AC 4.2 Nonconformity Sheet - v.5

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Major: 11

Minor: 9
Observation: 3
Total: 23 closed
Major Pending
Minor Closed but not at agreed date
Observation Closed but needs follow up in next asst

Final meeting To be filled by the CAB

To be filled by the assessment team
First response of the team (add First reply of the CAB (add

Root Cause analysis Proposed columns as needed) columns as needed) Evaluation of
Date Assessor Standard clause(s) Statement of findings Grading [Mandatory for major and minor CAB Acceptance Correction / Corrective action List of the supplied documents Actual Implementation date: NC closing
[Mandatory for major and minor NCs] Implementation date: corrective action:
related to 4.1.3
a) Impartiality Risk assessment (02.08.2016) document has been prepared. It includes Hazard;
Risk; existing controls; risk priority; responsible person to follow up of action and monitoring
activity. it is not controlled document in QMS and also there is no evidence that it is on ongoing
b)QP-18 Risk Management (Rev 01 27/08/2016) document is available to define the risk

management but it is not clear to define the mechanism to review the risk analysis; what is the
period to review it ; at which cases the risk analysis is renewed/updated.
4.1 Impartiality and risk to skip standard
1 Mukadder İLHAN related to 4.1.5 Major YES
independence requirements and impartiality
c)The inspection body has top management commitment to impartiality. Independendence
Declaration of Top Management ALTAS-2016-02 is signed by Sulaıman Al FAYEZ(Head of In-
spection Body) dated 01.01.2016 (Declaration statement is not suitable and it doesn’t define all
requirements to be A type Inspection Body e.g there is only declaration related not to involve
any manufacturing activity but there is no definition not to be engaged in the design, supply,
installation, purchase, ownership, use or maintenance ofthe items inspected.
d) it is not published in web site of CAB to inform all related parties.

related to 4.2.2
There is no declaration about “When the inspection body is required by law or authorized by unclear information transfer
2 Mukadder İLHAN 4.2 Confidentiality Minor YES
contractual commitments to release confidential information, the client or individual concerned to client
shall, unless prohibited by law, be notified of the information provided”

Related to 5.1.4
Atlas Logistics & Services Co. Ltd has Professional Indemnity Insurance (Policy no: 499343(code
PI/750620/CL)with limit of liability 750.000 SAR issued by Tawuniya.

a)Geographical scope includes only KSA, it is not suitable for GAC coverage area b)inspection
5.1 Administrative activities is not clearly defined in description of businessi.e only engineering was declared.
3 Mukadder İLHAN Minor risk not to cover all activities YES
requirements c)There is no document /mechanism to show how to define the risks for insurance and the limit of

Related to 5.2.3
a)Impartiality Risk Assessment committee(IRAC) ; Management Representative are not defined in
QMI-01 (rev 00;01.10.2015) Appendix A-Organisation Chart

Related to 5.2.6
b) The inspection body didn’t appoint deputy of technical manager responsible for ongoing
inspection activities.

Related to 5.2.7
c)QP03 (rev 02; 10.05.2017) includes detailed job decriptions and qualification criteria of C:E:O; risk to skip standard
5.2 Organization and
4 Mukadder İLHAN Operation /Technical Manager; Marketing Manager;Management Representative ;Inspectors etc. Major requirements and unclear YES
But there is no job description for Quality Manager ; operation coordinator. organisation

d) QP11 refers to Group Compliance officer or ethics manager; there is not such positions in
organisations and there is no job description for them.
e)Managemnt representative appointment of Mazin Abdelghafour ABDELFATTAH dated
08.01.2018 is signed by Sulaıman Al FAYEZ
Management Representative job description defined in QP03 rev 02. is not consistant with the
job description given in MR appointment document.

related to 6.1.3

QP03 (rev 02; 10.05.2017) includes detailed job decriptions and qualification criteria of
it is not a requirement
inspectors. One of the Qualification requirement is NDT level II . But some of the inspectors
5 Mukadder İLHAN 6.1 Personnel Observation relevant to inspections in YES
doesn’t have NDT level II certificate e.g inspectors for electrical inspection field.

Related to 7.1.5

The inspection body doesn’t have a clear definition for the work order control system which
7.1 Inspection methods ensures the requirements of standard. e.g QP14 rev 01; 25 08.2016 ınspection and test-ing
6 Mukadder İLHAN Minor unclear process YES
and procedures process is not clear to define how to take request from client; how to give job order to İnspector

Related to 7.2.2
The preparation steps before assessment depending on the inspection to be sure if the sample is
ready to inspection or not is not documented and the mechanism to inform the client is not
7.2 Handling inspection risk to skip standard
7 Mukadder İLHAN Major YES
items and samples requirement
Related to 7.2.4
The inspection body doesn’t have documented procedures and appropriate facilities to avoid
deterioration or damage to inspection items while under its responsibility.

