Radiological Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer

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Radiological Diagnosis
and Staging of Lung Cancer 11
Simon Padley

Contents more deaths; in some Scandinavian countries female

lung cancer deaths surpass those in males.
11.1 Epidemiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Smoking tobacco significantly increases the likeli-
11.2 Presentation and Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 hood of developing lung cancer, the relative risk in-
11.2.1 Symptoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 creasing 20- to 30-fold in smokers as compared to non-
11.2.2 Chest Radiography . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 smokers. Passive smokers are also at an approximately
11.2.3 Computed Tomography . . . . . . . . . . 128 24% increased risk of developing lung cancer [2]. Other
11.2.4 Adenocarcinoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 risk factors for developing lung cancer include occupa-
11.2.5 Squamous Cell Carcinoma . . . . . . . . 130
11.2.6 Large-Cell Carcinoma . . . . . . . . . . . 130 tional exposure to asbestos and several other carcino-
11.2.7 Small-Cell Lung Cancer . . . . . . . . . . 130 gens, pulmonary fibrosis, and radiotherapy.
11.2.8 Subsequent Patient Investigation . . . . 130 Late presentation is one of the factors that has im-
11.2.9 Biopsy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 paired significant improvements in survival rates over
11.2.10 Positron Emission Tomography . . . . . 131 the past 30 years, despite advances in detection meth-
ods and treatments. Median survival from diagnosis has
11.3 Staging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
11.3.1 Staging of NSCLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 remained at 6±12 months, and overall 5-year survival is The International Staging System . . . . 131 approximately 5% [3]. No study has described definite Staging of the Primary Tumor . . . . . . 132 benefit from screening for lung cancer. Recent large Chest-Wall Invasion . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 computed tomography (CT) studies have demonstrated Nodal Staging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 increased lung cancer detection in at-risk populations, Detection of Nodal Enlargement . . . . . 137 Extrathoracic Staging . . . . . . . . . . . 138 but many questions remain unanswered. Most impor- Liver Metastases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 tantly, there is no current evidence that screening con- Adrenal Metastases . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 fers a disease-specific survival benefit. In an effort to Brain Metastases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 provide definitive evidence, a large-scale trial, the Na- Bone Metastases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 tional Lung Cancer Screening Trial (USA), is currently Lung Metastases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 underway. This will study the overall and comparative
11.3.2 Staging of SCLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
utility of chest radiography and spiral CT for lung can-
11.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 cer screening and has recruited 50,000 patients. This
trial commenced in 2002 and is due to continue until
2009, after which the findings will be reported.

11.1 Epidemiology
Lung cancer is the most frequently encountered malig-
11.2 Presentation and Diagnosis
nancy worldwide, with 1.2 million new cases annually,
causing 17.8% of all cancer deaths [1]. Four major cell 11.2.1 Symptoms
types exist, accounting for 95% of lung cancers. The
first three are squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), adeno- Overall, approximately 10% of patients with lung cancer
carcinoma, and large-cell carcinoma, which are collec- are asymptomatic at presentation [4, 5], the diagnosis
tively known as non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). usually arising incidentally from a radiograph underta-
The fourth major cell type, small-cell lung cancer ken for other reasons. In symptomatic patients the un-
(SCLC), is grouped separately. Currently there is a 3:1 derlying disease may cause cough, hemoptysis or pain.
male to female predominance. In women, breast cancer Mediastinal invasion can lead to symptoms of hoarse-
is currently more common, but lung cancer causes ness, Horner's syndrome, phrenic nerve paralysis, dys-
128 III. Clinical Evaluation of Lung Cancer

