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NCERT: World History

Lecture - 09
World War II and Russian

World War II and Russian Revolution

❖ Foreign Policy of Hitler

 Fundamentals of Foreign Policy

 Objectives of Foreign Policy

 Treaties and Agreements Signed with Neighbouring Countries

 Wars and Expansion

 Results and Impact of Wars

❖ Causes of World War II

❖ Russian Revolution of 1917

 Causes of Russian Revolution

❖ American Revolution (1765-1783), French Revolution (1789-1799), Russian

Revolution of 1917, Chinese Revolution of 1949

Foreign Policy of Hitler

Fundamentals of Foreign Policy:

 Supreme Power of the State: The State is supreme and not the citizens of the country.
All the decisions will be taken by the State keeping their interests in mind and not of

 Concept of the Power: The possession of power is necessary to maintain one’s rule over
the world.

 Concept of Racial Purity: The German race is the purest. Hence, only it has the right
to live in the country.

 Concept of Lebensraum: It means that Germany needs to expand its territory. The
reason is that the German race is increasing day by day therefore they need more
territory to settle themselves.

 Establish Third Rhine Empire: This new empire will be established by combining all the
smaller territories into one and acquiring as many colonies as possible.

Objectives of Foreign Policy:

 To make Germany powerful in the world.

 To wash out national shame i.e. the humiliating terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

 Imperialism i.e. acquiring as many territories and colonies as possible.

 To make Germany intact i.e. keep the territories of Germany united so that they
cannot be snatched away as was done after World War I.

 To neglect internationalism (to solve disputes diplomatically) as it had disastrous results

for Germany in the form of Treaty of Versailles.

 To neglect international organizations like the League of Nations.

League of Nations

 The League of Nations was formed in 1920 by the Paris Peace Conference after the
culmination of World War I.

 It was the first worldwide intergovernmental organization whose principal mission

was to maintain world peace.

 It ceased to operate in 1946 because it failed to fulfill its objectives i.e. failed to
prevent World War II. It was succeeded by another international organization named
the United Nations.

Treaties and Agreements Signed with Neighbouring Countries:

 Agreement with Poland in 1934.

 Agreement with England in 1935.

 Agreement with Japan in 1936.

 Agreement with Italy in 1936.


 Agreement with Austria to maintain its political and territorial existence.

 Agreements with France to maintain its border intact.

 Agreements with Czechoslovakia.

Wars and Expansion:

 War with Austria.

 War with Czechoslovakia.

 War in the Baltic Area (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania).

 Attack on Poland.

Results and Impact of Wars:

 Tension was seen in Europe.

 End of peace in Europe.

 Feelings of discontent, dissatisfaction, and insecurity were seen in Europe.

 Neglect of international values and cooperation.

 Countries were on the brink of war.

 In this way, Hitler was responsible for World War II.

Causes of World War II

 Foreign policy of Hitler: (This has already been discussed under the topic Foreign policy
of Hitler.)

 Humiliating Treaty of Versailles:

 The Treaty of Versailles

imposed very harsh terms on

 Germany was solely

considered responsible for
World War I.

 Germany lost 70 lakh population, 8% of its territory, 15% of its agricultural land,
12% of its animals, 10% of its factories and all of its colonies were snatched away.

 Germany had to disband its navy and air force.

 All these terms of the treaty became a matter of national shame for Germany and
this became one of the reasons for the rise of Hitler and World War II.

 Weaknesses of the League of Nations:

 It failed to maintain law and order.

 Although America played a very significant role in forming the League of Nations,
it did not become its member.

 Defeated countries of World War I were not allowed to be its members.

 Between 1925-29, around 80 countries became members but they were not
allowed to make decisions.

 Italy confiscated Abyssinia and the League could not do anything.

 It failed to protect smaller countries.

 Militarism and Race of Armament:

 The rise of militarism or armament (collection of weapons) was seen in the second
phase of the 19th century.

 The causes for the rise of militarism include violent nationalism, economic
competition (race to acquire colonies among countries), and international tension.

 Britain had to increase its military strength due to Germany.

 Imperialism and Economic Competition:

 In the 19th century, competition started among European countries to acquire

colonies or markets in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to sell their products.

 Asia and Africa were under the control of Britain.

 Britain and France were already in the competition, but now Germany (after the
unification process) had also entered this race.

 Immediate Cause of World War II:


 On 1st September 1939, Hitler attacked Poland. The reason was to acquire its
territory back from Poland which was given to it after World War I.

 On 3rd September 1939, Britain and France entered the war and attacked

 The world came to be divided into two groups:

 Central powers including Germany, Russia, Japan, and Turkey.

 Allied powers including US, Britain, Austria, and France.

