Bài Giảng Dạng Văn Bản (Script) Môn học: Tiếng Anh Căn Bản 4 Unit 5: FOOD Topic 5: What do I do next?

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Môn học: Tiếng Anh Căn Bản 4

Unit 5: FOOD

Topic 5: What do I do next?

Slide Nội dung

1 Hello, class. Nice to see you again in the next lesson of Unit 5. And today’s lesson is
about how to write instructions of making a kind of food.

But, where can you see instructions?

You can find instructions in a box of new fridge, or instructions in a cookery book,

2 Now, read the texts and decide where you can see them.

a. inside a box
b. in a cookery book
c. on a food label
From text 1, we can see it’s about how to make a cake.

So, the answer is it’s in a cookery book.

In text 2, it’s something about barbecue, and how to use the barbecue, so the answer
is a, inside a box

In text 3, it’s about a bottle of sauce, so it’s on a food label.

3 So when you write instructions for something, using proper punctuation is very
important. Some common punctuation in writing instructions are comma, full stops
and colon.

So when do we use a comma? When do we use full stops? And when do we use a

There’s an exercise here.

Match the punctuation with these uses and find an example in the instructions.

1 between words in a list

2 at the end of a sentence

3 between two or more adjectives

4 to introduce a list

5 after a sequence word (e.g. first, next)

6 between two clauses in one sentence.

4 Now find examples of words in a list. Here it is (milk, eggs, butter and salt) so we
use comma between words in a list.

Now find another example of the end of a sentence.

(… in about fifteen minutes.) What punctuation do we use at the end of a sentence?

A full stop. (.)

Let’s continue to find an example between two or more adjectives.

a cool, dry place . So, we use comma to separate two or more adjectives.

What about introducing a list. This is an example : Please follow these instructions:

We use colon (:) to introduce a list.

After a sequence word like ‘first ‘ or second, Where’s the example? Here: First of

So, we use comma (,) after sequence words.

Between 2 clauses in a sentence, what’s the example?

After you open the bottle, use the sauce within three months.

We use a comma to separate 2 clauses in a sentence.

5 Next exercise, add the missing punctuation: comma (,), colon (:) and full stop (.).

Fortune cookies are nice at the end of a meal in a Chinese restaurant and they’re easy
to make

You need the following pieces of paper three eggs sugar salt and flour First of all
write your messages on the pieces of paper Next mix the eggs sugar salt and flour
and pour the mixture onto a tray
The answer is: a full stop after ‘to make’ because it ends a sentence.

A colon after “the following’ because it introduces a list.

A comma after ‘paper’, ‘three eggs’, because they are words in a list.

A full stop after ‘flour’ because it ends a sentence.

A comma after ‘first of all’ because it’s a sequence word.

A full stop after ‘pieces of paper’ – it’s the end of the sentence.

A comma after ‘next’, ‘mix the eggs,’ sugar’, salt and flour.

A full stop after ‘a tray’.

6 Now, you have to write your own instructions. Remember to use correct

7 That’s the end of the lesson. Thank you for your attention. Goodbye.

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