large faults records in seismic
sections and all of these are reverse faults. The seismic section shows evidence of extensional
collapse at the crest in shallower horizons and several normal faults can be traced (Imam, 2005).
The Jaflong - Jaintiapur region and its adjacent areas having an E-W narrow strip along a major
fault, called Dawki Fault (Murthy et al. 1969) (Map-6). The northern part of the Dawki fault has
been uplifted with the rising of Shillong Massif and the corresponding southern part has been
down-faulted and concealed beneath a thick clastic sequence of PlioPliestocene age [Reimann,
The major regional fault in the Jaintiapur and adjoining area is the Dawki fault. This fault is found,
observed and measured which is situated in Shillong Plateau. This fault work in tectonic province
between Shillong Pleatue and Sylhet trough. The Dawki fault is a series of faults that trends east-
west and it is considered as the westward continuation of the Naga-Disang thrust system. The
Shilong Massif acts as the up thrown block. The fault is poorly exposed and gravity data suggests
that it is a deep-seated fault. The 5 km wide zone of faulting can be characterized by extensive
fracturing and steep dips.
Besides, few other local faults were observed in different formations. In fact, our investigated area
comprises a zone which extensively affected by movement of Dawki fault system and which is
responsible for the present physiography of the area. The local faults were evidenced by
displacement of different formations.
From our field observations found some evidences which support the existence of the fault are as
 Sudden topographic changes and high relief difference was noted in Sylhet – Meghalaya
border line areas; Lower elevation in Sylhet of Bangladesh and higher elevation in
Meghalaya of India. The present elevation of the Shillong plateau is due to repeated uplift
along the Dawki fault system over a long period of time (Map-6).
 The presence of broken breccia between the Sylhet Limestone and Kopili Shale indicate
an important evidence of the faulting.
 The irregularities in the beds attitude and abrupt changes in amount of dip are evidences of
 The straight course of the Dawki River another important evidence of faulting.High
terraces at river bank indicate major faulting observed at near Juflong (Map-6).

41 | P a g e
3.2. Minor Structures
3.2.1. Joint
Joints may be defined as divisional planes or surfaces that divides rocks and along which there
has been no visible movement parallel to the plane or surface. The joints can be found in Jaintiapur
and adjoining area as minor structure. This is more common in Dauki river section and in Tamabil
road cut section. In Tamabil road cut section it has been observed oblique joint, diagonal joints
and joint sets. In Dauki river section few closely spaced joints of variable orientation are noticed
in Sylhet Limestone.

3.2.2. Drag Fold

A minor fold, usually one of a series, formed in an incompetent bed lying between more competent
beds, produced by movement of the competent beds in opposite directions relative
to one another. Drag folds may also develop beneath a thrust sheet. They are usually a centimeter to a
few meters in size.
From our field observation found several Drag folds in Gourishankar-Komlabari road cut section
and Shari river section. Drag folds in the shale bed are formed due to movement of the
competent beds of sandstone in the opposite direction with each other.
3.2.3. Shearing
During shearing, rocks can experience different types of movement. They can slide past each other
horizontally, creating a strike-slip fault where the displacement is mainly horizontal. Alternatively,
rocks can move vertically along a fault plane, resulting in dip-slip faults such as normal faults
(caused by extensional forces) or reverse faults (caused by compressional forces). The Sari River
section in the Sylhet area provides evidence of the shearing effect, which has occurred due to the
transpressional force exerted between the Indian and Burmese tectonic plates.
From our field observation found shearing at Shari river section near Tatulghat.
3.2.4. Boudinage
A structure found in greatly deformed sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, in which an
originally continuous competent band or layer between relatively plastic (less competent)
layers are stretched and thinned until rupture occurs. In our field observation, boudinage structure
found near Shari river section.
3.3.5. Fracture
Within the investigated area the fractures are developed in sandstone, limestone, silty shale,
shale, and highly fractured fissile shale of different sections; all of these fractures indicate the
tectonic disturbance.
3.3.6. Sigmoidal
Sigmoidal structure – sometimes called tension gashes – form in rock by shear stress. That's stress
that causes adjacent parts of a rock to slide past one another. In the picture the yellow arrows indicate
the approximate orientation of the stresses that were applied to this boulder to create the sigmoidal

