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obility is forged in fire and blood, a record Noble Tactics
of the lineages successful in taking what
was not theirs and preventing others from Nobles in general rush to the center of fighting to
doing the same. War is the domain to demonstrate their bravery and skill-at-arms to their peers,
which they are born, as is work to the surrendering or retreating only once injured, or if more than
commoner and prayer to the cleric, and half of their remaining allies have done so.
those who mistake the genteel masks by Against foes they recognize as peers in nobility, nobles
which they navigate interludes of peace for their true faces typically attack nonlethally, and operate on the assumption
are doomed to an early and ignominious grave. that they will be returned the same courtesy, and that area-of-
effect and enchantment spells won't be used against them.
Noble Lore They yield if wounded and outnumbered, and typically spare
Arcana DC 15: While it is common knowledge among noble enemies attempting to yield.
Against foes they do not recognize as nobility, or who prove
arcanists that certain noble bloodlines maintain esoteric themselves unbound to the noble's etiquette of combat, they
magic traditions going back centuries, learning such magics fight without mercy and retreat as soon as they take any
has proven markedly difficult, as those taught these secrets damage or are outnumbered to muster more forces.
are bound by magic oaths not to divulge them to any outside
their circle of peerage. Noble Courtier Tactics
History DC 10: Battle among nobility is usually governed by
strict rules of etiquette, including customs of capture and Noble courtiers prioritize targets that threaten the most
ransom. Those adventurers with the means to quarter influential noble present. If they have personal guards with
captives, therefore, often view hostile nobles as an exotic them, they will attempt to move into melee range, then call
form of loot more than as enemy combatants. their allies to do the same with their Call to Service,
History DC 15: Induction into the peerage of nobility can be attacking from the second turn onward, and using their Call
hereditary or honorary, but is always premised on deeds of to Service once more to cover their retreat when fleeing
might and conquest, both those marked by history and those combat. They use their Bon Mot if missed with the first
promised in the future. After all, no group declaring a right to attack made against them in a turn, and their Deft Parry at
rulership can maintain itself without strength of arms and a each opportunity.
voracious will to power.
Kings and Warlords. If your setting has both a stable
nobility and individuals of exceptional personal
power, there should be a reason why the nobles
have not been deposed by them.
If they are not among the most powerful
warriors of your setting, nobles must maintain their
position through the protection of others who are,
either through vassalage and tribute to mighty
guardians such as dragons and archwizards, or
through inspiring genuine loyalty in the same,
perhaps through shared lineage or an essential role
in a prophesied future.

Kenrith the Returned King

Kieran Yanner
Noble Titles Noble Duelist Tactics
Noble titles vary across regions and time periods, but Duelists attempt to initiate duels whenever they fear that not
typically make specific reference to size and importance of doing so will result in damage to their reputation. In combat,
the noble's landholdings and responsibilities. they use their Duelist's Eye whenever available, using their
The definitions presented here are much more cleanly reaction for Bon Mot if missed with their enemy's first attack
divided than any real historical system was, but hopefully will in a turn, their Seamless Ripost if missed with their enemy's
serve to inform your presentation of nobility in your setting. last attack, and their Deft Parry at each opportunity. Outside
the context of a duel, duelists try to find a single opponent
Title Meaning separated from its allies to face off against.
Knight Owner of heraldic arms and mounts.
Baron, Castellan Landowner that maintains a small Noble Banneret Tactics
force of warriors. If mounted and fighting against enemies on foot, bannerets
Viscount A ranking assistant to a count, earl, move into range to attack with their Argent Lance, then
or marquess retreat each turn, using their Raise Banner if allied cavalry
Chief, Count, Ruler of a county. are not yet trapped in melee, or their Lancer's Command to
Minister, Vizier help their allies disengage for another charge otherwise.
Against mounted foes or if their mount takes any damage,
Earl, Jarl A ruler of a county who is also a key
military leader
they shatter their lance against an enemy at the first
opportunity and switch to their Ancestral Blade.
Marcher Lord, The ruler of a march, a border county
Marquess, Margrave considered critical for a region's
defense Noble Chancellor Tactics
Chancellor, Duke, Ruler of a duchy, a province or large
Chancellors stay within 5 ft. of at least two allies whenever
High Chief, Prime tribal region. Duchies are possible, ideally those closest to them in initiative. They begin
Minister, Grand distinguished from counties combat with their Foment Intrigue, then alternate between
Vizier primarily by being desirable and their Strip Masks and multiattack, staying where their allies
high-status places to rule, relative to are densest to benefit from their Bonds of Devotion and
surrounding counties. Armor of Allegiance.
Archduke, Grand Ruler of a kingdom containing With their Legendary Actions, they typically use their
Duke, Hegemon, several provinces. Armor of Allegiance first, then their Marshall Arms as long as
King, Sovereign they have two available allies to target, preferring their Gilded
Emperor, Great The ruler of a kingdom that has Scepter over it only against an enemy that is severely
Speaker, High King, conquered or vassalized other wounded..
King-of-Kings, kingdoms.
Master King,
Supreme Chief

