Utilitarianism Group 1 Ethics Reviewer

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UTILITARIANISM • The goal of both act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism

is to promote the greatest good for the greatest

Utilitarianism has influenced reforms, sparked debates, and number.
continues to offer a framework for ethical decision-making. Its
core principle is deceptively simple: the rightness or wrongness
of an action is determined solely on its consequences,
specifically the amount of happiness or well-being it creates. PRINCIPLE OF UTILITARIANISM
Good outcomes make it right, bad outcomes make it wrong. It
proposes a seemingly impartial viewpoint for evaluating policies, Principle of Utility
judging actions, and striving towards a society where the -actions are good insofar as they tend to promote happiness or
greatest good for the greatest number reigns supreme. benefits, bad as they tend to produce unhappiness or harm.

Utilitarianism is woven by many hands, before Bentham, there Situation:

were Epicureans, seeking pleasure and minimizing pain, who A government is deciding on a policy regarding healthcare.
laid the groundwork for utilitarianism's focus on happiness and
well-being. Stoics, with their emphasis on reason, duty, and *The principle of utility would guide them to choose a policy that
virtue, added a layer of concern for justice and the social good. maximizes the health benefits for the largest portion of the
Jeremy Bentham developed the concept of "utility" as the population, even if it means some individuals might not receive
measure of good and advocated for maximizing it for the as extensive healthcare benefits as others.
greatest number. Bentham believed that pleasure and pain were
the ultimate measures of good and bad, and that actions should Principle of the Greatest Number
be judged based on how much pleasure they produce and how -an alternative formulation of the principle of utility
much pain they avoid. -the primary consideration was the happiness not of one person
but one of the greatest number of people.
Brief Background of Jeremy Bentham
Born in London in 1748, Jeremy Bentham was no ordinary child. You have a choice between providing medical aid to a small
He devoured knowledge at an alarming rate, mastering Latin by group with severe health issues or to a larger group with milder
age 3 and tackling legal times shortly after. Age 8, a precocious health problems
mind devouring Latin and Greek, thrived at Westminster School.
He entered Queens College in Oxford at the age of 12. Despite *Applying the principle of the greatest number might prioritize
its prestige, it felt restrictive to his inquisitive mind. The law, in helping the larger group due to the greater number of people
his eyes, requires a revolution, not blindly adhering to tradition. benefiting, even if their individual needs might be less severe.
He craved logic, reason, and a focus on maximizing happiness
for the greatest number. The seeds of his utilitarianism were Principle of Equity
sown. -implied in the alternative formulation
-an action is good if it provides equal benefits or happiness for
Other than formal education, his self-directed learning allowed the greatest number of individuals concerned.
him to acquire diverse knowledge and sharpen his critical
thinking, building his unique intellectual framework. The Situation:
Panopticon, his radical prison design, was a tangible There are two groups: one wealthy and another struggling
manifestation of his utilitarian ideal: using system design to financially
nudge individuals towards reform and maximize happiness.
*Applying the principle of equity under utilitarianism might
John Stuart Mill became a crucial collaborator, helping refine suggest redistributing resources from the wealthier group to the
utilitarianism by addressing issues such as the "tyranny of the struggling group to achieve a more equitable distribution of
majority" and incorporating the complexities of human nature. happiness or well-being among everyone, even if this action
Bentham didn't just theorize; he actively applied his philosophy doesn't maximize overall happiness in the immediate sense, it
to social reforms, advocating for prison improvements, women's aims to create a fairer and more balanced society in the long
rights, and codified laws, demonstrating its practical potential. run.

Bentham's utilitarianism wasn't a static doctrine, but a dynamic

process. He continuously questioned, refined, and adapted his THE HEDONiSTIC CALCULUS
ideas based on new knowledge and experiences.
Benthham rejected Kant’s view of duty or conscience as the
Two Levels of Utilitarianism criterion of moral value and of good and evil. He held that only
pleasures and pains give us the real value of actions.
Act utilitarianism focuses on the consequences of individual
actions. It means that an action is considered right if it produces Pleasure-pain calculus or the hedonistic calculus, is a
more happiness or well-being than any other alternative, and it method of determining which of alternative actions would be
is considered wrong if it produces less happiness or well-being. preferable because of the amount of pleasure to be anticipated.
Rule utilitarianism focuses on the consequences of following Hedonistic calculus consist of:
general rules. Rather than evaluating each action on its own
merits, rule utilitarianism judges the morality of an action based Intensity- An action is considered good or moral if it is more
on whether it follows a general rule that, if followed by everyone, intense.
would produce the greatest good for the greatest number. Duration- the longer the happiness of a particular action
lasts;the better.
Certainty- The more certain and sure we are that happiness will 2. Breaking a promise
happen, the better.
Propinquity- the nearer or closer, or more often it occurs; the Suppose you promised a friend that you would help them
better. move on a specific day, but on that day, you receive an urgent
Fecundity- The greater chance of possibility that it will be call from another friend who is in a state of emotional distress
followed by more pleasure, the better the action will be. and needs your immediate support. In this case, Act
Purity- the purer the pleasure; the better Utilitarianism would require you to weigh the potential
Extent- The greater the number of people benefited, the better consequences of breaking your promise versus providing
the action will be. emotional support to your distressed friend. If breaking the
promise would result in significant harm to your distressed
In order to know the whether the action is morally acceptable by friend, it might be considered morally right to break the promise
Bentham; calculate carefully the amount of pleasure and the and prioritize the well-being of the person in immediate need.
amount of pain that any act will bring. After calculating both, the
amount of pain should be subtracted from the amount of 3. Organ donation
pleasure in order to determine the balance. In this case, the
higher the difference will be, the more moral should the action
Imagine you have the opportunity to save multiple lives by
be considered.
donating your organs after your death. According to Act
Utilitarianism, if the benefits of donating your organs, such as
“It would be better to be a happy pig than a miserable human
saving lives and improving overall happiness, outweigh any
being, because pig can sense physical pleasure”
negative impact on yourself or your loved ones, it would be seen
as morally right to donate your organs.
The Benevolent-Spectator Principle