42 | P a g e
Figure 3.2: Sigmoidal Structure

Chapter – 4: Sedimentology

4.1. Facies Analysis

Sedimentary facies are bodies of sediment that are recognizably distinct from adjacent sediments
that resulted from different depositional environments. At Jaintiapur and its adjoining areas in
Sylhet, we did our field survey at six sections and following facies can be identified from lithologs:
Table 4.1: Facies Analysis

Serial Facies name Facies code Sedimentary structure Interpretation

1 Bedded fossiliferous Lf Bedding, fossil content Non-clastic
limestone (grey) (Nummulite) found origin, some
2 Massive breccia Bm Angular unconformity Brecciated due to
(yellowish brown) fault
3 Laminated shale Shl Lamination By
(dark grey) discontinuous
deposition in
calm and quite
4 Matrix supported Gm Massive High energy
gravel bed condition

5 Pinkish sandstone Smp Massive Lower flow

moderate to high

43 | P a g e
continuous sand
6 Thinly bedded Sbp Thin bed Migration of
sandstone dune due to high
7 Laterite bed L Massive Period of non-
deposition, hot
and humid
8 Flaser bedded Sf Flaser bedding Migration of
sandstone ripple at high
energy condition
with intermittent
lower energy
moderate to well
sorted sand
9 Wavy bedded sandy SShw Wavy bedding Alternating high
shale and low energy
condition, sand,
suspended load
deposits at
higher and lower
energy condition
10 Lenticular bedded Shl Lenticular bedding Discontinuous
shale deposition in low
energy clam
with intermittent
higher energy
11 Mudstone Mm Massive By continuous
deposition in
calm and quite
12 Calcareous Scb Massive Secondary
sandstone band cementation
diagenetic stage
13 Shale Sh Nodule Discontinuous
deposition in low
energy clam
fissile due to

44 | P a g e
4.2. Depositional Environment
Carbonate platform:
Forms in shallow marine environments composed primarily of carbonate sediment, such as
limestone. It is characterized by the accumulation of carbonate rocks and associated sediments,
which are mainly composed of the remains of marine organisms like foraminifera.
Typically develop in warm and tropical settings with clear and relatively shallow water, as these
conditions promote the growth of marine organisms that contribute to carbonate sediment
production. The platform may extend over a large area and have a relatively flat or gently sloping
Marine organisms extract dissolved carbonate ions from the water to build their skeletons or shells.
Over time, as these organisms die, their remains accumulate and contribute to the growth of
carbonate rocks. Sediments derived from the erosion of nearby landmasses, as well as the transport
and deposition of fine-grained particles by waves and currents, may also contribute to the sediment
accumulation on the platform. As the carbonate sediments accumulate, they undergo diagenesis,
which involves processes like compaction and cementation. Cementation occurs when minerals,
such as calcite or dolomite, precipitate from the pore fluids, binding the sediment particles together
and forming solid rock.

Shelf area:
This facies association include Shl, which is commonly associated with quiet or low-energy
environments. The specific conditions and processes involved in shale formation can result in
different types of shale deposits.
Shelf where energy condition is low which suggest that clastic influx was prominent during
deposition of this facies association after deposition of FA1.
Shale can be associated with deltaic environments where rivers deposit large amounts of sediment
at their mouths. As the river enters a body of water, such as a sea or lake, the sediment load
decreases, and fine particles settle out to form layers of shale in areas of reduced energy.
We found this type of deposits in many sections mainly in Kopili
Tidal flat or tidal delta environment:

