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l his Bookll!I con tams pnntcd pagi:s "' L2 llooklct o.

: 13219
Te,;;t 11noklet Code

full Marks : 200

Time : One Hour Thirty tvlinutes

[ArPUG,no� l
Rud the following tnstructJOM carefully before you start answcnng the quesUons:
1 I d m tne paniculars Application 10, Test Booklot Code II "Answ1:r Sneet (OMR sh�l) careful y w'h blue/black
l:\JII point pen only Ans......e 5tw,-t on tams a Carncn Copy ...,hlCh should no1 t>e detached lrom the Original Copy while
wnling p;irticulars and IJ1d ig responses oo the Ong:nal Copy
2. Please ensure lhat the Tc...t Booklet Is proP(:rly pmlco wut, all questions unmediately alter the Booklet In case
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3 1 he te:;t � of 1 hour 30 minutes durahon ano ti¥± T�I Booklot contains 50 m11l11ple chotee quest10ns each having four
rpt10ns v11th a single correct answer.
4 Eacf· quesbon c�n s 4 four) marks For each correct 1cspcnse, the candld<1l2 wi,f get 4 (four) marks. Fer each
.rrf'! t r.,.spn•l',. 1 One) rria•i f ,e oc.-Juc•ed The rnax,mum mar�s are 200
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, '' ' ,·, 11 1/', I ,; / 11 l.,r r
is correct. Choose the correct option.
All questions are compulsory. One option of each question

1 Identify the correct combination of book and author

Shyam Selvedurai (B) Mango Coloured Fish -

Kaveri Nambis an
(A) White Tiger
(D) The Disgrace- Michael Ondatijee
(C) Kite Runner- Hanif Qureshi

term Orientalism' most closely associated with?

2 Which theory is the

(A) Structuralism (B) Deconstruction

(C) New Historicism (D) Postcolonialism

3. Wild Sargasso Sea is

(A) an unpublished novel by Anne Bronte

(B) an adventure story by Jules Verne

(C) a travelogue by Vikram Seth

(D) a novel by Jean Rhys

4 Which periodical by Richard Steele represented a new approach to journalism?

(A) The ldler (B) The Tatler

(C) The Spectator Papers (D) The Review

Who introduced printing in England?

(A) Elizabeth Eisenstein (B) Johannes Gutenburg

(C) William Caxton (D) William Tyndale

Which of the following describes the chief system by which writers received financial rewards
for their literary production?

(A) charity (B) patronage

(C) censors hip (D) subscription

Short plays called Staged dialogues on religious, moral and political themes th.a:
were performed by playing companies before the construction of public theatres

(A) interludes (B) spectacles

(C) mysteries (D) meditations

A novel whose hero is a wandering rogue is a novel.

(A) historical (B) picaresque

(C) detective (D) realistic

9 Horace Wapole's The Castle of Otranto imitiated the literary genre of

(A) Epistolary novel (B) Medieval romance

(C) Science fiction (D) Gothic fiction

10. Ottava rima is a rhyming stanza form of. origin.

(A) French (B) Latin

(C) Italian (D) English

thinker Sigmund Freud associated?

With which influential practice is the early 20 century
(B) psychoanalysis
(A) eugenics
(D) anarchism
(C) phrenology

12. Who is the father of 'ecocriticism'?

(B) Peter Barry
(A) William Rueckert
(D) Rachel Carson
(C) Lawrence Buell
14 Which of the following terms is not similar to 'diaspora'?

(A) transnationalism (B) postcolonialism

(C) sectionalism (D) trans-culturalism

15 The essay Nationalism in India' was written by

(A) Ambedkar (B) Aurobindo

(C) Tagore (D) Gandhi

6. Which of the following is a famous Arthurian legend?

(A) Trolius and Criseyde (B) Roman de la Rose

(C) Pear (D) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

17. Who is the founder of New Historicism?

(A) Jacques Lacan (B) Edward Tylor

(D) Antonio Gramsci

(C) Stephen Jay Greenblatt

18. Tottel's Miscellany was published in

(A) 1514 (B) 1541

(C) 1557 (D) 1575

19 What was restored in 1660?

the dominance of the Tory Party (B) the book of Common Prayer
21 Who wrote the first comedy Ralph Roister Doister?

