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Mindanao State University – General Santos City

GEC 108 | Science, Technology and Society |

Name: YUUKI OZAWA Course/Section: BSCEEN (41-1B)

Instruction: Encircle the letter with the best answer. Any form of erasures are considered INCORRECT.

1. It refers to the alteration of weather patterns in a placeover a long time.

A. Climate change B. Renewable Energy C. Climate Sensitivity D. Global Warming

2. These data include climate information for the past thousands or millions of years which can be collected
from various sources, such as ice cores, soil, trees, etc.
A. Modern Climate Data. B. Paleoclimate Data C. Anthropogenic Data D. Climatology

3. Which of the following does not belong to the group?


4. If ice lost is greater than ice gained, the mass balance becomes negative. A negative mass balance is
indicative of a warming and changing climate.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. None of these

5. The earth’s atmosphere is “blanketed” by CO2, CH4, and nitrous oxides. This theory is known as
A. CFCs B. Greenhouse Effect C. Global Warming D. Eutrophication

6. They are United Nation’s body for assessing the science related to climate change.

7. It is an international agreement that legally binds countries which are heavily industrialized and have
economies in transmission to limit their GHG emissions.
A. Paris Climate Agreement B. Kyoto Protocol C. Multilateral Environmental Agreement

8. It is known as the Climate Change Act of 2009.

A. RA 6969 B. RA 8799 C. RA 9729 D. RA 9275

9. Which of the following is not part of the Sustainable Development Goals?

A. Reduced Inequalities
B. Responsible Consumption and Production
C. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
D. Climate Action

10. The main goal of this biodiversity discipline is to establish workable methods for preserving species and
their biological communities. It aims to provide answers to specific questions that can be applied to
management decisions. A. metapopulation processes
B. conservation genetics
C. wildlife management D. conservation biology

11. It’s a biological diversity which refers to all the different habitats that exist, like tropical or temperate
forests, hot and cold deserts, wetlands, rivers, mountains, coral reefs, etc.
A. genetic diversity
B. species diversity
C. ecosystem diversity
D.none of the above

QUIZ #1 | MAY 2, 2024

Mindanao State University – General Santos City
GEC 108 | Science, Technology and Society |
12. It is a common way of measuring biodiversity and involves counting the number of individuals or even
families in a given area.
A. species richness
B. biodiversity turnover
C. biomes
D. biogeographic realms

13. What do you call for a spatial pattern of biodiversity that represents a relatively large unit of land or water
containing a geographically distinct assemblage of species, natural communities, and environmental
conditions--ecosystems within an ecoregion have certain distinct characters in common.
A. ecoland
B. ecosystem
C. ecoregions
D. all of the above

14. Which of the following is/are included on the biogeographical realms?

A. Afrotropical
B. Australasian
C. Nearctic
D. Palearctic

15. It refers to a department or branch of a craft, art, business, or manufacture—one that employs a large
personnel and capital especially in manufacturing. It is a distinct group of productive or
profitmaking enterprises. What is this?
A. market
B. trade
C. industry
D. drugs

16. Facebook, Instagram and X are part of

A. First Industrial Revolution
B. Second Industrial Revolution
C. Third Industrial Revolution
D. Fourth Industrial Revolution

17. With the improvement of steel production and coal mining and increase in supply of products during the
first industrial revolution came improvements in the other aspects of the manufacturing industry. What is/are
those? A. Transportation Revolution
B.Communications Revolution
C.Printing Revolution
D.Entertainment Revolution

18. If you are a skilled government and bank employee during the first and second industrial revolution, you
are considered as?
A. Lower class
B. Royal
C. Lower upper class

QUIZ #1 | MAY 2, 2024

Mindanao State University – General Santos City
GEC 108 | Science, Technology and Society |
D.Middle class

19. He is the American tinkerer invented in 1839 the vulcanization process of rubber that made
widespread industrial use of rubber possible.
A. Hyatt
B. Boyle

20. This is being used in a number of areas such as manufacturing, transport, utilities, defense, facilities,
accounting software, operations and information technology. What do you call to the creation and application
of technologies to produce and deliver goods and services with minimal human intervention.
A. Artificial Intelligence
B. Machine Learning
D.Website Testing

QUIZ #1 | MAY 2, 2024

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