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Unit 7B p.

Exercise 3 p. 64
Transcript 2.11

Speaker 1 1 Try to
Had quite a good time when I (1)…………………………….. It
wasn’t a bad way to spend the evening, but certain things 2
(2)………………………………….. One problem is that you have to
spend exactly three minutes talking to each other. But time
(3)……………………………….. when I was speaking with the
most interesting people and really slowly with people I
didn’t like so much. I wanted to spend more than three 4
minutes with the people I liked – and (4)
…………………………… the boring people. That was a bit 5
Speaker 2
I really enjoyed it when I went speed dating. I think it’s (5)
……………………….. to meet people, and it’s so easy to start 7
talking. It isn’t like (6)………………………… in a bar or club and
trying to chat them up – that can (7)……………………….., 8
because they might not want to talk. Everybody at a speed
date is there (8)………………………………, so everybody wants 9
to talk. It’s (9)……………………...

Speaker 3 10
I went speed dating (10)……………………………… last
weekend. My friends had told me about it, and they said 11
(11)………………………………... I didn’t think it was that great,
but it was OK. It’s a good way to meet people (12) 12
………………….. I’m not sure I’d (13)…………………………….,
Speaker 4
I’ve only been speed dating once in my life – never again! It 14
was (14)…………………………… – so embarrassing. I can’t
think of anything (15)……………………, in fact! You’re in a 15
room with lots of other people who are all single, (16)
……………………….. a partner. It’s just really uncomfortable. I
much prefer clubs and bars, places like that. People go to
(17)…………………………….., not just to meet somebody. It’s
more relaxed. 17

Speaker 5 18
I thought it was a good way (18)…………………………, so I
tried it. I enjoyed the experience, I suppose – once I’d
relaxed. It felt a bit strange at first, a bit like doing (19) 19
…………………………. in one day. I found it difficult to talk to
people – I didn’t know what to talk about. But (20)
………………….. it got easier and I was able to (21)
………………………………... By the end, I thought it was a nice
way to spend the evening. (22)……………………………… that I 21
didn’t meet anybody! Made a list, but the people on my list
weren’t exactly perfect – they just didn’t have as (23) 22
……………………… as some of the others

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