45 | P a g e
This facies association includes Sm, Sf, Shl, Sp, Shw, Shlm which is suggests these are deposited by
deltaic processes. The sediments carried by rivers were sometimes discharged into the sea or large
lakes, forming deltaic deposits. The deposition and subsequent alteration of sand shale can involve
various geological processes.
Sand shale is typically formed in environments where a mix of sand and clay-rich sediment is
deposited. This can occur in a variety of settings, such as river deltas, shallow marine
environments, or offshore sedimentary basins. Sedimentation processes, such as river currents,
ocean waves, or wind, transport the sand and clay particles and deposit them together. After
deposition, the sand shale undergoes diagenesis, which refers to the physical and chemical changes
that occur as sediment is transformed into rock. Diagenesis can involve compaction, cementation,
and the alteration of mineralogy. The clay minerals in the shale component may undergo changes
due to pressure, temperature, and the presence of fluids, leading to the formation of new minerals
or the recrystallization of existing minerals. As the sand shale lithifies, minerals can precipitate
from pore fluids and fill the spaces between the grains. Over time, the sand shale can be buried
under additional layers of sediment. The increased pressure and temperature associated with burial
can further compact the rock and promote cementation, leading to its lithification. Tectonic forces,
such as compression or uplift, can affect sand shale deposits.
Some portions may exhibit characteristics of tidal flat environments. These tidal flat deposits
within the Bhuban Formation would likely be represented by fine-grained sediments, possibly
including mudstone or shale, and might show features such as ripple marks, mud cracks, or
Fluvial environment:
This facies association include St, Cm, Shw,Sr, St which is commonly formed in riverbeds and
adjacent areas where the energy of the water is sufficient to transport and deposit sand.
Sandstone can be deposited in fluvial environments, where rivers transport and deposit sediment.
These facies were primarily deposited by river systems that transported sediment from the nearby
source areas. These rivers transported sand and other coarse-grained sediments and deposited them
in fluvial channels and floodplain environments.
Fluvial channels and floodplains also played a role in the deposition of the Barail Formation. The
river systems that fed the delta transported sand and other coarse-grained sediments, which were

46 | P a g e
deposited in the fluvial channels. The floodplains adjacent to the channels received finer-grained
sediment, including silt and shale.

4.3. Grain Size Analysis

Grain size is a fundamental attribute of siliciclastic sedimentary rocks and thus one of the important
descriptive properties of such rocks. Sedimentologists are particularly concerned with three
aspects of particle size:
1. Techniques for measuring grain size and expressing it in terms of some type of grain size of
grade scale.
2. Presenting them in graphical or statistical form so they can be easily analyzed.
3. The genetic significance of these data.
Several methods use for the grain size analysis of sedimentary rocks such as settling velocity,
microscopic method, sieving method etc. We use the sieving method to analyze the grain size. It
is the common method for laboratory analysis.
The following parameters were calculated in the laboratory (Table 4.3)
The different percentiles values have been evaluated from the cumulative curve in order to
calculate the grain size statistical parameter according to Folk and Ward (1957) method.
According to folk and ward:
Graphic mean, M=(ɸ16+ɸ50+ɸ84)/3
Graphic standard deviation (Sorting), σ=(ɸ84+ɸ16)/4+(ɸ95+ɸ5)/6.6
Graphic skewness, SK=(16ɸ+84ɸ−2ɸ50)/2(ɸ84−ɸ16) +(ɸ5+ɸ95−2ɸ50)/2(ɸ95−ɸ5)
Graphic kurtosis, KG=(ɸ95−ɸ5)/2.44(ɸ75−ɸ25)

47 | P a g e
Table 4.3: Result and discussion of grain size analysis

Location Unit Graphic Mean (M) Graphic Graphic Graphic Kurtosis

No Standard Skewness (S) (K)
sorting (D)
Value Interpre Value Interpret Valu Interpr Value Interpret
tation ation e etation ation
04 C 1.85 Medium 1.41 Well sorted -0.07 Coarse 0.83 platykurtic
sand skewed

