English Entrance Exam 2024

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English Entrance Exam 2024 - በቀሰም Academy የተዘጋጀ

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Subject: Important Instructions for Your Exam

We hope you are preparing for your upcoming exam. We, at ቀሰም Academy, are dedicated to your
success and want to provide you with all the necessary information to ensure a smooth and fair
examination process.

As you know, the exam is a crucial step in your academic journey, and we want to emphasize the
importance of approaching it with integrity and honesty. Cheating undermines the value of your education

and ultimately harms your own learning process. Therefore, I urge each and every one of you to refrain
from any form of cheating or academic dishonesty during the exam.

To facilitate a fair and transparent assessment, please adhere to the following instructions:

1. Read the Instructions Carefully: Before starting the exam, carefully read all the instructions provided. If

you have any questions or uncertainties, do not hesitate to ask your supervisor for clarification before the
test begins. Remember, no questions will be answered once the test has started.

2. Time Management:You will have exactly 2:00 hours to complete the exam. Do not spend more than an
hour on one section, and do not move on to the next section until your supervisor instructs you to do so.
Use your time wisely and efficiently.

3. Answering Questions: Each question will have four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Read each
question and the choices carefully, then decide on the best answer.

4. As you will be taking the exam from your home, it is imperative that you maintain the highest
standards of academic integrity. Do not seek or provide assistance to anyone else during the exam. Ensure
that you have a quiet and distraction-free environment to concentrate on your exam.

5. Remember, your success is determined by your own efforts and dedication. Trust in your abilities and
approach the exam with confidence. We believe in you and are here to support you every step of the way.

Best wishes for your exam,

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English Entrance Exam 2024 - በቀሰም Academy የተዘጋጀ

Section 1: Word Order

Directions: The words in the following sentences are not in the correct order. When arranged
properly, they form grammatically correct English sentences. Choose the option that presents
the correct order.

1. Thank he much very helping for us was.

A. He was very much helping us for thank.
B. He was helping us very much for thank.
C. He was helping us for thank very much.

D. He was very much for helping us thank.

Explanation: This sentence means "He was helping us very much. Thank you."Correct Answer:
B. He was helping us very much for thank.In this sentence, the correct word order is "He was
helping us very much for thank." This arrangement maintains the proper subject-verb-object
structure and correctly places the adverbs "very much" to modify the verb

2. Go to you last night why did the party not?
A. Why did you not go to the party last night?
B. Why not did you go to the party last night?
C. Did you go to the party last night why not?
D. To go to the party last night why did you not?

Explanation: This sentence means "Why did you not go to the party last night?"Correct Answer:
A. Why did you not go to the party last night?The correct word order is "Why did you not go to

the party last night?" This arrangement places the subject "you" before the verb "did go" and
correctly positions the adverbial phrase "last night" at the end of the sentence to modify the

3. Study exams the you much prepare for should how?

A. How much should you prepare for the exams study?
B. Study exams for prepare you how much should?
C. Should you prepare for the exams how much study?
D. How much should prepare you for the exams study?

Explanation: This sentence means "How much should you prepare for the exams?"Correct
Answer: A. How much should you prepare for the exams study?The proper word order is "How
much should you prepare for the exams study?" This arrangement maintains clarity by placing
the subject "you" before the modal verb "should prepare," followed by the adverb "how much" to
specify the degree of preparation needed.

4. Speak English fluently how learn one can?

A. How one can learn to speak English fluently?

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B. How fluently speak English can one learn?

C. Speak English can one learn how fluently?
D. Speak English fluently can learn one how?

Explanation: This sentence means "How can one learn to speak English fluently?"Correct
Answer: A. How one can learn to speak English fluently?The correct word order is "How one
can learn to speak English fluently?" This arrangement properly places the subject "one" before
the modal verb "can learn," followed by the infinitive phrase "to speak English fluently" to specify
the desired action.

5. Finish the report yet not he has.
A. He has not yet finish the report.

B. Not yet has he finish the report.
C. He has yet not finish the report.
D. Yet has he not finish the report.

Explanation: This sentence means "He has not yet finished the report."Correct Answer: A. He
has not yet finish the report.The proper word order is "He has not yet finish the report." This
arrangement correctly places the subject "he" before the auxiliary verb "has," followed by the
negative adverb "not yet," and finally the main verb "finish" to convey the incomplete action.
6. Tomorrow meeting the canceled is why.
A. Why is the meeting canceled tomorrow?
B. Is why the meeting canceled tomorrow?
C. The meeting canceled tomorrow why is?

D. Why the meeting is canceled tomorrow?

Explanation: This sentence means "Why is the meeting canceled tomorrow?"Correct Answer: A.
Why is the meeting canceled tomorrow?The correct word order is "Why is the meeting canceled

tomorrow?" This arrangement places the question word "why" before the verb "is canceled,"
followed by the subject "the meeting" and the adverb "tomorrow" to specify the time of

Section Two: Paragraph Coherence

Directions: Arrange the sentences in questions 7-10 to form a coherent paragraph. From the
alternatives a-f provided in each case, select the letter that contains the correct order of the

a. Most people tend to interpret new information in a way that confirms their existing beliefs.
b. This phenomenon, known as confirmation bias, affects everyone to some degree.
c. It's a cognitive shortcut that helps us process information quickly, but it can also lead to errors
in judgment.

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d. Understanding confirmation bias is crucial for critical thinking and decision-making.

e. However, recognizing and mitigating confirmation bias can lead to more objective
f. By being aware of our tendency towards confirmation bias, we can actively seek out diverse
perspectives and evidence.

A. badcef
B. dcbafe
C. abcfde
D. cbdefa


This paragraph discusses confirmation bias, its effects, and strategies for overcoming it. The
correct answer is C. abcfde. In this order:
- Sentence a introduces confirmation bias.

- Sentence b explains confirmation bias as a cognitive phenomenon.
- Sentence c highlights the effects of confirmation bias.
- Sentence d emphasizes the importance of understanding confirmation bias.
- Sentence e discusses the benefits of recognizing and mitigating confirmation bias.
- Sentence f provides a strategy for overcoming confirmation bias.
a. All of us are prone to the same fundamental human principles that cause these cases of
scientific denial.

b. Because it is not ignorance.

c. But if we really want to change how they think, we need to take an honest look at what is
driving those beliefs.
d. It is easy to dismiss people who believe things that are factually incorrect.

e. It is psychology.
f. Research has proven that humans are distinctly uncomfortable with events or phenomena
without clear cause, and when we do not know something, we tend to fill in the gaps ourselves.

A. dbafce
B. fceabd

C. afcebd
D. bfaedc


This paragraph discusses the psychological factors behind scientific denial and the need for
understanding and empathy in addressing these beliefs. The correct answer is C. afcebd. In this
- Sentence a introduces the topic of scientific denial.

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- Sentence f discusses human discomfort with uncertainty.

- Sentence c emphasizes the need for understanding to change beliefs.
- Sentence e elaborates on the psychological aspect.
- Sentence b provides a transition by indicating that the cause of denial is not ignorance.
- Sentence d concludes by cautioning against dismissing those with incorrect beliefs.


a. People tend to interpret new information in a way that confirms their existing beliefs.
b. This phenomenon, known as confirmation bias, affects everyone to some degree.

c. It's a cognitive shortcut that helps us process information quickly, but it can also lead to errors
in judgment.

d. Understanding confirmation bias is crucial for critical thinking and decision-making.
e. Despite its prevalence, confirmation bias can be overcome through conscious effort and
f. Overcoming confirmation bias requires actively challenging one's own assumptions and

seeking out contradictory evidence.

A. fedabc
B. afcbde
C. bcadef
D. cabefd


This paragraph discusses confirmation bias, its effects, and strategies for overcoming it. The
correct answer is C. bcadef. In this order:
- Sentence b introduces confirmation bias.
- Sentence c explains confirmation bias and its effects.