7.4 Inspection reports related to 7.4.5

8 Mukadder İLHAN Minor untraceable records YES
and inspection certificates The mechanism to describe how to make Corrections or additions to an inspection report after
issue is not defined in quality management system

a)Master list of documents ( INDX-01) for procedures is available but some


document revisions are not updated e.g QP-06 Internal Audit (rev 00;1/09/2015) is in
list but it is QP-06 Internal Audit (rev 03;1/04/2018)
8.3 Control of documents risk to use uncontrolled
9 Mukadder İLHAN b)There is only QP’s available in master list but the other documents were not Major YES
(Option A) documentation
included e.g SAL 11-04 Atlas General Terms and conditions of service;
ALS-IRACM-03-17-01 IRAC meeting recordTRA-07-03 Trainee evaluation report;

a)There is QP10 (rev 01; 27.08.2017) as a description of the handling process for

complaints and appeals including the flowchart of process but it is not easily
7.5Complaints and available to clients or any other party .
10 Mukadder İLHAN Observation risk to improve the system. YES
appeals b)The procedure defines that complaint and appeal is received by Complaint log but
there is no document available.

The İnspection body has declared that Option A will be followed but it was not
11 Mukadder İLHAN 8.1.2 Option A Observation not clear documentation YES
documented in QMI-01 rev 00; 01.09.2015

The IB uses GAC logo although some of the inspections are not in scope e.g Atlas ref
12 Mukadder İLHAN GAC Technical notes Major wrong information to clients YES
no: ALS-QN/NCC/17/007 ; ALS-QN/SJZ/17/0030

Related to 8.2.4
8 Management system There is reference to related procedures in QMI-01(rev 00; 01.09.2015) Quality manual but there
13 Mukadder İLHAN Major risk for traceability YES
requirements is no for procedures,forms,checklists; etc. e.g some documents are prepared and used by sales
department but they is no reference of them in QMS documentation .

related to 8.2.1
There is a document prepared (ALS-AOP/03717 dated 08 may 2017- Annual Operational Plan )
including the goals for buid up internal capabilities; Accreditation; operation; marketing etc

defining the responsible person to follow ; expected completion date but

8 Management system a) The objectives/goals are not clearly consistent with inspection activities
14 Mukadder İLHAN Major risk to improvement of the IB YES
requirements b) There is no evidence that these goals are satisfactory or completed i.e there is no method to
data anaysis
c) The document (ALS-AOP/03717) is not defined in QMS of ISO 17020 etc.

a) QP-01 Control of Documents (rev 03 ,rev date 01/04/2018) doesn’t define

codification/numbering mechanism of documentation .

b)Master list of documents INDX-01 for procedures is available but

b1) it doesn’t include some document revision dates e.g QP01 rev 01; rev 02 dates
are not available QP01 rev 03; 01 april 2018 is available in list
b2)QP-06 Internal Audit (rev 00;1/09/2015) is available in list but QP-06 Internal
Audit (rev 03;1/04/2018) is in use

b3)There is only QP’s (procedures) available in master list but the other documents
8.3 Control of documents are not in-cluded e.g Quality Manual ; forms; report formats like SAL 11-04 Atlas
15 Mukadder İLHAN General Terms and condi-tions of service; ALS-IRACM-03-17-01 IRAC meeting Major untreacable documents YES
(Option A)
record;TRA-07-03 Trainee evaluation report etc

c) Some forms are prepared for The document distribution (DOC -01-4 ) ; Document
amendment (DOC 01-3) ; control copy issue register (DOC-01-5 ) etc. to control the
documentation but they are not used.

d) There is no definition/mechanism to control of external documents i.e There is no

list or def-inition to show which kind of documents are external documents and how
to control the up-date/change in external documents.

a) Records are categorized and retention time is defined in QP02 (rev 00;01.09.2015)
But personnel files and inspection records are not defined.

8.4 Control of records b)Access to these records consistent with the confidentiality arrangements is not
16 Mukadder İLHAN Minor risk for loss of records YES
(Option A) defined in QP-02 Control of Records (Rev 00; date 1/09/2015)
c) storage; prevention to loss of electronic records was not defined in procedure.

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