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Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector


Item no. 1 Clearing and grubbing of forest including uprooting, carrying and disposing of vegetation, gra
Trees and sapling less than 15 numbers per 100 sq.m
Unit-1 Sqm
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Labour Unskilled 0.03 M/D 315.00 9.45 9.45
Tools 3% of Labour 0.28
Actual Cost 9.73
Rate for Sqm 15% Contractors profit 1.46
NRs 11.19 Total Rate 11.19

Cutting of trees (the girth measured at a height of 1 m above ground level) including cuttting
Item no. 2 of trunks and branches, removing the roots, stacking serviceable materials and disposal of
unserviceable materials to 10m distance and back filling the depressions/pits
a. Above 300 to 600 mm girth
Unit-1 no.
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Labour Unskilled 0.92 M/D 315.00 289.80 289.80
Tools 3% of Labour 8.69
Actual Cost 298.49
Rate for no. 15% Contractors profit 44.77
NRs 343.27 Total Rate 343.27

b. Above 600 to 900 mm girth

Unit-1 No
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Labour Unskilled 3.50 M/D 315.00 1102.50 1102.50
Tools 3% of Labour 33.07
Actual Cost 1135.58
Rate for no. 15% Contractors profit 170.34
NRs 1305.91 Total Rate 1305.91

Road way excavation including disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per
Item no. 3
a. Hard soil/Gravel BMS
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Labour Unskilled 1.00 M/D 315.00 315.00 315.00
Tool & Plants 3% of Labour 9.45
Actual Cost 324.45
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit 48.67
NRs 373.12 Total Rate 373.12

Analysis of Rates-1
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector

b. Road way excavating and loading by excavator (capacity 0.8 cum) in Hard Soil / Gravel / BMS
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
a)Skilled 0.0 M/D -
Labour b) Unskilled 0.0 M/D - -
c) Operator 0.0 M/D -
Material Diesel 0.1500 Lit 85.00 12.75 12.75
Equipment Hudraulic excavator 0.0125 Hr 1,400.00 17.50 17.50
Actual Cost 30.25
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit 4.54
NRs 34.79 Total Rate 34.79

c. Road way excavation with combination of Manual and Machined excavation

Hard soil/Gravel BMS
Unit- Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Manual Excavation ( 20% ) 0.20 Cum 324.45 64.89 64.89
Machine Excavation ( 80% 0.80 Cum 30.25 24.20 24.20
Actual Cost 89.09
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit 13.36
NRs 102.45 Total Rate 102.45

Road way excavation including disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per
Item no. 4
a. Soft rock
Unit- Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Labour Unskilled 2.75 M/D 320.00 880.00 880.00
Tool & Plants 3% of Labour 26.40
Actual Cost 906.40
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 135.96
NRs 1042.36 Total Rate 1042.36

b. Road way excavating and loading by excavator (capacity 0.8 cum) in Soft Rock
Unit- Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
a)Skilled 0.0 M/D -
Labour b) Unskilled 0.0 M/D - -
c) Operator 0.0 M/D -
Material Diesel 0.2064 Lit 85.00 17.54 17.54
Equipment Hydraulic excavator 0.0172 Hr 1,400.00 24.08 24.08
Actual Cost 41.62
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 6.24
NRs 47.87 Total Rate 47.87

Analysis of Rates-2
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector

c. Road way excavation with combination of Manual and Machined excavation
Soft Rock
Unit- Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Manual Excavation ( 20% ) 0.20 Cum 906.40 181.28 181.28
Machined Excavation ( 80% 0.80 Cum 41.62 33.30 33.30
Actual Cost 214.58
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 32.19
NRs 246.77 Total Rate 246.77

Formation of embankment including compaction in layers not exceeding 150mm. Compacted

Item no. 5
depth, watering and haulage 10m. etc. all complete as per specification.
Unit-1 Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
a)Skilled 0.00 M/d 460.00 0.00
b)Unskilled 0.50 M/d 320.00 160.00 160.00
Suitable material 1.10 Cum 160.00 176.00
Material Fuel 0.08 litre 85.00 6.80
Water 100.00 litre 0.10 10.00 192.80
Equipment Roller 8-10t 0.017 Hr 2500.00 42.50 42.50
Tools & Plants 3% of labour cost 4.80
Actual Cost 400.10
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 60.02
NRs 460.12 Total Rate 460.12

Providing, laying, spreading, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel sub-base
Item no. 6
grading as per table 12.1 of standard specification lead upto 10m
Unit-1 Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
a)Skilled 0.005 M/d 460.00 2.30
b)Unskilled 0.040 M/d 320.00 12.80 15.10
Sub base aggregate 1.28 Cum 600.00 768.00
Diesel 0.792 litre 85.00 67.32 835.32
Grader 0.022 hr 2000.00 44.00
Vibrator roller 0.022 hr 2000.00 44.00
Water bowser 0.038 hr 550.00 20.90
Loader 0.011 hr 1500.00 16.50 125.40
Actual Cost 975.82
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 146.37
NRs 1122.19 Total Rate 1122.19

Analysis of Rates-3
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector

Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of of crusher run materials
Item no. 7
for base course lead upto 10m
Unit-1 Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
a)Skilled 0.005 M/d 460.00 2.30
b)Unskilled 0.020 M/d 320.00 6.40 8.70
Base aggregate 1.200 Cum 1200.00 1440.00
Diesel 0.990 litre 85.00 84.15 1524.15
Grader 0.033 hr 2000.00 66.00
Vibrator roller 0.033 hr 2000.00 66.00
Water bowser 0.033 hr 550.00 18.15
Loader 0.011 hr 1500.00 16.50 166.65
Actual Cost 1699.50
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 254.93
NRs 1954.43 Total Rate 1954.43

Providing and spraying bituminious Prime Coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the road
Item no. 8
surface using wire, brushes, broom etc. before applying prime coat.

Unit: Lit
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Skilled 0.003 M/d 460.00 1.38
Unskilled 0.046 M/d 320.00 14.72 16.10
Bitumen 1.050 Lit 80.00 84.00
Kerosene 0.100 Lit 85.00 8.50 115.88
Diesel 0.275 Lit 85.00 23.38
Boiler 0.0025 hr 500.00 1.25
Equipment Sprayer 0.0025 hr 1000.00 2.50
Air compressor 0.0030 hr 500.00 1.50 5.25
Actual Cost 137.23
Rate per Lit 15% Contractors profit & OH 20.58
NRs 157.81 Total Rate 157.81