- Sentence a provides an example of how confirmation bias affects people.

- Sentence d emphasizes the importance of understanding confirmation bias.
- Sentence e discusses the possibility of overcoming confirmation bias.
- Sentence f provides a strategy for overcoming confirmation bias.

Section Three: Reading Comprehension (10-1)

Directions: Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions 8-25 according to
the information therein. Each question has four choices, A-D. Choose the best alternative.

Passage one

1. At the end of the 20th century, the world is changing in important ways. Until recently,
nations acted independently. Each country did its business and tried to solve its
problems alone. But now, the economy is worldwide and communications technologies

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have connected people all over the globe. Many problems are global, too, and can no
longer be solved by individual nations.

2. Environmental destruction is one of these problems. As the world's population has grown
and technology has developed, the environment has suffered. Some nations have begun
to try to stop the pollution and the environmental destruction. Even if they have initiated
efforts to combat pollution; the global atmosphere, the oceans, and many forms of life
are all connected. Thus, the solutions require global thinking.

3. The problem of ocean pollution is a good example. All the oceans of the world are

connected. Pollution does not stay where it begins. It spreads out from every river and
every harbor and affects bodies of water everywhere.

4. For centuries, people have used the oceans as a dumping place. Many cities take tons
of garbage out to sea and dump it there. The quantity of garbage that ends up in the
water is incredible. Five million plastic containers are thrown into the world's oceans

every day! Aside from plastics, many other dangerous substances are dumped in
oceans. These include human waste and chemicals used in agriculture. And every year,
oil tankers accidentally spill millions of gallons of oil into the sea.

5. Some people believe that the oceans are so large that chemicals and waste will
disappear. However, many things, such as chemicals and plastics, stay in the water and
create problems. They eventually float to shore and are eaten by tiny sea creatures.
Then the larger animals that eat the tiny creatures are poisoned and die. Harbors and
coasts around the world have become unsafe for humans or animals. The world's fish

populations are rapidly shrinking.

6. Another global pollution problem concerns the atmosphere. Until recently,

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were used around the world in manufacturing refrigerators.

Scientists discovered that these CFCs were destroying the ozone layer in the
atmosphere. The ozone layer helps protect the earth from the sun's rays. Without this
layer, most forms of life on earth-including humans-probably would not be able to live.
CFCs will soon be completely banned in the United States and in most developed
countries. But many other countries still use CFCs in manufacturing. Among these
countries are some of the most populous on earth, such as India and China. These

countries need to change their refrigerator factories to non-CFC processes. But they
may not be able to make this change alone. They will need help from the industrialized
countries. This is what global thinking means-working together for solutions.

10. What major change in the world is emphasized at the end of the 20th century in the

A. Increased global cooperation

B. Expansion of environmental awareness

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C. Advancements in communications technology

D. Growth of individual nation's economies

Explanation: This question asks about the major change highlighted at the end of the 20th
century in the passage. The passage discusses advancements in communications technology,
which have connected people all over the globe.

Answer: C. Advancements in communications technology

11. In the fourth paragraph, what is the main problem discussed regarding ocean pollution?

A. Pollution from industrial factories

B. Pollution caused by oil spills
C. Dumping of garbage and waste into oceans
D. Pollution from agricultural chemicals

Explanation: This question refers to the problem discussed in the second paragraph specifically
related to ocean pollution. The paragraph mentions that pollution does not stay where it begins
and spreads out from rivers and harbors, affecting bodies of water everywhere.

Answer: C. Dumping of garbage and waste into oceans

Technique: To tackle this type of question, carefully identify the paragraph mentioned in the
question and focus on the main idea discussed within that paragraph.

12. In paragraph two, what do "they" represent in the sentence " Even if they have initiated
efforts to combat pollution……"?

A. Pollution

B. Nations
C. Solutions
D. Environmental destruction

Explanation: This question asks about the referent of the pronoun "they" in the third paragraph.
The pronoun "they" refers to the nations mentioned in the previous sentence.

Answer: B. Nations

Technique: Look for pronouns in the passage and determine what or whom they are referring to
by examining the context in which they are used.

13. What specific idea is highlighted in the paragraph discussing ocean pollution?

A. The harmful effects of oil spills

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B. The interconnectedness of ocean pollution

C. The role of industrial factories in pollution
D. The impact of agricultural chemicals on oceans

Explanation: This question asks about the specific idea highlighted in the paragraph discussing
ocean pollution. The paragraph emphasizes the interconnectedness of ocean pollution,
mentioning that pollution spreads out from every river and harbor, affecting bodies of water

Answer: B. The interconnectedness of ocean pollution

Technique: Focus on identifying the main idea or theme discussed in the paragraph, rather than

getting caught up in minor details.

14. In the sentence "These include human waste and chemicals used in agriculture." what does

"these" represent?

A. Pollution
B. Garbage
C. Dumping
D. Oceans

Explanation: This question asks about the referent of the demonstrative pronoun "these" in the
fourth paragraph. The pronoun "this" refers to the act of dumping garbage into the oceans.

Answer: C. Dumping

Technique: Pay attention to demonstrative pronouns like "this," "that," "these," and "those," and

determine what specific noun or concept they are referring to based on the context provided.

15. From the words given below, identify the one closest in meaning to "shrink" as used in the
5th paragraph.

A. Expand

B. Narrow
C. Decrease
D. Enlarge

Explanation: This question asks to find a word closest in meaning to "shrink" as used in the
passage. In the context of the passage, "shrink" means to decrease or reduce in size.

Answer: C. Decrease

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Technique: Use context clues to understand the meaning of the word "shrink" as it is used in the
passage and then identify the word that closely matches that meaning from the options

16. What specific problem is discussed regarding the atmosphere in the passage?

A. Ozone layer depletion

B. Acid rain formation
C. Carbon emissions
D. Greenhouse gas effects

Explanation: This question asks about the specific problem discussed regarding the atmosphere

in the passage. The passage mentions the depletion of the ozone layer due to
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

Answer: A. Ozone layer depletion

Technique: Identify the topic or theme of the paragraph discussing the atmosphere and then
locate the specific problem mentioned within that paragraph.

17. In the sentence " But they may not be able to make this change alone. " what does the
pronoun "they" represent?

A. Developed countries
B. Developing Countries

C. Refrigerator factories
D. most populous countries

Explanation: This question asks about the referent of the pronoun "they" in the fifth paragraph.

The pronoun "they" refers to the most populous countries mentioned earlier in the passage.

Answer:D. most populous countries

Technique: Pay close attention to pronouns and their antecedents in the passage to determine
what or whom they are referring to.

Thank you for providing the guide. Based on the types of questions you outlined, here are 15
multiple-choice questions for the passage:

1. Main Idea/Summary:
What is the main concern discussed in the passage?
A. Environmental pollution
B. Recycling initiatives

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C. Health risks associated with tire dumps

D. Advancements in tire manufacturing

Explanation: The correct answer is C. Health risks associated with tire dumps. This is the central
theme discussed in the passage, as it highlights the dangers posed by mountains of worn-out
tires in dumps.

2. Main Idea/Summary:
What is the primary purpose of the passage?
A. To advocate for stricter environmental regulations

B. To inform readers about the dangers of tire dumps
C. To promote innovative recycling solutions

D. To discuss advancements in tire technology

Explanation: The correct answer is B. To inform readers about the dangers of tire dumps. This
aligns with the central focus of the passage, which highlights the health and environmental risks

associated with tire dumps.

3. Inference Detail-Oriented:
According to the passage, what happens to old tires after they are burned?
A. They are completely incinerated
B. They are recycled into new products
C. They release cancer-causing gases
D. They are buried in landfills

Explanation: The correct answer is C. They release cancer-causing gases. This inference can
be made from the passage, which states that burned tires release cancer-causing gases into
the air.

