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Eastern Quezon College, Inc.

Innovation and Research Institution

Tel. No. +63 (042) 317 5639/ (042) 717 1053/ (042) 421 1449
e-mail: Quality

Name: Grade/Score:
Program and Section: Date:
Subject: Assessment of Learning 2
Type of Activity (check or choose from below)
Concept notes Laboratory report Portfolio
Skills: Exercise/Drill Illustration Others:

Activity Title: 21st Century Assessment

Learning Target:
1. Analyze the fundamental concepts regarding the adjustments being made in the educational
system in relation to the demands of the 21st century.
2. Discuss the Characteristics of the 21st Century Assessment.
References: Ronan M. Cajigal, MA. Ed.,et al. Assessment of Learning 2 - pages 2-4

Dear Student,


This is Dr. Gloria L. Ching, your teacher in the subject, “Assessment of Learning 2,” a nice and
interesting subject you have to study this semester. Since we cannot have face-to-face interaction by this time
due to the Pandemic, I assure you that you will also learn the way you dealt with in the past. Just try your best to
strive hard, read and understand very well the concept notes provided in your LAS. In copying the concept
notes, please write legibly and do not go beyond the border of your activity sheets.

To know each other better, kindly put your picture, CP number, facebook account, and a brief
introduction of yourself in the first LAS to be sent to you.

If ever there are queries you would like to clarify, please call me at any of the following numbers:
#09109743256 o #09085389367.

Keep safe and God bless you.

Truly yours,



Concept Notes:

Inevitably the 21st century is here, demanding a lot of changes, development, and re-engineering of
systems in different fields for this generation to thrive. In the field of education, most of the changes have
focused on teaching and learning. Preparing and equipping the teachers to cater to the needs of the 21 st century
learners are part of the adjustments being done in the education system. Curricula are updated to address the
needs of the community in relation to the demands of the 21st century. This aspect of teaching and learning has
been given its share of focus, the various components/factors analyzed and updated to ensure that students’
learning will be at par with the demands of the 21st century.

Characteristics of the 21st Century Assessment

1. Responsive
Teachers can adjust instructions, school leaders can consider additional educational opportunities for
students and policy makers can modify programs and resources to cater to the present needs of the school

2. Flexible
Lesson design, curriculum, and assessment require flexibility, suppleness, and adaptability.

3. Integrated
Assessments are to be incorporated into day-to-day practice rather than as add-ons at the end of
instructions or during a single specified week of the school calendar.

4. Informative
The desired 21st century goals and objectives are clearly stated and explicitly taught. Students display
their range of emerging knowledge and skills. Exemplars routinely guide students toward achievement of

5. Multiple Methods
An assessment continuum that includes a spectrum of strategies is the norm. Students demonstrate
knowledge and skills through relevant tasks, projects, and performances. Authentic and performance-based
assessment is emphasized.

6. Communicated
Communication of assessment data is clear and transparent for all stakeholders.

7. Technically sound
Adjustments and accommodations are made in the assessment process to meet the student needs and
To be reliable, the assessment must be precise and technically sound so that users are consistent in their
administration and interpretation of data.

8. Systematic
Twenty-first century assessment is part of a comprehensive and well-aligned assessment system that is
balanced and inclusive of all students, constituents, and stakeholders and designed to support improvement at
all levels.


1. Based from the concept notes and your observations, point out the different adjustments and changes made in
the 21st century in the field of education.

2. Discuss the Characteristics of the 21st Century Assessment in your own words.

Eastern Quezon College, Inc.

Innovation and Research Institution
Tel. No. +63 (042) 317 5639/ (042) 717 1053/ (042) 421 1449
e-mail: Quality
Name: Grade/Score:
Program and Section: Date:
Subject: Assessment of Learning 2
Type of Activity (check or choose from below)
Concept notes Laboratory report Portfolio
Skills: Exercise/Drill Illustration Others:

Activity Title: Instructional Decision in Assessment

Learning Target:
1. Discuss the different phases of the teaching-learning process.
2. Identify the specific instructional decision to be made in the different phases of instruction.
References: Ronan M. Cajigal, MA. Ed.,et al. Assessment of Learning 2 - pages 5-7

Concept Notes:

Decision-making at Different Phases of Teaching-Learning Process

Phase Decision(s) to be made

Before  Content to cover during following day, week, month, grading period, and so on.
starting  Abilities of students considering the cultural background, interest, and skills of
teaching students in planning and teaching activities.
 Materials appropriate to use with the students.
 Learning targets that the teacher wants to achieve as a result of teaching.
 Organization and arrangement of students in class in consideration of the lessons and
During  Students learning on what and how the lesson is presented.
Teaching  Improvement needed to make the lesson work better.
 What feedback to give each student about how well the student is learning?
 Readiness of the students to move to the next activity as planned in the learning
After a  How well students achieve the short and long term instructional targets.
Teaching  Strengths and weaknesses to be given as feedback to parents or guardians of students.
Segment  Grade to be given to each student for the lesson or unit, grading period or end of the
 Effectiveness of teaching the lesson to the students.
 Effectiveness of the curriculum and materials used for the lesson.

