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Scientific Bulletin

Vol. XXVIII, No. 2(56), 2023



Elisabeta-Emilia HALMAGHI

Elida-Tomița TODĂRIȚĂ


Any organisation, in order to develop harmoniously and cope with a
changing environment, needs to be flexible and adaptable. Such an organisation is
one that encourages and supports the creation of a learning culture. By encouraging
and supporting employees to learn and develop new skills, organisations can create
a culture of continuous learning and growth. Learning culture is more personalised
and engaging than traditional culture. Organisations where a learning culture is
implemented at all levels become agile, innovative and protected in the face of
uncertainty in society. Another benefit of implementing learning culture is attracting
the best employees and retaining them in the organisation. A strong learning culture
drives motivation, satisfaction and commitment of the organisation's members.

Organisation, learning culture, organisation members, adaptation

1. Introduction benefits that this type of culture brings to the

Today, changes in society, and organization and ways in which it can be
therefore in organisations, are leading them transformed into an organization where the
to look for new ways to adapt quickly to culture of learning prevails.
these changes. One such way is seen as
creating a culture of learning at all levels in 3. Learning culture and its benefits
the organisation. Any organisation, in order to develop
In an organisation where all members and survive competition, must be flexible and
are open to new, to learning, the learning adapt to the continuous changes in society.
culture cannot be imposed and the An organization’s flexibility and adaptability
organisation will grow and develop depend on the human resource it has and how
harmoniously. It is the learning culture that it is motivated to participate in the
ensures that each member of the organisation development of the organisation. It represents
acquires the knowledge they need to carry out a commitment to personal and professional
their professional tasks. development.
In general, a learning culture emerges
2. Research methodology in an organisation when learning is extended
The paper presents and analyzes, based to all hierarchical levels and to all employees,
on the study of papers and own observations, regardless of seniority or position. Creating a
the culture of learning in the organization, the learning culture requires that every employee
DOI: 10.2478/bsaft-2023-0021
© 2023 Elisabeta-Emilia Halmaghi et al. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 License.

is willinng to learnn, share andd apply new wly – supporrting indiviidual learn ning and
acquiredd knowledgge and skillls. A learnning deevelopment at a all levels oof the organ
culture “refers too the enviironment and a – supporrting indiviidual transfo formation
mindset within an organisation
o n or communnity wiithin the orgganisation;
that values
v conntinuous learning
l a
and – providding time, ttools and resources
encouraages the acquisition,
a sharing anda forr all membeers of the orgganisation to o benefit
applicattion of knowledge
k and skillls” fro
om continuoous learning;;
(https:/// m, 2023) and a – involvving mem mbers of
o the
“[...] iss importannt to impllement in an orgganisation ini taking ann active rolee in their
organizaation since it has manyy benefits foor a owwn personal and professiional develo opment;
learningg organization” (Chanaani & Wibow wo, – encourraging team ms to learn, share
s and
2019). use new know wledge in thee workplace;;
Thhere is curreently no cleaar definitionn of – stimullating the ddesire to leearn and
a learninng culture, but
b the simpplest definittion im
mprove workk within the oorganisation n;
is: “A learning
l culture puts the
t continuoous – stimullating a growth mindset
developm ment of knoowledge annd skills at the thrroughout thee organisatioon;
heart off everythingg the organnisation does” – promooting and reewarding co ontinuous
(Greanyy, 2021). leaarning;
Leearning cultture will noot be achievved – contribbuting leaarning to shaping
‘overnigght’ and thhere is no right way to orgganisationall strategy annd processees within
achieve it. Neverttheless, therre are certtain thee organisatioon;
features that can be consideered importtant In any organizatiion that prrioritizes
(Charterred Institute off Personnnel leaarning, theree are multipple levels off learning
Developpment, 20200; Greany, 2021; Jain & cu
ulture (Grreany, 20021; httpss://www.
Martinddale, 2012; Movahhed,
M 2
2023):, 2023)). These leevels are
– a continuouus process off learning; deepicted in Figure no. 1.
– difficult
d to measure;
– the
t developpment of a culture of
learningg is achievedd with persevverance;