4. Inference Detail-Oriented:
What is the primary reason for the state of Maine using old tires in road construction?
A. To reduce road maintenance costs
B. To prevent road damage caused by freezing
C. To promote recycling initiatives
D. To increase traction on icy roads

Explanation: The correct answer is B. To prevent road damage caused by freezing. This
inference can be made from the passage, which describes how old tires are used to keep the
ground below the road from freezing.

5. What does the phrase "terrible waste of resources" refer to in the passage?
A. Pollution caused by tire dumps
B. Health risks associated with tire fires
C. Lack of recycling initiatives

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D. Inefficient use of old tires

Explanation: The correct answer is D. Inefficient use of old tires. This meaning can be inferred
from the passage, which discusses the negative consequences of tire dumps in terms of wasted

7. Passage Structure:
Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
A. Cause and effect
B. Chronological order

C. Problem and solution
D. Compare and contrast

Explanation: The correct answer is C. Problem and solution. The passage first discusses the
problems associated with tire dumps (health risks, environmental pollution) and then presents
various solutions (recycling, reuse initiatives).

8. Passage Structure:
What is the purpose of the third paragraph in the passage?
A. To introduce the main topic of the passage
B. To describe the health risks associated with tire dumps
C. To explain the process of recycling tires
D. To highlight the environmental dangers of tire fires

Explanation: The correct answer is B. To describe the health risks associated with tire dumps.

This paragraph focuses specifically on the dangers posed by tire dumps, such as attracting
mosquitoes and rats and releasing cancer-causing gases.

9. Pronoun Reference:

In the sentence, "These tire pieces are spread in a thick layer underneath the surface of a new
road," what does the pronoun "these" refer to?
A. Tire pieces
B. New roads
C. Tire dumps
D. Recycling initiatives

Explanation: The correct answer is A. Tire pieces. The pronoun "these" refers to the pieces of
old tires mentioned earlier in the passage.

10. Pronoun Reference:

In the sentence, "Every day, workers check to make sure that no dangerous gases are allowed
out of the energy plant's chimneys," what does the pronoun "that" refer to?
A. Workers
B. Dangerous gases

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C. Energy plant
D. Chimneys

Explanation: The correct answer is B. Dangerous gases. The pronoun "that" refers to the
dangerous gases mentioned earlier in the sentence.

11. Inference:
Based on the information in the passage, what can be inferred about the environmental impact
of tire dumps?
A. Tire dumps have no impact on the environment

B. Tire dumps contribute to soil and water pollution
C. Tire dumps help prevent environmental pollution

D. Tire dumps have a positive impact on ecosystems

Explanation: The correct answer is B. Tire dumps contribute to soil and water pollution. This
inference can be made from the passage, which discusses how chemicals from burned tires

wash into the soil and groundwater, polluting them.

12. Inference:
What can be inferred about the effectiveness of recycling initiatives for tires?
A. Recycling initiatives have no impact on tire waste
B. Recycling initiatives have significantly reduced tire waste
C. Recycling initiatives have only been implemented in a few states
D. Recycling initiatives are not feasible for tires

Explanation: The correct answer is B. Recycling initiatives have significantly reduced tire waste.
This inference can be made from the passage, which mentions that tires are being recycled in
various creative ways to reduce waste.

13. Detail-Oriented:
How many houses can be supplied with electricity from the burning of tires in the company's two
A. 42,000 houses
B. 15 million houses
C. 260 million houses

D. 10,000 houses

Explanation: The correct answer is A. 42,000 houses. This detail is explicitly stated in the
passage, which mentions that the electricity generated from burning tires is enough to supply
about 42,000 houses.

14. Detail-Oriented:
How many tires are burned every year in the company's two plants?
A. 15 million tires

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B. 260 million tires

C. 42,000 tires
D. 10,000 tires

Explanation: The correct answer is A. 15 million tires. This detail is explicitly stated in the
passage, which mentions that a total of about 15 million tires are burned every year in the
company's two plants.

15. Detail-Oriented:
What is the estimated number of used truck and auto tires thrown away in the United States

every year?
A. 260 million tires

B. 15 million tires
C. 42,000 tires
D. 10,000 tires

Explanation: The correct answer is A. 260 million tires. This detail is explicitly stated in the
passage, which mentions that about 260 million used truck and auto tires are thrown away in
the United States every year.

These questions cover a range of comprehension skills and techniques outlined in your guide.
Let me know if you need further adjustments or additional questions!
Passage Two
1. Around the world, billions of tires from trucks and cars are replaced every year. In the
United States, about 260 million used truck and auto tires are thrown away every year.

Where do the old tires go? Quite often, they go into large dumps where they remain for
many years.

2. The mountains of worn-out tires in these dumps present a number of health and

environmental dangers. First, they attract mosquitoes and rats, which then spread
disease among humans. The tires can also catch on fire, and these fires are very diffi-
cult to put out. They may burn from a few days to a few months. While the tires burn,
they release cancer-causing gases into the air. These gases spread over nearby towns
and cause health problems for people who live there.

3. After a tire dump fire is put out, pieces of burned tires remain on the ground. When it
rains, chemicals from the burned parts wash into the soil and into the ground water. This
pollutes the soil and the drinking water in the area.

4. Aside from these problems, the tire dumps represent a terrible waste of resources. So,
in order to avoid the problems and the waste, people are looking for ways to reuse or
recycle tires. Recycling is common for other materials, such as paper, glass, and
aluminum. Now tires are also being recycled in a number of creative ways.

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5. One solution is to burn the tires to create energy. An energy company with plants in
Connecticut and California burns tires to produce steam for generating electricity. When
the tires are burned properly, the fire does not pollute the air. Every day, workers check
to make sure that no dangerous gases are allowed out of the energy plant's chimneys. A
total of about 15 million tires are burned every year in the company's two plants. This
produces enough electricity to supply about 42,000 houses.

6. Another solution is to find a new use for the tires. Tires are now being used to make
various products, from doormats to fishing supplies. Several shoe companies have
started using tires to make the soles of tennis shoes. This is not a new idea, in fact.

During the Great Depression, shoes with tire soles were very common in the United

7. The state of Maine has found yet another use for old tires. The climate in Maine is very
cold, and in the winter the ground freezes solid. Large bumps are formed in the roads,
and then in the spring, the bumps may turn into holes. Roads must be rebuilt often, at

great expense to the state. To prevent this, road workers have started to use old tires
broken into small pieces. These tire pieces are spread in a thick layer underneath the
surface of a new road. The tires then act as a blanket, keeping the ground below the
road from freezing. This way the road surface remains smooth.
8. Up to now, only a small percentage of used tires are being recycled in the United States.
But there are plans and new ideas about ways to reuse more of the tires that end up in
tire dumps.

Thank you for providing the guide. Based on the types of questions you outlined, here are 15
multiple-choice questions for the passage:

16. What is the main concern discussed in the passage?


A. Environmental pollution
B. Recycling initiatives
C. Health risks associated with tire dumps
D. Advancements in tire manufacturing

Explanation: The correct answer is C. Health risks associated with tire dumps. This is the central

theme discussed in the passage, as it highlights the dangers posed by mountains of worn-out
tires in dumps.

17. What is the primary purpose of the passage?

A. To advocate for stricter environmental regulations
B. To inform readers about the dangers of tire dumps
C. To promote innovative recycling solutions
D. To discuss advancements in tire technology

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Explanation: The correct answer is B. To inform readers about the dangers of tire dumps. This
aligns with the central focus of the passage, which highlights the health and environmental risks
associated with tire dumps.

18. According to the passage, what happens to old tires after they are burned?
A. They are completely incinerated
B. They are recycled into new products
C. They release cancer-causing gases
D. They are buried in landfills

Explanation: The correct answer is C. They release cancer-causing gases. This inference can
be made from the passage, which states that burned tires release cancer-causing gases into

the air.