Russian Revolution of 1917

 Czar Alexander I (1801-1858), Czar Alexander II (1858-1881), Czar Alexander III
(1881-1894), and Czar Nicholas II (1894-1917) were four consecutive kings of Russia.

 They were reactionary kings, who suppressed the rights of masses and rather provided
rights to a limited section of society.

 They were continuously involved in wars which they were losing like Crimea Wars, War
with Japan in 1905, War with Germany during World War I, etc.

 The people were not happy with their rulers as they were facing many problems. People
were feeling discontent.

 Various political parties including the Revolutionary Party, Liberal Party, etc. also
opposed the rule of the Czar. They wanted to end the Czarship in Russia.

 The Revolutionary Party was later divided into the Socialist Democratic Party and
the Revolutionary Socialist Party. The Socialist Democratic Party was then divided
into the Bolshevik Party and Monshevik Party.

 The Kedet Party later formed out of the Liberal Party.

 The people and various political parties revolted which became successful and resulted
in the end of Czarship.

Causes of Russian Revolution

 Absolute Rule of Czar:

 There was no control over the rule of Czar.


 Czar Alexander I (1801-58):

He followed a reactionary
policy i.e. didn't provide rights
to the common people.

 Czar Alexander II (1858-81):

He followed a liberal policy in
the beginning but later
followed a reactionary policy
after getting influenced by the feudal lords. Some secret revolutionary
organizations were seen going against him. And finally, he was killed.

 Czar Alexander III (1881-94): He followed a reactionary policy.

 Czar Nicholas II (1894-1917): He conducted elections to fill seats in the Duma

(Parliament) and to make the liberals happy and satisfied. The reactionary
elements also got elected in Duma. The people felt betrayed.

 They all suppressed people with an iron hand i.e. with utmost strictness. They
followed the policy of “One Czar, One Church, One Russia”.

 Efforts to Disintegrate Duma:

 Russia was defeated in the War of Crimea of 1856 and the War of 1905 with

 The people held the Czar responsible for the defeat in wars.

 On 22nd January 1905, also called Bloody or Red Sunday, the revolution was
initiated by Father Gapon.

 Seeing this, several reforms were introduced by the Czar:

 People were given the right to express their views.

 No rule or law can be made without the consent of Duma.

 Election would be conducted again for Duma so that local people could get

 Social Cause:

 Like French society, Russian society was also a Privileged society i.e. society divided
based on privileges.

 There was a huge difference between the rich and poor which led to conflict
between both of them.

 Exploitation of Peasants:

 Agricultural slaves were present in Russian society, who used to cultivate the land
owned by feudal lords. They were highly exploited.

 Approximately 1/3rd of the population was landless, who used to cultivate the
land owned by feudal lords.

 They were living in poverty and illness.

 Dissatisfaction among Labourers:

 This was a result of the Industrial Revolution which also started in Russia after
getting influenced by Europe.

 The laborers were living in pitiable conditions. They were working for longer hours
and were given less salary and no rights.

 Their cause was supported by the Revolutionary Socialist Party.

 Weak Personality of Czar:

 The administration of Russia was actually in the hands of the wife of Czar named

 It is said that there was an illegitimate affair between Czarina and the Priest
named Rasputin. Therefore all the decisions of Czarina were influenced by Rasputin.

 Spread of Socialism:

 Socialists were called Popularists.

 They mobilized peasants and laborers to bring about revolution.

 Immediate Cause of Revolution:

 Russia initially took part in World War I with 1 cr 50 lakh soldiers and was
defeated badly by Germany. This also impacted the economy of Russia badly.

 People revolted due to the economic crisis faced by them during the war.

American Revolution French Revolution Russian Revolution Chinese Revolution

(1765-1783) (1789-1799) of 1917 of 1949

 Britain had  The revolution  The revolution  The people

created around began as a began as a revolted to
13 colonies in reaction against reaction against establish
North America. the autocratic the absolute rule Communism in

 The residents of nature of the of the Czar. China.

these colonies State.  The revolution

revolted against  The people was successful
the colonial emphasized the and resulted in
government grant of rights of the end of
formed by nationality, Czarship.
Britain. liberty, equality,  However, no
 Thus the and democracy emphasis was put
American by the State. on establishing
Revolution began democracy in the
as a challenge to country.
colonization and  This ended the
as a reaction exploitative rule
against the of the Bourgeoisie
exploitation of (capitalists) and
foreign elements provided support
i.e. Britishers. to the Proletariat

 In this way,
Socialism was
established in the
Russian society.


 It is an ideology that emphasizes the equal distribution of resources.


 Under this ideology, entire power will be in the hands of laborers because they are
the real creators of wealth.

 In USSR, it ended in 1991 but in China, it is continuing.


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