phagia, and superior vena cava obstruction [6]. Large rare cases an air-crescent may be seen within the
pleural effusions may cause breathlessness. In addition, cavity outlining the tumor mass [20].
symptoms may be constitutional (e.g., malaise, weight 4. Nodules (£ 3 cm) that contain mixed soft-tissue and
loss) or directly related to metastatic deposits (e.g., pain ground-glass densities carry greater risk of malig-
from skeletal metastases). Other manifestations include nancy than purely solid nodules and are more com-
paraneoplastic phenomena such as hypertrophic os- monly associated with bronchioalveolar cell carcino-
teoarthropathy, Lambert Eaton Syndrome, and inap- ma (BAC) [21]. The histology of mixed nodules was
propriate antidiuretic hormone secretion. found to differ from that of purely solid nodules,
Symptoms are often nonspecific, but their first-line and is more commonly associated with BAC histol-
investigation often includes chest radiography, which ogy [21].
may identify the presence of the tumor. Cross-sectional
imaging with CT is then usually undertaken to confirm Other findings on chest radiography and CT that raise
the nature of the mass. the suspicion of malignancy include:
1. The radiographic `S' sign of Golden (seen as a
bulging fissure deviated around a central tumor
mass, typically in the right upper zone), which im-
11.2.2 Chest Radiography plies a proximal lung tumor causing distal lung col-
It is rare that a lung cancer is identified on chest radio- 2. Large lesions. The likelihood of malignancy of a le-
graphy unless it is greater than 1 cm in diameter [7± sion identified on CT is increased with increasing
11]. Furthermore, it has been reported that 85% of size (up to 80% of nodules with a diameter greater
missed lung cancers are peripheral, < 2 cm in size, of than 2 cm are malignant [22, 23].
low contrast density, and are in areas of anatomical 3. Localized consolidation confined to one lobe that
overlap (e.g., between the ribs and clavicle) [12]. persists for longer than 2 weeks or recurs in the
Although small lung cancers (< 1 cm) are difficult to de- same lobe, especially if there is no associated loss of
tect, optimal viewing conditions and systematic analysis volume or air bronchograms. It is generally held that
with particular attention to review areas (apices, retro- complete resolution of a consolidation excludes an
cardiac, hilar, and diaphragmatic areas) have been underlying obstructing mass.
found to aid detection [13]. Once a suspicious lesion is 4. Consolidation confined to one lobe in a patient > 35
identified it is important to undertake comparison with years old associated with volume loss, mucus-filled
any previous radiographs. If the lesion was present pre- bronchi ,and absence of air bronchograms. Mucus-
viously but is unchanged over a 2-year interval it can filled dilated airways seen within collapsed lobes
be presumed to be benign [14, 15]. In circumstances (better appreciated on postcontrast images) should
where no old films are available, CT is usually employed prompt the search for a centrally obstructing tumor
to characterize the lesion further [16]. [17]. Careful analysis of CT images may reveal an
endobronchial mass.
5. Unilateral hilar enlargement. This may be the only
radiographic feature of a lung malignancy [24±28]
11.2.3 Computed Tomography and may reflect a proximal tumor, lymphadenopathy,
consolidated lung, or a combination of all three. CT
CT is useful in further classification of nodules identi- scanning is useful in this scenario to differentiate
fied on chest radiography. Lung cancers on CT typically these from vascular causes (e.g., poststenotic dilata-
appear as soft-tissue-density mass lesions within the tion of the pulmonary artery).
lung parenchyma, but occasionally they may appear as 6. Lesion margins. The tumor margin may be lobu-
focal ground-glass opacities (especially in adenocarci- lated, which is thought to reflect differential growth
noma). Other imaging findings include: rates within the tumor. Alternatively, the tumor may
1. Air bronchograms (typically in adenocarcinoma). be spiculated due to local extension or incitement of
2. Calcification (rarely seen on chest radiography, seen a fibrotic response in the surrounding lung.
in up to 10% of cases on CT) is found predominant- Although prominent spiculation significantly in-
ly in tumors greater than 5 cm in diameter, but creases the likelihood of a solitary pulmonary nod-
amorphous or cloud-like calcification may be seen in ule being malignant, it is not highly specific [17].
small peripheral tumors [17]. Cancers may engulf a 7. Differential enhancement. Several studies have exam-
preexisting calcified focus. ined the enhancement characteristics of benign and
3. Cavitation, most typically a feature of SCC [18, 19], malignant lung masses. Nodules that fail to enhance
is normally eccentric and can occur in tumors of to £ 15 Hounsfield Units (HU) after a standard dose
any size. The cavity is normally thick-walled and of intravenous contrast, were found to be benign
may contain fluids and necrotic tumor fragments. In [29]. Despite this test having a high sensitivity for
S. Padley Chapter 11 Radiological Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer 129

benign lesions, it is not highly specific for excluding


Signs associated with benignity include:

1. The presence of fat (±40 HU to ±120 HU) within a le-
sion. The presence of fat or calcification, or a combi-
nation of the two was shown to correctly identify 30/
46 hamartomas (benign tumors) in one series [30].
2. Calcification in soft-tissue lung lesions. This should
be interpreted with caution in masses > 3 cm, how-
ever, as the tumor may engulf granulomata leading
to an eccentric pattern of calcification within the
3. The enhancing rim sign. A homogenously low-den-
sity, centered nodule that has a minimal enhancing
rim (< 15 HU) has been associated with an increased
probability of benignity [31].

Using imaging to differentiate between histological vari-

Fig. 11.1. Computed tomography (CT) section (imaged on lung
eties of lung cancer is not often rewarding, but some window settings) demonstrating a predominantly ground-glass
features may aid in the differential diagnosis. mass in the posterior right lung. Histological analysis revealed
this to be a bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma

11.2.4 Adenocarcinoma in the lung periphery. BAC may have multiple peripher-
al focal areas of low-attenuation cystic spaces or air
Adenocarcinoma tends to present as smoothly margi- bronchograms within it (Fig. 11.1) [16]. Multifocal BAC
nated round or oval nodules or mass in the periphery may manifest as multiple well-defined nodules of vary-
of the lung [17], but in up to 35% of cases may present ing size or multiple poorly defined or ground-glass
as a pulmonary mass with associated mediastinal nodal opacities that coalesce and resemble pneumonia or reti-
enlargement [32]. Lesions rarely calcify [16] or cavitate culonodular opacities. Other features include pleural ef-
[33]. BAC is a subtype of adenocarcinoma that may fusions, atelectasis, and (rarely) pneumothorax.
present as solitary or multiple lesions [34], but most
(60%) usually manifest as a well-circumscribed nodule