19.. What does the phrase "terrible waste of resources" refer to in the passage?(paragraph 4)

A. Pollution caused by tire dumps
B. Health risks associated with tire fires
C. Lack of recycling initiatives
D. Inefficient use of old tires
Explanation: The correct answer is D. Inefficient use of old tires. This meaning can be inferred
from the passage, which discusses the negative consequences of tire dumps in terms of wasted

20. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
A. Cause and effect
B. Chronological order
C. Problem and solution

D. Compare and contrast

Explanation: The correct answer is C. Problem and solution. The passage first discusses the
problems associated with tire dumps (health risks, environmental pollution) and then presents
various solutions (recycling, reuse initiatives).

23. What is the purpose of the third paragraph in the passage?

A. To introduce the main topic of the passage
B. To describe the health risks associated with tire dumps
C. To explain the process of recycling tires
D. To highlight the environmental dangers of tire fires

Explanation: The correct answer is B. To describe the health risks associated with tire dumps.
This paragraph focuses specifically on the dangers posed by tire dumps, such as attracting
mosquitoes and rats and releasing cancer-causing gases.

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24. In the sentenceof the 7th paragraph , "These tire pieces are spread in a thick layer
underneath the surface of a new road," what does the these" refer to?
A. Tire pieces
B. New roads
C. Tire dumps
D. Recycling initiatives

Explanation: The correct answer is A. Tire pieces. The pronoun "these" refers to the pieces of
old tires mentioned earlier in the passage.

25. In the sentence, "Every day, workers check to make sure that no dangerous gases are

allowed out of the energy plant's chimneys," what does the pronoun "that" refer to? (paragraph

A. Workers

B. Dangerous gases
C. Energy plant
D. Chimneys

Explanation: The correct answer is B. Dangerous gases. The pronoun "that" refers to the
dangerous gases mentioned earlier in the sentence.

Section Four-Vocabulary (26-40)

A) Compelation ( 26-35)

Directions-Questions 26-35 are incomplete sentences. There are four alternative

words/phrases, A-D given below each question. Choose the one that best completes each

26.The ____________ of waste materials into the river has caused environmental concerns in
the region.
A. disposal
B. accumulation
C. distribution

D. extraction

The correct answer is A. disposal. In this context, "disposal" refers to the act of getting rid of
waste materials, which has caused environmental concerns.

27: The government has implemented ____________ to reduce carbon emissions and combat
climate change.
A. initiatives

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B. precautions
C. interventions
D. adaptations

The correct answer is A. initiatives. In this context, "initiatives" refers to specific actions or
programs implemented by the government to address a particular issue.

28: The new law imposes strict ____________ on industrial pollution to protect the environment.
A. regulations

B. restrictions
C. limitations

D. prohibitions

The correct answer is A. regulations. In this context, "regulations" refers to rules or controls

imposed by the law to govern industrial pollution.

29: The company's ____________ to environmental conservation has earned it praise from
A. dedication
B. indifference
C. negligence
D. apathy

The correct answer is A. dedication. In this context, "dedication" refers to the company's
commitment or devotion to environmental conservation.

30: The organization aims to raise awareness about ____________ sustainability practices
among local communities.
A. ethical
B. sustainable
C. renewable
D. conscientious

The correct answer is B. sustainable. In this context, "sustainable" refers to practices that can
be maintained or continued without causing harm to the environment.

31:The ____________ of natural resources has led to concerns about future scarcity.
A. conservation
B. exploitation

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C. preservation
D. cultivation

The correct answer is B. exploitation. In this context, "exploitation" refers to the excessive or
harmful use of natural resources.

32:The committee proposed several ____________ to improve air quality in urban areas.
A. initiatives
B. regulations

C. interventions
D. precautions

The correct answer is A. initiatives. In this context, "initiatives" refers to specific actions or
measures proposed to address the issue of air quality in urban areas.

33:The government has introduced incentives to encourage the adoption of ____________
energy sources.
A. renewable
B. conventional
C. fossil
D. nuclear


The correct answer is A. renewable. In this context, "renewable" refers to energy sources that
can be replenished naturally, such as solar or wind energy.

34:The company's ____________ policies prioritize environmental sustainability over short-term


A. conscientious
B. ethical
C. profit-driven
D. sustainable

The correct answer is D. sustainable. In this context, "sustainable" refers to policies that
prioritize environmental sustainability.

35: The ____________ of wildlife habitats has resulted in the decline of certain species.
A. preservation
B. conservation
C. destruction
D. cultivation

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The correct answer is C. destruction. In this context, "destruction" refers to the loss or damage
of wildlife habitats, leading to the decline of certain species.

B).Substitution (35 -40)

Directions:- Questions 36-42 each has an underlined word orphrase. There are four alternatives
A-D given after each sentence. Choose one word

36. The government implemented strict regulations to curb the rampant exploitation of natural

A. excessive
B. systematic
C. deliberate
D. widespread

The correct answer is A. excessive. In this context, "exploitation" refers to the excessive or
harmful use of natural resources, which the government aims to curb with strict regulations.
37: The environmental organization launched a campaign to raise awareness about the
detrimental effects of deforestation.
A. beneficial
B. damaging

C. negligible
D. inconsequential


The correct answer is B. damaging. In this context, "detrimental" means harmful or damaging,
reflecting the negative effects of deforestation that the organization aims to raise awareness

38:The company's new sustainability initiatives received praise from environmentalists for their
innovative approach.

A. conservation
B. preservation
C. responsibility
D. sustainability

The correct answer is A. conservation. In this context, "sustainability initiatives" typically involve
efforts to conserve natural resources and protect the environment, reflecting the innovative
approach praised by environmentalists.

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39: The environmental impact assessment highlighted the potential ramifications of industrial
pollution on local ecosystems.
A. consequences
B. benefits
C. rewards
D. advantages

The correct answer is A. consequences. In this context, "ramifications" refer to the potential

negative consequences or effects of industrial pollution on local ecosystems, as highlighted in
the environmental impact assessment.

40: The government enacted legislation to regulate the disposal of hazardous waste from
industrial facilities.
A. regulation

B. management
C. elimination
D. handling

The correct answer is B. management. In this context, "disposal" refers to the management or
handling of hazardous waste from industrial facilities, which the government aims to regulate
through legislation.

41: The conservationist advocated for the preservation of natural habitats to protect biodiversity.
A. destruction
B. conservation
C. exploitation

D. cultivation

The correct answer is B. conservation. In this context, "preservation" aligns with the
conservationist's advocacy for protecting natural habitats to conserve biodiversity.

42: The environmentalists protested against the construction of a new coal-fired power plant
due to its potential environmental degradation.
A. improvement
B. enhancement
C. deterioration
D. amelioration


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The correct answer is C. deterioration. In this context, "environmental degradation" refers to the
deterioration or decline in environmental quality, which the environmentalists protested against
regarding the construction of the new coal-fired power plant.

These questions assess understanding of vocabulary in context and the ability to select
appropriate synonyms or related words. Let me know if you need further adjustments or
additional questions!

Section Four ( 43-70)

Directions:- Questions 43-70 are incomplete sentences. There are four alternative words or
phrases, A-D, given below each question. Choose the word/phrase the best completes the

The committee members, along with the chairperson, ________ to attend the conference next

A. has
B. were
C. is
D. are
The correct answer is D. are. In this sentence, "committee members" is the subject, and "along
with the chairperson" is a phrase that adds additional information. The subject "committee
members" is plural, so the verb should also be plural, making "are" the correct choice.

Neither of the candidates ________ able to secure enough votes to win the election.
A. has

B. were
C. is
D. are

The correct answer is A. has. In this sentence, "neither" is a singular subject, so the verb should

also be singular. Therefore, "has" is the correct choice.