07 C 1.4 Medium 1.12 Moderately -0.38 Strongly 0.65 Very

sand sorted coarse Platykurtic

08 C 1.66 Medium 1.27 Moderately -0.39 Strongly 0.96 Mesokurtic

sand sorted coarse

11 C 2.23 Fine sand 1.51 Poorly -0.39 Strongly 2.63 Very

sorted coarse Leptokurtic

18 E 2.32 Fine sand 1.84 Poorly 0.06 Nearly 1.83 Leptokurtic

sorted symmetr

24 F 2.8 Fine sand 2.3 Very 0.27 Fine 1.25 Leptokurtic

poorly skewed

27 F 2.2 Fine sand 1.8 Poorly -0.39 Strongly 1.01 Mesokurtic

sorted coarse

48 | P a g e
31 F 2.06 Fine sand 1.43 Poorly -0.39 Strongly 1.04 Mesokurtic
sorted coarse

24 F 2.51 Fine sand 2.09 Very 0.17 Fine 1.26 Leptokurtic

poorly skewed

40 H 2.4 Fine sand 1.69 Poorly -0.21 Coarse 2.6 Very

sorted skewed Platykurtic

40 H 2.9 Fine sand 2.4 Very 0.29 Fine 1.33 Leptokurtic

poorly skewed

40 H 3 Very fine 2.51 Very 0.38 Very 0.97 Mesokurtic

sand poorly poorly
sorted sorted

49 | P a g e
4.4. Depositional Processes

Figure 4.4: CM Diagram (after PASSEGA & BYRAMJEE)

From the CM diagram, it is evident that the rock formations of pinkish sandstone, ferruginous
sandstone, variegated sandstone may have been deposited by rolling and suspension when the
energy condition was slightly higher.

50 | P a g e
Chapter- 5: Stratigraphy

The investigated area has been divided into nine rock units.
These are:

a. Limestone (unit A)
b. Blackish to Bluish Shale (unit B)
c. Pinkish sandstone (unit C)
d. Silty Sand (unit D)
e. Sand-Shale alternation (unit E)
f. Yellowish brown Sandstone (unit F)
g. Mottled clay (unit G)
h. Variegated Color Sandstone (unit H)
i. Matrix supported gravel bed (unit I)

51 | P a g e
5.1. Stratigraphy of Individual section

Table-5.1.1: Dauki river section

Unit Thickness Description Symbol

C It is pink in color. It’s medium to fine grained. The
(Pinkish rock is composed of ferruginous cementing
Sandstone) materials mainly. It has high porosity and
permeability. It’s moderately compact and well
sorted. It shows massive bedding, trough cross
lamination, cross bedding, parallel lamination,
maybe high concentration of hematite, iron
concretion sedimentary structure.
B This rock is black or dark grey (indicates presence
(Blackish to of organic matter), composed of fine-grained clay
blueish size shows low porosity and
Shale) permeability. The cementing materials of the rock
is mainly argillaceous. two unconformities present
here. We have observed thin laminated fissile
block shale above unconformity.
Occasionally limestone bed is found on it.
A Fossiliferous limestone is grey in color. It’s
(Limestone) medium to fine grained. It is composed of
calcareous cementing material and gives
effervescence. It is thick bedded; hard and
compact. It is brittle, fossiliferous (Nummulite)
limestone; lower part of this limestone is brecciated
which suggests presence of fault. Forms in shallow
marine environments composed primarily of
carbonate sediment.