Analysis of Rates-4
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector

Item no. 9 Providing mixing and laying Asphalt Concrete with compaction
Unit: Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Skilled 0.03 M/d 460.00 13.80
Labour Unskilled 0.13 M/d 320.00 41.60
Foreman 0.01 M/d 320.00 3.20 58.60
Bitumen 117.00 Lit 80.00 9360.00
Cement 0.022 t 12000.00 264.00
Diesel 10.45 Lit 85.00 888.25
Aggregates 1.20 Cum 1250.00 1500.00 12012.25
Asphalt mixing plant 0.0440 Hr 500.00 22.00
Wheel Loader 0.6600 Hr 1500.00 990.00
Asphalt Paver 0.2200 Hr 1400.00 308.00
Steel tyred Roller 0.5500 Hr 500.00 275.00
Pneumatic Roller 0.5500 Hr 2500.00 1375.00
Tipper, Trucks 0.3200 Hr 450.00 144.00 3114.00
Actual Cost 15184.85
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 2277.73
NRs 17462.58 Total Rate 17462.58

Earth work excavation for trenches including shoring, struting, bracing, sheeting and
Item no. 10 disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification. ( For hard soil/
a. Manual Excavation
Unit- Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Labour Unskilled 1.50 M/D 320.00 480.00 480.00
Tool & Plants 3% of Labour 14.40
Actual Cost 494.40
15% Contractors profit & OH 74.16
Rate per Cum Total Rate 568.56
NRs 568.56

b. Earthwork excavation for trenches with combination of Manual and Machined excavation
Unit- Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Mannual Excavation ( 60% 0.60 Cum 494.40 296.64 296.64
Machined Excavation ( 40% 0.40 Cum 30.25 12.10 12.10
Actual Cost 308.74
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 46.31
NRs 355.05 Total Rate 355.05

Analysis of Rates-5
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector

Earth work excavation for trenches including shoring, struting, bracing, sheeting and
Item no. 11 disposal disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification. ( For
soft rocks)
a. Manual Excavation
Unit- Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Labour Unskilled 3.00 M/D 320.00 960.00 960.00
Tool & Plants 3% of Labour 28.80
Actual Cost 988.80
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 148.32
NRs 1137.12 Total Rate 1137.12

b. Earthwork excavation for trenches with combination of Manual and Machined excavation
Soft Rock
Unit- Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Mannual Excavation ( 70% 0.70 Cum 988.80 692.16 692.16
Machined Excavation ( 30% 0.30 Cum 30.25 9.08 9.08
Actual Cost 701.24
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 105.19
NRs 806.42 Total Rate 806.42

c. Earthwork excavation for trenches with combination of Manual and Machined excavation
All type of soil
Unit- Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Hard Soil / Gravel /
Boulder Mixed ( 70% ) 0.70 Cum 308.74 216.12 216.12
Soft Rock ( 30 % ) 0.30 Cum 701.24 210.37 210.37
Actual Cost 426.49
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 63.97
NRs 490.46 Total Rate 490.46

Backfilling in layers in foundation pits, trenches etc. including compaction, watering etc.
Item no. 12
complete lead 10m. And depth of foundation upto 1.5m.
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Labour Unskilled 1.14 M/D 320.00 364.80 364.80
Tools & Plants 3% of labour cost 10.94
Actual Cost 375.74
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 56.36
NRs 432.11 Total Rate 432.11

Analysis of Rates-6
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector

Item no. 13 Stone soling and leveling works including lead upto 30m
Unit-1 Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
a)Skilled 1.00 M/d 460.00 460.00
b)Unskilled 3.50 M/d 320.00 1120.00 1580.00
Stone 1.10 Cum 900.00 990.00
Sand 0.71 Cum 650.00 461.50 1451.50
Tools & Plants 3% of labour cost 47.40
Actual Cost 3078.90
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 461.84
NRs 3540.74 Total Rate 3540.74

Providing and placing machine mixed non structural cement concrete in 1:2:4 ratio including
Item no. 14
compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
Unit-1 Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Skilled 0.50 M/D 460.00 230.00
Unskilled 3.50 M/D 320.00 1120.00 1350.00
Cement 0.32 mt 12000.00 3840.00
Aggregate 20-40mm 0.52 Cum 1200.00 624.00
Aggregate 10 -20mm 0.33 Cum 1250.00 412.50
Material Sand 0.45 Cum 650.00 292.50
Petrol 0.10 Lit 116.00 11.60
Diesel 3.00 Lit 85.00 255.00
Water 192.00 Lit 0.10 19.20 5454.80
Mixer (0.28/ 0.20 m3 ) 0.60 hr 500.00 300.00
Vibrator 0.25 hr 80.00 20.00 320.00
Quality Control 2.5 % of total 178.12
Actual Cost 7302.92
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 1095.44
NRs 8398.36 Total Rate 8398.36

Analysis of Rates-7
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector

Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete , M20 for the abutment, pier, wall etc.
Item no. 15 including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification
and drawing.
Unit-1 Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
a) Skilled 0.90 M/D 460.00 414.00
b) Unskilled 9.00 M/D 320.00 2880.00 3294.00
Cement 0.32 mt 12000.00 3840.00
Aggregate 20-40mm 0.52 Cum 1200.00 624.00
Aggregate 10-20mm 0.22 Cum 1225.00 269.50
Aggregate 10mm & down 0.12 Cum 1250.00 150.00
Coarse sand 0.45 Cum 650.00 292.50
Petrol 0.10 Lit 116.00 11.60
Diesel 3.00 Lit 85.00 255.00
Water 192.00 Lit 0.10 19.20 5461.80
Mixture 0.60 hr 500.00 300.00
Vibrator 0.25 hr 80.00 20.00 320.00
Quality Control 2.5% of total 226.89
Actual Cost 9302.70
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 1395.40
NRs 10698.10 Total Rate 10698.10

Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete, M25 for the super structure,
Item no. 16 deckslab, girder etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete
as per specification and drawing.
Unit-1 Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
a)Skilled 0.80 M/D 460.00 368.00
Labour b) Unskilled 6.00 M/D 320.00 1920.00
c) Operator 0.20 M/D 460.00 92.00 2380.00
Cement 0.375 mt 12000.00 4500.00
Aggregate 20-40mm 0.58 Cum 1225.00 710.50
Aggregate 10-20mm 0.30 Cum 1250.00 375.00
Material Coarse sand 0.45 Cum 650.00 292.50
Petrol 0.10 Lit 116.00 11.60
Diesel 3.00 Lit 85.00 255.00
Water 225.00 Lit 0.10 22.50 6167.10
Mixture 0.60 hr 500.00 300.00
Vibrator 0.25 hr 80.00 20.00 320.00
Quality Control 2.5% of total 221.68
Actual Cost 9088.78
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 1363.32
NRs 10452.09 Total Rate 10452.09

Analysis of Rates-8
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector

Providing , Preparing and Installing form work including necessary supports and removing
Item no. 17
after completion for foundation and footings.(Scrap value neglected)
( Assuming the plank shall be used eight times )
(Assuming the struts,ballies,etc. can be used for 12 times.)
Unit-10 Sqm
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
a)Skilled 1.50 M/D 460.00 690.00
b) Unskilled 2.00 M/D 320.00 640.00 1330.00
Planks 38mm thick. 0.42 Cum 3750.00 1575.00
Materials struts, ballies, etc. 0.00 Cum 0.00 0.00
Nails,spikes,etc. 1.00 Kg 90.00 90.00 1665.00
Actual Cost 2995.00
Rate per Sqm 15% Contractors profit & OH 449.25
NRs 344.43 Total Rate 3444.25

