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Creating a New Campaign in

Last Reviewed

11th April 2023

📄 Summary
This process should be followed to set up a new popup in OptinMonster.

This document will not show the exact parameters of the campaign, such as the headlines, CTA
buttons, etc.

Execution Time
10 Minutes

⏰ When To Run This Process

When creating a new popup

A new popup campaign will be live on the site

Tools & Services


SOP Series
This SOP is part of a library of SOPs for Optin Monster.
1. Setting up OptinMonster
a. Integrating OptinMonster with ActiveCampaign
b. Integrating OptinMonster with MailerLite
2. Current SOP

This process is split into 3 sections:
1. Understanding OptinMonster Campaigns
2. Setting up a basic campaign
3. Customizing a campaign

1. Understanding OptinMonster Campaigns

OptInMonster contains a variety of options for setting up your Optin Popup form. As standard,
there are multiple Popup types you can enable. Each comes with its Pros and Cons.

Remember that the more aggressive the campaign, the more it can affect other site metrics
such as bounce rate, so carefully consider the added value of the Popup content before
choosing the right type.

While other options are available, we’ll cover the 4 most common below:

Standard On-Page Popup

A Standard on-page Popup is excellent for everyday offers and email list building. It has a good
mix between optimal Conversion rates and Bounces.
A Floating Bar Popup
This type of Popup will stick to the bottom of the window and always be visible. This type of
Popup is ideal for limited-time offers which you may wish to push hard, but should not be
overused, especially if there is no option to exit them.

Fullscreen Popup
This type of Popup takes over the entire user's screen. While it may increase bounces, it is also
highly converting, so if you have a high ticket offer, this can offset the potential bounce rate.
This is a highly versatile type of Opt-In that can be placed near enough anywhere on the site. It
is great for splitting up long-form content or can be placed on the site's sidebar.
1-Step Vs. 2-Step Opt-In
With all of these Pop-Up types, you can set up a 1-Step or 2-Step Opt-in type.

With 1-Step, what you see is what you get. If you are offering a lead magnet or offer, the user
simply enters their details, and that’s all they need to do.

With 2-Step, you can place a lead-in offer followed by the actual Opt-In form

2-Step can be helpful for specific offers. It is always best to AB test campaigns to figure out
what works best.

2. Setting Up a Basic Campaign

● Log in to OptinMonster
● If multiple sites are available, click on the relevant website on the left-hand side.
● In the top right-hand corner, click on Create New Campaign

● When prompted, click on Templates

● Select the required type of popup from the select bar

● Select a template that is close to the desired design as a starting point

○ It does not matter if the colors and style are not the same
● Pick a name for the template
● Assign the template to the site being worked on
○ Multiple sites can be selected if the Popup will be shown across different sites.
● Decide whether or not to enable a 1-Step or 2-Step campaign by selecting Disable
Yes/No View?

3. Customizing a campaign
Once in the builder, multiple options are available.

To edit a particular section of the Popup, click on it. Be wary that the Popup contains multiple
elements, and each part may need to be styled.

Several options are available in the editor, most of which are self-explanatory. However, the key
things that can and should be tweaked are

Basic > View Styling

The Max Campaign Width should be adjusted to ensure that the entire popup fits neatly onto one

If a scroll bar is visible in the editor, increase the campaign width, or reduce the amount of text.

Basic > Colors

Each element can be individually colored. Ensure that brand colors are being used where

Editing multiple elements to the same color may be required for a cohesive design.

Advanced > Popup Settings

The color and intensity of the display area behind the popup can be adjusted here. For example,
it is possible to have some of the content still visible by adjusting the intensity of the color.

The following text blocks should be updated with best practices for Popup copy.
● Headline
● Description
The button and form field text can be updated as explained below

Form and Button

Once the main Optin has been styled, select the Form in the template. The best practice is
removing every field except the Email field to increase the conversion rate.

Remove other options by clicking on the trash can icon.

Edit the button text by clicking on the Submit Button drop-down and change the button text in
line with the best Opt In practice

Under Button Click Action, select Redirect to a URL, and enter the URL of the desired success

Important: If using Facebook Pixel, consult with your Ads setup provider, as this will
pass information to another page which violates Facebook’s TOS

Display Rules
● Once the design is complete, click on Display Rules at the top
● Select If… > Time on page > is immediate
● Click on Personalization > Visitor’s Device > Is > Desktop
○ Repeat this entire process once complete to build a Mobile specific popup
● Click on Integrations on the top menu
● Select AcitveCampaign and the relevant account
● Select which List the lead should be added to
● Select which Tags should be added to the lead
● Then click on the Publish button in the menu bar
● Select Preview and ensure that the Popup looks correct

● Adjust the design as necessary, and when happy, click Publish

● Check the website in an incognito tab and ensure that the Popup is displaying as

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