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Tackling Challenges in Adhering to Substandard Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)

Compliance and Concerns Regarding Vessel Detention

This report highlights critical issues of toilet and galley maintenance aboard the
vessel, emphasizing the importance of Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)
compliance to ensure crew welfare and to mitigate risks of vessel detention.
Toilet and Galley Maintenance Issues:
Toilet Area
• Toilet Flush Malfunction: The toilet flush in certain cabins is non-
operational, impacting crew comfort.
• Homemade Toilet Flush Repair: Makeshift repairs pose safety hazards
and compliance risks.
• Bridge Toilet Non-Functional: The bridge toilet's inoperability affects the
accessibility of essential facilities.
Galley Area
• Discolored Tap Water: Yellow tap water indicates potential water quality
concerns that must be addressed promptly.
• AC Unit Repairs: Duct taped AC units may compromise temperature
control in galley sections.
• Hygiene Concerns: Cockroach traps and uncleaned filter screens pose
health risks in the galley area.
• Provision Freezer: Issues with freezer maintenance need urgent attention
to preserve food quality.
MLC Requirement Emphasis:

Compliance Importance
• Adherence to MLC standards is crucial for maintaining crew well-being
and operational efficiency.
• Proper implementation of MLC regulations ensures fair treatment, safety,
and basic amenities for crew members.
• Non-compliance with MLC requirements can result in legal consequences,
financial penalties, and reputational damage.

Vessel Detention Concerns:

Consequences of Vessel Detention
• Vessel detention due to safety or compliance violations can lead to
financial losses and operational disruptions.
• Crew members may face hardships during detention periods, affecting
morale and overall vessel performance.
Prioritizing Compliance
• Upholding MLC standards not only fosters crew welfare but also
safeguards vessel operators from detention risks.
• By investing in MLC compliance and addressing maintenance issues
promptly, operators can ensure smooth operations and crew safety.

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