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Project DAPAT: Decisions About

Picking Appropriate Track

A Concept Paper

Bondoy, Alissa Jane I.

Fajut, Kate Lyn M.

Gualter, Lea Shaira Lynn D.

Lucero, Anjanette D.

Paltado, Kyrone P.

Sureta, Quennie Mae F.

As a student who continuously steps forward to another journey, there are things he/she

must consider. They will decide on what major and courses they want to pursue depending on

them. The people around them, such as parents who pressures them to pick an option they do not

like and friends who are pressuring them to enroll in the same course with them, makes it hard

for them to choose what they want. There are students who do not know what their potential is

and what they are good at, and they have not found their passion that they will have interest in.

Along with all the information above, we are proposing a project for those students who

are having a hard time choosing what course is most suitable for them and what path they must

take to gain personal development and self-growth. We believe that it is significant to solve this

because choosing a course is one of the important decisions that an individual makes. Choosing a

career path that is nit patterned into one’s skills, personality, and character will only lead to

stress, problems, and lack of improvement. Thus, we are proposing a project that can help

students who are having a hard time deciding what course to take. This will help them evaluate

themselves and realize what course to they can take while considering their own significant

factors that they need to consider when choosing one.

Project Description

Nowadays, students tend to put themselves under pressure when choosing a course

according to expectations that people around them are giving them. This leads to a student

choosing a path that others wanted, rather than choosing a course that they personally like.

Meanwhile, some students did not know how to properly evaluate themselves which leads to

confusion on what course is perfect for them. Moreover, many students are afraid of failing and

not being successful in the path that they will take, which are frequently caused by wrong
decisions and being dependent on the pressure that one is feeling. This became an inspiration for

us to implement a project which plans to run a seminar with different honorable speakers that

will provide an encouraging and evident message to our potential audience. This project will also

provide activities that include self-evaluation when it comes to capabilities and character of a

person. This project intends to influence students to decide for themselves and be sure of the

course that they will be taking. This will help them to realize and choose the right path that will

eventually lead to more betterment.

One of the most crucial decisions you will ever make in your life is choosing the proper

course. This project is about implementing a seminar session which aims to influence students'

decision making when it comes to determining the course where they will develop themselves. In

the session, tips and guides will be provided to students that will definitely help them realize

something that will help them in deciding. Activities will also be implemented. Every activity

will be held and has an aim for the students to have better self-evaluation and independence in

making major life decisions. The seminar session will make them realize that making major

personal decisions shouldn't depend on pressures that they are being put under, as these decisions

will influence themselves and not on the person who is pressuring them. This session will give

them the importance of considering what job or career they dreamed of having. This will

manifest their willingness to continue picking a course that will help them grow, develop their

capabilities, improve overall well-being, and the essence of being successful. Aside from tips and

advice, this project will also provide encouragement to students to perform the things that they

just realized. The message and activities that this seminar will provide won't be effective if the

student does have the courage to perform this in his/her life. Thus, this project will hold
encouragement activities for students and expect them to implement the knowledge that they've

gathered and carry this out in their decision making.

Project DAPAT: Decisions About Picking Appropriate Track

February 03, 2023
Program Flow
07:00am – 08:00am Registration
08:10am – 08:15am Opening Remarks
08:15am – 08:20am Introduction of the Guest Speaker
08:20am – 09:20am Guest Speaker
09:20am – 09:40am Career Path Test (activity)
09:45am – 10:45am Guest Speaker
10:45am – 11:15am Career Card Grab Game (activity)
11:15am – 11:20am Question and Answer
11:20am – 11:25am Photo Opportunity
11:25am – 11:30am Closing Remarks

Expected Outcome

We hope that our project will solve the problem of students who have difficulty in choosing a

course. We are also expecting that the course they choose is where they really want to belong.

We are also hoping that this project gave them encouragement to decide on their own and

disregard the pressure that the people around them are giving them. It is expected for the project

to not just help the students to pick the course that suits them but also give them the

encouragement to perform this in their daily life. This project is effective because many students

will be interested in being a participant. Choosing a course is a timely and a crucial decision to

make and students are knowledgeable about this. Thus, this project will captivate student's

interest due to a few reasons: being under pressure, lack of self-assessment, and afraid of failing.
We, the project implementers, expect that this project will be effective and helpful for the

students to minimize their stress in thinking about the future by choosing their course.


As many factors are affecting a student to have confusions with their decision in choosing a

course, this project will provide them knowledge and assessments to facilitate their decision

making. This project aims to assist students in making decisions that are right for them,

something they will be interested in, and that are compatible with their abilities, skills, and

passions. This project will make students realize that choosing the right course will also lead to

personal development and self-growth. As solutions, a seminar session with sets of speakers and

activities will be implemented that will help students in a way that something will be imprinted

on their minds. This project aims to give them some encouragement to choose what they really

want for their future without the pressure of anyone. In short, this project will not only help

students to choose the right course, but it also intends to improve their independence in decision

making, know themselves better, and build their courage to execute plans. As an outcome, we

expect that this seminar session will be effective in influencing a student to make the right

decision in choosing the best course that suits them.

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