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Assignment Brief.

E-Portfolio Academic Year 2022-2023

Student ID number:
Module name: Orientation for Success in Higher Education.
Tutor name: Arun Chalise
Academic year/group:


Orientation for Success in Higher Education 1

E-Portfolio-CPD PLAN/SWOT Analysis.

Area of Learning Reflection of Learning Future Implications Implementation

Cultural and behavioural I learned that the cultural and behavioral Cultural and behavioral expectations First of all, I will continue to
expectations of studying for a expectations that students have when they will be among the most useful concepts study and gather as much
degree in business management study and graduate Business Management that I have learned throughout my information as possible that can
is to obtain a diploma in Business learning process. This is due to the fact be useful to me.
Management. The goal is to discover and that I have learned about the behavior
know the culture and the relationship about and expectations of people in the Due to the fact that through the
the behavior of people from a certain business environment, and I can detect study of cultural and behavioral
hierarchical position, of employees, these behaviors and also recognize expectations in Business
managers, suppliers, clients, partners and them in myself when I have a desired Management, I began to
other people directly involved in this field job in the future. discover and learn more about
of business. the behaviors of fellow students
Learning is a continuous process that or work colleagues, of
I learned that cultural behavior in a contributes to the harmonious managers, I will continue to
business contributes to good relations and development of the general human study this concept to go even
building a relationship with employees, culture, it contributes to a good mental deeper.

clients, partners, managers. These are very and intellectual development, it
important because they contribute to the positions you professionally and As a practice method, they set
formation of the organizational culture. socially in the deserved function, it me the goal that in July this year
characterizes you. I would find a company to
Studying the cultural and behavioral volunteer and that would allow
expectations contributes to the knowledge I believe that learning for me has me to analyze this concept.
of the team's behavior, and this has contributed to the way I am today, as a
contributed to building harmonious character, my expectations, the way I Concretely, I propose to go to
friendships and relationships with fellow relate to other people and having the middle of a business, among
students. I learned that cultural behavior in already established my medium and the people and to analyze the
learning Business Management contributed long-term goals, I can state that behavioral and cultural
to building success towards graduation and learning will leads to the achievement expectations of each employee,
later to building success at work. of objectives. regardless of the position they
occupy. Thus, I will see in
Also, I discovered that behavioral practice what people's behaviors
expectations are means that determine are like and what influences
positive behaviors, forming standards of them.
conduct and procedures to follow.

Studying Business Management, I learned
that the business environment is not as
simple as it looks from the outside. I
learned many useful concepts and notions
behind the management of a business. I
learned business concepts that build a
successful business and I learned to be
more disciplined, self-taught, punctual and
set goals.

The importance of peer-to-peer Regarding peer-to-peer learning, I learned Peer-to-peer support will first of all Regarding the way in which I
support and team working to that it helps and makes the learning process help me not to treat a study or work will put into practice what I
enhance learning experience much more efficient. However, peer-to- colleague with superficiality or have learned about peer support
peer support cannot be provided in all superiority, taking into account the and teamwork, I believe that I
cases, but only in cases where the students hierarchical position. must continue to work on these
are at the same level, i.e. from the same concepts in a practical way.
class, referring to the same subject of study The team work due to the study will
or about the same topic. help me for the practical part when I As I stated in the previous point
will work in the desired field and I will about the business environment,
I learned that peer support contributes to be surrounded by colleagues with skills I proposed to volunteer in a

the development of collaboration between and qualities that I can learn from. company, to be among
colleagues. successful people. This will put
Working in a team will help me in the me in the position of being part
This is due to the fact that, first of all, future to improve my communication of at least one group. I proposed
students or people who apply this peer-to- and the way I relate to people, it will to get involved in as many
peer method learn first of all about personal help me in the future to contribute to projects as possible, to be part
and professional development. They the achievement of the objectives of the of teams that have tasks and
improve their mutual well-being, a pleasant team or group, the department I will be objectives to fulfill, but at the
working atmosphere is created, because all a part of. same time I want to be part of
those involved in the learning process know smaller charitable projects.
that they will be listened to as much as they Peer-to-peer work and team work
will also listen to the others in the group. combine so well that in the future they Smaller activities, such as
will give me the opportunity to charitable ones, give me the
I learned that working in a team contributes demonstrate my professional skills and opportunity to be part of a
to the development of interpersonal to advance hierarchically, to fulfill my smaller group of people, to take
relations, to harmony in the team, to the proposed objectives and to contribute on more responsibility step by
development of communication, you learn to the fulfillment of the company's step and to contribute to the
how to listen to the opinion of the team objectives of which I will be a part. happiness of those around me.
member, to express your own point of
view, to make decisions and according to

the needs of the team you are part of. These are my goals to improve
and through which I can put
I also learned that effective team work also into practice what I have
includes peer support. Working in a team studied.
determines you to offer peer-to-peer
support to the team you are part of, because
his development is also your development.
Thanks to the team work, we learned that
we can learn from each other, we can
discover the learning schemes of the others,
the knowledge of the other is put together
with the personal ones and all build a more
prosperous result.

I learned that working in a team makes me

trust the abilities of the others in the team
and work harder to help achieve the team's

Student’s personal strengths in Student’s personal weaknesses in Identified opportunities on gaining Threats envisaged in relation
relation to learning relation to learning. skills and degree to student’s attainment of

SWOT Analysis

Strength. Weaknesses. Opportunity Threats

In relation to learning, personal In relation to learning, personal weaknesses In relation to learning on gaining skills In relation to learning, personal
strengths are: learning from are: difficulty concentrating, and degree, the opportunities are: threats are: the inability to
mistakes, honesty, integrity, procrastination, poor time management communication and relationship skills, manage time efficiently, the
responsibility, commitment, time skills and a lack of motivation, time team work, time management, inability to understand my
management, kindness, problem- management completing tasks on time, colleagues in the team, the lack
solving, ability to follow directions, responsibility and seriousness in of concentration that would
openness, and creativity meeting the team's objectives cause me not to complete my
tasks completely or correctly,
not finding the right mentors for


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