Each of the students ________ required to submit their research paper by Friday.
A. has
B. were
C. is
D. are

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The correct answer is A. has. In this sentence, "each" is a singular subject, so the verb should
also be singular. Therefore, "has" is the correct choice.

The number of participants in the workshop ________ increasing steadily over the past few
A. has
B. were
C. is

D. are

The correct answer is A. has. In this sentence, "number" is the subject, and it is singular.
Therefore, the verb should also be singular, making "has" the correct choice.

The committee, along with its members, ________ the report at the next meeting.
A. will be discussing
B. is discussing
C. are discussing
D. have been discussing

The correct answer is B. is discussing. In this sentence, "committee" is the subject, which is

singular. Therefore, the verb should also be singular. The phrase "along with its members" is a
prepositional phrase that does not affect subject-verb agreement.


Either Mary or her sisters ________ the tickets for the concert.
A. has
B. have
C. are
D. were

The correct answer is B. have. In this sentence, "either...or" is a correlative conjunction that
creates a compound subject. When the subjects are joined by "either...or," the verb agrees with
the subject closer to it. In this case, "sisters" is closer and is plural, so the verb should also be
plural, making "have" the correct choice.

The news of the company's bankruptcy ________ shockwaves throughout the industry.
A. has sent

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B. were sending
C. is sending
D. have sent

The correct answer is A. has sent. In this sentence, "news" is a singular subject, so the verb
should also be singular. Therefore, "has sent" is the correct choice.

Everyone, including the manager, ________ to attend the training session tomorrow.

A. is expected
B. are expected

C. expects
D. expecting


The correct answer is A. is expected. In this sentence, "everyone" is the subject, which is
singular. Therefore, the verb should also be singular, making "is expected" the correct choice.

The jury, consisting of twelve members, ________ deliberating for several hours.
A. have been
B. has been
C. is
D. are

The correct answer is B. has been. In this sentence, "jury" is the subject, which is singular. The
phrase "consisting of twelve members" is a participial phrase that does not affect subject-verb

agreement. Therefore, "has been" is the correct choice.

Each of the books in the series ________ a different aspect of the author's life.
A. explore
B. explores

C. exploring
D. explored

The correct answer is B. explores. In this sentence, "each" is a singular subject, so the verb
should also be singular. Therefore, "explores" is the correct choice.


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The committee members, as well as the chairperson, ________ their input on the proposed
A. give
B. gives
C. is giving
D. are giving

The correct answer is D. are giving. In this sentence, "committee members" is the subject, and
"as well as the chairperson" is a phrase that adds additional information. The subject

"committee members" is plural, so the verb should also be plural, making "are giving" the correct

One of the main reasons for the company's success ________ its innovative marketing

A. is
B. are
C. were
D. have been
The correct answer is A. is. In this sentence, "reasons" is not the subject; "one" is the subject,
and it is singular. Therefore, the verb should also be singular, making "is" the correct choice.

The new software, along with the necessary updates, ________ installed on all computers by
the end of the week.
A. need

B. needs
C. are
D. is

The correct answer is B. needs. In this sentence, "software" is the subject, and it is singular.

Therefore, the verb should also be singular, making "needs" the correct choice.

A number of students ________ for the upcoming scholarship examination.
A. is preparing
B. are preparing
C. has prepared
D. have prepared

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The correct answer is B. are preparing. In this sentence, "number" is the subject, and it is plural.
Therefore, the verb should also be plural, making "are preparing" the correct choice.

The majority of the population ________ in favor of stricter environmental regulations.
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were


The correct answer is A. is. In this sentence, "majority" is the subject, and it is singular.
Therefore, the verb should also be singular, making "is" the correct choice.


The group of researchers ________ to present their findings at the conference next month.
A. has been invited
B. have been invited
C. is invited
D. are invited
The correct answer is A. has been invited. In this sentence, "group" is the subject, and it is
singular. Therefore, the verb should also be singular, making "has been invited" the correct


The number of applicants for the job ________ higher than expected.

A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were


The correct answer is A. is. In this sentence, "number" is the subject, and it is singular.
Therefore, the verb should also be singular, making "is" the correct choice.

The director, along with the producers, ________ already arrived at the film set.
A. has
B. have
C. is
D. are

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The correct answer is A. has. In this sentence, "director" is the subject, and it is singular. The
phrase "along with the producers" is a prepos

itional phrase that does not affect subject-verb agreement. Therefore, "has" is the correct

The audience, as well as the actors, ________ for the show to begin.

A. is waiting
B. are waiting

C. waits
D. wait


The correct answer is B. are waiting. In this sentence, "audience" is the subject, and it is
singular. The phrase "as well as the actors" is a phrase that adds additional information.
Therefore, "are waiting" is the correct choice.

The team of scientists ________ the findings of their research in a peer-reviewed journal.
A. have published
B. has published
C. is publishing

D. are publishing

The correct answer is B. has published. In this sentence, "team" is the subject, and it is singular.

Therefore, the verb should also be singular, making "has published" the correct choice.

The number of tourists visiting the country ________ significantly in recent years.
A. have increased
B. has increased

C. is increasing
D. are increasing

The correct answer is B. has increased. In this sentence, "number" is the subject, and it is
singular. Therefore, the verb should also be singular, making "has increased" the correct choice.

Neither the students nor the teacher ________ satisfied with the exam results.

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A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were

The correct answer is A. is. In this sentence, "neither...nor" is a correlative conjunction that
creates a compound subject. When the subjects are joined by "neither...nor," the verb agrees
with the subject closer to it. In this case, "teacher" is closer and is singular, so the verb should
also be singular, making "is" the correct choice.


The majority of the data ________ been analyzed yet.
A. haven't
B. hasn't
C. haven't been

D. hasn't been

The correct answer is D. hasn't been. In this sentence, "majority" is the subject, and it is
singular. Therefore, the verb should also be singular, making "hasn't been" the correct choice.
Each of the students ________ their own copy of the textbook.
A. have

B. has
C. have been
D. has been

The correct answer is B. has. In this sentence, "each" is a singular subject, so the verb should
also be singular. Therefore, "has" is the correct choice.

The committee members, as well as the chairperson, ________ to submit their reports by

A. needs
B. need
C. is needing
D. are needing

The correct answer is B. need. In this sentence, "committee members" is the subject, and it is
plural. Therefore, the verb should also be plural, making "need" the correct choice.

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Not only the students but also the teacher ________ excited about the field trip.
A. is
B. are
C. were
D. has been

The correct answer is A. is. In this sentence, "not only...but also" is a correlative conjunction that

creates a compound subject. When the subjects are joined by "not only...but also," the verb
agrees with the subject closer to it. In this case, "teacher" is closer and is singular, so the verb

should also be singular, making "is" the correct choice.

The committee members, as well as the chairperson, ________ the proposal at the meeting

A. will be discussing
B. is discussing
C. are discussing
D. have been discussing
The correct answer is A. will be discussing. In this sentence, "committee members" is the
subject, and it is plural. Therefore, the verb should also be plural, making "will be discussing" the

correct choice.

None of the data ________ reliable.

A. are
B. is
C. were
D. have been


The correct answer is B. is. In this sentence, "none" is a singular pronoun, so the verb should
also be singular. Therefore, "is" is the correct choice.

These grammar questions test the understanding of subject-verb agreement and verb tense
consistency, which are essential for constructing grammatically correct sentences. Let me know
if you need any further assistance!

Section 5 -communicative Activities (70-105)

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Directions: Questions 70-105 are presented in a form of dialogue. The part said by one of the
speakers is given, and a blank space is left for the other. For each of the blank spaces, four
alternative answer, A-D are given. Choose the one that is most appropriate to complete the

70. Parent: Did you finish your homework?

A. No, I forgot to do it.
B. Yes, I completed it earlier.
C. I'm not sure, I need to check my bag.

D. You should remind me to do it later.

The parent is asking about the completion of homework, so the child's response should address
whether it's done. Among the options, "Yes, I completed it earlier." is an appropriate response
indicating completion.

