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JV of Yooshin Engineering Gorporation, Korea Expressway corporation and

Pyunghwa Engineering Consultants Ltd. Korea ln Association with Garima

lnternational Design Associates Nepal Pvt. Ltd. and slrARA consult pvt.
Ltd., Buddhanagar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Pan No.:613267047
Ref. No:YS-OD-CP4-0338-CS
22 Apriil.,2O24
Contractor's Representative
Poly Changda Engineering Co. Ltd

Reference: Desigm and Construction Supertision of Kathntandu-Terai/Madesft .Fasl Track

[hpre ssrayl Road Prcjecl.
Subiect: Re$rest for Rate Neqotiation for the Nerr Rate of Bio-Engineering Work ltems.
(Contract No.: I(IF[/ ICBIWORIGS/ R&B/ 2078/079-04)

Dear Sir,
,4-sper the mutual understanding, it has been determined that some new items including'Hydro-
seeding, jute netting and brush layering works' is necessary for Bio'Engineering Works taking
into account the Site Condition and relevant Standard Specification. Hovrrerrer, the said item of the
Work is not identified in BOq and no rate or price for this item is specified in the BOQ.

Therefore, the Contractor is requested to offer the Rate for these new items of bio-engineeringr
work with particular supporting document for Rate Negotiation so that the Engineer could
proceed the Valuation of the Work pursuant to the Sub-clause L4.L7, (iii) of Particular Condition of

In connection to this, the Engineer would kindly invite a Negotiation Meeting as follor;
I.Date & Time: 25th April, 2A24,14.00 hr.
Z.Venue : Operation Division Hall, KIET Road Project.
3.Participant: Confactor's Representative/Contract Manager/Bio-Engineer.
4.PrePa"redness: Offering Sheet for New Rate of new items under Bio-Engineering work.

Faittrfully yours,

Douk Min, Kim

The Engineer/Team Leader

l. Procurement Management Division, mfT.
2. Planning and Design Division, KTf'f.
3. Operation and Implementation Division, KfFf.
4. KTFT Base Camp, Bagdev Camp.

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