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Lesson Plan

Amitha Maitheen Pitcha April 01, 2024 – April 05, 2024

2D, 2E, 2F, 3A, 3B 80 minutes (1 block)

Chemistry Matter (Pure substances and Mixtures)

Students are being instructed to use the learning resources effectively.


• To introduce students to the concepts of pure substances and mixtures and help them
differentiate between the two.


Introduction (5 minutes):
• Begin by asking students if they've ever wondered what makes up the things around
them, like water, air, and food.

Definition of Pure Substances and Mixtures (20 minutes):

• Explain that matter can be classified into two main categories: pure substances and
• Define pure substances as materials that are made up of only one type of particle
(either atoms or molecules) and cannot be separated into simpler substances by
physical means.
• Define mixtures as combinations of two or more substances that are physically mixed
but can be separated into their individual components.

Examples (10 minutes):

• Provide examples of pure substances (e.g., gold, oxygen, water) and mixtures (e.g.,
salad, air, saltwater).
• Encourage students to identify which category each example falls into and explain their

Classifying Substances Activity (10 minutes):

• Present a few more examples of substances and ask students to classify them as pure
substances or mixtures.
• Discuss their classifications as a class.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

• Summarize the key points covered in the lesson, emphasizing the difference between
pure substances and mixtures.
• Ask students to reflect on why understanding these concepts is important.

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Lesson Plan

Activity (20 minutes):

• Activity is assigned on Blackboard for students to understand the material covered in
the lesson.
• Review and discuss the answers together.

Closure (5 minutes):
• Ask if there are any questions or concepts that students found challenging.
• Remind students of the relevance of these concepts in their everyday lives.


• On daily basis, evaluate students’ understanding through class participation, discussion,

and completion of class activities or homework.
• At the end of the chapter, a short quiz is given to assess the students’ knowledge of
key concepts.


• PowerPoint Presentation
• Visual aids (images of pure substances and mixtures)
• Handouts, worksheets for classwork and homework
• Notebook, Folder, Pens, Pencils, Laptop, Blackboard Software, MS-Teams
• White board, Markers, Digital Presentation Tool (Projector, Projector Screen)
• BB Activities/MS-Forms Activities


This lesson plan provides a basic introduction to pure substances and mixtures in a 80-minute
time frame. It is designed to be concise and engaging while covering the essential concepts.
Depending on your class's prior knowledge and level of engagement, you can adjust the pace
and complexity of the lesson as needed.

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