Answer: B. Yes, I completed it earlier.

71. Tizazu: I'm considering going vegetarian.

A. Really? Why the sudden change?
B. Vegetarianism is a healthy choice.
C. I don't think you'll stick to it.
D. I prefer meat-based diets.

Tizazu is expressing a potential dietary change, so Daniel's response should acknowledge or
react to this decision. Among the options, "Really? Why the sudden change?" is an appropriate
response showing curiosity and interest in Tizazu's decision.

Answer: A. Really? Why the sudden change?

72. Customer: Can you recommend a good restaurant in the area?

A. No, I'm not familiar with the restaurants here.

B. Yes, our restaurant serves delicious meals.

C. I'm not sure, you should check online reviews.
D. You should ask someone else for recommendations.

The customer is seeking a restaurant recommendation, so the waiter's response should provide
assistance. Among the options, "Yes, our restaurant serves delicious meals." is an appropriate
response offering a specific recommendation.

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Answer: B. Yes, our restaurant serves delicious meals.

73. Tourist: Can you suggest a scenic spot to visit?

Local Guide:
A. No, I'm not familiar with the attractions here.
B. Yes, you should visit the botanical garden.
C. I'm not sure, I don't explore the city often.
D. You should ask someone else for suggestions.


The tourist is seeking a recommendation for a scenic spot, so the local guide's response should
provide assistance. Among the options, "Yes, you should visit the botanical garden." is an

appropriate response offering a specific suggestion.

Answer: B. Yes, you should visit the botanical garden.

74. Selam: Do you know where I can find a good coffee shop around here?
A. There's one right across the street.
B. Sorry, I don't drink coffee.
C. I think there's one downtown.
D. Have you tried the new café on Main Street?
Selam is seeking information about a coffee shop, so Eden's response should provide helpful
suggestions or directions. Among the options, "There's one right across the street." is an

appropriate response providing a specific location.

Answer: A. There's one right across the street.


75. Employee: Can you approve my vacation request?

A. No, I'm too busy right now.
B. Yes, I'll process it right away.
C. I'm not sure, I have to check the schedule.
D. You should ask HR for approval.

The employee is requesting approval for a vacation, so the manager's response should address
the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll process it right away." is an appropriate response
indicating readiness to approve.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll process it right away.

76. Lojo: Do you want to come over for a movie night?

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A. Yes, I'd love to.
B. No, I have other plans.
C. I'm not interested in movies.
D. Maybe some other time.
Lojo is inviting Kidan for a movie night, so Kidan's response should indicate their willingness or
availability. Among the options, "Yes, I'd love to." is a positive response indicating acceptance of
the invitation.

Answer: A. Yes, I'd love to.

77. Customer: Can you recommend a reliable mechanic?
A. No, I'm not familiar with other mechanics.
B. Yes, I can recommend a trusted colleague.

C. I'm not sure, you should search online reviews.
D. You should visit multiple shops for estimates.

The customer is seeking a recommendation for a mechanic, so the mechanic's response should
provide assistance. Among the options, "Yes, I can recommend a trusted colleague." is an
appropriate response offering a specific recommendation.

Answer: B. Yes, I can recommend a trusted colleague.


78. Student: Can you explain this grammar rule to me?

A. No, I'm not qualified to teach grammar.

B. Yes, I'll walk you through the concept.

C. I'm not sure, I need to review my notes.
D. You should study the textbook for explanations.

The student is seeking an explanation of a grammar rule, so the tutor's response should

address the request for assistance. Among the options, "Yes, I'll walk you through the concept."
is an appropriate response indicating readiness to explain.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll walk you through the concept.

79.Amira: Did you hear that they're filming a movie in town?

A. Yes, I heard it's a thriller.
B. No, I don't follow movie news.

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C. I'm not interested in movies.

D. I prefer watching documentaries.
Amira is sharing information about a movie being filmed, so Selam's response should
acknowledge or react to this news. Among the options, "Yes, I heard it's a thriller." is an
appropriate response indicating awareness of the movie genre.

Answer: A. Yes, I heard it's a thriller.

80. Traveler: Can you suggest an affordable hotel nearby?

Hotel Receptionist:
A. No, I'm not familiar with other hotels in the area.

B. Yes, we have budget-friendly accommodations available.
C. I'm not sure, you should check online reviews.
D. You should ask a taxi driver for hotel recommendations.

The traveler is seeking a recommendation for an affordable hotel, so the hotel receptionist's
response should provide assistance. Among the options, "Yes, we have budget-friendly
accommodations available." is an appropriate response offering a specific recommendation.
Answer: B. Yes, we have budget-friendly accommodations available.

81. Manager: Can you handle this project deadline?

Team Leader:

A. No, I have too many tasks on my plate.

B. Yes, I'll ensure the team meets the deadline.
C. I'm not sure, let me review the project details.
D. You should assign it to someone else.

The manager is inquiring about the capability to handle a project deadline, so the team leader's
response should address the query. Among the options, "Yes, I'll ensure the team meets the
deadline." is an appropriate

response indicating readiness to handle the project.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll ensure the team meets the deadline.

82. Parent: Can you help with dinner tonight?

A. No, I'm busy with my own stuff.
B. Yes, I'll assist with cooking.
C. I'm not sure, let me finish my homework first.

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D. You should hire a chef for tonight.

The parent is requesting assistance with dinner, so the teenager's response should address the
request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll assist with cooking." is an appropriate response indicating
readiness to help.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll assist with cooking.

83. Teacher: Can you prepare a presentation for the class?

A. No, I don't have enough time.

B. Yes, I'll work on it this evening.
C. I'm not sure, let me check my schedule.
D. You should ask another student to do it.

The teacher is assigning a task to prepare a presentation, so the student's response should
address the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll work on it this evening." is an appropriate
response indicating readiness to complete the task.
Answer: B. Yes, I'll work on it this evening.

84.Ethan: Are you planning to attend the seminar next week?


A. Yes, I already registered for it.

B. No, I'm not available that day.
C. I prefer webinars over in-person events.
D. I haven't decided yet.

Ethan is asking Olivia if she intends to attend the seminar, so Olivia's response should indicate
her intentions or decision. Among the options, "Yes, I already registered for it." is an appropriate
response indicating prior commitment.

Answer: A. Yes, I already registered for it.

85. Patient: Can you provide guidance on managing stress?

A. No, I'm not qualified to offer stress management advice.
B. Yes, I'll discuss coping strategies with you.
C. I'm not sure, you should try meditation techniques.
D. You should consult with a nutritionist for tips.


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The patient is seeking guidance on managing stress, so the therapist's response should
address the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll discuss coping strategies with you." is an
appropriate response indicating readiness to provide guidance.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll discuss coping strategies with you.

86. Noah: Are you interested in attending the art exhibition this weekend?
A. No, I have other plans.
B. Yes, I'm looking forward to it.

C. I'm not a fan of art.
D. I think it's too far from where I live.

Noah is asking Ava if she wants to attend the art exhibition, so Ava's response should indicate
her interest or availability. Among the options, "Yes, I'm looking forward to it." is an appropriate
response indicating enthusiasm for the event.

Answer: B. Yes, I'm looking forward to it.

87. Student: Can you explain this chemical reaction to me?

Lab Instructor:
A. No, I'm not knowledgeable about chemical reactions.
B. Yes, I'll demonstrate it in the lab.
C. I'm not sure, you should consult the textbook.
D. You should ask another student for help.

The student is seeking an explanation of a chemical reaction, so the lab instructor's response
should address the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll demonstrate it in the lab." is an

appropriate response indicating readiness to explain.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll demonstrate it in the lab.

