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Se {from the preceding page site 1008 sPLte the Mayer, city ota PL jot sttes dono ects whanthe Coley ease surfaced. Fay Caney was an sttached tothe Menta Police Department, Ho had been herged win misconduct, had tia The tial judge and & ‘nbeaquerttton cred Conley end recommended is that Cony was not nats o the goverment, an hare, shod sopra “THE. GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Department ofthe Interlor ‘Manila Indorsement May 25,1923, especflly eed though the Director of Ci Serie tothe Mayor, City of Manila. vem yin _aseinaaeccreansaere tains part co te ccd cnr, Big he ath teoret hs sing one of the witnesses for sh Ser etter Coataemaarantanntanae tee Ghent fet canara apartament serie cottons So ere dean geo s ma al sce Sarat een eo me ofthe Cy of Mai and ec: wc Conky belongs. car aes en rag suas pears pepe scam mee semen Lae a Capon To nse he concn luge wo Se eegcsneente tocar oe “The Court admis that the present case the prosecution has presented evidence of soch & Tare and mprtance that they have, afterall nailed o rete inthe ming of any person more te less remote and possible suspicions thatthe ‘efendans might tally be gui ofthe crime to which they have been persecuted. There re inicatons which affect at east the probity of public official, such 8 the defendant Conley in this case, and which show inthe lst analysis thathisintegity isn, ait ought we, Beyond ‘sop so hichanay ease sto his honesty and eet of pupese i his ficial acts agent othe law and onder” ‘This ining of the wal courts moe than sficiet to want Conky's removal rom the service under th existing rules and regulations of the Civil Service. There ‘ean be np beter pronouncement or judgment onthe official conduct of Coney that the one just quoted it being rendered by an authori distinct and apart from the agminstatvedeparmentof the goverunest and by an oll who has wo comecton Wwhascever withthe official conduct of the respondent. Tes an impartial finding asd onthe facts obtaining inthe ese wo at all man to giv eet and faith 10 te remouncement of our cours, this she time andthe occasion Yo demons Faith and confidence in the decisions of ou eibunals must be maintained if we mean toestablish a government of lav and net of men. Inthe Last aay, ti nding of the oar stows in clear terms thatthe espondet has Beea guy atest of conduct prejuicial othe best intrest ofthe goverment. On the ground alone Conley may be proceeded agains and removed fom the service under section 6 of Civil Service Rule XII which provides: 6. Discoutesy to private inva o 10 Government Orie ce exployees dikes, ‘gambling, dishonesty, ropeated or flagrant Violation or neglect of duty, notoriously Aisgraeta or immeral conde, xxx orcomtct Prejudicial othe best interest ofthe servic, ar ‘he willfl violation by any person in the Philippine ci sevice of ay ofthe provisions of he Revised Chil Service Ac cr es, may Be ‘consider reasons demanding processing 10 row forcaus, to race in eas or grade, oF to nlecoterpunistent as provided by win the discretion ofthe Gaver General o proper head of Department xxx." What cher proof do we need 1 show that Conley tas heen guilty of eanduct ‘radical toto goverment ta the pronouncement ofthe court shove erred (0? He hs ruined the good mame of te detective service of the City by inviting adverse ‘iticiam against himself and his squad. He has exposed the police department ofthe ity to public ridicule and who would not pre thatthe pblichorafer would lok ‘wih suspicion and distrust upon the conduct ofthe City detectives? I Hone (00 ‘arya this time to take the necessary precaution to save the ity police fom fling ino dispute. History repeats tet but tus hope thatthe dana of the Tweed of New York City decades ago may nthe repeated In Mani In support of our standin this cas, it is deemed mecossay to bring to memory 8 few ofthe cates more ores similar the one unde cousidemins, I the ese of Me Vicente