Updated 2023 Tik Tok Algorithm

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This is the ultimate guide on understanding Tik Tok’s Algorithm. Understanding how Tik Tok
works is the true key to funneling traffic to your OnlyFans. This is the type of information
you need to keep in mind when creating your Tik Tok content.
The Sauce

Key Point 1: Tik Tok’s Algorithm is based on niches. Once you choose your niche you need
to stick to it. Ex Niches: Feet, Yoga, Bikini, Fitness, Cosplay, Masseuse, Mcdonald’s Worker,
etc. The reason for this is because once Tik Tok learns what your content is about, it
becomes highly performant in pushing your content to the right audience all the time. This
means that whatever niche you are in, you need to optimize your Tik Tok account to that
niche only. You need to be liking, commenting, following other creators in your niche as
well as posting the same niche content. This teaches Tik Tok that you are in this niche,
which results in Tik Tok publishing your content massively to this niche audience. If you
don’t do this and you post about Yoga, then Cosplay, then Kittens, Tik Tok will not know
which category to place you in, thus leaving your content in the shadows. This is what we
call a ‘shadowban’.

Unlike what everyone seems to believe, Tik Tok is NOT a Social Based Platform such as
IG/Twitter/FB. It is an Interest Based Platform. Unlike social platforms, Tik Tok’s algorithm
has nothing to do with how many followers you have - This is why brand new accounts can
blow up overnight even starting from 0 followers. Tik Tok will push your content to
everyone that has the same interest/niche as the content you are creating. So it is VERY
important to teach Tik Tok what your niche is, because once it learns your niche it pushes
your content to ALL the audience that has an interest in your niche. Once again, you do this
by liking, commenting, following creators in your niche. Do NOT interact with videos that
are not in your niche as this will throw off the algorithm.

Key Point 2: What makes you go viral? What is Tik Tok’s perspective of a good video? Let’s
go over this. First you must understand that Tik Tok is not against you, it wants you to go
viral but it will only reward you with that if your content makes them money. The truth is
Tik Tok is a for-profit company and their end goal is to make money from Ads. In order to
do that, they need as many people on the platform spending as much time as possible
which in turn, increases Tik Tok’s conversion rate. So this is what we will do for them, and in
return we will be rewarded with blowing up on the FYP.
For example, if we have a 10 second video that is played over again and again 3-5 times
then we actually “help” Tik Tok to have a 3-5x view time. And the algorithm will greatly
reward us with that. If our content was viewed once and there are a few
comments/shares/saves, then the algorithm will not reward us as much and not push us
further. So to sum it up, according to Tik Tok good videos are ones that have:

- Multiple Replays
- Drive Comments
- Shared As Many Times As Possible

If we are able to check all of these boxes, then the content will be pushed to Tier 4
audiences (viral). Let's take a look at some examples.










Here are common characteristics of these videos and why they went viral:

- They used a trending sound

- It appears like something is visible (nipple, panties)
- Something really IS visible (boobs, vagina)
- Had a controversial comment that invites user to comment
Use this creator as inspiration for your burner account, all of her videos have some nudity. This
is what most of your content should be geared towards.


Use this creator as inspiration for your main account, none of her videos have nudity. But she
posts 4-5x a day. Which is how many you want to do per day. Simple videos, multiple times a
day. It is important to post 3-5x a day on your main and burner accounts.


While a lot of gurus out there tell you to use only certain sounds or hashtags, that is NOT
enough. The true mastery is to be able to engineer a video where something appears to be
visible (or actually is) for a very short period of time so that it will make the viewers want to
replay the video, share it, save it, etc. Combine this with a Call to Action - This is a text you write
on the video or caption that will make users want to comment.

Please keep in mind that doing this type of content will eventually get your account banned. This
does not matter since these will be burner accounts and we will prolong the account as long as
possible to drive traffic to your OnlyFans before it gets banned. After that, we will create more
burner accounts and repeat the process. On your main account, do not post any nudity or risky
video showing any explicit content. Only post videos that APPEAR that something is visible.
This is to ensure you have at least 1 main account running for the long-term game. Your
account manager will go more in depth with you on the burner accounts setup. Also note that
you will have multiple devices running burner Tik Tok accounts that the Agency will do for you as
part of our Tik Tok Marketing Strategy. We will also incorporate Twitter/Reddit, and other
services down the line once we see commitment from you as it takes a lot of team power and
heavy resources to manage you as a model.

Key Point 3: Momentum. When your videos are starting to gain traction, it is super important to
keep the momentum going. You cannot afford to not post 3-5x/day. It is recommended that you
spend 1-2 hours making 21-35 pieces of content per account, draft them all and then post them
throughout the week. This is the most efficient way unless you don’t mind making 3-5 videos
daily per account.

This concludes our Tik Tok guide for the current Tik Tok Algorithm. Your account manager may
send you Tik Tok trends for you to recreate but do not rely on your manager to send you trends
as your manager’s main responsibility is to manage your OnlyFans account. Your job working
with us will be finding trends, and recreate them. The best way to find trends is to keep up with
the creators that we have listed earlier above and copy their trends. We are working to structure
a system to have our team members dedicate their duties to finding trending videos and sounds
in order to make your job a little bit easier. We constantly stay updated on Tik Tok’s terms of
services and algorithm so if any major changes are to occur, you will be the first to know and we
will adjust our methods to continue getting massive views.

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