88. Customer: Can you recommend a reliable computer repair service?

IT Technician:

A. No, I'm not familiar with computer repair companies.

B. Yes, I can provide the contact details of a reputable service.
C. I'm not sure, you should research online reviews.
D. You should buy a new computer instead.

The customer is seeking a recommendation for computer repair service, so the IT technician's
response should provide assistance. Among the options, "Yes, I can provide the contact details
of a reputable service." is an appropriate response offering specific guidance.

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Answer: B. Yes, I can provide the contact details of a reputable service.

89. Parent: Can you drop off the kids at school tomorrow?
A. No, I have an early morning meeting.
B. Yes, I'll take care of it before heading to work.
C. I'm not sure, let me check my calendar.
D. You should arrange alternate transportation.

The parent is requesting assistance with dropping off the kids at school, so the spouse's

response should address the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll take care of it before
heading to work." is an appropriate response

indicating readiness to help.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll take care of it before heading to work.

90. Teacher: Can you help set up the classroom for tomorrow's activity?
A. No, I have other tasks to complete.
B. Yes, I'll ensure everything is arranged properly.
C. I'm not sure, let me check the schedule.
D. You should ask another colleague for assistance.

The teacher is requesting assistance with setting up the classroom, so the assistant's response
should address the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll ensure everything is arranged

properly." is an appropriate response indicating readiness to help.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll ensure everything is arranged properly.

91. Doctor: Can you assist with the surgery tomorrow?


A. No, I'm not qualified to assist in surgery.

B. Yes, I'll prepare the operating room accordingly.
C. I'm not sure, you should check my schedule.
D. You should ask another nurse for assistance.

The doctor is requesting assistance with surgery, so the nurse's response should address the
request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll prepare the operating room accordingly." is an appropriate
response indicating readiness to assist.

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Answer: B. Yes, I'll prepare the operating room accordingly.

92. Researcher: Can you provide feedback on my study findings?

A. No, I'm not interested in your research.
B. Yes, I'll review your findings and offer insights.
C. I'm not sure, you should consult with an expert.
D. You should present your findings at a conference.

The researcher is seeking feedback on study findings, so the colleague's response should

address the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll review your findings and offer insights." is an
appropriate response indicating readiness to provide feedback.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll review your findings and offer insights.

93. Coach: Can you attend tomorrow's team practice?
A. No, I have a doctor's appointment.
B. Yes, I'll be there on time.
C. I'm not sure, let me check my schedule.
D. You should reschedule the practice to another day.


The coach is requesting attendance at team practice, so the athlete's response should address
the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll be there on time." is an appropriate response
indicating readiness to attend.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll be there on time.

94. Manager: Can you assist with organizing the event?

A. No, I have other assignments to complete.
B. Yes, I'll coordinate with vendors and arrange logistics.

C. I'm not sure, let me check my calendar.

D. You should ask a volunteer for help.

The manager is requesting assistance with organizing an event, so the assistant's response
should address the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll coordinate with vendors and arrange
logistics." is an appropriate response indicating readiness to help.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll coordinate with vendors and arrange logistics.

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95. Parent: Can you help with the house chores today?
A. No, I'm busy with my own stuff.
B. Yes, I'll do the dishes and vacuum the living room.
C. I'm not sure, let me finish my homework first.
D. You should hire a cleaning service instead.

The parent is requesting assistance with house chores, so the teenager's response should

address the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll do the dishes and vacuum the living room." is
an appropriate response indicating readiness to help.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll do the dishes and vacuum the living room.

96. Teacher: Can you cover my class while I attend a meeting?

A. No, I prefer not to take on additional responsibilities.
B. Yes, I'll follow the lesson plan and supervise the students.
C. I'm not sure, you should ask another teacher for coverage.
D. You should cancel the meeting to avoid disruptions.
The teacher is requesting coverage for a class, so the substitute's response should address the
request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll follow the lesson plan and supervise the students." is an

appropriate response indicating readiness to cover the class.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll follow the lesson plan and supervise the students.

97. Student: Can you proofread my essay before submission?

A. No, I have my own assignment to work on.
B. Yes, I'll review your essay for errors and provide feedback.
C. I'm not sure, let me check my schedule.
D. You should submit it without proofreading.

The student is seeking assistance with proofreading an essay, so the classmate's response
should address the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll review your essay for errors and
provide feedback." is an appropriate response indicating readiness to help.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll review your essay for errors and provide feedback.

98. Parent: Can you water the plants while I'm away?

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A. No, I'm too busy with my own garden.
B. Yes, I'll ensure your plants get enough water.
C. I'm not sure, you should ask someone else for help.
D. You should consider installing a sprinkler system.

The parent is requesting assistance with watering plants, so the neighbor's response should
address the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll ensure your plants get enough water." is an
appropriate response indicating readiness to help.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll ensure your plants get enough water.

99. Doctor: Can you assist with the patient's examination?
A. No, I have other patients to attend to.

B. Yes, I'll prepare the examination room and assist as needed.
C. I'm not sure, you should ask the attending physician.
D. You should reschedule the appointment for another day.

The doctor is requesting assistance with a patient's examination, so the nurse's response
should address the

request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll prepare the examination room and assist as needed." is

an appropriate response indicating readiness to help.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll prepare the examination room and assist as needed.

100. Manager: Can you draft a proposal for the new project?
Team Member:
A. No, I have too many tasks on my plate.
B. Yes, I'll work on it and submit it by the deadline.
C. I'm not sure, you should assign it to someone else.
D. You should hire a consultant for the proposal.

The manager is assigning a task to draft a proposal, so the team member's response should
address the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll work on it and submit it by the deadline." is an
appropriate response indicating readiness to complete the task.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll work on it and submit it by the deadline.

101. Tourist: Can you recommend a good place to eat dinner?

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Local Resident:
A. No, I'm new to the area myself.
B. Yes, there's a great restaurant just around the corner.
C. I'm not sure, you should try asking other locals.
D. You should order takeout instead.

The tourist is seeking a recommendation for a place to eat dinner, so the local resident's
response should provide assistance. Among the options, "Yes, there's a great restaurant just
around the corner." is an appropriate response offering a specific recommendation.

Answer: B. Yes, there's a great restaurant just around the corner.

102. Customer: Can you recommend a reliable car mechanic?
Auto Shop Employee:
A. No, I'm not familiar with the mechanics in the area.

B. Yes, we have skilled mechanics who can assist you.
C. I'm not sure, you should search online for reviews.
D. You should buy a new car instead.

The customer is seeking a recommendation for a car mechanic, so the auto shop employee's
response should provide assistance. Among the options, "Yes, we have skilled mechanics who
can assist you." is an appropriate response offering specific guidance.

Answer: B. Yes, we have skilled mechanics who can assist you.

103. Parent: Can you babysit the kids tonight?


A. No, I have other plans for tonight.

B. Yes, I'd love to spend time with them.
C. I'm not sure, you should check with your aunt.
D. You should hire a professional babysitter.


The parent is requesting assistance with babysitting, so the grandparent's response should
address the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'd love to spend time with them." is an
appropriate response indicating readiness to help.

Answer: B. Yes, I'd love to spend time with them.

104. Teacher: Can you supervise the students during recess?

School Monitor:
A. No, I have other duties to attend to.

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B. Yes, I'll ensure the students play safely.

C. I'm not sure, you should ask another teacher.
D. You should cancel recess for today.

The teacher is requesting supervision of students during recess, so the school monitor's
response should address the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll ensure the students play
safely." is an appropriate response indicating readiness to supervise.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll ensure the students play safely.

105. Manager: Can you check inventory levels for the upcoming sale?

Store Employee:
A. No, I'm busy with other tasks right now.
B. Yes, I'll conduct a thorough inventory check.
C. I'm not sure, you should ask the assistant manager.

