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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Institusi : MAN Insan Cendekia Bengkulu Tengah
Fase F, Kelas / Semester : XI (Sebelas) / Ganjil dan Genap
Tahun Pelajaran : 2023/2024

SEMESTER 1 (Ganjil)
1. Unit 1. Digital Literacies and My Identities
a. Expressions of stating/giving opinions and thoughts
b. Expressions of showing agreement
c. Expressions of showing agreement
d. Analyzing and categorize kind of the expressions above
e. Identifying an author’s/ content creator’s purpose in their multimodal text
f. Making evidence-based inferences to comprehend implicit information in a
multimodal text
g. Formulating subject questions for their interactive and engaging social media

2. Unit 2. Love Your Environment

a. Identifying types of expressions that relate to issues of domestic waste
b. Using adjective phrases in a monologue or dialogue about domestic waste
c. Identifying the main ideas and the writer’s purpose in a descriptive text
d. Synthesizing and evaluating the core and specific information in a descriptive text

3. Unit 3. Healthy Life for Healthy Future

a. Identify expressions of giving and defending opinion used in a spoken
transactional conversation
b. Identify the main ideas and author’s purpose in an analytical exposition text
c. Synthesizing and evaluating detailed information in a multimodal analytical
exposition text
d. Conjunctions

SEMESTER 2 (Genap)
4. Unit 4. Indonesian Environmental Figures
a. Identifying expressions for starting, a transactional conversation
b. Identifying expressions for continuing a transactional conversation
c. Identifying expressions for ending a transactional conversation
d. Identifying the main ideas and author’s purpose in a narrative text
e. Synthesize and evaluating detailed information in a narrative text

5. Unit 5. Personal Money Management

a. Identifying types of expressions used in a procedure text about personal money
b. Using correct superlatives, comparatives, and positive degree in a monologue or
dialogue about personal money management
c. Identifying the main ideas and the writer’s purpose in a procedure text about
personal money management
d. Synthesizing and evaluating the core and detailed information in a procedure text
about personal money management

Bengkulu Tengah, …… May 2024

Kepala MAN IC Bengkulu Tengah Guru Bahasa Inggris Fase F Kelas XI

Imam Ghozali, M.Pd Maulia Rahmi, S.S

NIP. 197808202005011007 NIP/NPK. 8844310242089

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