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Theme 1 – The Biosphere

6 Biomes and aquatic ecosystems

6.3 Aquatic ecosystems

UAE National Identity

Debate types of aquatic ecosystems in UAE

Theme 3 – Geology, Minerals and Energy

Unit 2 Ecology
5 Evolution and community Ecology

UAE National Identity

Discussion in the class about this question
What is it telling you finding a fish fossil in UAE desert
Theme 3 – Geology, Minerals and Energy
Unit 2 Ecology
5 Evolution and community Ecology

UAE National Identity

Design a poster of different types of rocks that found in UAE
Theme 3 – Geology, Minerals and Energy
Unit 2 Ecology
5 Evolution and community Ecology

UAE National Identity

Design a table that demonstrate the geologic time in UAE

Theme 2 – Climate, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere

Unit 4 Earth’s Resources

UAE National Identity

Design a poster about spreading awareness about the importance of sustainability.

Theme 3 – Geology, Minerals and Energy

Unit 5: Toward a sustainable future
Lesson 18: Renewable energy alternative.

UAE National Identity

List the advantages and disadvantages of the nuclear fission process if that is used UAE

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