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 Prayer

I would like to acknowledge the presence of our esteemed guests, our dear Principal,
Mrs. Estela V. Fano, our Head Teachers, faculty and staff, teachers and students. Ladies
and gentlemen, good morning.

According to the famous quotation of John C. Maxwell, “A leader is the one who knows
the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

There are instances that a certain person will come to our life, giving us joy, happiness,
enthusiasm, energy, inspiration, and make footprints on our hearts.

Today, we bid farewell to the one of the Pillars of this institution. I know it is very hard
to say goodbye, but deep inside we all know how happy we are for him. He will begin
another chapter of his life because this is God’s will.

But today isn’t a day to weep but instead to celebrate. And that is why we are here to
make this celebration a memorable one for all of you. Welcome to the _____________!
To start, let’s begin this program by remembering our creator. Let us all stand and
reflect through an invocation to be led by MRS. RINA L. SUBADE, Head Teacher III.

 Dance Number
Watson said that “Dancing is surely the most basic and relevant of all forms of
expression.” And as a way of expressing themselves, let us be entertained by a dance
number. Put your hands together for the SHS STUDENTS!

(After matapos ang dance number)

At this point, please welcome
A man of smiles and simplicity… responsibility and positivity…
A man with genuine intentions to fulfill his chosen vocation as a devoted teacher and a
dedicated public servant.
Ladies and gentlemen, the star and honoree (ˌänəˈrē) of this memorable event, clap your

(After) A wonderful performance, indeed! Let us now take our seats.

 Message
This time, let us hear a message from our dear Principal II/ OIC, MRS. ESTELA V.
FANO. Let’s give her a round of applause.

(After) Thank you, Ma’am.

 Intermission Number
At this moment, everyone wants to put a smile to our (ˌänəˈrē) honoree and to do that,
let us all welcome “THE BOYZ” in their intermission number.

(After) Thank you so much, Sirs, for that nakakawow na performance.

 Message
“A good friend is like a four-leaf clover. Hard to find and lucky to have.”
Let us hear a message from our (ˌänəˈrē) honoree’s dear friend and colleague, let us give
a round of applause for our Head Teacher III, MR. HELARION C. LLANERA JR.

(After) Thank you, Sir Helarion.

 Gestures of Love
Mother Teresa once said, “It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into
At this juncture, let us proceed with the gift giving. Everyone can now give his/her gifts
to our (ˌänəˈrē) honoree.

 Response
Now, let us hear a response from the honoree (ˌänəˈrē) of this program, the handsome,
the man of smiles and positivity, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, our very own ASST.

(After) Thank you so much, Sir Mamerto. We are indeed very grateful to have someone
like you.

 Musical Tribute
“When music is needed, it’s really there and it serves a purpose.”
Sir Mamerto, please lend your ears as your Jamindan National High School family
offers you our musical tribute.

 End
Our memories of yesterday will last a lifetime. We will take the best, forget the rest and
someday will find that these are the best of times. Thank you, Sir, for being a part of
Jamindan National High School. A Truly great coworker like you is hard to find,
difficult to part with, and impossible to forget.

This concludes our event this morning. I am Ms. Aira Jane V. Villa, your host, signing
off. Once again, good morning and God bless us all.

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