Morente, formerly undersecretary of Commerce and Communications, the espornent has not heen proven to be guilty of willl violation of aw o of {8 misconduct in office. The Cty Fiseal has even refused, aller the dismissal of ‘Me. Moret, fle the necessary information a the evidence in the case Would Ot warrant bs conviction in court of law. Bateven with ach ean evidence aginst Mr Morente and iespectve ofthe favorable fading apd recommendation of the coninued By from the preceding pase ree ee Sonne ‘romthe preceding page cont. 812 “secretary of Commerce and Communications, former Govemor-Genera Haison of Sect fcemoved im fom the service, and in so doing be Id down the rule dace ical of hs goverment mus Tive up tothe highest standard of propity {ind high minded cere while in the serve. Thus hes: Finding as 0, therefore, ta youve ot ‘Gs, 1 bere dismiss you from the servic.” rom the foregoing decision of Executive iti duced tat an oii f his ovement may be removed “for not iving up 1 he highest standard of prmcy ai minded ear The duis of Conley a ie of he gambling squad OF De ‘Cyrano im that dere of moral conduc nd ntaity wich can sande Gietcerutay ofthe antbrtes and the public as otherwise the goverment for core rorcd would note justified a bestowing confidence him. An ofce is aan ie bara publics and fom te moment its bolder falls dort is bovesty and ecg iis we ight ofthe povemmenttotepinandiake back thetst as cere ‘raeverumen weld be gly of sbeerinicency and nelet ots contvens, using to anotr phase ofthe case that the quia of Coney by the cou, doe tia aa relieve him of ministrative responstiity? We think Dt Tis oo a at fn an adminsratveproceding ie gut of the respondent need Tale poven beyond reasonable doubt. To convit the acused, iis enough that mate prprsponeranee of evidence asin a civil ation, Ths inte case of People vs. Baton 103 Y, S493, the Supreme Cour: of New York bel “eth ules however, thatthe person making the charges is bound wo prove the by «fai ‘rependerance or evidence." Inthe present case, there Isaclear preponderance of evidence aginst te aces. na URED, ec evidence Wien WOU ea nna conviction hart Im roar auch caer the partes manige themselves 1 commit the offi in he ett aay but the Omnipotent. The sane opinion was entertsiod by Vc renee fete when be isposed of the case agains ge Gardano wale he ater ovina zal of Rizal province Inti case Soe Gardano was chee with rain not presccutng certain individuals in Rizal for bribery. In deciding ascent was warand inno aking action nti lleged bey ce, Governor ‘Yeatr sit: the same transaction Gardano is Hamed forsot making a thorough investigation and ing {complaint against the President and Chiet of Ptce fr taking bribes for pemiting gambling Respondent ys he examined hes wo oficial About the charge and that both denied it ‘raphatically and climed that ants’ acusaion svat spiteful effort to sting and strike beck Tpscuse they had aested hin, Nobody can kno whether the bribery was committed oF aot although the probabilities are agaist i. Paes {o such a crime do not blow a ump or ing a ‘ell to smmon witness to the at and iti ery ‘arly sseepble to circumstantial evidence xx" Im tibery ca, therefore, which Recomes the basis ofan proceeding for removal, the rule that cc need ean in vin acd mt preset removal he Fespndent shold wi or reason be adopted is eld at “Aso sach offenses arc against the cath af ‘an indictment as a condition precedent to a accion oot. g Ey. nein Cy sh with ity wi fs ins is cat an uy aan off iw led: Ue le thf ay ‘semoved even without criminal conviction. aa yaork nei iss a Cys yas in sn om in i opening wba wai ea ‘ann af toa mis Folica tim neo Doom Secs ef Age Age ic ey Weta cee ele eyo any acc hat Rena an Gincivahe cen Dorset rd Cock Sy rt Dan gf pe ne Bp Cy ‘Schools, Manila, removed by the Sccrctary of Public Instruction on January 9, 028, Bena Gann ge oe of Buran ee Peay cc ee es Apa apy gl gn scfm tc Dace ang pes Scr fe pen ss cs pan dene Cy nisl eae pes rar