Table-5.1.2: Tamabil Road Cut section

Unit Thickness Lithology Symbol

C It is pink in color. It’s medium to fine grained.
(Pinkish The particles of the rocks are sub rounded to sub
Sandstone) angular on an average. The rock is composed of
ferruginous cementing materials mainly. It has
high porosity and permeability. It’s moderately
hard and compact. It shows massive bedding,
well-developed cross-bedding dipping in
opposite direction, ripple marks, clay galls
present, trough cross lamination, cross bedding,
parallel lamination, iron concretion sedimentary
52 | P a g e
structure. There is also laterite bed (oxide,
hydroxide of Fe, Al) present which maybe intra-
formational, in-situ weathering of pinkish

Table-5.1.3: Nayagang Section

Unit Thickness Description Symbol

D Silty shale is dominantly dark gray in color,
(Silty often showing some bluish color also. It is
Shale) mainly composed of fine-grained silt and clay
sized particles. In sedimentary structures
parallel lamination, trough cross bedding,
channel bed scouring, minor flaser bedding,
mud flakes, convolute bedding, micro cross
lamination including some thin laminations are
present. It shows relatively low permeability.
The cementing materials of the rock is mainly
C It is pink in color. It’s medium to fine grained.
(Pinkish The particles of the rocks are sub rounded to sub
Sandstone) angular on an average. The rock is composed of
ferruginous cementing materials mainly. It has
high porosity and permeability. It’s moderately
hard and compact. It shows massive bedding,
cross bedding, parallel lamination.
Interformational laterite bed formed from silty
sand which suggest angular unconformity
between unit C and D.
Table-5.1.4. Gourisanker – kamalabari Road cut

Unit Thickness Description Symbol

D Silty shale is dominantly dark gray in color, often
(Silty showing some bluish color also. It is mainly
Shale) composed of fine-grained silt and clay sized
particles. In sedimentary structures parallel
lamination, micro cross lamination including
some thin laminations, wavy bedding, lenticular
bedding, present channel scouring present. Drags,
ripple and nodular structures are also present
here. Trace fossils- Loccia are present in this
section. It shows relatively low permeability. The
cementing materials of the rock is mainly

53 | P a g e
Table-5.1.5. Sari River Section

Unit Thickness Description Symbol

H It is yellowish brown, light to dark pink and a
(Variegated variable colored, medium to fine grained sub
color rounded to sub angular on an average. The rock
Sandstone) is composed of ferruginous cementing materials
mainly. It has high porosity and permeability. It’s
moderately shows massive
bedding, mega trough cross bedding, cross
bedding as well as parallel lamination in
sedimentary structure. We find flute mark,
mudflacks and anomalous dipping on trough
cross bedding in a bedset indicates the overturn
of the rock strata. Clay gall, iron concretion,
pebble and cobble size particles are also present
here with carbonaceous material on the rock.
Massive bedded claystone(white), leached out
iron layer have also been observed as minor rock
G It is dominantly bluish gray in color. It is mainly
(Mottled composed of fine-grained clay sized particles
Clay) dominantly. It shows medium to high plasticity
as well as high organic content including plant
debris. We have observed massive sedimentary
structure on it. The cementing materials of the
rock is mainly argillaceous. It’s mainly an over
bank deposit.

F It is yellowish brown in color. It’s medium to

(Yellowish fine grained. the particles of the rocks are sub
brown rounded to sub angular on an average. The rock
Sandstone) is composed of ferruginous cementing materials
mainly. It has high porosity and permeability. It’s
hard and shows massive bedding,
trough cross bedding, cross bedding as well as
parallel lamination in sedimentary structure.
Very thick bedded shale layer as an intrusion,
sandy shale as minor rock type has also been

54 | P a g e
E Sandy shale is dominantly light gray in color and
(Sand- mainly composed of fine to medium grained sand
Shale and silt sized particles. The rock has low to
alternation) medium porosity and low to medium
permeability. It is loose to moderately compact.
The cementing materials of the rock is mainly sedimentary structure we have
observed micro cross lamination parallel
lamination, lenticular bedding, flame structure
and hummocky structure on it.
Bluish gray sandstone: it is bluish gray in color.
It’s medium to fine grained. The rock is
composed of siliceous cementing materials
mainly. It has medium to high porosity and
permeability. It’s moderately shows
low to medium angle cross bedding, tabular cross
bedding, massive bedding as well as parallel
lamination in sedimentary structure. Petrified
wood and micro fossil are also observed in the
Shale bed with lamination, as well as showing
nodular structure so often have been observed

