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1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of 2.1 Communicate simple information

familiar contexts intelligibly
1.2.1 Understand with support the main 2.1.1 Ask about and express basic opinions
idea of short simple texts
2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or
1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a large group
variety of contexts 2.3.1 Narrate very short basic stories and
1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar events
words by using visual clues when a teacher
or classmate is speaking

3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non- 4.2 Communicate basic information
linear print and digital texts by using intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and
appropriate reading strategies digital media
3.2.1 Understand the main idea of short 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using
simple text suitable words and phrases

Peringkat 1: Hasil diharapkan

Topik: Gifts of Nature

Kefahaman Soalan Penting:

Maintaining Biodiversity for Healthy Ecosystem 1. What will happen if our ecosystem is not
2. Can we live without environment?
3. How can I maintain healthy ecosystem for
human well- being?

Pengetahuan: Kemahiran:

-a variety of familiar contexts Understand, narrate, describe, express opinion,

-a variety of linear and non-linear print and communicate
digital texts by using appropriate reading
- basic information (about nature and
ecosystem )in print and digital media

Tahap Penguasaan:
Performance Level 6
Peringkat 2: Hasil Pentaksiran

Tugasan: Hasil Lain/Nilai:

- Story Stone Activity Product

- Reading Comprehension: Read- Pair- Share - Story stones assessment
- Recount Memory (Memory Box) - Pupils’ Worksheets
- create Haiku Poem - Teacher & Peer feedback scores
- Small Project Big Impact: Eco-Friendly - Completed Thinking Tools
Product - Completed Haiku Poem
- writing short description essay - Eco-Friendly Product
- Rubrics

- Cooperation, appreciate nature,
mindfulness, social interaction,
6 Cs

Peringkat 3: Pelan Pembelajaran

Aktiviti Pembelajaran:

Lesson 1-2 : Focus Skill= Listening & Speaking

1. Set induction. Warmer activity to hook to idea appreciating Nature’s Gift

2. Using flash cards, teach few words related to nature, ecosystem, biodiversity stressing on
the pronunciation. Check pupils’ pronunciation.
3. Show videos on ecosystem threats. Get pupils to discuss the main message from the video
4. Teacher provides (or request pupils to bring) some stones (average size) and some
pictures of animals, plants etc (pictures related to nature/ecosystem) for pupils to paste
on the stones.
5. In pairs, pupils choose pictures they like to put on the stone. Pupils can draw their own
pictures if they wish.
6. Pupils discuss their pictures to create a short story .( WHAT, WHERE can they see/find the
objects in the picture, WHO, HOW they feel about it, etc)
7. Story Stone Activity: Holding the stone , pupils tell a short story about the pictures to the
8. Teacher & Peer Feedback

( Lesson 3-4: Focus Skill= Reading)

1. Warmer activity to hook pupils’ interest about the lesson:
2. Memory Box Activity.
- Teacher makes a memory box. A place where pupils are going to store their
happiest/funniest memories interacting with nature
- Get each pupil to write a memory or draw a picture to represent something that
happened to them that they enjoyed (a picture and a couple of key words )
- In pairs get them to share their memories.
- Pupils then place their memory in the memory box .
- Others individually /group pick out a different memory and describe what they see, or
what is written on the paper.
- Encourage pupils to get creative with each other’s tales and come up with new tales for
the pictures

3. Read-Pair- Share (Text A or B in Handout)

- Partners read the text together stopping after each paragraph or appropriate section
of the text to answer question (see Handout 1: TEXT A or TEXT B)
- Whenever partners cannot answer a question together they return to the selected
section to find the answer
- Answer reading comprehension questions
NOTE: Customize text selection for differentiation instruction and e-book from
4. 2 pairs form a group. Pupils choose appropriate thinking tool/graphic organizer to
brainstorm and discuss what they feel if there is no water in their house? (for guidance
see Handout 2)
5. Based on their responses, pupils compose Haiku poem. Pupils can use Haiku Poem
Generator (

(Lesson 4- 5: Focus Skill= Writing)

1. Review previous lesson. (Use Kahoot to set Quiz on Vocabulary, grammar)
2. Pupils are given a situation about ecosystem imbalance
3. In small groups, pupils discuss to address the issue and solve the problem by suggesting an
Eco-Friendly product (mahjung paper)
4. Gallery walk and feedback
5. Small Project Big Impact: In their group, pupils create and design their Eco-Friendly
6. Pupils write a short description about their product
7. Show case.
Teacher & Peer Feedback
Handout 1: TEXT A

Humans Put Water to Work

You've probably had a drink of water
or washed your hands today. But
people use water for so many other
purposes, like cleaning stuff,
transportation, and generating
hydroelectric power. Just as nothing
can live without water, not much can
be made without it, from cotton candy
to cotton T-shirts.

Because water is so useful, most

people live along coastlines, rivers, and lakes. Where fresh water is limited,
people have used many technologies—like wells, dams, and canals—to store
and move it.

Sometimes these technologies damage habitats. Other species have to compete

with humans for water. This may help explain why so many creatures that live
in fresh water are endangered.

We need to be smarter and more careful about how we use water in order to
make sure that there's enough for all life on Earth.

Answer each question with the information from the paragraph read

Title: _______________ Paragraph Number: ________

1. What information is shared in the paragraph?

2. Which word(s) is/are interesting to me?
3. What is the meaning of the words?
4. Other:__________________?
Text 2

Don’t Waste Water

Drip, drop! Drip, drop!

That is the sound of a leaky faucet. One drop of water is not much. Many drops
of water can add up to a lot. Just one leaky faucet wastes some water.

People, animals, and plants need water. What can you do? Make sure you turn
off the faucet. If you see a leaky faucet, tell a grown-up.

Listen! Do you hear water dripping? Do not let water go to waste.

Source: ReadWorks

Answer each question with the information from the paragraph read

Title: _______________ Paragraph Number: ________

5. What information is shared in the paragraph?

6. Which word(s) is/are interesting to me?
7. What is the meaning of the word (s)?
8. Other:___________________?
Handout 2:

When there is no water in my house, …

I feel ___________ I feel ____________ I feel ____________ I feel ___________

because I ________ because I __________ because I ________ because I ________

_________________ ___________________ ________________ ________________

I will/can __________________________________________to appreciate Water.

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