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Hi Guy this is christine.

Oh mizna you have a great name. So how are you today?

I’m happy to hear that you’re okay.

Btw im calling in hopes of knowing more about your company, what your campany does and offers. So
mizna I know that your in a real estate company, am I right?

Can you tell me more about your company?

I’m calling here because I’ve heard a lot of real estate company which I’ve already called they told me
how their company struggles because of this covid crisis. Some of them decrease their Employees. So
how is your business during covid?

If they tell you they are doing fine or no issues then ask them: Would you say your business is doing
the same amount of business before the covid until now. changed.

So can you tell me what exactly that’s need to be change?

Oh sorry to hear that I understand because most of the real estate company are facing the same way as

Im with Formicidae, we are a company that focuses on helping businesses increase their revenue while
at the same time lower their operating expenses. We focus on Client Acquisitions, Back-end Offshore
Assistance, and even VA Services. We do much more. Basically, We help businesses in areas where
they need help the most. So ‘ve heard a lot that your struggling in that area. So we can help you on that
how’s that sound to you?

If its ok for you, I would like to talk with my Manager about your company and have him contact you at
your convenience about how we can possibly help with your company’s needs. What day would be good
for you? Is it morning or afternoon?

Okay great. I will pass this on and have him call you at that time. If you like, I can give you our website
so you will have a better understanding what we are about before you speak with our manager. Would
you like to have it? (If yes, then provide our website:

(persons name), it was great talking to you and I hope we can help your companys needs.
Have a great day, take care. Bye….

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