Mill disagreed with hedonistic calculus because he believed that

it is impossible to calculate the amount of pleasure and pain in These examples highlight how Act Utilitarianism evaluates
a certain action. the consequences of individual actions to determine their moral
value based on the principle of maximizing overall happiness or
-greater the importance on the happiness of all rather than on utility.
one’s own happiness. He held that the happiness of all should
always be taken into consideration before making moral Rule Utilitarianism
- emphasizes the importance of following general rules or
“It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; principles that, when consistently applied, lead to the greatest
better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied” overall happiness or utility.
- argues that certain rules or principles have been established
through experience and analysis, and following these rules will
Act Utilitarianism vs. Rule Utilitarianism generally produce the best outcomes for society as a whole.

Act Utilitarianism - Instead of evaluating each individual action separately, Rule

Utilitarianism focuses on the moral value of adhering to the rules
- also known as classical Utilitarianism that have proven to maximize overall happiness or utility.

- focuses on the consequences of individual actions Ex.

- an action is morally right if it maximizes overall happiness or 1. Honesty

utility for the greatest number of people.
Rule Utilitarianism would argue that honesty is a general rule
- This means that in each specific situation, an individual must that should be followed because it generally leads to positive
consider the potential outcomes and choose the action that will outcomes and maximizes overall happiness or utility. Even if
produce the greatest amount of happiness or utility for the telling a lie in a particular situation might seem to produce more
greatest number of people involved. immediate happiness, Rule Utilitarianism would advocate for
honesty as a rule because, in the long run, a society built on trust
- does not rely on fixed rules or principles, but rather evaluates and honesty tends to be happier and more productive.
each action on a case-by-case basis.

2. Respect for others' autonomy
1. Telling a white lie
Rule Utilitarianism would support the principle of respecting
Imagine a scenario where a friend asks you if they look good others' autonomy as a general rule. This means allowing
in an outfit that they clearly don't. According to Act Utilitarianism, individuals to make their own decisions and choices, as long as
you would consider the consequences of your actions. If telling they do not harm others. By respecting others' autonomy, Rule
a white lie would spare your friend's feelings and prevent them Utilitarianism aims to create a society where individuals have the
from feeling embarrassed or hurt, it might be seen as the morally freedom to pursue their own happiness, leading to overall utility
right action since it maximizes overall happiness in that maximization.
particular situation.
3. Punishment for crimes Critique on Utilitarianism

Rule Utilitarianism would argue for the establishment and The upholding of the happiness of the greatest number
enforcement of laws as general rules to deter criminal behavior had always been an important consideration in moral
and maintain social order. By punishing those who commit philosophy. No moral principle would say that the
crimes, Rule Utilitarianism aims to create a society where people upholding of the happiness of the greatest number
feel safe and protected, leading to overall happiness and utility would not become the basis of morality. The utilitarian
for the majority. would consider the society as a compendium of
individual people, (compendium is a comprehensive
4. Fair distribution of resources collection of something) therefore, the basis of morality
is the members of the society as a collective, not an
Rule Utilitarianism would advocate for principles of fairness individual. The basis of morality is the happiness of the
and equality in the distribution of resources. This might involve greater number. (ex. It will be alright to sacrifice the few
rules that ensure everyone has access to basic needs such as if it is for the betterment of the greater majority)
food, shelter, and healthcare. By promoting fairness, Rule
Utilitarianism aims to create a society where everyone has an This idea would lead to the problem of justice, it seems
equal opportunity to flourish, leading to overall utility to say that it can be morally acceptable to impose
maximization. discomforts or suffering on the few if it is for the sake
of the many. It will appear that some individuals are
These are just a few examples to illustrate how Rule inherently more important than the others. Perhaps the
Utilitarianism would guide decision-making in specific situations. greatest difficulty with utilitarianism is that it fails to take
The key idea is that following general rules or principles, which into account considerations of justice. (ex. The
have been determined to maximize overall happiness or utility, happiness of the majority counts more than the
is the primary focus of Rule Utilitarianism. happiness of the ordinary or impoverished person) to
this, there will be a question “what about the rights of
the minority?”]
Difference Between Act Utilitarianism and Rule
Example: Robin Hood, Robin Hood is a thief whose
goal is to steal from the rich and give it to the poor. The
- The main difference between Act Utilitarianism and Rule
action of stealing may be considered morally
Utilitarianism lies in their approach to decision-making.
acceptable if it is for the sake of the many.

• Act Utilitarianism The motives behind actions are ignored - (example, A

and B are part of the charity. A donates 1,000 pesos
- evaluates each action individually based on its and B donates 10,000 pesos. A donated the money
consequences because he wanted to help the charity and B made the
donation because he wanted to improve his own
- allows for flexibility and adaptability in decision- standing in the society. Utilitarianism would consider
making B’s donation more than A, despite the fact it was made
with an ulterior and less noble motive. It means that a
• Rule Utilitarianism society in which everybody acts from evil motives but
nonetheless produces desirable outcomes is a good
- relies on following general rules that have been society.
determined to maximize overall happiness or utility
The fault of utilitarianism is that they did not give
enough consideration to the responsibilities of every
- provides a more structured and consistent approach
individual as well as the rights of the minority.

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