Oxford Thinkers 6 EOT Test 3

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Name: ____________________________


1 Listen and tick  what Dad needs to do. 199 /10 marks

clean the say goodbye to mend the door put the hand remove the
microwave the neighbours luggage in the car leaves from the

drive around the pack the load the van label the boxes put passports in
neighbourhood suitcases the hand luggage

2 Listen and draw lines. 200

/10 marks
Ben Alex

Sally Paul

Jack Kate

Lucy Ollie

Mike Rosie
Name: ____________________________


3 Read and complete the sentences. /10 marks

1 While I was running in the house yesterday, I broke Mum’s favourite vase. Luckily, Dad said
he could m______________ it.
2 The toddler sat in the toy car and his brother p________________ him around the garden.
3 Joe said he r_______________ the old paint from the walls before he painted them again.
4 The little girl was crying because her brother p________________ her hair.
5 We thought we had a________________ the wings to the model plane, but they fell off.
6 Sam is p________________ of his sister, who won first prize in a competition.
7 Hollywood is f________________ for making films.
8 Young people like different music to the music the older g________________ likes.
9 If water is c________________ to 0 degrees, it freezes.
10 He hadn’t put his c________________ in his bag, so he couldn’t use it in his maths lesson.

4 Read and answer. /10 marks

Hi Magda!
How are you? Last weekend was so great! We had a garden party for my grandparents
because they’ve now been married for 50 years! Imagine! I was so excited about the party and
I helped my parents to get ready for it. Mum had planned to have the party at our house, but
Grandma wasn’t feeling well – she fell and hurt her knee on Monday while she was dancing.
So we took everything to their house instead. We’d prepared lots of food, so we had to load
our car with everything. My grandparents are really interested in gardens, so Mum made a
fantastic cake that looked like a garden. She’s good at making cakes. Grandma was really
pleased with it. She said it was the best cake she’d ever eaten! Mum made some ice cream,
too. I helped her to measure the cream and the fruit for that, and then we mixed it all together
and cooled it. If you put the mixture in the freezer for a few hours, you get ice cream. It was
yummy! Have your parents ever made ice cream?
There were lots of other elderly people at the party – Dad invited some of my grandparents’
friends and people from their neighbourhood. We had a great time, but we had to leave early
because my little brother was getting tired – you know he’s just a toddler. I was sad to wave
goodbye to everyone. Anyway, what’s your news? Have you had a good week?
1 When did Anya’s grandmother and grandfather get married? _________________________
2 How did Anya feel about the garden party? _________________________________ _____
3 Where had Anya’s mum planned to have the party? ________________________________
4 What happened to Grandma while she was dancing? _______________________________
5 Why did Mum make a cake that looked like a garden? ______________________________
6 Had Grandma ever eaten a better cake than Mum’s cake? _______________________ ___
7 What did they do after they measured the cream and fruit? __________________________
8 Where did Mum and Anya freeze the mixture? ____________________________________
9 Is Anya’s brother a teenager? __________________________________________________
10 How did Anya feel when she had to leave the party? ________________________________
Name: ____________________________


5 Order the words and write sentences. /5 marks

1 with / Helen / bedroom / is / new / delighted / her

2 broken / the / plates / said / They / hadn’t / they
3 invented / The / 1793 / balloon / air / was / hot / in
4 happens / you / water / What / freeze / if / ?
5 goodbye / our / ran away / to / were / neighbours / While / cat / we / the / waving

6 Look, read and write. /5 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 What are the family doing? They are arriving at the airport. ___________________ _______
2 Where do people have to queue at the airport? ____________________________________
3 Who did you see while you were in the departure lounge? ___________________________
4 Where are x-rays used? _____________________________________________ ______ __
5 What are the toddlers excited about? ____________________________________________
6 What happens if you heat water to 100 degrees? __________________________________

7 Read and write a reply. /10 marks

From: Ollie _____________________________________

To: _____________________________________
Hello! _____________________________________
We went on holiday last week, but while we
were driving to the airport, Mum said she’d
forgotten our passports! We had to go home _____________________________________
again to get them! Have you ever been in an _____________________________________
airport? How often do you go on holiday? _____________________________________
Where was your last holiday? _____________________________________
Tell me all about it. _____________________________________
Ollie 
Name: ____________________________


8 Read and answer. /10 marks

1 4

What do you What happens

need to boil if you if you mix oil
want to make and water?
tea? 5
What are you
interested in?
What’s good in your

Why do people use

alarm clocks?

9 Look, read and make questions. /5 marks

1 2 3 4 5

1 We were watching a film when the electricity went off.

2 The play was written in 2004.
3 I think she’s worried about her English test.
4 He’s scared of spiders!
5 A model of a submarine was made for the competition.

Total /75 marks

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