(A) Nicholas Udall (B) Shakespeare

(C) Thomas Middleton (D) George Etherege

22 Astrophel and Stella' is

(A) a play by Marlowe (B) An epic by Spenser

(C)a sonnet by Petrarch (D) a sonnet by Sidney

23. Who among the following is not a member of the group known as 'University Wits'?

(A) Marlowe (B) Shakespeare

(C) Peele (D) Lodge

24 he salient features of Neo-Classical poetry are

(A) Metaphor and Conceit (B) Wit and Satire

(C) Ambiguity and Paradox (D) Allegory and Myth

25. Who defined the novel as a 'comic epic in prose?

(A) Richardson (B) Defoe
(C) Smollett (D) Fielding

26. The term negative capability was coined by

(A) Shelley (B) Keats

(C) Byron (D) Wordsworth
28 The Oxford Movement was
(A) an art movement (5) a religious movement
(C) an industrial movement (D) a political movement

29 The Restoration brought with it a sudden increase in the influence of

(A) the French (B) the German

(C) the Italian (D) the Greek

30. Who among the following is not a metaphysical poet?

(A) Richard Crashaw (B) Andrew Marvel

(C) Henry Vaughan (D) William Blake

31. ldentify the leading poet from the following pre Raphaelite Brotherhood

(A) D.G Rossetti (B) J.E. Millias

(C) F.G Stephens (D) James Collinson

32. Treasure Island was written by.

(A) Robert Lynd (B) Samuel Richardson

(C) Charles Read (D) Robert Louis Stevenson

Who wrote Biographia Literania?

(A) Wordsworth (B) Wordsworth and Coleridge

(C) Coleridge (D) Coleridge and Blake
Bibie published in
The Authorised Version of the
(B) 1557
(A) 1511
(D) 1611
(C) 1600

Method' in criticism?
Who introduced the Touchstone
(B) Samuel Johnson
(A) Phillip Sidney
(D) Matthew Arnold
(C) William Empson

The phrase 'still sad music of humanity occurs in a poem by Wordsworth. ldentify the poem
(A) Yarrow Unvisited (B) Three Years She Grew

(C) Ode on Intimations of Immortality (D)Lines written a few Miles above Tintern Abbey

38 Poetic Justice aims at

(A) Rewarding good
(B) Punishing evil

C) Bridging the gap between good and evil

(D) Rewarding virtue and punishing evil

39 Name the well known dramatist associated with Fabian Society

(A) Arthur Miller (B) Samuel Beckett

(C) George Benard Shaw (D) John Osborne

A0 A 'heroic couplet' comprises of.

(A) two lines of rhyming verse
B)two rhyming lines expressing complete thought
41 Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan was written by

(B) Kamala Das

A) Toru Dutt
(D) Sarojini Naidu
(C) Eunice d' Souza

known as,
Virginia Woolf belonged to a group of eminent literary figures
(B) Stratford-on-Odeon
(A) Avant garde
(D) the Inklings
(C) Bloomsbury Group

43. Which of the following is a play by Girish
(B) Ghasiram Kotwal
(A) Tara

(C) Mrichkatikam (D) Tughlaq

these famous lines:

Who wrote
"But I have promises to keep

And miles to go before I sleep"

(A) Wallace Stevens (B)RobertFrost

(C) Walt Whitman (D) Langstan Hughes

45. Identify the novel that won the Booker Prize:

(A) The Inheritance of Loss (B) Fasting Feasting

(C) Small Remedies (D) Shalimar the Crown

46 Shakespeare's Measure for Measure is a

(A) pure comedy (B) melodrama

(C) dark comedy (D) fantasy

Midnight's Children known for magic realism is a novel by
(B) Salman Rushdie
(A) Shashi Tharoor
(D) Vikram Seth
(C) Anita Desai

48 The first Senecan tragedy staged in England was

(B) Misfortunes of Arthur
(A) Combyses, King of Persia
(C) Gorboduc (D) Appius and Virginia

49. What is the study of poetic meter and form called?

(A) Eulogy (B) Tautology

(C) Prosody (D) Rhetoric

50 A is the smallest unit of meaning in a language

(A) morpheme (B) grapheme

(C) syntax (D) lexemes

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