Providing and laying Reinforcement including cutting, bending, binding, fixing in position
Item no. 18
and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
Unit- 1Mt
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
a)Skilled 12.00 M/D 460.00 5520.00
b) Unskilled 12.00 M/D 320.00 3840.00 9360.00
Reinforcement 1.15 Mt 75000.00 86250.00
Binding Wire 10.00 Kg 95.00 950.00 87200.00
Actual Cost 96560.00
NRs Rate per Mt 15% Contractors profit & OH 14484.00
111044.00 Total Rate ###

Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar including scaffolding,
Item no. 19 curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete, masoned height 0-5m, lead 30m (Using
Concrete mixer) mortar 35% (cement :sand) 1:4
Unit-1 Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
a)Skilled 1.50 M/d 460.00 690.00
b)Unskilled 3.50 M/d 320.00 1120.00 1810.00
Stone 1.15 Cum 900.00 1035.00
Cement 0.155 Mt 12000.00 1860.00
Material Sand 0.45 Cum 650.00 292.50
water 100.00 litre 0.10 10.00
Diesel 1.00 litre 85.00 85.00 3282.50
Equipment Concrete Mixture 0.15 hr 500.00 75.00 75.00
Quality control 1.5% of total 77.51
Actual Cost 5245.01
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 786.75
NRs 6031.76 Total Rate 6031.76

Analysis of Rates-9
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector

Back filling behind abutment by sand and gravel spreading layers including sprinkling water
Item no. 20
and manual compaction with haulage 10m.
Unit-1 Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
a)Skilled 0.00 M/d 0.00 0.00
b)Unskilled 0.70 M/d 320.00 224.00 224.00
Sand 0.55 Cum 650.00 357.50
Gravel 0.55 Cum 600.00 330.00 687.50
Tools & Plants 3% of labour cost 6.72
Actual Cost 918.22
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 137.73
NRs 1055.95 Total Rate 1055.95

Providing and laying RCC pipes with or without collars, jointed with stiff mixture of cement
Item no. 21
mortar in the proportion of 1:2 ( 1 cement : 2 fine sand ), lead upto 100m.
a. 600mm dia ( Int ) RCC Hume Pipe
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Skilled 0.281 M/D 460.00 129.26
Unskilled 1.094 M/D 320.00 350.08 479.34
RCC Hume Pipe ( 600 dia ) 1.00 Rm 4725.00 4725.00
Cement 0.0068 Mt 12000.00 81.76
Sand 0.0090 Cum 650.00 5.85
Jute 0.219 Kg 100.00 21.90 4834.51
Tools & Plants 3 % of total 159.42
Actual Cost 5473.26
Rate per Rm 15% Contractors profit & OH 820.99
NRs 6294.25 Total Rate 6294.25

b. 900mm dia ( Int ) RCC Hume Pipe

Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Skilled 0.344 M/D 460.00 158.24
Unskilled 1.562 M/D 320.00 499.84 658.08
RCC Hume Pipe ( 900 dia ) 1.000 Rm 8465.00 8465.00
Cement 0.0091 Mt 12000.00 108.74
Sand 0.013 Cum 650.00 8.45
Jute 0.375 Kg 100.00 37.50 8619.69
Tools & Plants 3 % of total 278.33
Actual Cost 9556.11
Rate per Rm 15% Contractors profit & OH 1433.42
NRs 10989.52 Total Rate 10989.52

Analysis of Rates-10
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector

Item no. 22 Providing and laying two layers of Tarfelt
Unit-10 Sqm
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Skilled 2.300 M/D 460.00 1058.00
Unskilled 4.600 M/D 320.00 1472.00 2530.00
Tarfelt 22.000 Sqm 100.00 2200.00
Bitumin 25.000 Kg 80.00 2000.00
Sand 0.310 Cum 650.00 201.50
Wood 80.000 Kg 4.30 344.00 4745.50
Actual Cost 7275.50
Rate per Sqm 15% Contractors profit & OH 1091.33
NRs 836.68 Total Rate 8366.83

Fabrication of Gabion boxes/mattresses with diapharagms including rolling, cutting and

weaving, assembling it, placing in position including stretching, forming compartments, tying
Item no. 23
the side and diaphargms with binding wire in each mesh, filling gabion box with stone
including dressing, beding, bonding and all transportation as per specification.
a. (3 x 1 x 1) box size
Unit- Box
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
i) Gabion Box Weaving
Skilled 0.50 M/D 460.00 230.00
Unskilled 0.22 M/D 320.00 70.40
ii)Plancing in position and
Unskilled 1.04 M/D 320.00 332.80
iii) Filling stone in gabion
Skilled 0.75 M/D 460.00 345.00
Unskilled 2.25 M/D 320.00 720.00 1698.20
GI wire ( 10 SWG ) 35.01 Kg 85.00 2975.85
Selvedge wire 4.51 Kg 85.00 383.35
Binding Wire (12 SWG) 1.81 Kg 95.00 171.95
Boulder / stone 3.30 Cum 900.00 2970.00 6501.15
Actual Cost 8199.35
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 1229.90
NRs 3143.08 Total Rate 9429.25

Analysis of Rates-11
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector


b. (2 x 1 x 1) box size
Unit- Box
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
i) Gabion Box Weaving

Skilled 0.34 M/D 460.00 156.40

Unskilled 0.15 M/D 320.00 48.00
ii)Plancing in position and
Labour tightening&
Unskilled 0.75 M/D 320.00 240.00
iii) Filling stone in gabion
Skilled 0.50 M/D 460.00 230.00
Unskilled 1.50 M/D 320.00 480.00 1154.40
GI wire ( 10 SWG ) 24.15 Kg 85.00 2052.75
selvedge wire 3.41 Kg 85.00 289.85
Binding Wire (12 SWG) 1.30 Kg 95.00 123.50
Boulder / stone 2.20 Cum 900.00 1980.00 4446.10
Actual Cost 5600.50
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 840.07
NRs 3220.2875 Total Rate 6440.58

c. (1.5 x 1 x 1) box size

Unit- Box
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
i) Gabion Box Weaving
Skilled 0.28 M/D 460.00 128.80
Unskilled 0.12 M/D 320.00 38.40
ii)Plancing in position and
Unskilled 0.68 M/D 320.00 217.60
iii) filling stone in gabion
Skilled 0.38 M/D 460.00 172.50
Unskilled 1.13 M/D 320.00 360.00 917.30
GI wire ( 10 SWG ) 19.75 Kg 85.00 1678.75
selvedge wire 3.11 Kg 85.00 264.35
Binding Wire (12 SWG) 0.68 Kg 95.00 64.60
Boulder / stone 1.65 Cum 900.00 1485.00 3492.70
Actual Cost 4410.00
Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 661.50
NRs 3381 Total Rate 5071.50