Table-5.1.6. Dupigaon Section

Unit Formation Description Symbol

H It is yellowish brown, light to dark pink and a
(Variegated variable colored, medium to fine grained sub
color rounded to sub angular on an average. The rock is
Sandstone) composed of ferruginous cementing materials
mainly and kaolinite present in some places. It
has high porosity and permeability. It’s
moderately shows massive bedding,
trough cross bedding, cross bedding as well as
parallel lamination in sedimentary structure. We
find flute mark and anomalous dipping on trough
cross bedding in a bedset indicates the overturn of
the rock strata. Clay gall, iron concretion, pebble
and cobble size particles are also present here
with carbonaceous material on the rock. Massive
bedded claystone(white), leached out iron layer
have also been observed as minor rock type.
Unit I: erosion of all formations (unit A, B, C and D) then form I formation and it’s the youngest
unit of all formations which indicate Dihing Formation.

55 | P a g e
5.2. Correlation with other sections

56 | P a g e
5.3. Correlation with Regional Geology

Table 5. 3: Regional Stratigraphy of the Investigation area.

Study area of Jaintiapur and adjoining Regional (CTFB) nomenclature (Modified after Alam et Probable
area, Sylhet al..2001 Reimann, 1993, Muminullah, 1988, Evans,1932) age
Formation Rock Lithology Group Formation Lithology Thickness Depositional Age
Name Unit (m)
Dihing Gravels with Late
silt and Pleistocene
H Yellowish brown,light Dupitila Variegated 500 Pleistocene
Variegated to dark pink,and a colored -Late
Color variable sandstone Pliocene
Sandstone colored,medium to fine
grained ,sub rounded to
sub angular on an
cementing materials
,high porosity and
bedding,trough cross Fluvial
bedding ,cross bedding
as well as parallel
lamination in
structure.flute mark
and anomalous dipping
on trough cross
bedding in a bedset
indicates the overturn
of the rock strata.clay
concretion,pebble and
cobble size particles
are also present here
with carbonaceous
material on the rock.

57 | P a g e
Bluish gray in color,fine 350 Pliocene
grained clay sized Mottled
par�cles dominantly, Clay
Motled G medium to high Girujan
Clay plas�city as well as clay
high organic content
including plant
sedimentary structure
on it. argillaceous
cemen�ng materials,
an over bank deposite.

Yellowish F Yellowish brown in Tipam Yellowish 900

Brown color,medium to fine Sandstone Sandstone
Sandstone grained,sub rounded to
sub angular on an Upper
materials,high porosity Shale
and permeability.It’s
hard and
bedding,trough cross
bedding ,cross bedding
as well as parallel
lamination in
sedimentary structure.
Sand- E Sandy shale is Bokabil Sandy Shale 1200 Upper
Shale dominantly light gray Miocene
alternation in colored,fine to
medium grained sand
and silt sized
particles,low to Marine to
medium porosity and Deltaic
low to medium
permeability,loose to
moderately compacted.
argillaceous cementing
lamination parallal
lamination ,lenticular
bedding ,flame
structure and
hummocky structure
sedimentary structures
on it.

Bluish gray
sandstone:Bluish gray
in colored,medium to

58 | P a g e
fine grained,siliceous
materials,medium to
high porosity and
compact,low to
medium angle cross
bedding,Tabular cross
bedding ,massive
bedding as well as
parallel lamination in
wood and micro fossil
are also obverved in
the field.

shale bed with

lamination as well as
showing nodular
structure so often have
been observed too.