1. Discuss the different phases of the teaching-learning process.

2. In relation to what were discussed in your concept notes about your instructional decision, identify the phase
of instruction where you have to decide each of the following situations.

Readiness of the class to proceed to the next lesson or activity.

Determining the effectiveness of the processes employed by the teacher.

Abilities of each student considering their cultural background, needs and skills.

Eastern Quezon College, Inc.

Innovation and Research Institution
Tel. No. +63 (042) 317 5639/ (042) 717 1053/ (042) 421 1449
e-mail: Quality
Name: Grade/Score:
Program and Section: Date:
Subject: Assessment of Learning 2
Type of Activity (check or choose from below)
Concept notes Laboratory report Portfolio
Skills: Exercise/Drill Illustration Others:

Activity Title: Types of Educational Decision

Learning Target:
1. Identify the different types of educational decision.
2. Cite specific example for each type of educational decision.
References: Ronan M. Cajigal, MA. Ed.,et al. Assessment of Learning 2 - pages 8-11
Concept Notes:
Instruction This decision is normally made by individual After a test was given by the teacher, the result
al classroom teacher, as necessary to meet the is not so satisfactory thus the teacher may
targets or objectives set during classroom decide to re teach the lesson using a different
engagement. Decisions are reached according strategy so as to improve learning and meet the
to the results of test administered to a class. objective/target set for that particular lesson.
Grading It is usually made from a teacher-made tests. A quarterly grade is based on the following:
Grades are assigned to the students using result of the teacher-made test, class
assessment as one of the factors. participation, projects, and attendance.
Diagnostic It is made to determine a student’s strengths A teacher gave an essay test. The teacher
and weaknesses and the reason or reasons. noticed that the students were able to write
more than five grammatically correct sentences
but the coherence of the ideas contained in the
paragraph is poor. So the result shows that the
students still need more help in understanding
the principles of writing a good paragraph.
Selection It involves accepting or rejecting the examinee College or University Entrance Examination,
based on the results of assessment, for Choosing School Representative for a National
admission or qualification to a program or Quiz Bee
school activity.

Activity: Identify the type of educational decision used in each of the following situation/example.

1. Choosing a school representative for a National Quiz Bee.

2. Decision to implement the k to 12 curriculums.

3. A diagnostic test on English and Math to freshman to determine who may encounter difficulty in
these area.

4. A quarterly grade is based on the result of the teacher made test, class participation, projects and

5. A teacher may decide to re-teach the lesson using different strategy.

Eastern Quezon College, Inc.

Innovation and Research Institution
Tel. No. +63 (042) 317 5639/ (042) 717 1053/ (042) 421 1449
e-mail: Quality
Name: Grade/Score:
Program and Section: Date:
Subject: Assessment of Learning 2
Type of Activity (check or choose from below)
Concept notes Laboratory report Portfolio
Skills: Exercise/Drill Illustration Others:

Activity Title: Characteristics of Good Learning Outcome

Learning Target:
1. Discuss the characteristics of Good Learning Outcomes.
2. Explain why it is good to define Good Learning Outcomes.
References: Ronan M. Cajigal, MA. Ed.,et al. Assessment of Learning 2 - pages 12-13
Concept Notes:

Characteristics of Good Learning Outcome

It is important to define outcomes as clearly and explicitly as possible. Good learning outcomes give
emphasis to the application and integration of the knowledge and skills acquired in a particular unit of
instruction (e.g. activity, course program, etc.), and emerge from a process of reflection on the essential contents
of the activity, course, program, etc.

1. Very specific, and use verbs (that makes expectations clear). By being very specific, it informs students of the
Standards by which they will be assessed, and ensures that student and instructor goals in the course are aligned.

2. Focused on the learner: rather than explaining what the instructor will do in the course, good learning
outcomes describe knowledge or skills that the student will employ, and help the learner understand why that
knowledge and those skills are useful and valuable to their personal, professional, and academic future.

3. Are realistic: all passing students should be able to demonstrate the knowledge or skill described by the
learning outcome at the conclusion of the course. In this way, learning outcomes establish standards for the

4. Focus on the application and integration of acquired knowledge and skills: god learning outcomes reflect and
indicate the ways in which the described knowledge and skills may be used by the learner now and in the future.

5. Good learning outcomes prepare students for assessment and help them feel engaged in and empowered by
the assessment and evaluation process.

6. Offer a timeline for completion of the desired learning.


1. Discuss the characteristics of Good Learning Outcomes in your own words.

2. Explain why it is important to define good learning outcomes.

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