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Question Bank (CO1, CO2, CO6)

Subject-Engineering Physics

1. What is a thin film? Derive an expression for fringe width β in interference pattern obtained in a
Wedge shaped thin film. (4M)
2. In Newton’s Ring experiment, explain why i) Plano-convex lens should have larger radius
ii) Rings get closer away from the center iii) Central fringe is dark in reflected light iv) Fringes
are circular.
3. What is antireflection coating? Obtain an expression for minimum optical thickness of the film to
act as an antireflection coating. (4M)
4. Explain the difference between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. (3M)
5. What is a diffraction grating? Define grating element and grating equation.
6. Define resolving power and write the expression for resolving power of the diffraction grating.
7. Fringes of equal thickness are observed in a thin glass wedge of RI 1.52. The fringe spacing is
0.1 mm; wavelength of light is 5893 Å. Calculate wedge angle. (3M)
8. When a wedge- shaped air film is viewed by a monochromatic source of light incident normally,
the interference fringes 0.4mm apart are observed. If the air space is filled with water (μ=1.33)
how far apart will the fringes be observed? (3M)
9. In Newton’s ring experiment the diameter of 10th dark ring due to wavelength 6000 Å in air is 0.5
cm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens. (3M)
10. A plane transmission grating containing 15000 lines per inch is illuminated with light of
wavelength 5896Å Find the maximum orders that can be seen by grating. (Ans: nmax=2) (3M)

Quantum Mechanics
1. What is Compton Effect? Write an expression for Compton shift. (3M)
2. In Compton Effect, write down the equations of energy and momentum conservation,
considering elastic collision between electron and photon. (3M)
3. Prove that a free electron cannot absorb a photon completely. (3M)
4. What is de-Broglie hypothesis? Show that de-Broglie wavelength for an electron accelerated by
an electric field of ‘V’ volts/m is 12.26 /√ V Å. (3M)
5. Prove that electron cannot exist in nucleus. The radius of the nucleus =10-14 m and maximum
kinetic energy of electron in an atom is 4 MeV. (3M)
6. Show that the quantized energy for a particle confined to move in an infinite one dimensional
potential well of length ‘l’ is given by, En = n2h2/8ml2 where symbols have their usual meanings.
7. X-ray photon of wavelength 0.3 Å is scattered through an angle 40o by a loosely bound electron,
find the energy of scattered photon. (3M)
8. Find the de-Broglie wavelength of: i) An electron accelerated through a potential difference of
144V. ii) 10gm object moving with a speed of 10 m/s (3M)
9. An electron and a baseball (mass= 150gm) are traveling with the same velocity 220 m/sec,
measured to an accuracy of 0.005 %. Calculate uncertainty in position of each. (3M)
10. Find the lowest three energies of an electron confined to move in a one dimensional box of
length 5Ǻ.

Optical Fibres

1. Explain the phenomenon of total internal reflection (2M)

2. Explain the structure of optical fibre. (2M)
3. What is acceptance angle. Derive an expression for acceptance angle of optical fibre. (4M)
4. Define i) Acceptance angle (ii) Numerical Aperture (iii) Fractional refractive index change
iv) critical angle (4M)
5. Differentiate between step index fibre and Graded index fibre. (3M)
6. Discuss the application of optical fibre as a temperature sensor. (3M)
7. A glass clad fibre is made with core glass of refractive index 1.5 and cladding is doped to give a
fractional index difference of 0.0005.Find (i) Cladding index and (ii) Acceptance angle.
8. Find the fractional refractive index and numerical aperture for an optical fiber with refractive
indices of core and cladding as 1.5 and 1.49 respectively. (3M)
9. Calculate Numerical Aperture and Acceptance angle for an optical fiber from the following data:
n1 (core) = 1.55 and n2 (cladding) =1.50
10. What is the attenuation in dB/Km, if 15% of the power fed at launching end of 1/2 km fiber is
lost during propagation? (4M)

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