Analysis of Rates-12
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector

Item no. 24 Providing , laying and fixing of Geotextile ( filter fabrics )
Unit- Sqm
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Skilled labour - M/d - -
Unskilled 0.017 M/d 320.00 5.44 5.44
Marerial Geotextile 1.20 Sqm 70.00 84.00 84.00
Actual Cost 89.44
Rate per Sqm 15% Contractors profit & OH 13.42
NRs 102.86 Total Rate 102.86

Item no. 25 Providing and painting of two coats of enamel painting with one coat primer
Unit- 100 Sqm
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Skilled labour 12.00 M/d 460.00 5520.00
Unskilled 8.00 M/d 320.00 2560.00 8080.00
Primer 8.00 Lit 230.00 1840.00
Enamel paint 16.00 Lit 300.00 4800.00 6640.00
Actual Cost 14720.00
Rate per Sqm 15% Contractors profit & OH 2208.00
NRs 169.28 Total Rate 16928.00

Supplying and erecting traffic sign in place including 50mm dia. Steel tube, 2mm. thick steel
Item no. 26 plate, cement concrete, painting, writing and supporting steel angle nut and bolt etc.
a. 60cm. Dia. Circular, 60cm. equilateral traingle and 60cm.x 45cm. rectangular shaped sign (single
Unit- 1 no.
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Skilled labour 0.033 M/d 460.00 15.18
Unskilled 0.088 M/d 320.00 28.16 43.34
Enamel paint 0.10 lit 300.00 30.00
M15/20 PCC 0.03 m3 7302.92 219.09
Marerial Steel plate 0.25 m2 1805.50 451.38
Formwork 0.36 m2 299.50 107.82
Steel tube 2.50 m 115.00 287.50 1095.78
Actual Cost 1139.12
Rate per no. 15% Contractors profit & OH 170.87
NRs 1309.99 Total Rate 1309.99

Analysis of Rates-13
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector

b. 1.2m.x 0.75m. Size bigger traffic sign with back support and two or more post.
Unit- 1 no.
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Skilled labour 0.085 M/d 460.00 39.10
Unskilled 0.30 M/d 320.00 96.00 135.10
Enamel paint 0.40 lit 300.00 120.00
M15/20 PCC 0.12 m3 7302.92 876.35
Marerial Steel plate 1.00 m2 1805.50 1805.50
Formwork 1.00 m2 299.50 299.50
Steel tube 5.00 m 115.00 575.00 3676.35
Actual Cost 3811.45
Rate per no. 15% Contractors profit & OH 571.72
NRs 4383.17 Total Rate 4383.17

Supplying and applying paint for Road marking including cleaning, watering, brooming etc.
Item no. 27
all complete ( 10cm wide strip ).
Unit- Rm
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Skilled labour 0.005 M/d 460.00 2.30
Unskilled 0.007 M/d 320.00 2.24 4.54
Marerial Road marking paint 0.070 lit 450.00 31.50 31.50
Actual Cost 36.04
Rate per Rm. 15% Contractors profit & OH 5.41
NRs 41.45 Total Rate 41.45

Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete M20 for the foundation and footing
Item no. 28 etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per
specification and drawing.
Unit-1 Cum
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
a)Skilled 0.50 M/D 460.00 175.00
b) Unskilled 3.50 M/D 320.00 700.00 875.00
Cement 0.32 mt 12000.00 4000.00
Aggregate 20-40mm 0.52 Cum 1200.00 312.00

Aggregate 10-20mm 0.22 Cum 1225.00 132.00

Material Aggregate 10mm & down 0.12 Cum 1250.00 72.00
Coarse sand 0.45 Cum 650.00 112.50
Petrol 0.10 Lit 116.00 7.80
Diesel 3.00 Lit 60.18 180.53
Water 192.00 Lit 0.10 180.53 4997.36
Mixture 0.60 hr 500.00 120.00
Vibrator 0.25 hr 80.00 25.00 145.00
Quality Control 2.5% of total 150.43
Actual Cost 6167.79

Analysis of Rates-14
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector

Rate per Cum 15% Contractors profit & OH 925.17
NRs 7092.96 Total Rate 7092.96

Analysis of Rates-15
Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector Appendix - 3

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Roads
Puspalal ( Mid -hill ) Highway Project
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Project : Detail Engineering Survey & Design of Khurkot-Ghurmi Sector

Supplying and placing R.C.C. kilometer post including excavation, back filling, painting and
Item no. 29
writing etc. all complete as per specification.
a. Standard kilometer post (placed at each km.)
Unit- 1 no.
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Skilled labour 0.03 M/d 460.00 13.80
Unskilled 0.116 M/d 320.00 37.12 50.92
M20/20 RCC 0.06 m3 6167.79 370.07
M15/20 PCC 0.09 m3 7302.92 657.26
Marerial Formwork 0.50 m2 299.50 149.75
Enamel paint 0.12 lit 300.00 36.00
Reinforcement Bar 7.50 kg 96.56 724.20 1937.28
Actual Cost 1988.20
Rate per no. 15% Contractors profit & OH 298.23
NRs 2286.43 Total Rate 2286.43

b. Bigger kilometer post (placed at each 5 km.)

Unit- 1 no.
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Skilled labour 0.08 M/d 460.00 36.80
Unskilled 0.30 M/d 320.00 96.00 132.80
M20/20 RCC 0.17 m3 6167.79 1048.52
M15/20 PCC 0.23 m3 7302.92 1679.67
Marerial Formwork 1.30 m2 299.50 389.35
Enamel paint 0.40 lit 300.00 120.00
Reinforcement Bar 8.60 kg 96.56 830.42 4067.96
Actual Cost 4200.76
Rate per no. 15% Contractors profit & OH 630.11
NRs 4830.88 Total Rate 4830.88

Supplying and fixing in place R.C.C. delineator and guard post including excavation, back
Item no. 30
filling, painting and erection etc. all complete as per drawing.
Unit- 1 no.
Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total
Skilled labour 0.021 M/d 460.00 9.66
Unskilled 0.055 M/d 320.00 17.60 27.26
M20/20 RCC 0.03 m3 6167.79 185.03
Formwork 0.54 m2 299.50 161.73
Enamel paint 0.18 lit 300.00 54.00
Reinforcement Bar 2.82 lit 96.56 272.30 673.06
Actual Cost 700.32
Rate per no. 15% Contractors profit & OH 105.05
NRs 805.37 Total Rate 805.37

Analysis of Rates-16

Bio-Engineering works
ANALYSIS OF RATE for Bara District

Norms No: 28.10 B & D Brush Layering

Prepration and planting of live pegs of selected species (e.g assuro,namdi phul, simali) of minimum length to 0.5 m
depth into hard ground, pegs spaced at centers within rows, and interwoven with vegetation. ( For 1 rm)

Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total

Labour b)Unskilled 0.15 M/d 750.00 108.75 108.75

Equipment 3.26 3.26

Materials Live pegs 20.00 nos 8.44 168.80 168.80

Actual Cost 280.81

Rate per rm
15% Contractors overhead cost 42.12
Total Rate 322.93

Analysis of Rates-17
Bio-Engineering works
Brush Layering
Norms No: 28.10 A & B

Supporting documents for Brushlayer

Live pegs transportation and prucument cost (1 bolero trip = 15000 pegs)

Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total

Live pegs 15000.00 nos 30.00 450,000.00 450000.00

Transportation (By Bolero) 1.00 trip 23000.00 23,000.00 23000.00

Actual Cost 473000.00

Rate per pegs (Nos)


Mentainance, watering and after care for 5 years for nearly 50000 rm

Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total

Labour (3 person/ packages) 180.00 mm 25800.00 4,644,000.00

Water tank (2 month/ year for 3 years) 6.00 mm 60000.00 360,000.00

Actual Cost 5,004,000.00

Rate per rm

Supporting documents for Brushlayer

Item of
Ref.Work Labour (A) Construction materials (B) Equipments ( C)
Description Rem.
No. DoR hardwood Unit Level Unit Qty. Rate Cost Type Unit Qty. Rate Cost Type Unit Qty. Rate Cost
cuttings (e.g
basin,kanda hessian
phul, namdi sqm 5.00 44.00 220.00
, simali), 3% of Lab
28.03 C 100 slips Unskilled md 0.85 860.00 731.00 cost 21.93
from the
sources hardwo
within of od nos 100.00 5.00 500.00
the road. cuttings
minimum Sub Total (A) 731.00 Sub Total (B) 720.00 Sub Total ( C) 21.93
50 cm in
D) Total
length and cost (A+B+C) 1472.93
5 cm inTotal
Grand dia (D+E) 1472.93 14.73 Per slips
Ghurmi - Chatara Appendix -3


Summary of Rates
Description of Items Unit Rate Remarks
1 Site Clearance
1.01 #REF! m2 #REF!
Cutting of trees (the girth measured at a height of 1 m above ground level)
including cuttting of trunks and branches, removing the roots, stacking
1.02 serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials to 10m distance
and back filling the depressions/pits
a. #REF! nos. #REF!
b. #REF! nos. #REF!
2 Earthworks

a. #REF! cu.m #REF!

b. #REF! cu.m #REF!
c. #REF! cu.m #REF!
In all types of soil 70% OS + 28%
d. cu.m #REF!
BMS + 2% SR
2.02 #REF! cu.m #REF!
Earthwork in excavation for trench and structures (Crossdrainage, Retaining
& offroad structures)
a. #REF! cu.m #REF!
b. Hard soil/Gravel BMS cu.m #REF!
c. Soft Rock cu.m #REF!
In all types of soil 70% OS + 28%
d. cu.m #REF!
BMS + 2% SR
2.04 cu.m #REF!

2.05 #REF! cu.m #REF!

2.06 #REF! cu.m #REF!
2.07 #REF! cu.m #REF!
3 Pavement Works
3.01 #REF! Sqm #REF!
3.02 cu.m #REF!

3.03 #REF! cu.m #REF!

3.04 cu.m #REF!

3.05 #REF! Lit #REF!

3.06 #REF! t #REF!
3.07 #REF! Lit #REF!
3.08 #REF! cu.m #REF!
4 Cross Drainage works
4.01 #REF! cu.m #REF!
4.02 cu.m #REF!
4.03 #REF! cu.m #REF!
4.04 #REF! cu.m #REF!
4.05 #REF! cu.m #REF!
4.06 #REF! cu.m #REF!

Summary of Rates-21
Ghurmi - Chatara Appendix -3

Description of Items Unit Rate Remarks
No. Fabrication of Gabion boxes/mattresses, of hexagonal mess type
100mmX120mm. with mesh wire 10swg, selvedge wire 7swg with
diapharagms including rolling, cutting and weaving, assembling it, placing in
4.07 position including stretching, forming compartments, tying the side and cu.m #REF!
diaphargms with binding wire in each mesh, filling gabion box with stone
including dressing, beding, bonding and all transportation as per
specification. (2x1x1) box size

4.08 #REF! m2 #REF!

4.09 #REF! Mt #REF!
4.1 #REF! cu.m #REF!
4.11 #REF! cu.m #REF!
4.12 #REF!
a. #REF! rm #REF!
b. #REF! rm #REF!
4.11 #REF! m2 #REF!
5 Retaining And Breast Wall
5.01 #REF! cu.m #REF!
5.02 #REF! cu.m #REF!
5.03 cu.m #REF!

Fabrication of Gabion boxes/mattresses, of hexagonal mess type

100mmX120mm. with mesh wire 10swg, selvedge wire 7swg with
diapharagms including rolling, cutting and weaving, assembling it, placing in
5.04 position including stretching, forming compartments, tying the side and cu.m #REF!
diaphargms with binding wire in each mesh, filling gabion box with stone
including dressing, beding, bonding and all transportation as per
specification. (2x1x1) box size

5.05 #REF! Sqm #REF!

6 Road Furnitures and Traffic Safety
Supplying and applying paint for Road marking including cleaning, watering,
6.01 brooming etc. all complete ( 10cm wide strip ) (b) more than two coats over m #REF!
new bitumen surface
6.02 #REF!
a. #REF! nos. #REF!
b. #REF! nos. #REF!
6.03 #REF!
a. #REF! nos. #REF!
b. #REF! nos. #REF!
6.04 #REF! nos. #REF!
6.05 #REF! pole #REF!
6.06 #REF! pole #REF!

Summary of Rates-22
Janakpur Parikrama Road

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport
Department of Roads
Babarmahal, Kathmandu

Detail Survey, Engineering Design and Construction Supervision of Janakpur Parikrama Road

Description of Works No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit
(m) (m) (m)
Provision of Insurances as specified in the Contract
1.01 Documents.(SS/SP-117) and as per the instruction 1 PS
of Engineer
The bidder's percentage addition to the net cost
1.02 10 %
provided in item 1.1
Provide, operate and maintain Quality control
laboratory including equipment, accessories and
consumables for both field testing facilities and off-
1.03 site test with manpower as per Contract 1 LS
Documents.( SS/SP-502,511) and as per the
instruction of Engineer

Carry out routine maintenance of the existing road

to keep the road serviceable through out the
1.04 Contract period : (SS/SP-107) and as per the
instruction of Engineer
a) During construction 240 Km-Month
b) During Defects Liability period until issue of Certificate
of completion 120 Km-Month
Provide Photographs of the works. (SS/SP-110) and as
1.05 per the instruction of Engineer 150 No.
Provide and establish camp for contractor's labour and
staff and demolish after completion of works as per the
1.06 specifications. (SS/SP-109) and as per the instruction of 1 LS

