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Add the Iollowing to 401.1

Between "aggregates" and "all in accordance", add "and chemical admixtures as
may be required".

401.1.1 Classes of Concrete

Add the Iollowing to 401.1.1

Paragraph 1, line 2, delete "A, B, C, D1, D2, D3, Y and Lean Concrete" and replace
by "A1, A2, A3, D1, Y, B and Lean Concrete.

Paragraph 2, line 3, substitute 'Concrete placed under water ... IiIteen (15) cm
with the Iollowings:
'Class A2 concrete shall be used Ior deck slab oI the bridges, Ilyovers and pedestrian
bridges, culverts, diaphragms and as shown on the drawings or as otherwise directed by
the Engineer or speciIied in the Special Provisions.
Class B Concrete shall be used only where speciIied.

Delete entire para 5 and replace with the Iollowing:
'Class D1 Concrete shall be used Ior prestressed elements/girders, or as indicated on the

Replace Table 401.1, Portland Cement Concrete Requirements, with the Iollowing table.

TABLE 401.1

Max. Size
of Coarse

28 days
(Range in
Water -
25 75
50 100

401.2.8 Admixtures

Add the Iollowing

'Chemical and air entraining admixtures containing chlorides as determined by
ASTM Designation C 1152 shall not be used in reinIorced or prestressed

Calcium chloride shall not be used in concrete containing any embedded metals,
including reinIorcing steel, unless otherwise speciIied.

II more than one admixture is to be used, such admixtures shall be compatible in
combination as used in the concrete.

Admixtures shall conIorm to the Iollowing test requirements:

Chemical Admixtures AASHTO M194
Air Entraining Admixtures AASHTO M154
Calcium Chloride AASHTO M144
Mineral Admixtures ASTM Designation C618

Loss on ignition shall not exceed Iour percent (4)

All Admixtures to be used in the work shall be accompanied by a CertiIicate oI
Compliance signed by a responsible representative oI the manuIacturer.

401.3.1 Proportioning of Concrete

Add the Iollowing as Iirst para

'The Contractor shall perIorm all necessary mix design testing and Iurnish the
results in a written report not less than thirty Iive (35) days prior to beginning
concrete production using the same batching plant Irom which the concreting oI
the structural members is to be carried out. The report Iurnished by the Contractor
shall contain all test results Ior materials proposed Ior use and trial mixes and
speciIic recommendations Ior the Iollowing:

1. The weight ratio oI coarse and Iine aggregates per cubic meter.
2. The cement content in kilograms per cubic meter oI concrete.
3. The maximum allowable water content in liters per kilograms oI cement, or
equivalent units including surIace moisture, but excluding water absorbed by
the aggregates.
4. Slump or slumps designated at the point oI delivery.
5. Description oI all changes Irom the mix proportions previously approved.

6. Initial and Iinal setting time Ior concrete as per AASHTO T-197.
7. Drying shrinkage Ior the recommended concrete mix according to
ASTM C 596-81.
8. The dosage oI the proposed admixture in either liter or kilogram per cubic

401.3.3 Mixing Concrete

b) Mixing at Site

Add the Iollowing aIter para 8

'The concrete may be produced using a batching plant or central mixing plant
with truck agitators or using in-truck mixers conIorming to AASHTO M-157. It
may also be produced using continuous volumetric mixing equipment conIorming
to AASHTO M-241. Mixers shall be oI a type and capacity approved by the

During batching in windy conditions, it is to the discretion oI the Engineer to
discontinue the batching process or instruct the Contractor to add additional
cement at no cost.

Add the Iollowing at the end:

'The moisture content oI the Iine aggregates shall be uniIorm throughout the
stock pile and not exceed eight percent (8) at the time oI mixing.

'No mixing or pouring oI concrete will be allowed at ambient temperature higher
than 32
Celsius, without an agreement oI the Engineer on the Contractor's proposals
Ior cooling measures. The temperature oI mixed concrete immediately beIore
placing will not be more than 30
Celsius. The Contractor will take all speciIic
precautions according to AASHTO-SS-Division II 8.6.3. so as to achieve the above
mention temperature Ior which no extra payment shall be made.

