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Weekly lesson plan


Level: 6th grade Main Aim: Ss will be able to use grammar structures properly.
Week: October 23rd -26th. Subsidiary Aim: Ss will be able to describe different places and festivals around the World.
Teacher's name: Yazmín Cuellar & Tania Hernández Topic/s: Big wide world Grammar: Unit consolidation.

Quote of the week: Generosity It is the action of giving before being asked to do it.
Main Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to read a text about coral reefs and nature.
Subsidiary Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will develop reading strategies for detailed information.
Stage Procedures Resources Int Pattern
Ss will make six teams of four Ss
ask them to sit in circle and hand
out a card per St T. will show a
spelling bee word every St needs
to write a letter with a different
colour when they have done it the
whole team needs to raise their
Ice-breaker colours in order to be the first Cards, colored pencils TW
team and the T. can check their
word once the T. has checked the
sentences if they are correct, they
will three points, the second team
two points and the last one point.
The winners will be the ones who
have the most points scored.
Spelling bee vocabulary T. will introduce the following Spelling bee words T-WC
spelling words: furniture, Europe,
fever, cough, earache and sore
throat. Ss will cut, glue, repeat
three times and write a short
definition of each word.
The T. will introduce some
vocabulary related to the
magazine articles that will be read
in the PB and AB: environment,
issue, chick on, pouch, hardly, hair
grass, shocking.
To introduce the topic about coral
reefs Ss will watch a video related
to the topic
Lead -in

Environment: the air, land, and

water where people, animals, and
plants live.
Issue: an important subject or
problem that people are talking
Chick: a baby bird, especially a
baby chicken
Language Clarification
(Grammar rules, tense, Pouch: a pocket of skin in which
pronunciation) PPP some female animals carry their
Hardly: almost not, or only a very
small amount
Hair grass: Fine-leaved aquatic
spike rush
Shocking: very bad and making
you feel upset
Act 1. Ss will go to page 24 and
Controlled activity answer What are three things you PB page 24 WC
know about
coral reefs.
Act 2. Ss will listen to some
information about what is
happening in our Oceans
after that Ss will read the
sentences carefully and answer
Yes or no underlining the
information in text to justify their
Act 4. Ss will look at the map and
order the five oceans from the
largest to the
Act 1. Ss will read the sentences
related to the coral reefs and
match the halves to their endings.
Act 2. Ss will read the text and
Semi controlled answer the questions underlining AB page 24 IW
activity where the answers are.
Act 3. T. will help to Ss in order to
research some information and
complete the chart with
information about the Oceans.
Ss will hand out a worksheet and
ask Ss to listen to the audio and
complete the sentences in order to
Free flow
practice with the listening skills English notebook IW
and the topic seen in the class.
Wrap up T. will ask some Ss to spell some spelling bee words chosen randomly. T. may choose the Ss by the list or by taking s
Verbs of the week: Ss will copy the weekly verbs in their vocabulary notebooks.

WEEK 7 Present Past

Draw Drew
Dream Dreamt
Drink Drank
Drive Drove
Eat Ate

Main Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to speak about themselves, places and languages.
Subsidiary Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will develop speaking strategies to speak effectively in a test.
Stage Procedures Resources Timing
Scattegories:T. will ask Ss to make teams of 4 and provide Ss with a piece of paper
T. will show different lists and choose a letter that is the letter that each word must
Ice-breaker start with for each category. When everybody is ready the T. will click on “start paper TW 15 min
timer” Ss will have 120 seconds to try and think of a word for each category. When
the time is up Ss won’t be able to say any other words.
Ss will cut, glue, repeat three times and write a short definition about the following
Spelling bee
Spelling bee words: Statue of Liberty, vinegar dressing, chocolate pudding, wheat bread, WC 18 min
launderette, car wash.
Language T. will explain a strategy to Ss develop fluency in a speaking test.
(grammar rules,
Ss will read some sentences related to the speaking test answering YES or NO
according to the videos seen through the units.
Act 2. Ss will listen to a conversation about Dominic taking a speaking test
according to his answer Ss will write What could Dominic do to improve his
Act 3. T. will give Ss a sticky note in order to make Dominic's answers longer
using the phrases in the box.
Act 4. Ss will analyze the sentences and put the words in order then they will
Controlled listen and check their answers.
PB page 25 WC 20 min
activity Act 5. Ss will complete the diagram by adding more than one-word

Semi controlled Activity book PW 15 min

activity T. will ask Ss to think about the answer to these questions and write in their books. page 25
T. will give Ss 8 minutes to answer the questions, T. will check the understanding of
the questions, and once they have finished T. will make pairs to ss share their
answers T. will monitor Ss to check the interaction between them and possible
mistakes. T. will tell Ss to remember the exam tip and give as many details as
T. will hand out a worksheet with some sentences related to countries and
nationalities, giving a time limit to read, analyze, and answer the activity using the Worksheet
Free flow
words given, when the time is over T. will ask Ss to exchange their notebooks to Screen IW-WC 10 min
check each other exercise Ss will watch a video to check the answers. internet
Wrap up t. will give feedback to the speaking exercise to each St.
T. will paste some pictures related to the weekly verbs and the name of the actions Ss will play by lines and ask Ss to
Verbs of the
choose a strong St in their teams they will come to the front and label the pictures if they are wrong T. will say the score
and choose a different Ss to correct the mistakes until a team win.