Aragorn the Uniter

Javier Charro
Noble Courtier Noble Duelist
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 12 Armor Class 14 (Leather Armor)

Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

Skills Insight +4, Persuasion +4 Skills Athletics +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +5
Senses Passive Perception 12 Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Any two languages Languages Any two languages
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Silver Tongue. The noble has advantage on Charisma Silver Tongue. The noble has advantage on Charisma
checks made to interact with guards or other checks made to interact with guards or other
figures of authority. figures of authority.

Heraldic Arms. While the noble is armed, creatures Heraldic Arms. While the noble is armed, creatures
proficient in History can determine, by sight, the proficient in History can determine, by sight, the
noble's station and lineage. noble's station and lineage.

Actions Actions
Court Smallsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Multiattack. The noble makes two attacks with its
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing Engraved Rapier.
Engraved Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Call to Service. The noble calls to a friendly creature reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing
within 30 feet, allowing it to use its reaction to damage.
move up to half its speed or make a melee attack. On a critical hit, the target is pushed up to 5 feet
and must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving
Reactions throw or drop one item it is holding.
Deft Parry. When the noble would be hit with a
melee attack, it can add +2 to its AC against the Bonus Actions
triggering attack. Parrying Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Bon Mot. When the noble is missed with a melee reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing
attack, it can make a cutting remark. damage.