401.3.4 Hauling and Delivery of Mixed Concrete

a) Hauling

Add the Iollowing in the 2
para aIter 'rated capacity

'and shall conIorm to all oI the requirements speciIied Ior ready-mixed concrete
in AASHTO M157.

f) Delivery

'The organization supplying concrete shall have suIIicient plant capacity and
transportation vehicles to ensure continuous delivery at the rate required. The rate
shall be such that the interval between batches shall not exceed twenty (20)
minutes. The methods oI delivering and handling the concrete shall be such as
will Iacilitate placing with the minimum rehandling and without damage to the
structure oI the concrete.

g) Re tempering

'The concrete shall be mixed only in such quantities as are required Ior
immediate use and any concrete that has developed initial set shall not be used.
Concrete that has partially hardened shall not be retempered or remixed and

401.3.5 Handling and Placing Concrete

Add the Iollowing to 401.3.5:

'a) General

BeIore concreting in any section, reinIorcement will have to be completely
clean and Iree Irom all contaminations, including hardened concrete (iI any)
which may have been deposited on it Irom previous operations. Concreting
will take place only once the Engineer has inspected the placing oI the
reinIorcement and given his approval.

The Contractor will allow the Engineer at least eight (8) working hours aIter
all the reinIorcement is in place beIore pouring oI concrete to conduct the

The Engineer should check the records oI concrete placing as stated below:

Records, in a Iorm agreed by the Engineer, shall be kept by the Contractor oI
the details oI every pour oI concrete placed. These records shall include
Class oI concrete, location oI pour, date oI pour, ambient temperature and
concrete temperature at time oI placing, moisture content oI aggregates,
details oI mixes, batch numbers, cement batch number, results oI all tests
undertaken, location oI test cylinder sample points and details oI any cores

The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer two copies oI these records each
week covering work carried out during the preceding week. In addition, he
shall supply to the Engineer monthly histograms oI all 28 days cylinder
strengths together with accumulative and monthly standard deviations and

any other inIormation, which the Engineer may require concerning the
concrete placed in the Works.

401.3.6 Casting Sections and Construction and Contraction 1oints

ModiIy the title 401.3.6e as Iollows:

'e) Construction and Contraction 1oints

Add the Iollowing at the end:

' - Construction 1oint

The Contractor may require a diIIerent location oI construction joints
which are not shown in the drawings. II so, this requirement shall be
subject to the Engineer's approval. II necessary the contractor may be
asked to check stress distribution with his proposed location oI joints.
In case quantities oI steel and Iormwork are increased, no extra
payments will be made. Elsewhere, on visible Iaces, aesthetical
treatment oI construction joint will be provided without extra

- Contraction 1oint

The contraction joints shall be constructed where shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The surIace oI set concrete
in the joint shall be painted with two coats oI bitumen, conIorming to
AASHTO M-115, and new concrete shall be placed against it only
when it is dry.

401.3.7 Concrete Surface Finishing/Rendering

ModiIy 401.3.7 as Iollows:

'd) Ordinary Surface Form Finish

Delete entirely and replace by the Iollowing:

Ordinary surIace Iorm Iinish will Iollow AASHTO-SS-8.12.2.
Non-shrinkable mortar will be used.

Ordinary surIace Iorm Iinish shall be applied to all concrete surIaces, except
those oI Class 1 Iorm Iinish which are deIined hereaIter.

e) Class 1 Surface Form Finish


i) Delete para 1, 2 and 3 and add the Iollowing

Class 1 surIace Iorm Iinish will Iollow the AASHTO - SS- 8.12.3.

Fiber or plywood Iorms in good conditions will be used exclusively.

ii) Substitute para 4 with the Iollowing para.

Class 1 surIace Iinish is systematically required to be applied as the Iinal
Iinish Ior the Iollowing surIaces, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.

iii) Substitute except` with 'including in line 1 oI (i)

iv) Replace para, VI, by 'All culverts/underpasses

v) Add 'and New Jersy Barriers aIter railings in line 1 oI vii

401.3.8 Curing Concrete

a) eneral

Add Iollowing at the end:

'All newly-placed concrete shall be cured Ior at least seven (7) days. When there
is a Iorecast oI air temperatures below two degrees Celsius (2C.), during the
curing period, the Contractor shall submit Ior approval by the Engineer, a cold
weather concreting and curing plan detailing the methods and equipment which
will be used to assure that concrete temperature does not Iall below ten degrees
Celsius (10C.) during the entire curing period which will be seven (7), eight (8),
nine (9), or ten (10) days aIter placement. When Ily ash cement is used, this
period shall be extended as Iollows:

Percentage oI Cement Required Period oI Controlled
Replaced, by Weight Temperature

10 8 Day
11-15 9 Days
16-20 10 Days

The above requirement Ior an extended period oI controlled temperature may be
waived iI a compressive strength oI sixty Iive percent (65) oI the speciIied
twenty-eight (28) day design strength is achieved in six (6) days based on site-
cured cylinders.