Figgure no. 1: Levels

L of Leearning Cultture

a) Organisational level organisation can personalise their approach to
– an organisation-wide learning culture learning by setting professional development
enables employees to work together to goals.
achieve the organisation's mission and goals; Organisations that adopt a culture of
– the organisation encourages a culture learning at all levels enjoy a number of
of continuous learning; benefits, including (Greany, 2021; British
– the organisation helps employees to Council, 2023):
learn and develop by providing them with the – prepare organisations for disruption
resources and tools to learn; and change;
– learning and development – adapt quickly to change;
programmes are designed to meet the needs – increasing creativity and innovation;
of employees at all levels of the organisation; – effective problem solving;
– open dialogue, challenge and – decreasing turnover of organizational
reflection are embedded in values and members;
processes. – high efficiency, productivity and
b) Level of teams profit.
– flexible organisations encourage
learning within teams; 4. Ways of creating a learning
– learning culture comes in the form of culture in the organisation
sharing knowledge, experiences, skills, Developing a learning culture in an
expertise, feedback and support; organisation is not a simple process, and it
– collaboration is encouraged; takes energy, effort and time, because “it is
– team members are expected to learn about change, and change is rarely easy”
from each other; (Bedford, 2021). Learning culture “needs the
– team members are given right environment to grow” (Bedford, 2021),
opportunities to train on projects that “can be developed if there are supports in
challenge them and help them develop new forms of motivation, learning opportunities,
skills; and facilities to its members” (Chanani &
– time and resources are prioritised for Wibowo, 2019) and “the long-term results
formal and informal learning. are remarkable” (O'Neill, 2023).
c) Individual level Creating a learning culture in the
– members of the organisation are organisation requires a long-term
encouraged to take responsibility for their commitment from the organisation and its
own personal and professional development; management. By implementing learning
– members of the organisation are methods, organisations can create a culture of
given both the resources and the tools they continuous learning that supports employee
need; development, improves organisational
– the learning culture is effective and performance and drives organisational
successful when members feel supported and growth. Table no. 1 shows some of the ways
their personal and professional development in which organisations can create a learning
is valued; culture (Greany, 2021; O’Neill, 2023;
– a strength of the learning culture at, 2023).
the individual level is that members of the

Table no. 1
Ways of creating a learning culture in the organisation
The learning culture in the organisation
It can be achieved by ...
can be created through ...
... Evaluating the current learning culture ... surveys, focus groups and employee interviews;
... conducting a SWOT analysis to identify strengths,
weaknesses, threats and opportunities for improvement.
... Defining learning objectives ... aligning learning with the organisation's goals and
objectives, which should be specific, measurable, achievable,
relevant and time-bound (SMART).
... Developing a learning strategy ... highlighting the steps needed to achieve the learning
... including the types of learning programmes, delivery
methods and resources needed to support the learning culture.
... Providing access to learning resources ... giving employees access to a variety of accessible learning
resources in line with the organisation's learning objectives
(training programmes, e-learning modules, books, articles,
... Encouraging lifelong learning ... providing easy access to formal learning and offering a
wide range of learning programmes;
... incentivising employees to complete learning programmes;
... helping members of the organisation to personalise their
learning and how they will apply what they have learned in
the workplace.
... Promoting lifelong learning ... promoting a growth mindset by encouraging
experimentation, innovation and giving employees the
opportunity to share their knowledge and experience;
... constantly connecting members of the organisation to up-
to-date information that can help them in their work.
... Identifying underdeveloped skills ... supporting employees in the learning process and focusing
on developing underrepresented skills.
... Developing a broad portfolio of learning ... giving employees the choice of how, where and when they
options learn;
... Creating a pleasant, comfortable learning ... ensuring a relaxed atmosphere within the organisation,
environment which allows for interaction and exchange of ideas and
information between members.
... Experimentation, evaluation and adaptation ... trying out new approaches to learning, evaluating the
impact and results achieved by the members of the
organisation and adapting the new approaches to the learning
requirements of the members of the organisation.
... Feedback and recognition ... providing feedback and recognition to members of the
organisation who engage in continuous learning.
... Measuring the impact of learning culture on ... tracking variables - organizational member engagement,
organisational performance productivity, organizational member retention rate.
(Source: Authors’ contribution)

It is very important for organisations to 5. Conclusions

prioritise the continuous learning and When the learning culture becomes the
development of the members of the responsibility of all members of the
organisation, both in their area of work and in organisation, the organisation can focus on its
acquiring new skills. In today's business and development and on the things that really
society, due to change, new technologies, matter: addressing pain points, tackling and
market trends and fierce competition, existing solving problems, dealing with business
knowledge and skills can easily become partners, focusing on achieving performance
outdated and useless. through learning.

The learning culture encourages critical In order to create a sustainable learning
thinking, promotes open communication, and culture, employees need to be supported in
emphasizes the importance of collaboration the learning process and oriented towards
and knowledge sharing among members of improving their professional knowledge and
the organization. People are encouraged to developing new skills.
share their knowledge with each other, and
learning is seen as a collective effort.


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