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Môn học: Tiếng Anh Căn Bản 4

Unit 7: Journeys

Topic 1: Animal journey

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1 Hi everyone! Welcome to the General English course at HCMC Open University.
I’m Hang Ho. I’m really happy to be your companion in this course. Today we’ll
continue with Unit 7.
Look at this photo. What can you see in the photo? Yeah, we can see beautiful
scenery with a ladybird and green grass. The caption of this photo is The long
journey. Why is the photo called The long journey? Keep this question in mind. I’m
sure you can find out the answers at the end of the lessons.
2 Now, please listen to a description of the photo and choose five adjectives you hear.
Do you have your answers? Yes, 5 adjectives used to describe the photo are
difficult, hot, long, slow and tiny.
3 Alright, we move to number 3. Look at the adjectives on the screen. Can you find
seven pairs of opposite adjectives? The first one is done for you. You see, dirty is the
opposite adjective of clean.
cold – hot
dangerous – safe
difficult – easy
fast – slow
huge – tiny
long – short
4 Alright, let’s think about these questions:
Which adjectives in Exercise 2 can you use to describe:
1. your journey to work or school?
2 transport where you live (e.g. cars, trains)?
3 your city or town?
4 the weather today?
Ok, I think you can use dangerous – safe
difficult – easy, fast – slow, long – short to describe your journey to work or
And fast – slow to describe transport where you live
How about your city or town? You can use dangerous – safe or huge – tiny

And to describe the weather today, you can use cold – hot

5 Now, let’s move to Part 7A. By the end of this part you will be able to read an article
and locate the details. You also know how to use comparative adjective as well as
distinguish facts and opinions. At the end of the lesson, you also know how to raise a
personal idea
6 Hi everyone. We start part 7a with an interesting reading about animals. You are
going to read an article about the journeys three animals like a saiga, a frog and a
turtle make. Before you read, look at the photos and match the animals (1–3) with
the distances (a–c). Don’t worry. Just guess the information.
Do you have your answers now?
Now let’s read the article and check your answers from Exercise 1.
1. From the article, we can see that male saiga can walk thirty-five kilometers. You
can find the information in line 3 and 4 in paragraph about saigas, so we match
number 1 with C.
2. How about tree frogs? It climbs thirty meters down a tree. You can find the
information in line 3 and 4 in paragraph about tree frogs. So we match number 2
with A.
3. And the loggerhead turtle leaves the beach as a baby and it swims around
fourteen thousand kilometers. You can find the information in line 3 and 4 in
paragraph about turtles. So we match number 3 with B.
7 Now, can you read the article again and answer these questions? With this kind of
exercise, you should have a look at the questions to see what information you need
to find out before reading the passage again. Let’s have a try. The 1st question is
When do they travel? So let’s look for the time or the season. The 2nd question is
Where do they travel to? So let’s look for the place. The 3rd question is Which
adj describes the journey. So let’s look for the adj. Alright, now please read the
article again and answer the questions.
Let’s check the answers.
The 1st question is When do they travel?
1. Turtles: when they have babies.You can find the information in the 2nd line
in the paragraph about turtles. For example, the loggerhead turtle leaves the
beach as a baby
2. Frogs: spring. You can find the information in line 3 and 4 in the paragraph
about frogs. In spring, it climbs thirty metres down a tree, lays its eggs in
water, and then it climbs up the tree.
The 2nd question is Where do they travel to?
3. Saigas: they travel to higher places. You can find the information in line 3 in
the paragraph about saigas In the spring, they walk to higher places for food
4. Frog: water. You can find the information in line 6 in the paragraph about
frogs: lays its eggs in water
The 3rd question is Which adj describes the journey.
5. Saigas: dangerous. You can find it in the sentence in line 6: The journey is
more dangerous for a female saiga
6. Turtles: long. You can find it in the 1st sentence: Many turtles have longer
journeys than other sea animals.
7. Frogs: short and difficult. You can find it in the 1st and the last sentence:
Tree frogs have shorter journeys. For a tree frog it’s a very difficult journey
8 Grammatical point we deal with in this part is Comparative adjectives. Now, let’s
discover what it is and how it is used.
We use a comparative adjective + than to compare two things or groups of things.
A tiger is faster than a lion.
Spiders are more dangerous than sharks.
We make comparative adjectives in different ways.
• With most short adjectives (one syllable), we add -er.
cold → colder
high → higher
• With two-syllable adjectives ending in -y, we change the -y to -ier.
happy → happier
easy → easier
• With long adjectives (two or more syllables), we put more before the
difficult → more difficult
dangerous → more dangerous
• Some comparative adjectives are irregular.
good → better
bad → worse
9 Let’s get some practice now. Write the comparative form for these adjectives.
Explain Answers on the slide.
1 big
2 small
3 cheap
4 expensive
5 cold
6 hot
7 dangerous
8 safe
9. difficult
10 easy
11 fast
12 slow
13 good
14 bad
15 long
16 short

10 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of these adjectives

The summer in Spain is ___________ than in Iceland.
2 My journey was ___________ than normal because the train was late.
3 Their new house has three bedrooms. It’s ___________ than their old house.
It had two.
4 When I was a child, the roads were ___________ than the roads today. That’s
because there weren’t many cars.
5 Call a taxi. It’s ___________ than walking.
6 The questions on the exam this year were ___________ than last year. Last
year the exam was easy!
7 The bus ticket is $10 and the train ticket is $12, so the bus is ___________.
8 I go to work by bus. It’s ___________ than going by car because I can read a

11 Let’s practice speaking now.

Look at these sentences from Exercise 7. Which sentence is a fact and which is an
So, what is a fact and what is an opinion? What are differences between them?
Ok, A fact is a statement that is true and can be verified objectively, or proven. In
other words, a fact is true and correct no matter what. An opinion, however, is a
statement that holds an element of belief; it tells how someone feels. An opinion is
not always true and cannot be proven.
So these two sentences:
Antarctica is colder than Australia.
Rock-climbing is more dangerous than surfing.
Which sentence is a fact and which is an opinion? I think you can easily decide now.
Antarctica is colder than Australia. It is a fact since it’s definitely true.
Rock-climbing is more dangerous than surfing is an opinion because maybe you are
good at rock climbing and you can say that surfing is more dangerous than rock-
climbing but others might think that surfing is more dangerous than rock-climbing
since they are not goot at it.

12 Which other sentences in Exercise 7 are opinions? Say the sentences with these
phrases. I think… In my opinion…
I think rock-climbing is more dagerous than surfing
Answers will depend on what you wrote in Exercise 7. These answers are for the
example answers:
1 Australia is hotter than Antarctica. It is a fact.
2 (I think) A car is safer than a bicycle. It is an opinion
3 (In my opinion), rock-climbing is more dangerous than surfing. It is an
4 Travel by air is faster than travel by sea. It is a fact.
5 An elephant is bigger than a lion. It is a fact.
6 A holiday in the city is more expensive than camping in the countryside. It is
a fact.
7 (I think) Paris is better than New York. It is an opinion
8 Train journeys are slower than plane journeys. It is a fact.

13 Alright, let’s write sentences with your opinion. Compare two of these things.
• places or cities
• sports or free-time activities
• types of travel
• types of holiday
• places in the city
• types of transport
• famous people
Thank you very much for your attention. Goodbye and see you in part 7B.

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