Relocation of services / minor infrastructures, as per

1.07 Engineer's instructions. (SS/SP-103) 1 PS
The bidder's percentage addition to the net cost provided
1.08 in item 1.7 10 %
Reinstatement of quarry sites at the completion of works
1.09 as instructed by the Engineer. (SS/SP-109) and as per 1 LS
the instruction of Engineer

Clearing of grass, removing roots breaking sods,
2.01 1 10000 0.8 8,000.00 m2
leveling the surface and disposal (SS-201)
Road way excavation including disposal up to 10m
3.01 and lift up to 1.5 m etc. all complete as per
specification. (SS/SP-900)
a. In all types of soil 1 Refer attached sheet 1,190.67 Cum

Detailed Measurement Sheet-23

Janakpur Parikrama Road

Description of Works No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit
(m) (m) (m)
Formation of embankment including compaction in
layers not exceeding 150mm. Compacted depth,
3.02 watering etc. all complete as per specification. 1 Refer attached sheet 36,291.67 Cum
Dismantling brick masonry work in cement mortar
masonry including stockpiling the reusable
3.03 materials and disposal of unusable materials to a 1 Refer attached sheet 35.32 Cum
location as directed by the Engineer within the
work site (SS/SP-202)
Preparation of sub-grade by grading, watering and
compaction for upgrading the road (filling or cutting
4.01 depth of 10 to 20 cm) in Gravel & boulder mixed 1 10000 7.5 75,000.00 Sqm
soil (SS/SP-1003)
Providing, laying, spreading, leveling and
compaction of natural sand gravel sub-base
4.02 grading as per table 12.1 of standard specification 1 Refer attached sheet 22,750.00 Cum
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, leveling and
4.03 compaction of crushed stone base course (SS/SP- 1 Refer attached sheet 11,000.00 Cum
Providing and spraying bituminous Prime Coat /
Tack Coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the
4.04 road surface using wire, brushes, broom etc. 1 10000 5.5 55,000.00 Sqm
before applying prime coat (SS/SP-1301/1303)
Quantity of Bitumen for prime coat is 0.9 liter
49,500.00 Lit
per Sqm as per specification.
Providing and spraying single/ double bitumen
binder for surfacing dressing cleaning the road
4.05 surface using wire, brushes, broom etc. before
applying coat (SS/SP-1301/1303)
DBSD Area 1 10000 5.5 55,000.00 Sqm
Quantity of bitumen for SBSD with spray rate of 1.2
liter per Sqm
Quantity of Bitumen for DBSD with spray rate for
2nd coat 1.1 liter per Sqm
Total quantity of Bitumen for spraying 138,600.00 Lit
Providing and laying single/ double bituminous
4.06 coats for surface dressing using chips including t
compaction (SS/SP-1301/1303)
DBSD Area 1 10000 5.5 55,000.00 Sqm
20mm nominal aggregate for DBSD (20 Kg/Sqm)
1,100,000.00 Kg

14mm nominal aggregate for SBSD (16 Kg/Sqm)

880,000.00 Kg

Total quantity of chips in Tonne 1,980.00 Ton


5.01 Pipe Culvert
Earthwork in excavation for trench and structures
a. (Cross drainage, Retaining & Off-road structures)
In all types of soil 1 Refer attached sheet 296.81 Cum
Providing and placing machine mixed cement
concrete for the foundation and footing etc. in
b. M15/40 including compaction, curing, testing with 1 Refer attached sheet 112.65 Cum
necessary lead/haulage etc. all complete as per
specification and drawing (SS/SP-2000)

Detailed Measurement Sheet-24

Janakpur Parikrama Road

Description of Works No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit
(m) (m) (m)
Providing and laying RCC hume pipes with groove
joints, jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in
c the proportion of 1:2 ( 1 cement : 2 fine sand )
i) 600mm dia ( Int ) RCC Hume Pipe (NP3) 1 Refer attached sheet 40.00 Rm
ii) 900mm dia ( Int ) RCC Hume Pipe (NP3) 1 Refer attached sheet 35.00 Rm
Providing and laying random rubble stone masonry
in cement mortar M7.5 including scaffolding,
d curing, preparation of mortar etc. all complete 1 Refer attached sheet 73.35 Cum
(Using Concrete mixer) (SS/SP-2600)

Detailed Measurement Sheet-25

Janakpur Parikrama Road

Description of Works No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit
(m) (m) (m)
Backfilling in layers in foundation pits, trenches etc.
including compaction, watering etc. all complete
e and depth of foundation up to 1.5m. (SS/SP-900) 1 Refer attached sheet 88.56 Cum

5.02 Slab Culvert

Earthwork in excavation for trench and structures
a. (Cross drainage, Retaining & Off-road structures) 1 Refer attached sheet 1,356.95 #REF!
Backfilling in layers in foundation pits, trenches
b. etc. including compaction, watering etc. all 1 Refer attached sheet 890.23 #REF!
complete and depth of foundation up to 1.5m
Stone soling and leveling works including
c 1 Refer attached sheet 187.17 #REF!
necessary lead/haulage
Providing and placing machine mixed cement
concrete for the foundation and footing etc. in
d M15/40 including compaction, curing, testing etc. 1 Refer attached sheet 421.12 #REF!
all complete as per specification and drawing

Providing and placing machine mixed cement

concrete, M25 for the super structure, deck slab,
e girder etc. including compaction, curing, testing 1 Refer attached sheet 319.61 #REF!
etc. all complete as per specification and drawing
Providing and laying reinforcement including
f cutting, bending, binding, fixing in position etc. all 1 Refer attached sheet 22,828.37 Kg
complete as per specification and drawing (SS-
Providing and laying random rubble stone masonry
in cement mortar M7.5 including scaffolding,
g curing, preparation of mortar (Using Concrete 1 Refer attached sheet 1,380.83 Cum
mixer) (SS/SP-2600)
Earthwork in excavation for trench and structures
6.01 (Cross drainage, Retaining & Off-road structures)
In all types of soil 2 10000 0.5 0.5 5,000.00 Cum
Providing and laying brick masonry in cement
mortar M7.5 including scaffolding, curing,
6.02 preparation of mortar etc. complete (SS/SP-2500) 1 Refer attached sheet 7,780.70 Cum

Providing and placing machine mixed cement

concrete M25/20 for the drain cover including
6.03 compaction, curing, testing etc. all complete as per 1 Refer attached sheet Cum
specification and drawing (SS/SP-2000)

Providing and placing machine mixed cement

concrete M20/20 for the foundation of side drain
6.04 including compaction, curing, testing etc. all 1 Refer attached sheet 1,945.17 Cum
complete as per specification and drawing (SS/SP-
Providing and laying reinforcement including
cutting, bending, binding, fixing in position etc. all
6.05 complete as per specification and drawing for drain 1 Refer attached sheet Kg
cover (SS-2014)