Silty Shale D Silty shale is Bhuban Silty Shale 3000+ Middle to

dominantly dark gray Lower
in color, often showing Miocene
some bluish color also.
It is mainly composed
of fine-grained silt and
clay sized particles. In
sedimentary structures
parallel lamination,
trough cross bedding,
channel bed scouring,
minor flaser bedding,
mud flakes, convolute
bedding, micro cross
lamination including
some thin laminations
are present. It shows
relatively low
permeability. The
cementing materials of
the rock is mainly
Pinkish C It is pink in color. It’s Renji Pinkish Early
Sandstone medium to fine Sandstone Miocene to
grained. The particles late
of the rocks are sub

rounded to sub angular
on an average. The Laisong
rock is composed of
ferruginous cementing

59 | P a g e
materials mainly. It has
high porosity and
permeability. It’s
moderately hard and
compact. It shows
massive bedding, well-
developed cross-
bedding dipping in
opposite direction,
ripple marks, clay galls
present, trough cross
lamination, cross
bedding, parallel
lamination, iron
concretion sedimentary
structure. There is also
laterite bed (oxide,
hydroxide of Fe, Al)
present which maybe
intra-formational, in-
situ weathering of
pinkish sandstone.

Blackish to B This rock is black or Kopili Grayish Middle to

blueish dark grey (indicates Shale Black Early
Shale presence of organic Sandstone Eocene
matter), composed of
fine-grained clay size shows low
porosity and
permeability. The
cementing materials of
the rock is mainly
argillaceous. two
unconformities present
here. We have
observed thin
laminated fissile block Marine
shale above
limestone bed is found
on it.

Limestone A Fossiliferous limestone Sylhet Fossiliferous

is grey in color. It’s Limestone Limestone
medium to fine
grained. It is composed
of calcareous
cementing material and

gives effervescence. It
is thick bedded; hard

60 | P a g e
and compact. It is
brittle, fossiliferous
limestone; lower part
of this limestone is
brecciated limestone
which is gray in
variegated size clast
nearable 2-3mm and
shows massive
sedimentary structure,
is also observed in the
field; which suggests
presence of fault.
Forms in shallow
marine environments
composed primarily of
carbonate sediment.

limestone:This upper
part of limestone is
gray in color,medium
to fine
cementing materials
,hard and
compact,moderately to
thickly bedded and
massive sedimentary
structure.It hardly has
any fossil content as
most of them is macro
fossil type.

61 | P a g e
Chapter- 6: Economic Geology
Economic geology is concerned with earth materials that can be used for economic and/or
industrial purposes. These materials include precious and base metals, nonmetallic minerals,
construction-grade stone, petroleum minerals, coal, and water. The term commonly refers to
metallic mineral deposits and mineral resources. The techniques employed by other earth science
disciplines (such as geochemistry, mineralogy, geophysics, and structural geology) might all be
used to understand, describe, and exploit an ore deposit.
Jaintiapur and its adjacent areas are well known for some economically workable mineral deposits
such as boulder and gravel bed deposit, sand of Hari River, limestone deposit etc. They are
described below:
Boulder bed:
Boulder excavation from the Dauki River is one of the major income sources of the locality.
Boulder, pebbles and gravels of Dauki river section are also important because it is widely used
for building materials. But at present collection of boulder is hazardous to environment due to
excessive collection rather than its sustainable use. Boulders are also found in more or less every
sectin of our investigated area.
Limestone is one of the best raw materials used as cement and building constructive materials. The
reserve of limestone of our investigated area is adequate to meet the demand of local needs is of
comparable good quality. It is extensively used as mosaic materials.
Sand is abundantly found in our studied area.The channel sand deposits, i.e. streams of Dauki,
Nayagang are Hari are economically important for their much uses in construction purposes. Sands
that are free from iron content are good for construction. Some sands deposit of iron content could
be used for glass sand.
Conglomerates are found in Dauki river section. The main use of the conglomerate is making steps
of ponds and small culverts.
Calcareous sandstone band:
The calcareous sandstone band found in the investigated areas which are very hard can be
economically very important if utilized in proper ways. The thickness is about 10cm to 25 cm. this
is very hard and supplied in the different parts of the country by the local people. This is mainly
used for road and building constructions purpose. These are also used for railway ballast, bridges,
culverts, dams, and for other purposes.
Shale and Clay:
Through the deposits used for manufacturing the goods of ceramic in ceramic industry. They are
also used extensively for the manufacturing of bricks by indigenous methods.