ered foe immoral habits by the Departzient concer asco ned the undersigned cannot bu apply Iso in ogg comers, os i boii of is Depa tt teeta Cy Nanna Cry pon ‘Srvc thot ris Bower at Cony tease eo from the service effective as of the date of suspension, aaa Tek Secretary of the Interior SS a een eee Se ES aon, Governor Generel sonar Wo ordered JPL Joly 14,1923 My dear Governor-General: vs expt of nen om he Ser 1 be Coven Geter ae oes Ber of hvesigon and wart ey 7" fering 1 et pun ay Coney nh sat) ve Oe Seen i Sanco mt Mae Se econ ame been Ci fant en nave at my Dee ah 2 Se veh ay Searetay ofthe Intron. ‘Very respectfully. Secretary of the Interlor Honorable Leonard Wood ‘Governor-General ofthe Pippin Islands Executive Building ‘Manila, PL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY MANILA, EL TEL 1536 saty 15,1923, My dear De, Laure Allow me to express my admiration for your action in resigning your important position in obedience to your censcence and your conviction. Man admies im ‘wo in bis deste o help mainainclean and honest goveraent, positively refuses io strife his ideals of public service atthe altar of expediency or personal ery sincerely CAMILOOSIAS President Dr. Jose P Laurel fo Departmen ofthe Inrior Manila PI 1 y 1028 (nae touPL. principled, a pretest against ‘marian high-nenduanes, secretes rosgred pratt, sees Phipore Raacors and et the Second Rept oe perenne orespondence of Jose P. Laurel [I] sama | eee 540 008 ‘eegram, Miguel oan to JPL Wood danet wanto accept pce resgnaton, tut JPL has trade pi mndana Mana 4 CMGZOULS PD COMLRUSH [MANILA JULY 15,23 DR. JOSE P. LAUREL, TANAUAN BATANGAS RY 10 THE EFFECT THAT YOU ARE A WUE" THAT POLITICAL LEADERS HAVE Pecrrnp AGAINST YOUTO MAKE YOU RESIGN SOME WAY OR OTHER IN Po OER TOHAVEAMAN OF THEIR CHOICE APPOINTED TO YOUR POSITION. SRR IVIDENTLY FOR TIE PURPOSE OF CREATING DISSENSION AMONG TSN OVERNOR WOOD DECLARES HE WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR RSSIGNATION UNTIL AFTER CONFERENCE WITH YOU. HERALD IN ANY ae MAL ENTITLED "MANLY ATTITUDE” PRAISED YOUR ACTION IN HOOKING RATHER THAN HAVE IN YOUR DEPARTMENT A DISHONEST MAN, IMPRESSION AMOUNG (so P TODAYS TIMES PRINTS STO! “VICTIM OF POLITICAL INTRIG PEOPLE REGARDING YOUR RESIGNATION, — nl 'M.CSZ0 69 PD COM. [MANILA JULY 15,23, ‘SHCRETARY LAUREL, TANAUAN BATANGAS (GOVERNOR GENERAL STATEMENT FOLLOWS: SECRETARY LAUREL FOR | WILL NOT ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF St IS AFTERNOON TE PRESENT. WANTED TO COMMUNICATE WITH HIM THI DUTT WAS INFORMED THAT HE HAS GONE TO BATANGAS. 1: BEST PUBLIC MENOP THE PHILIPPINES AT DR. LAURELISONEOF TH IM THE SERVICE WILL BE AN PRESENT AND HIS RESIGNATION FROM IRREPARABLELOSS, [MORNING PAPERS BY MAIL ADMIRE YOUR MANLY ATTITUDE. MIGUEL TOLENTINO EXCERPT FROMTHE MINUTES OFTHE < SPRL ss HYIP PROVINCIAL BOARD OF CAMARINES NOKTE ATDAET ON ‘SATURDAY THE 18 DAY OF AUGUST OF 1923. PRESENT: j ‘on. Gabeiel Hernandez, Me Comelio Madolid, Provincial Governor ‘Member ABSENT: Mr Bateban Cuno, Member (Suspended) RESOLUTION No.372 ‘he Governor subnited te fellowing esoation: WHEREAS, the pres fom the Capial of Manila announced the resignation of the Deparment Secretaries and the Presidents ofboth louse ofthe PilippneLegislaure as Members (of the Couneil of State as protest aguint the Interferences of the Governor General to the Incumbsocies ofthe Heads of Departments WHEREAS, the attitude taken bs tude taken by the Deparment Secretaries nd the Presidents ofboth House of te Lesa is highly patroic, as a ‘defense ofthe rights and prerogatives granted by the United States Congres to the Fipno people THEREFORE i sled exes a tetra expeied te apreain f the enter he Ba de pice aie Nore each and every Ex Me feats te Pent of tou Hoses fh Pilpie Logan te prone Spit tn esigaing thee position, us Eecsting cts mie ya wry (ocak oo pa Unanimously approved Ps s 4 se August 123 Resolution, Camarines Norte Provincial Bord to PL

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