Detailed Measurement Sheet-26

Janakpur Parikrama Road

Description of Works No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit
(m) (m) (m)
Supplying and applying paint for road marking
including cleaning, watering, brooming etc. all
7.01 complete ( 10cm wide strip ) (b) more than two 1 10000 0.5 5000 m
coats over new bitumen surface (SS-1502)
Supplying and erecting traffic sign in place
including 50mm dia. steel tube, 2mm. thick steel
7.02 plate, cement concrete, painting, writing and
supporting steel angle nut and bolt etc. complete
60cm. Dia. Circular, 60cm. equilateral triangle and
a. 60cm.x 45cm. rectangular shaped sign (single 60 60 nos.
1.2m.x 0.75m. Size bigger traffic sign with back
b. 10 10 nos.
support and two or more post.
Supplying and placing R.C.C. kilometer post
including excavation, back filling, painting and
7.03 writing etc. all complete as per specification
a. Standard kilometer post (placed at each km.) 8 8 nos.
b. Bigger kilometer post (placed at each 5 km.) 2 2 nos.
Supplying and fixing in place R.C.C. delineator and
guard post including excavation, back filling,
7.04 painting and erection etc. all complete as per 250 250 nos.
drawing (SS/SP-1504)
8.01 #REF! 1 8,000.00 #REF!
9 Day Works
9.01 Labour as per "Preamble to BOQ" PS
9.02 Equipment as per "Preamble to BOQ" PS
9.03 Material as per "Preamble to BOQ" PS
The bidder's percentage addition to the net cost of
9.04 labour provided in item 9.1 as per day works 10 %
schedule under "Day work Labour".
The bidder's percentage addition to the net cost of
Equipment provided in item 9.2 as per day works
9.05 schedule under "Day work Constructional 10 %
The bidder's percentage addition to the net cost of
9.06 Materials provided in item 9.3 as per day works 10 %
schedule under "Day work Materials".

Detailed Measurement Sheet-27

Bharatpur - Rampur - Meghauli

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport
Department of Roads
Babarmahal, Kathmandu

Detail Survey, Engineering Design and Construction Supervision of Janakpur Parikrama Road
Abstract of Cost

S No. Description of Items Unit Quantity Unit Rate Amount (NRs.)

Provision of Insurances as specified in the Contract
1.01 Documents.(SS/SP-117) and as per the instruction of Engineer PS 4,900,000.00
1.02 The bidder's percentage addition to the net cost provided in item 1.1 % 490,000.00

Provide, operate and maintain Quality control laboratory including

equipment, accessories and consumables for both field testing facilities
and off-site test with manpower as per Contract Documents.( SS/SP-
1.03 502,511) and as per the instruction of Engineer LS 750,000.00
Carry out routine maintenance of the existing road to keep the road
serviceable through out the Contract period : (SS/SP-107) and as per
1.04 the instruction of Engineer
a) During construction Km-Month 240 2,650.00 636,000.00

b) During Defects Liability period until issue of Certificate of completion Km-Month 120 2,650.00 318,000.00
Provide Photographs of the works. (SS/SP-110) and as per the
1.05 instruction of Engineer No. 150 50.00 7,500.00
Provide and establish camp for contractor's labour and staff and
demolish after completion of works as per the specifications. (SS/SP-
1.06 109) and as per the instruction of Engineer LS 750,000.00
Relocation of services / minor infrastructures, as per Engineer's
1.07 instructions. (SS/SP-103) PS 3,000,000.00
1.08 The bidder's percentage addition to the net cost provided in item 1.7 % 300,000.00

Reinstatement of quarry sites at the completion of works as instructed

1.09 by the Engineer. (SS/SP-109) and as per the instruction of Engineer LS 800,000.00

Sub-Total Part 1 11,951,500.00

Clearing of grass, removing roots breaking sods, leveling the surface
2.01 and disposal (SS-201) m2 8,000.00 #REF! #REF!

Sub-Total Part 2 #REF!

Road way excavation including disposal up to 10m and lift up to 1.5 m
3.01 etc. all complete as per specification. (SS/SP-900)
In all types of soil Cum 1,190.67 #REF! #REF!
Formation of embankment including compaction in layers not
exceeding 150mm. Compacted depth, watering etc. all complete as per
3.02 specification. (SS/SP-900) Cum 36,291.67 #REF! #REF!

Dismantling brick masonry work in cement mortar masonry including

stockpiling the reusable materials and disposal of unusable materials to
a location as directed by the Engineer within the work site (SS/SP-202) Cum 35.32 #REF! #REF!

Sub-Total Part 3 #REF!

Preparation of sub-grade by grading, watering and compaction for
upgrading the road (filling or cutting depth of 10 to 20 cm) in Gravel &
4.01 boulder mixed soil (SS/SP-1003) Sqm 75,000.00 #REF! #REF!
Providing, laying, spreading, leveling and compaction of natural sand
gravel sub-base grading as per table 12.1 of standard specification
4.02 (SS/SP-1201) Cum 22,750.00 #REF! #REF!
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, leveling and compaction of
4.03 crushed stone base course (SS/SP-1202) Cum 11,000.00 #REF! #REF!

Bharatpur - Rampur - Meghauli

S No. Description of Items Unit Quantity Unit Rate Amount (NRs.)

Providing and spraying bituminous Prime Coat / Tack Coat

MC30/MC70 including cleaning the road surface using wire, brushes,
4.04 broom etc. before applying prime coat (SS/SP-1301/1303) Lit 49,500.00 #REF! #REF!
Providing and spraying single/ double bitumen binder for surfacing
dressing cleaning the road surface using wire, brushes, broom etc.
4.05 before applying coat (SS/SP-1301/1303) #REF! 138,600.00 #REF! #REF!

Bharatpur - Rampur - Meghauli

S No. Description of Items Unit Quantity Unit Rate Amount (NRs.)

Providing and laying single/ double bituminous coats for surface

4.06 dressing using chips including compaction (SS/SP-1301/1303) #REF! 1,980.00 #REF! #REF!

Sub-Total Part 4 #REF!

5.01 Pipe culvert
Earthwork in excavation for trench and structures (Cross drainage,
a Retaining & Off-road structures) (SS/SP-900) Cum 296.81 #REF! #REF!
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete for the
foundation and footing etc. in M15/40 including compaction, curing,
testing with necessary lead/haulage etc. all complete as per
b specification and drawing (SS/SP-2000) Cum 112.65 #REF! #REF!
Providing and laying RCC hume pipes with groove joints, jointed with
stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 ( 1 cement : 2 fine
c sand ) (SS/SP-701)
i) 600mm dia ( Int ) RCC Hume Pipe (NP3) Rm 40.00 #REF! #REF!
ii) 900mm dia ( Int ) RCC Hume Pipe (NP3) Rm 35.00 #REF! #REF!
Providing and laying random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar
M7.5 including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. all
d complete (Using Concrete mixer) (SS/SP-2600) Cum 73.35 #REF! #REF!
Backfilling in layers in foundation pits, trenches etc. including
compaction, watering etc. all complete and depth of foundation up to
e 1.5m. (SS/SP-900) Cum 88.56 #REF! #REF!
5.02 Slab culvert
Earthwork in excavation for trench and structures (Cross drainage,
a Retaining & Off-road structures) (SS/SP-900) #REF! 1,356.95 #REF! #REF!
Backfilling in layers in foundation pits, trenches etc. including
compaction, watering etc. all complete and depth of foundation up to
b 1.5m (SS/SP-900) #REF! 890.23 #REF! #REF!
c Stone soling and leveling works including necessary lead/haulage #REF! 187.17 #REF! #REF!

Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete for the

foundation and footing etc. in M15/40 including compaction, curing,
d testing etc. all complete as per specification and drawing (SS/SP-2000) #REF! 421.12 #REF! #REF!

Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete, M25 for the
super structure, deck slab, girder etc. including compaction, curing,
e testing etc. all complete as per specification and drawing (SS/SP-2000) #REF! 319.61 #REF! #REF!
Providing and laying reinforcement including cutting, bending, binding,
fixing in position etc. all complete as per specification and drawing (SS-
f 2014) Kg 22,828.37 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Providing and laying random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar
M7.5 including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar (Using
g Concrete mixer) (SS/SP-2600) Cum 1,380.83 #REF! #REF!

Sub-Total Part 5 #REF!

Earthwork in excavation for trench and structures (Cross drainage,
6.01 Retaining & Off-road structures) (SS/SP-900)
In all types of soil Cum 5,000.00 #REF! #REF!
Providing and laying brick masonry in cement mortar M7.5 including
6.02 scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete (SS/SP-2500) Cum 7,780.70 #REF! #REF!
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete M25/20 for the
drain cover including compaction, curing, testing etc. all complete as
6.03 per specification and drawing (SS/SP-2000) Cum 0.00 #REF! #REF!

Bharatpur - Rampur - Meghauli

S No. Description of Items Unit Quantity Unit Rate Amount (NRs.)

Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete M20/20 for the
foundation of side drain including compaction, curing, testing etc. all
6.04 complete as per specification and drawing (SS/SP-2000) Cum 1,945.17 #REF! #REF!
Providing and laying reinforcement including cutting, bending, binding,
fixing in position etc. all complete as per specification and drawing for
6.05 drain cover (SS-2014) Kg 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

Sub-Total Part 6 #REF!

Supplying and applying paint for road marking including cleaning,
watering, brooming etc. all complete ( 10cm wide strip ) (b) more than
7.01 two coats over new bitumen surface (SS-1502) m 5000 #REF! #REF!
Supplying and erecting traffic sign in place including 50mm dia. steel
tube, 2mm. thick steel plate, cement concrete, painting, writing and
7.02 supporting steel angle nut and bolt etc. complete (SS/SP-1501)
60cm. Dia. Circular, 60cm. equilateral triangle and 60cm.x 45cm.
a. rectangular shaped sign (single post). nos. 60 #REF! #REF!
1.2m.x 0.75m. Size bigger traffic sign with back support and two or
b. more post. nos. 10 #REF! #REF!
Supplying and placing R.C.C. kilometer post including excavation,
back filling, painting and writing etc. all complete as per specification
7.03 (SS/SP-1503)
a. Standard kilometer post (placed at each km.) nos. 8 #REF! #REF!
b. Bigger kilometer post (placed at each 5 km.) nos. 2 #REF! #REF!
Supplying and fixing in place R.C.C. delineator and guard post
including excavation, back filling, painting and erection etc. all
7.04 complete as per drawing (SS/SP-1504) nos. 250 #REF! #REF!

Sub-Total Part 7 #REF!

Sub-Total Part 1-7 #REF!
8.01 #REF! #REF! 8,000.00 #REF! #REF!

Sub-Total Part 8 #REF!

9.01 Labour as per "Preamble to BOQ" PS 300,000.00
9.02 Equipment as per "Preamble to BOQ" PS 300,000.00
9.03 Material as per "Preamble to BOQ" PS 700,000.00
The bidder's percentage addition to the net cost of labour provided in
9.04 item 9.1 as per day works schedule under "Day work Labour". % 30,000.00
The bidder's percentage addition to the net cost of Equipment provided
in item 9.2 as per day works schedule under "Day work Constructional
9.05 equipment". % 30,000.00
The bidder's percentage addition to the net cost of Materials provided in
9.06 item 9.3 as per day works schedule under "Day work Materials". % 70,000.00

Sub-Total Part 9 1,430,000.00

A Total Estimated Cost #REF!
B Physical Contingency 10% of Total Estimated Cost (A) #REF!
C Contingency for Price Adjustment 10 % of Total Estimated Cost (A) #REF!
D Total Cost with Contingencies and VAT #REF!

Bharatpur - Rampur - Meghauli

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport
Department of Roads
Babarmahal, Kathmandu.

Detail Survey, Engineering Design and Construction Supervision of Bharatpur-Rampur-Meghauli Road


Sn. Description Amount Percentage Remarks

1 General Items 11,951,500.00 #REF!
2 Site Clearance #REF! #REF!
3 Earthwork #REF! #REF!
4 Pavement #REF! #REF!
5 Cross Drainage Structure #REF! #REF!
6 Side Drain #REF! #REF!
7 Road Furniture and Traffic Safety Measures #REF! #REF!
8 Bio-Engineering Works #REF! #REF!
9 Day works / Provisional Items 1,430,000.00 #REF!
Sub Total A #REF! #REF!
10% Physical Contingencies of Sub-total A #REF!
10% Price Adjustment of Sub-total A #REF!
Grand Total (Including Contingencies) #REF!
Cost per Km #REF!

Projected cost of total 74.66 Km is #REF!

Bio-Engineering works
ANALYSIS OF RATE for Makwanpur District

Norms No: 28.10 B

& D Layering
Prepration and planting of live pegs of selected species (e.g assuro,namdi phul,
simali) of minimum length to 0.5 m depth into hard ground, pegs spaced at
centers within rows, and interwoven with vegetation. ( For 1 rm)
Descriptio Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Total

Labour b)Unskilled 0.15 M/d 860.00 124.70 124.70

Equipment 3.74 3.74

Materials Live pegs 20.00 nos 8.44 168.80 168.80

Actual Cost 297.24

Rate per rm
15% Contractors over 44.59
Total Rate 341.83
Bio-Engineering works

ANALYSIS OF RATE for Kathmandu District

Norms No: 28.10 B

& D Layering

Prepration and planting of live pegs of selected species (e.g assuro,namdi phul, simali) of minimum length
to 0.5 m depth into hard ground, pegs spaced at centers within rows, and interwoven with vegetation. ( For
1 rm)

Description Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount

Labour b)Unskilled 0.15 M/d 1000.00 145.00

Equipment 4.35

Materials Live pegs 20.00 nos 33.00 660.00

Actual Cost
Rate per rm 15% Contractors overhead co
NRs 930.75 Total Rate
simali) of minimum length
woven with vegetation. ( For








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