62 | P a g e
Chapter- 7: Conclusions

The studied area is a part of Surma basin, located at Jaintiapur and adjoining area of Sylhet,
Bangladesh. It is bounded from west to east by Khashi-Jaintia hill range. The northeastern
part is bordered by Shillong plateau. The average elevation of the investigated area is about
60 to 340 feet from the mean sea level. The maximum elevation is found at Lalakhal (153m,
Kesara pahar) area and minimum in northwestern region. The region structurally controlled by E-
W trending Dawki fault and this region also have many major and minor fault, joint, fracture and
A unit of strata that dips or flexes from the horizontal in one direction only, and is not part of
an anticline or syncline. It is generally a large feature of gentle dip is defined as MONOCLINE.
The angular interception of Dupi Tila hill range with Jaintia hill range indicates a NW-SE trending
force direction during Plio-Pliestocent time. The higher attitude in the older formations and lower
attitude in the younger formations in the Hari River section indicates that the area forms a part of
the monoclinal fold.
On the basis of field investigation found eight (8) lithological units, namely- Sylhet Limestone
formation, Kopili Shale formation, Barail group, Surma group (Bhuban and Boka Bil formation),
Tipam Sandstone formation, Girujan Clay formation, DupiTila Sandstone formation and Dihing
formation. Total thickness of these rock units about 6.3 kilometers. These rock units containing
various sedimentary structures, such as- bedding, lamination, trough cross bedding, convolute
lamination, flame structure, flute structure, boudinage structure, sigmoidal structure; flaser, wavy
and lenticular bedding etc.
According to facies analysis these rock units are deposited in several depositional environments
are as follows- Carbonate platform, Shelf area, Tidal flat or tidal delta environment, fluvial, and
marine. The age of these rock units ranges from Eocene to Recent.
Economic importance of Limestone, Calcareous bands, Gravels and Boulders, Sands and
Radio-active minerals. Environmental impacts of hard rock mining and crashing, tourist spot,
urbanization, petroleum exploration etc.
More detailed study is required to delineate the structural set-up and depositional environment
of the area to help understand the geology of the studied area.

63 | P a g e

We the students of 4th year, 2018-19 session went to investigate Jaintiapur and its adjoining
area of Sylhet District for academic purpose. And we are bound to show our gratefulness to the
authority of the Department of Geological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka to
arrange this field work program to earn practical knowledge of Geological sciences.
First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for His showers of blessings
throughout our field work to complete the field work successfully.
I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to our honorable and respectable teacher and
our field supervisors, Professor Dr. Md. Sharif Hossain Khan, Professor Dr. Md. Sakawat Hossain
for their systematic work procedure, petroleum prospect, supervision and guidance during the
field. Their dynamism, vision, sincerity and motivation have deeply inspired us. They taught us
the methodology to carry out the field work and to present the field works as clearly as possible.
It was a great privilege and honor to work and study under their guidance and I am extremely
grateful for that. Special thanks to Professor Dr. Rumana Yeasmin although she was’nt present in
person, her guidance was very helpful for us.
I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to the food, transportation, and first aid committees for
their exceptional assistance throughout the fieldwork, as well as my classmates for their constant
encouragement and cooperative spirit. I am also grateful to the authorities of Jaintiapur
Zilaporishodh Dakbanglo for their efficient resolution of our accommodation issues and their
attentive care during the fieldwork.
I’m also sincerely thank to Bangladesh Railway, the people of Jaintiapur, Sylhet, the Jahangirnagar
University Medical Center, the Jahangirnagar University Medical Transportation Department, our
cook, and the staff.
Last but not least, and most importantly, I want to thank everyone in my class for their cooperation
and support, especially the people in my group.

Shahanaj Parvin

64 | P a g e

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