Main Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use reading strategies to find detailed information.
Subsidiary Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will develop reading strategies.
Stage Procedures Resources Timing
T. will divide the board into 4 parts and show on the screen different scramble words
about spelling bee T. will ask the last St of the line to come to the board, the first St Presentatio
Ice-breaker WC 10 min
who writes the word correctly will get a point for their line at the end T. will count the n
final score and get a decimal of point for the winners.
Ss will cut, glue, repeat three times and write a short definition about the following
Spelling bee
Spelling bee words: Fried dough, masquerade, cinnamon rolls, French toast, hot-fudge sundae, Ss 18 min
rice pudding.
Ss will watch the YouTube video ”7 Mind-Blowing Facts About ANTARCTICA”
Lead-in ( Computer Ss 5 min

Language The T. will introduce some vocabulary related to the magazine articles that will be Vocabulary T-WC 8 min
Clarification read in the PB and AB: environment, issue, chick on, pouch, hardly, hair grass, notebook
(Grammar rules, shocking
pronunciation) Environment: the air, land, and water where people, animals, and plants live.
Issue: an important subject or problem that people are talking about.
Chick: a baby bird, especially a baby chicken
Pouch: a pocket of skin in which some female animals carry their babies
Hardly: almost not, or only a tiny amount
Hair grass: Fine-leaved aquatic spike rush
Shocking: very bad and making you feel upset
Tell learners they will quickly read a short text called "A Surprising Continent”. But
they only have 10 seconds to look at it. Their first job is to find out the topic and if it is
Controlled • A letter to a friend
PB page 26 Ss 10 min
activity • An advertisement
• A part of a magazine article
Ask Ss what clues they used to find the answer. (look at layout, the title,
pictures, the type of information contained, what is it trying to do?
Act 2. Ss will read the text again and look at the words in bold and ask them to find out
what each word refers to T. will do the first example together showing how “it’s” refers
Semi controlled back to the word Antarctica. Act 3. Ss will read the next part of the text. They will decide
PB page 26 Ss 20 min
activity which sentence in bold is correct. Act 4. Ss will read the last part because two sentences
have been removed. For each question, Ss will choose the correct answer. There are two
extra sentences which they do not need to use.
Free flow Five sentences have been removed from the article. For each question, choose the
AB page 26 Ss 10 min
activity correct answer. There are three extra sentences which they do not need to use.
Wrap up Ss will read the text about Antarctica and write letters to a pen pal. ( )
Verbs of the Ss will write sentences in past simple using the weekly verbs: Drew, Dreamt /Dreamed, Drank, Drove and Ate.

Main Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to revise the language and skills from the unit.
Subsidiary Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will use grammar topics seen in this unit properly.
Stage Procedures Resources Timing
Ice-breaker Ss will take the weekly pop quiz to reinforce verbs seen during the week. Computer T- Ss 5 min
T. will choose some Ss will take a folded paper with a word Ss will say a definition of
the word using defining or non-defining clauses to their partners guess it.
Folded papers
with written Ss 8 min

Ss will solve a puzzle in a worksheet provided by the T. in order to reinforce

knowledge about vocabulary of unit 2 (Africa, Europe, North America, Antarctica,
Asia, Australia, South America, languages, climates, landscapes, nationality, culture,
campsite, harbours and ports, canal, scenery, seaside, bay, cliffs, valley)
Vocabulary activity IW 15 min

Ss look back through the grammar look of the Unit 2:

1. Defining and non- defining relative clauses.
We use defining relative clauses to give essential information about someone or
something – information that we need in order to understand what or who is
being referred to. A defining relative clause usually comes immediately after the
noun it describes.
E.g. They’re the people who want to buy our house.
Non-defining relative clauses
We use non-defining relative clauses to give extra information about the person or
(Grammar rules, Notebooks T-Ss 15 min
thing. It is not necessary information
2. Graded quantifiers (More…than, fewer…than, less…than, the most, the fewest,
pronunciation) PPP
the least)
They are like comparatives and hold a relative position on a scale of increase or
Plural countable nouns:
With uncountable nouns:
Grammar game Ss will read some sentences to decide if they contain defining or non-defining relative
Computer Ss 8 min
review clauses (
Controlled activity Act 1. The T. will ask Ss to look at the sentences explaining that they will join two Pupil’s Books IW 20 min
sentences into one by using relative clauses, Ss will make one sentence using defining
relative clauses for 1-3 and non-defining clauses for 4-6. Act 2. Ss will choose the page 27
correct words to complete the facts about Asia.
Act. Ss will look at the pictures and complete the story with the missing phrases. Act 2.
Semi controlled Activity Books
Looking at the facts Ss will complete the sentences. IW 15 min
activity page 27

Free flow Ss will copy some sentences in their grammar notebooks to give further practice to
the topic about “quantifiers” Notebook IW 15 min
Ss will take a dictation of 10 spelling bee words chosen by the teacher. T. will spell letter by letter and at the end T. will give
Wrap up
feedback to each Ss about their mistakes.
Verbs of the week: Ss will take their pop quiz of the weekly verbs.

Main Aim:
Subsidiary Aim:
Stage Procedures Resources Timing
Ice-breaker CTE
Vocabulary PPP CTE
Language CTE
(Grammar rules,
pronunciation) PPP
Grammar game CTE
Controlled activity CTE
Semi controlled CTE
Free flow

Wrap up CTE
Verbs of the week: CTE

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