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Môn học: Tiếng Anh Căn Bản 4

Unit 6: Past lives

Topic 5: Thanks!

Scene Unit 6e: Thanks !

1 Hello, class. Welcome to the next lesson of Unit 6. Today we are going to learn how to
write a thank - you note or a thank - you message.

2 Do you ever write a ‘thank you’ note, email or letter to people? I think, sometimes, you
need to write ‘thank - you’ messages or just text a ‘thank - you’ message and send it to
the person you want.

Do you write a ‘thank - you note or email or letter :

● after a meal at someone’s house

● when someone gives you a present
● to a client or customer at work
● after you stay with someone in another country
Well, You should write ‘thank you’ note in these situations.

to a work colleague who has been supportive

to people who have supported you

to people who sent a card or visited when you were ill or in hospital

3 You’re going to read a card, email and letter. Why does the writer say ‘thank you’ each


So, have you got the answers?

We can see that, in A, Ginny is writing a card to say thanks to someone for coming to
her party.

In B, Sanit is writing an email to say thanks someone for their work , probably in
organizing a visit.
In C, the course administration is writing a letter to say thanks to a customer for
attending a course.

4 Let’s move to the writing skill: formal and informal expressions used in thank - you

Alright, we use expressions in introduction, like “hi” in text A. What about text B and
C? How did the writer start their thank - you messages?

B: Dear Nadia

C: Dear Mr. Keeping

We also have expressions to say thanks:

For example, in A: Thanks.

B: Thank you

C: Thank you very much for…

To talk about future contact, we have See you again next year in B. There’s another
expression in C with the same meaning. Can you find it?

That’s “I look forward to hearing from you’

To end the writing, we also have different expressions.

How did the writers A, B and C end their thank – you messages?

The answers are:

A : See you again, Love

B: Best regards

C: Yours sincerely.

5 Depending on the person who is going to get your thank – you note, you have to be
careful with formal and informal style of writing.

Now, look at the messages A, B C again and answer: Which message (A–C) uses very
formal expressions? Which message uses very informal expressions?

The answer is clear , right?

A uses very informal language because the writer and recipient are friends.

C uses very formal language because they are customers and course admistrator.

What about B: B is formal too, but not as formal as C.

So, we use informal expressions to say thanks to our friends, family members or to
people you know well.

We use formal expressions like in B, to say thanks to our colleagues or teachers.

We use very formal expressions to say thanks to our customers or people you don’t
know well.

6 Now, choose a situation (1–3) and write to thank the person. Decide if you need formal
or informal expressions.


Well, in situation 1, we can use informal language.

in situation 2, formal language should be used.

in situation 3, very formal language is preferred.

7 That’s the end of our lesson. Thank you for your attention and see you next time.

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