The cold weather concreting and curing plan shall detail the Contractor`s
proposed method oI maintaining or providing heat and moisture to the concrete

during the placement and curing period. No part oI the structure surIace shall be
heated in excess oI thirty-three degrees Celsius (33C) or charge by more than ten
degrees Celsius (10C.) in eight (8) hours while heating or insulating equipment is
in use or immediately thereaIter.

The contractor shall provide continuous recording thermometers at the
approximate Irequency oI one thermometer Ior each thirty (30) cubic meters
curing during the initial seven (7) day period.

Thermometers shall be placed adjacent to the concrete at locations selected by the
Engineer. Recorded temperatures shall be Iurnished the Engineer. The
Contractors shall maintain heating units in continuous operation. When placement
oI concrete occurs at an air temperature oI less than IiIteen degrees Celsius
(15C.), the concrete shall be placed at a temperature oI not less than IiIteen
degrees Celsius (15C.) Ior sections less sixty (60) centimeters thick and not less
than ten degrees Celsius (10C.), Ior sections greater than sixty (60) centimeters
thick. The heating oI the concrete components shall be done in a manner which is
not detrimental to the mix. The cement shall not be heated or permitted to come
into contact with aggregates which are in excess oI thirty-Iive degrees Celsius

Concrete at the time oI placement shall be oI uniIorm temperature and Iree oI
Irost lumps. Aggregates shall not be heated by means oI direct Ilame, or sheet
metal over Iire. Fine aggregates shall not be heated by the direct steam. The
addition oI salts to prevent Ireezing shall not be permitted.

All Iorms, reinIorcing steel, girders, and construction joints shall be Iree oI snow,
ice and ponded water, beIore concrete placement begins. The temperature oI all
structures to be in contact with new concrete shall be at least IiIteen degrees
Celsius (15C.) and shall be maintained at a temperature oI IiIteen degrees
Celsius (15C.) or above during placement oI the concrete.

The temperature oI the concrete shall be not less than IiIteen degrees Celsius
(15C.) at the time oI placing in the Iorms. In case oI extremely low temperature,
the Engineer may, at his discretion, raise the minimum limiting temperature Ior
work, aggregates and mixed concrete. Salt, chemicals or other materials shall not
be used to prevent Ireezing.

Curing Compound Method

Add in 3
para, Iourth line aIter 'application oI curing

'Type-2 liquid membrane curing compound as speciIied in AASHTO M 148 may
be used as the initial and Iinal curing agent on structural concrete.

401.3.10 Testing of Compressive Strength

Add the Iollowing to 401.3.10:
'Equipment that is used Ior trial batches will have to be the one that will be used on
the speciIic job.


Add the Iollowing to 401.4.2:

401.4.2 Payment

In line 4
Between "also Ior" and "such works", add "all materials and"
In line 5
Between "construction joints" and "and any such work", add "contraction joints,
external control Ior topography".
Add at the end:
'No extra payment shall be made to the contractor Ior using diIIerent types oI
cements as speciIied herein the speciIications.
'No payment shall be made Ior the lost Iormwork made by the pipes or their
embedment in concrete.

In Item 401.4.2 delete table and insert the Iollowing:

Pay Item Description Unit of
No. Measurement
401 a1 Concrete Class A1
(i) Under Ground CM
(ii) On Ground CM
(iii) Elevated CM
401 a2 Concrete Class A2
(i) Under Ground CM
(ii) On Ground CM
(iii) Elevated CM
401 a3 Concrete Class A3
(i) Under Ground CM
(ii) On Ground CM

(iii) Elevated CM
401 b Concrete Class B CM
401 d Concrete Class D1 CM
401 e Concrete Class Y CM
401 I Lean Concrete CM

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