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4th May, 2023

Ms. Ash

CLSP 8 English Language

How Writers Achieve Effects (Autobiography)
Cambridge Coursebook [Page 26]: The Strawberry Pink Villa/
[Page 59]: An Australian Memoir

Part I: Warm up (Whole Class)

● How long do you think it would take to fly from Singapore to Greece?
○ 11 hours
○ 17 hours
○ 13 hours

4th May, 2023
Ms. Ash

Part II: Reading the Passage (Individual/ Whole Class)

This autobiography from My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell is set on the
Greek island of Corfu.

4th May, 2023
Ms. Ash

Part III: Answering the Questions (Pair Work/ Whole Class)

2. (a) Descriptive and compound adjectives are used in this text

(b) There are so many compound adjectives as the writer, Gerald Durrell, wanted to
make the text vivid for readers by utilizing the structure of a compound adjective that
builds upon/ adds to the first component to create an even bigger idea.

(c) The type of sound effect created is auditory/ aural imagery as the “gentle,
soothing whisper and murmur” of insects is incorporated/ included in the text.

(d) The villa, the path, marigolds, pansies, violets, bougainvillea, blooms and insects
are all personified in order to create an atmosphere that is rich with lifelike emotions.

(e) The words, “villa”, “white”, “fuchsia hedges”, “garden”, “flower”, “standing” and “we”
are repeated to emphasize the image of an inviting villa.

4th May, 2023
Ms. Ash

4th May, 2023
Ms. Ash

2. (a) Descriptive and compound adjectives are used in this text

(b) There are so many compound adjectives as the writer, Gerald Durrell, wanted to
make the text vivid for readers by utilizing the structure of a compound adjective that
builds upon/ adds to the first component to create an even bigger idea.

(c) The type of sound effect created is auditory/ aural imagery as the “gentle,
soothing whisper and murmur” of insects is incorporated/ included in the text.

(d) The villa, the path, marigolds, pansies, violets, bougainvillea, blooms and insects
are all personified in order to create an atmosphere that is rich with lifelike emotions.

(e) The words, “villa”, “white”, “fuchsia hedges”, “garden”, “flower”, “standing” and “we”
are repeated to emphasize the image of an inviting villa.

(f) Those sentences that incorporate repetition have been structured more
descriptively as they highlight the visual imagery of the villa.

3. (a) The first sentence is more effective as it includes a metaphor, indirectly

comparing autumn and the trees with the visual imagery that accompanies the word
“aflame” to convey to the readers that the color being described is a striking

(b) The second sentence is more effective as it includes a simile, directly comparing
the old man’s face with the visual imagery of a withered apple to convey to the readers
that the old man’s face looks wrinkled.

(c) The first sentence is more effective as it includes a simile, directly comparing her
laugh with the auditory imagery of ice in a glass to convey to the readers that her
laugh was high-pitched.

(d) The second sentence is more effective as it helps the readers visualize the
movement of the passengers through kinesthetic imagery.

(e) The first sentence is more effective as it personifies the rain, also evokes
auditory/ aural imagery as it describes the sound of the rain as it “drums” on the roof.

4th May, 2023
Ms. Ash

4. (a) This sentence is a metaphor as it indirectly compares the hail and the stinging to
present the hail as forcefully stinging the windows.

(b) This sentence is a simile as it directly compares the tiger and the sun to describe
the stealth of the sun.

(c) This sentence is a metaphor as it indirectly compares the hillside and the scarlet
men to highlight the striking scarlet color of the blooms.

(d) This sentence is a metaphor as it indirectly compares life and a shadow to portray
one’s past as something that one can never get rid of.

(e) This sentence is a simile as it directly compares the sea to a giant, grey, hungry
dog to illustrate the size, color and ferocity of the sea.

(f) This sentence is a simile as it directly compares a river to a snake to describe the
shape of the river as long and winding, as well as the activity of the river as calm and

(a) The baby’s skin was as soft as silk.
(b) He leaped across the stream like a frog.
(c) The train chugged its way through the mountain pass.
(d) She is as dangerous as a criminal.
(e) The soldiers marched as if they were on fire.

4th May, 2023
Ms. Ash


(a) The child was a blaring megaphone.

(b) The house was as empty as a barren desert.
(c) It started to rain like a waterfall cascading from the sky
(d) The football stadium was a beehive as fans swarmed around the field
(e) The woman flared up like a matchstick against a rough surface.

4th May, 2023
Ms. Ash

Part IV: An Australian Memoir [Page 59] (Whole Class/ Pair Work/ Individual)

4th May, 2023
Ms. Ash

6. (a)

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