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How to Regularly Update Outreach

Last Updated

27th September 2022

This SOP will explain how to keep outreach templates up to date.

Execution Time
15 Minutes

When To Run This Process

Once a week

Updated outreach template

Tools & Services

Text Editor
Outreach templates must be updated regularly to prevent email deliverability issues.

There are 2 parts to this process:

1. Weekly update
2. Monthly complete re-write

Running this process at the beginning of every week is recommended - before the outreach
campaign starts.

1. Weekly Update

Weekly updates consist of small changes to the body of the email.

● Leave the subject line the same

● Re-phrase the introduction part
○ Use synonyms or different versions of the greeting

Mark here from Authority Hacker!

I’m Mark, founder of Authority Hacker!

○ If the intro part is connected to the subject line, leave it the same
■ For example, answers to pun questions
● Re-phrase sentences in the body of the email while keeping the same context
○ Use synonyms where applicable.

Old: Anyways, puns aside..
New: Anyways, jokes aside..

● Change the order or split/connect the sentences where it makes sense

Old: Would you be open to a content collaboration on your blog? We worked with a few
big sites in the industry on similar stuff, and I thought you might be interested as well!

New: We worked with a few big sites in the industry on similar stuff recently - and I
hoped you might also be interested in a potential content collaboration!

● Re-phrase the signature


All the best,
2. Monthly complete re-write
Rewriting outreach templates at the beginning of each month is highly recommended.

Making a fresh outreach template utterly different from the current one is highly beneficial for
email deliverability.

● Change the subject line.

● Re-word the introduction part.
● Re-write the body of the email
○ Update article examples with recently written ones if possible
● Come up with a new call to action

Refer to the How to Write an Outreach Template SOP for instructions.

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