The target gains disadvantage on the next attack it Duelist's Eye (Recharge 4-6). The noble focuses its
makes against the noble this turn. attention on a humanoid creature it can see.
Until the beginning of its next turn, the noble
regains its reaction whenever that creature misses
it with a melee attack.
Judicial Duels vs Honor Duels. While judicial duels
(Trials by Combat) are more likely to be fought to Reactions
the death, honor duels need not be. Deft Parry. When the noble would be hit with a
Their purpose is typically to assure everyone melee attack, it can add +2 to its AC against the
involved (most especially spectators), that neither triggering attack.
party can be disrespected without consequence,
and that both parties are brave and skilled enough Seamless Riposte. When the noble is missed with a
to enter a duel. melee attack, it can move up to 5 feet and make an
Honor duels may last until one combatant is attack with its Engraved Rapier.
bloodied (reduced below 1/2 HP), a set number of
Bon Mot. When the noble is missed with a melee
rounds, until one combatant lands a set number of
hits on the other, or until one combatant has taken attack, it can make a cutting remark.
a set amount of damage. The target gains disadvantage on the next attack it
makes against the noble this turn.
Noble Ransoms
Noble Banneret Capturing a Noble. A noble captured alive in the context of a
legitimate mutual grievance, such as on a battlefield, can be
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
ransomed to its family or liege for a base amount determined
Armor Class 16 (Breastplate) by the noble's wealth, which may be modified by up to 50%
Hit Points 105 (14d8 + 42) based on how well-liked they are and how skilled of
Speed 30 ft. negotiators their captors are.
Assessing Value. A creature familiar with local politics
can determine a reasonable base ransom and expected
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA negotiation period with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) (History) check. A creature that rolls 25 or higher on this
check can reduce the DC to negotiate a ransom by 5.
Skills Athletics +6, Perception +4, Persuasion +5 Negotiating Ransom. The length and difficulty of
Senses Passive Perception 14 negotiation is determined by the base ransom amount. The
Languages Any two languages noble's patron and family will privately determine an amount
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) they are willing to pay. A captor asking for more than that
fails the check automatically. A captor asking for 50% or less
Silver Tongue. The noble has advantage on Charisma than that has advantage on their check. A captor asking for
checks made to interact with guards or other 10% or less than that succeeds automatically. If asked to
figures of authority. make an offer, the noble's captors or patron will offer 10% of
the Base Ransom.
Heraldic Arms. While the noble is armed, creatures Making a check to negotiate a ransom involves a number of
proficient in History can determine, by sight, the
noble's station and lineage.
missives and exchanges, and takes a period determined by
the base ransom amount. A captor may begin another
Actions negotiation attempt as soon as the previous one fails, and
may re-try without limit so long as their captive lives.
Multiattack. The noble makes two attacks with its Accommodating Noble Prisoners. If granted luxurious
Ancestral Blade. accommodations and chivalrous treatment in captivity, nobles
Argent Lance. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
will typically not seek vengeance against their captors, as
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d12 + 4) piercing they may be captured again in the future. Doing so can be
damage. expensive, however, and less wealthy captors may need to
accept a lower fee in order to relieve themselves of the
If the noble is mounted and moved at least 20 feet financial burden.
toward the target this round, it can make this hit Escapes and Rescue Attempts. Nobles may attempt to
score a critical. If it does, the target is knocked
prone and the lance is destroyed.
escape or their families may make attempts to rescue them.
This is usually considered acceptable within the etiquette of
Ancestral Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, capture and is not generally thought to merit recompense or
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing reprisals. A minimal guard is included in the listed cost of
damage. accommodation, though such efforts are not foolproof.
Bonus Actions Base Negotiation Negotiation Cost of
Wealth Ransom DC Period Accommodation
Lancer's Command. Each friendly mounted creature
within 30 feet can use its reaction to move up to No Land 200 gp 14 1 day 2 gp/Day
half its mount's speed without provoking Village 500 gp 16 3 days 3 gp/Day
opportunity attacks.
Village, 1,000 gp 18 5 days 5 gp/Day
Raise Banner (Recharge 4-6). The noble hoists its Small
banner high. Castle
Each friendly creature within 30 feet that can see it Town, 2,000 gp 20 10 days 8 gp/Day
gains advantage on the first attack or Wisdom Large
saving throw it makes before the beginning of the Castle
noble's next turn. Border 5,000 gp 22 15 days 10 gp/Day
Reactions Multiple
Scorn Death (1/Day). When the noble fails a saving
throw against a spell or magical effect, it can move City 10,000 gp 24 20 days 12 gp/Day
up to half its speed toward the effect's source.
County 30,000 gp 26 25 days 14 gp/Day
If it does, each other friendly creature within 30 Kingdom 500,000 gp 28 1 month 18 gp/Day
feet ignores the effects of being Frightened until
the end of the noble's next turn. Empire 1,000,000+ 30 1 month 25 gp/Day
Noble Chancellor Oathbind (5th Level Spell). The noble binds a willing
creature to an oath it made in the last minute, cursing
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 16 (Breastplate)
The Cursed creature cannot voluntarily take positive
Hit Points 204 (24d8 + 96)
actions directly contrary to that oath, and the noble
Speed 30 ft. knows if this curse ends for it.
Strip Masks (Recharge 5-6, 7th Level Spell). The noble
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA touches a creature and forces it to make a DC 18
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) Charisma saving throw.
On a failure, the target takes 54 (12d8) radiant damage
Skills Athletics +9, Deception +10, Insight +8, and each illusory, shapechanging, or mind-affecting
Perception +8, Persuasion +10 magic affecting it ends.
Senses Passive Perception 14 This damage can’t reduce the target’s hit points below
Languages Any four languages 1.
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)
Silver Tongue. The noble has advantage on Charisma
checks made to interact with guards or other figures of Weighty Parry. When the noble would be hit with a
authority. melee attack, it can add +5 to its AC against the
triggering attack.
Sanctum Arms. When the noble rolls initiative in its lair,
it and each creature of its choice within 120 feet has The next attack made against the noble before the
its AC increased to 16, if it is lower, and can conjure a beginning of its next turn has advantage.
weapon to their hands. Procession of Ancient Right (3rd Level Spell). When the
Bonds of Devotion. When the noble is targeted with an noble rolls initiative, it can force each creature of his
attack or spell, a friendly creature within 5 feet can use choice within 30 feet to succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom
its reaction to change the attack or spell's target to saving throw or have their initiative reduced by 5, to a
itself. minimum of 0.
Fealty's Clarion (1/Day, 8th Level Spell). When the noble
Actions is reduced below 103 hit points, it can summon two
Multiattack. The noble makes two attacks with its Oathsworn Acolytes in unoccupied spaces it can see
Gilded Scepter, one of which it can replace with a use within 30 feet.
of its Foment Intrigue or Oathbind.
Legendary Actions
Gilded Scepter. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach The noble can take two legendary actions, choosing
5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning plus 7 from the options below.
(2d6) radiant damage.
Foment Intrigue (4th Level Spell, Concentration). The Gilded Scepter. The noble makes an attack with its
noble sends insidious thoughts whispering through the Gilded Scepter.
minds of two creatures it can see within 60 feet. Armor of Allegiance. The noble moves up to half its
At the beginning of each creature's turn, it must speed. Until the beginning of its next turn, the noble
succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become has +1 AC for each friendly creature within 5 feet of it.
hostile to the other target and indifferent to all other Marshall Arms. Up to two friendly humanoid creatures
creatures until the beginning of its next turn. the noble can see can each use their reaction to move
If both targets succeed on their saving throw in a up to half their speed and make a melee attack.
round, the effect ends.

