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Boeing India Private Limited

Registered Office: 3rd Floor, DLF

Sansad Marg, Centre
New Delhi 110001


This Appendix A to the
employment agreement (the
between Boeing India Priyate
Limited "Agreement") dated TBD, 2022 by and
specifies the elements of the Annual ('the Company') and Devraj Dash (the
the Agreement. Compensaton payable to the Employee "Employee')
per Section E of

Compensation Components
BASIC (Annual) Proposed Salary (INR)
Reimbursable Flexible Benefits 1,450,008
(Annual) 1,450,008
Gross Compensation (A)
Proident fund (Annual) 2,900,016
Gratuity 174,001
Retirement Benefits (B)
Annual Compensation (A+B)
Note: In addition to the above,
you will be eligible for
The Company's Incentive Program, as detailed in the
Reimbursement up to INR 50,000 per
employment agreement.
annum towards gym
completion of probaton. membership, after successful
Group Mediclaim Insurance of INR 5,00,000 for self & dependents,
Company. premium will
paid by the be
Group Personal Accident Insurance in event of
accidental injury or death up to 3 times
Compensation. Insurance premium ill be paid by the Gross
Group term life insurance in the event of death Company.
up to 3 times Gross
premium will be paid by the Company. Compensation. Insurance
Gratuity mentioned is indicaive value only, final
Gratuity Act, 1972. payment would be as per provisions of Payment o

Coporate ldentity Number: U74999DL2017FTC314235

Phone: +91-11-46566000 Fax: +91-1146566001
BoEING Boeing India Private LImied
Registered Office: 3rd Floor, DLF Centre
Sansad Marg
New Delhi 110001 India

The Employee's annualized Reimbursable Fledble Benefits (RFB) is INR 1,450,008 (INR
Million Four Hundred Fifty Thousand Eight ) per year. The Employee may use the RFB by
below. Distribution of the RFB is follows:
choosing one or more of the components glven as

1. House Rent Allowance (HRA) INR ---- per year

2. Leave Travel Assistance (LTA) INR 0D00 per year

3. Telephone Expenses: INR 20o0Dper year

4. Education Allowance INR .- per year

5. Vehicle Running & Maintenance

Allowance INR 3OS0per year
6. A Flat taxable Allowance INR .-per year

7.FBP NPS 10% of Basic

(Minimum INR 6,000.00) INR 1000Q per year
8. Meal cards (INR 13,200) INR 13250 peryear

The Employee can annually allocate specific sums towards these benefits out of
his/her total RFB amount, as shown in the Employment Agreement, subject to his/her saistying
the criteria for reimbursement. The criteria are set forth in the document entitled, "Compensatioon
Structure Gulidelines- as attached in the offer e-mail. Eligibilty criteria are subject to change per
India tax regulations.

Allowances payable to the Employee ill be prorated to number of months in which the Employee
is employed during the calendaryear. So, for example, if the Employee is hired in April, and stays

with the Employer through December, he or she will be eligible for 9/12 of the total yearly
indicated. Similarly, if the Employee is working for the Employer in January, and leavesin August,
he or she will be eligible for 8/12 of the total yearly amount indicated.
valid supporting documents.
All Allowances are to be claimed as reimbursements after submitting
in the last month of the financial year as taxable
Unclaimed RFB will be paid to the Employee
, ti

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