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19th May, 2023

Ms. Ash

CLSP 8 English Language
CT I (Language): Crash Course

Part I: Warm up (Whole Class)

● On a scale of 1 to 5, how ready do you feel for your CT I?

Part II: Questions on Format (Whole Class)

● How many marks is this worth?

● What will I need to do?
● What kind of questions will I see?

Part III: Answers on Format (Whole Class)

● How many marks is this worth?

○ 25 marks

● What will I need to do?

○ Read a passage
○ Answer questions

● What kind of questions will I see?

○ Explaining the meaning of some words/phrases
○ Explaining situations
○ Explaining aspects of characters
○ Explaining how the writers uses devices to achieve a certain effect/
○ Explaining what device/ technique was used
■ + Identifying this in parts of the story

○ Clarifying the significance of aspects of the story

19th May, 2023
Ms. Ash

Part IV: FAQ (Whole Class)

● How do I study for this exam?

● How do I structure my answers?

Part V: Answers on FAQ (Whole Class)

● How do I study for this exam?

○ Brush up on your literary devices
○ Get enough sleep!
○ Become a reader

● How do I structure my answers?

○ 1 mark = 1 point
○ 2 marks = 2 points/ 1 point + 1 explanation
○ 4 marks = 4 points/
1 point + 1 explanation AND 1 point + 1 explanation
○ 6 marks = 6 points/
1 point + 1 explanation AND 1 point + 1 explanation AND 1 point + 1

Part VI: Devices You Need To Know (Pair Work)

Terms/ Devices Definition







19th May, 2023
Ms. Ash


Part VI: Answers on Devices You Need To Know (Whole Class)

Terms/ Devices Definition

Juxtaposition The placement of two contrasting elements/ concepts side by side/ close together to
highlight their differences/ explore their relationship

E.g.: old vs. new/ kindness vs. cruelty/ past vs. present

Imagery Can be categorized in 7 ways, relating to one’s senses:

1) Visual (Sight): The reader can visualize the picture being described
2) Auditory/ Aural (Hearing): The reader can imagine the sound of what is being described
3) Gustatory (Taste): The reader can imagine the taste being described
4) Olfactory (Smell): The reader can imagine the smell being described
5) Tactile (Touch): The reader can imagine how the item feels to touch
6) Kinesthetic (Movement): The reader can sense the movement being described
7) Thermal (Temperature): The reader can imagine how hot/cold something is

Metaphor Makes an indirect comparison by using words such as “is”

E.g.: My pillow is a cloud

Personification Describing something non-human as having human characteristics

E.g.: Feelings, thoughts, actions, behavior, gender

The wind played hide-and-go-seek among the trees.

Repetition When a word/ phrase is repeated two or more times

E.g.: Ayla sneezed, and sneezed, and sneezed.

Simile Makes a direct comparison by using words such as “like” and “as”

E.g.: My pillow is as soft as a cloud

Symbol Something that stands for or suggests something else

19th May, 2023
Ms. Ash

5. Working with a partner:

a. List the words and phrases in the extract in Task A4 which create an atmosphere
of fear and an expectation that something unpleasant is about to happen.

b. Explain why they have this effect.

c. What is the role of the setting?

d. What is the role of 'Spider'?

e. Study the sentence structuring. How does the syntax contribute to the atmosphere?

Question 5 Answers:

a) The words and phrases that create fear and an expectation of something unpleasant
happening in the story are: "odd sound," "cautiously," "listening, hardly breathing,"
"moonlight," "silence," "musty darkness," "rigid," "growling grew louder," and "no idea
what was beyond it."

b) These words and phrases make the reader feel anxious because they describe
strange noises, being careful and an atmosphere of silence and darkness. Additionally,
it presents the idea of not knowing what is behind a door.

c) The setting, which is a remote and isolated house, helps to create a frightful
atmosphere because it feels lonely and vulnerable, with old furniture, empty beds, and

d) Spider, the dog, plays an important role in the story. She is a companion to the main
character and warns of danger by behaving strangely, like becoming stiff and growling.
This serves to add to the suspense and fear.

e) The way the sentences are structured, with short and broken phrases, creates
tension and excitement. Additionally, the repetition of certain phrases, like "and then"
and "except the sound," adds rhythm and makes the reader feel on edge and curious
about what will happen next.

19th May, 2023
Ms. Ash

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