D. You should postpone the sale until next month.

The manager is requesting inventory checks for an upcoming sale, so the store employee's
response should address the request. Among the options, "Yes, I'll conduct a thorough inventory
check." is an appropriate response indicating readiness to fulfill the task.

Answer: B. Yes, I'll conduct a thorough inventory check.


Section Six : Writting

Directions-Questions 105-120 are related to different types of writing. Read each of them very
carefully and choose the best answer from the four alternative answers, A-D given.

105. Which of the following sentences demonstrates correct comma usage?

A. After finishing her homework Sarah went to bed.
B. Although tired, John stayed up late to study for his exam.
C. The car was old but it still ran well.

D. She took out the trash then went to buy groceries.

Option B correctly uses a comma to set off the introductory adverbial clause "Although tired."

Answer: B. Although tired, John stayed up late to study for his exam.

106. In which of the following paragraphs is the topic sentence most effectively placed?

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A. Paragraph 1: Many people enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and camping. They find
solace in nature and feel rejuvenated after spending time outdoors.
B. Paragraph 2: Hiking is a popular outdoor activity enjoyed by millions of people around the
world. It provides an opportunity to connect with nature and engage in physical exercise.
C. Paragraph 3: Camping trips are a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.
They offer a chance to relax, unwind, and appreciate the beauty of the natural world.
D. Paragraph 4: Nature has a way of calming the mind and soothing the soul. Whether it's a
leisurely stroll through the woods or a challenging hike up a mountain, spending time outdoors
can be incredibly rewarding.

Option B contains the most effective topic sentence, directly introducing the main topic of the

paragraph: hiking as a popular outdoor activity.

Answer: B. Paragraph 2: Hiking is a popular outdoor activity enjoyed by millions of people

around the world. It provides an opportunity to connect with nature and engage in physical


107. Which of the following statements best represents a clear and concise thesis statement?
A. In this essay, I will discuss the impact of climate change on global temperatures and
weather patterns.
B. Climate change is a pressing issue that affects various aspects of our planet, including
temperature, weather patterns, and ecosystems.
C. The purpose of this paper is to examine the ways in which climate change is influencing
global temperatures and weather patterns.

D. This essay will explore the relationship between climate change and its effects on
temperature, weather, and ecosystems.


Option B presents a clear and concise thesis statement that directly addresses the topic of
climate change and its impact.

Answer: B. Climate change is a pressing issue that affects various aspects of our planet,
including temperature, weather patterns, and ecosystems.

108. Which of the following sentences best demonstrates a formal tone and style?
A. "Hey, wanna grab some grub later?"
B. "Could you please accompany me to the cafeteria for lunch?"
C. "Yo, let's hit up the food joint!"
D. "Care to join me for a meal at the cafeteria?"

Option B uses formal language with polite phrasing, making it the most appropriate choice for a
formal tone and style.

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Answer: B. "Could you please accompany me to the cafeteria for lunch?"

109. In the given passage, what is the genre or type of writing?

"The sun rose slowly over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the landscape. Birds
chirped cheerfully as they flitted from tree to tree, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves. It was
a perfect morning for a leisurely stroll in the park."

A. Narrative
B. Expository

C. Persuasive
D. Descriptive

The passage vividly describes a scene without presenting any argument or attempting to
persuade the reader, indicating that it is descriptive writing.

Answer: D. Descriptive

110. Identify the literary device used in the following sentence: "Her laughter was music to his
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification

D. Hyperbole

The phrase "Her laughter was music to his ears" uses metaphor by likening her laughter to


Answer: B. Metaphor

111. Which stage of the writing process involves revising and refining the content, organization,
and style of a draft?

A. Brainstorming
B. Drafting
C. Revising
D. Editing

The revising stage involves making significant changes to the content, organization, and style of
a draft to improve clarity and coherence.

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Answer: C. Revising

112. Which of the following sentences demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. The group of students was studying for their exams.
B. Each of the books are available at the library.
C. My brother and sister is coming home for the holidays.
D. Neither of the options were satisfactory.

Option A demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement, as the singular subject "group" is

correctly matched with the singular verb "was studying."

Answer: A. The group of students was studying for their exams.

113. Identify the main idea of the following paragraph:

"Climate change is a complex issue that requires

urgent attention and global cooperation. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and
melting ice caps are just some of the visible effects of climate change. However, the underlying
causes of this phenomenon are deeply rooted in human activities such as deforestation,
industrialization, and the burning of fossil fuels."
A. The devastating impacts of climate change
B. The need for global cooperation to address climate change
C. The role of human activities in causing climate change

D. The urgency of addressing climate change through immediate action

The paragraph primarily discusses the underlying causes of climate change, emphasizing the

role of human activities, making option C the main idea.

Answer: C. The role of human activities in causing climate change

114. Which punctuation mark is missing in the following sentence? "After finishing her
homework Sarah went to bed."

A. Comma
B. Period
C. Colon
D. Apostrophe

The sentence requires a comma after the introductory adverbial clause "After finishing her
homework" to separate it from the main clause.

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Answer: A. Comma

115. In the given paragraph, what is the purpose of the transition word "however"?
"The new policy aimed to reduce traffic congestion in the city center. However, it inadvertently
led to increased pollution levels in the surrounding areas."

A. To introduce a contrasting idea

B. To provide an additional example
C. To emphasize a point
D. To indicate a sequence of events


The transition word "however" is used to introduce a contrasting idea, signaling a shift from the
intended outcome to the unintended consequence of the policy.

Answer: A. To introduce a contrasting idea

116. Which of the following sentences demonstrates correct use of parallel structure?
A. She likes hiking, swimming, and to ride bicycles.
B. He enjoys playing tennis, jogging, and reading books.
C. We went to the store, bought groceries, and then stopped for coffee.
D. Running, biking, and how to swim are his favorite activities.

Option B demonstrates correct parallel structure, as each item in the list is presented in the

same grammatical form (gerund).

Answer: B. He enjoys playing tennis, jogging, and reading books.


117. What is the tone of the following passage?

"Dear valued customers, we regret to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, our
store will be closed for renovations until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience this
may cause and appreciate your understanding and patience during this time."

A. Formal and apologetic

B. Informal and cheerful

C. Authoritative and directive
D. Casual and indifferent

The passage maintains a formal and apologetic tone, addressing customers respectfully and
expressing regret for the inconvenience caused by the store closure.

Answer: A. Formal and apologetic

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118. Which of the following statements constitutes a strong thesis statement?

A. "This paper will explore the benefits and drawbacks of online learning."
B. "Online learning offers flexible scheduling options and access to a wide range of
educational resources."
C. "Many students prefer online learning because it allows them to study at their own pace."
D. "Online learning is a convenient alternative to traditional classroom education."

Option B presents a strong thesis statement that clearly states the benefits of online learning,

providing a focused argument for the paper.

Answer: B. "Online learning offers flexible scheduling options and access to a wide range of
educational resources."

119. Which genre is represented by the following passage?

"The protagonist embarked on a perilous journey to uncover the truth about his mysterious
past. Along the way, he encountered numerous obstacles and faced moral dilemmas that tested
his resolve. Ultimately, he discovered the shocking secrets that had been hidden from him for
A. Narrative fiction
B. Expository essay
C. Persuasive speech
D. Technical manual

The passage describes a fictional story involving a protagonist's journey, making it narrative

Answer: A. Narrative fiction

120. What stage of the writing process involves generating ideas, organizing thoughts, and
planning the structure of a piece?
A. Drafting

B. Revising
C. Editing
D. Brainstorming

The brainstorming stage involves generating ideas and planning the structure of a piece before
beginning the drafting process.

Answer: D. Brainstorming

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These are the selected questions and their answers from 105 to 120, covering various aspects
of writing, including grammar, paragraph structure, thesis statements, tone, genre identification,
and the writing process. Each question provides a scenario or passage, and the correct answer
is chosen based on the principles and rules of effective writing.


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