Spellbound by the masquerade/ Caught inside a

trance/ And blinded to the strings they tie/ That
force you to dance/ Drowning in their crimson
wine/ It permeates your soul/ Manifest the tempo
of your mind/ Caught in the dance of control.
Lords of the Trident, Dance of Control
Noble Spells
Fealty's Clarion Foment Intrigue
7th-level conjuration 4th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: unlimited (30 ft.) Range: 60 ft.
Components: V, S, M (a token gifted from each summoned Components: V, M (a quill or pen snapped in anger)
creature worth at least 1 gp, which the spell consumes) Duration: 1 minute, concentration
Duration: instantaneous Requires a noble title.
Requires a noble title. You send insidious thoughts whispering through the minds of
You call upon oaths given by your ally, crushing in your hand two creatures you can see within range.
a token of fealty gifted to you by them and sending a cry for At the beginning of each creature's turn, it must succeed on
help rippling across the planes. a Wisdom saving throw or become hostile to the other target
The creature recognizes you as the sender, and can choose and indifferent to all other creatures until the beginning of its
to immediately be teleported to an unoccupied space of your next turn.
choice within 30 feet of you. If both targets succeed on their saving throw in a round or
If the creature is dead, it can form a spiritual body to aid if one of them is reduced to 0 hit points, the effect ends.
you that appears as it did in life with full resources, and Spell Lists. Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock
dissolves into light when reduced to 0 hit points, or after 1
hour. A dead creature summoned in this way can never again Oathbind
be summoned with this spell. 5th-level enchantment
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell Casting Time: 1 action
slot of 8th level or higher, you can target one additional Range: Touch
creature for each slot level above 7th. Components: V, M (a golden chain worth 500 gp, which the
Spell Lists. Cleric, Sorcerer spell consumes)
Duration: instantaneous
Requires a noble title.
You bind a willing creature to an oath it made in the last
minute, cursing it.
The Cursed creature cannot voluntarily take positive
actions directly contrary to that oath, and you know if this
curse ends for it.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 9th level, the cursed creature additionally cannot be
magically compelled to take such actions.
Spell Lists. Bard, Cleric, Paladin

Charming Prince
Randy Vargas
Procession of Ancient Right Sanctum Arms
3rd-level enchantment 5th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you roll Casting Time: 1 action
initiative Range: Touch (120 ft. radius)
Range: self (30 ft. radius) Components: V, M (1,000 gp worth of powdered sapphire,
Components: V, M (a drop of royal blood worth 1 gp, which which the spell consumes)
the spell consumes) Duration: 1 year
Duration: instantaneous Requires a noble title.
Requires a noble title. You touch the ground and sapphire runes flare out in a 120
You call out a command that echoes with the strength of foot radius before fading, encircling each creature of your
ages. Each creature of your choice within range must make a choice in the area and marking their arms and armor.
Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature's initiative is When one or more of these targets rolls initiative in the
reduced by 5, to a minimum of 0. area, each target in the area can summon any arms and
Spell Lists. Bard, Sorcerer armor in the area that are marked in this way to themselves,
instantly donning any armor summoned in this way.
Reveal Pedigree Spell Lists. Cleric, Paladin
2nd-level divination
Casting Time: 1 minute Strip Masks
Range: Touch 7th-level abjuration
Components: V, M (an object the caster inherited worth at Casting Time: 1 action
least 500 gp) Range: Touch
Duration: instantaneous Components: V, S
Requires a noble title. Duration: instantaneous
You touch a creature or corpse and feel the echoes of Requires a noble title.
history in its blood, learning the name and titles of its most Your palm flares with light as it touches a creature, burning
historically significant direct ancestor. away all magical veils. The target must make a Charisma
Spell Lists. Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard saving throw.
On a failure, the target takes 12d8 radiant damage and
each illusory, shapechanging, or mind-affecting magic
affecting it ends.
This damage can’t reduce the target’s hit points below 1.
Spell Lists. Bard, Cleric

Runed Crown
Randy Gallegos
Art Credits You Found the Free Books!
Kenrith the Returned King by Kieran Yanner
Aragorn the Uniter by Javier Charro
Charming Prince by Randy Vargas
Runed Crown by Randy Gallegos
Bisk, Goblin King by Rae Elderidge

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