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Name: Ronel M.

Year and Course: BSHM - 1st year
General Instruction: Read the questions carefully and answer them briefly.

1. How does the Old Testament connect with the New Testament?

- The Old Testament and New Testament have deep relations with each other since they connect to one
another. Without the revelations from the Old Testament in which the prophecy awaits to be fulfilled,
then humanity will not be saved in the future because of the sins we committed since the main purpose of
everything that has happened focuses of how Jesus Christ saved us from salvation.

2. What is the significance of the season of Advent in the Christian liturgical calendar, and how does it
differ from other seasons?
- Advent is unique among the seasons in that it is a period of expectation and preparation especially for
the advent of Christ, both in his birth and his ultimate return. Other seasons include Christmas, Lent,
Easter, and Ordinary Time. Its emphasis on waiting and being prepared for Jesus' advent sets the tone for
the entire liturgical year.

3. How does Mary's obedience and cooperation with God's will contribute to the fulfillment of God’s
saving plan?
- Because of her faithfulness, Mary was also able to lead the way for both herself and the entire human
race to salvation. According to St. Irenaeus, Mary's obedience untied the knot of Eve's disobedience,
making her the first Christian in salvation history. Her presence at the foot of the Cross during Christ's
passion serves as another evidence of her faith and obedience during the process of salvation.

1. In what ways can you actively demonstrate following Jesus in your deeds, both in your personal life
and in your interactions with others? Give at least concrete ways.

- Following Jesus involves obedience and obedience, which involves reading the Bible and making faith
and love guiding principles. Faith and trust are essential, resembling Jesus' unwavering faith. To
strengthen your connection with Christ, set aside time for prayer, weekly review of discipleship courses,
and contemplation of God's work in your life. This will help you understand Jesus better and live a life of
faith and love.


- Serving others should be a genuine act of compassion, reflecting Jesus' love for everyone. It's important
to restore harmony in damaged relationships and promote peace, akin to Jesus' shalom in brokenness.
Model the love and compassion demonstrated by Jesus by acting with kindness, generosity, and
selflessness in all encounters.

2. Suppose a friend is going through a difficult time emotionally and reaches out to you for support. How
will you imitate Mary's interior attitude of service and sacrifice as you respond to your friend's needs?
- One might emulate Mary's internal attitude of service and sacrifice by exhibiting virtues like
ardent generosity, blind obedience, and profound humility when helping a friend who is
experiencing emotional suffering and seeking support. One might emulate Mary's qualities in
helping a friend through a trying time by showing love and compassion via unselfish deeds,
exhibiting unshakable obedience and faith in God's plan, and treating the circumstance with
humility and a selfless emphasis on the friend's well-being. Mary set an example of love,
obedience, and selflessness in attending to a friend's needs through acts of kindness, faithfulness
to God's desire, and a humble service-oriented approach.

3. Suppose you are a part of a group project where one team member is struggling to keep up due
to personal difficulties. Imitating Mary’s attitude, how will you respond to this situation?

- When a team member is having personal struggles and needs support during a group
endeavor, adopting a Mary-inspired approach means being an example of compassion,
understanding, patience, and support. It is possible to emulate Mary's caring,
understanding, and helpful attitude toward others going through personal struggles by
demonstrating empathy, helping, listening intently, exercising patience, offering counsel,
and encouraging others. This method helps boost the suffering team member during their
moment of need and creates a supportive environment inside the group endeavor.

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