Fig. 11.2. A Large peripheral squamous cell tumor in the poste- postpneumonectomy showing recurrence at the site of the
rior aspect of the right lung. B Follow-up scan taken 1 year original tumor, with invasion into the adjacent vertebral body
130 III. Clinical Evaluation of Lung Cancer

One study of the reliability of observer measure-

11.2.5 Squamous Cell Carcinoma ments of nodule size on CT using electronic calipers
suggested that measurements may be so variable be-
SCC is relatively slow growing and commonly arises tween multiple observations by single or multiple ob-
from lobar or segmental bronchi, causing occlusion of a servers that results are misleading and could lead to un-
central lumen of the bronchus and distal collapse. Thus necessary invasive investigations or to malignant
it may present with the same radiological features as an growth being missed [35]. However, the advent of mul-
episode of infective pneumonia. Alternatively, there may tidetector CT (MDCT) scanners with automated volume
be hemoptysis or signs related to invasion of adjacent analysis software has been shown to more accurately as-
structures, such as recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy [17]. sess nodule size [36]. Overall, it is generally held that
Peripheral tumors may be asymptomatic until they have stability or regression in the size of a nodule with no
grown to a substantial size (Fig. 11.2 A) when they may significant changes in overall morphology for a period
also cavitate in up to 20% of cases [33]. of 2 years is required to confirm a nonmalignant etiol-
ogy [37].

11.2.6 Large-Cell Carcinoma

11.2.9 Biopsy
Large-cell carcinoma typically presents as large periph-
eral masses with irregular margins. Cavitation and cal-
In cases where the probability of malignancy is high,
cification are rare [16].
early histological confirmation may become the pre-
ferred course of action. In practice, a tissue diagnosis is
obtained, where feasible, to help guide further treat-
11.2.7 Small-Cell Lung Cancer ment. Sputum cytology is often performed but has
varying yields. Only 1.9% cases were diagnostic in one
SCLC most commonly arises from the main airways, series of patients in whom a diagnosis of lung cancer
but is associated with rapid invasion into vascular and was established by other means [13], whereas in a
lymphatic tissues, resulting in a high rate of metastatic further series (of high-risk patients screened for lung
lymph node involvement. Even though the primary le- cancer with chest radiograph or CT and sputum cytol-
sion may be small and unidentified on chest radiogra- ogy), sputum cytology detected cancer cells in all 251
phy there may be bulky hilar and mediastinal lymph patients studied, many of whom had no evidence of
node enlargement. lung cancer on imaging at that time [38]. If a pleural ef-
fusion is present then thoracocentesis should be per-
formed. In patients with a possible extrathoracic metas-
tasis, biopsy of that lesion is of the greatest prognostic
11.2.8 Subsequent Patient Investigation value.
Staging using CT can be of great utility for biopsy
After an initial working diagnosis of a lung carcinoma, planning and may help to predict the likelihood of ob-
further work will be required for confirmation of the taining a positive tissue diagnosis by any particular
diagnosis and to establish disease stage. If the imaging method. CT is an invaluable guide to the bronchosco-
features of the lesion suggest a low likelihood of malig- pist, with successful biopsy sampling being more likely
nancy, follow-up scanning may be performed to detect if one or more of the following CT features are present:
changes in lesion characteristics and to confirm lack of ill-defined lesion margins, endobronchial soft-tissue
interval change. Whilst it may be sufficient to under- component, a large airway leading directly to the lesion,
take serial chest radiographs, in some cases it is more and the lesion lying < 4 cm from the nearest lobar
usual to employ CT for this purpose. Accurate assess- bronchus [39].
ment of growth allows calculation of tumor doubling Percutaneous biopsy sampling can be performed un-
time. The doubling time is calculated from the increase der CT or ultrasound guidance, and is the preferred
in tumor volume over a known period. A 25% increase method in peripheral lesions. Percutaneous biopsy sam-
in diameter is approximately equivalent to a doubling pling is relatively contraindicated in patients with a sin-
in volume [17]. It is generally accepted that doubling gle lung. Other relative contraindications include bleed-
times in lung cancer range from 30 to 490 days, but ow- ing diathesis, vascular malformations, severe obstruc-
ing to this wide range, considerable overlap exists be- tive lung disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension, and
tween the doubling times of benign and malignant nod- an inability to cooperate. Potential complications in-
ules. Very rapid nodule doubling times (< 7 days) clude hemoptysis, pneumothorax, air embolus, and tu-
should suggest an infective etiology. However, this mor implantation. Hemoptysis occurring as a result of
method of analysis is not without its own problems. focal pulmonary hemorrhage occurs in approximately
S. Padley Chapter 11 Radiological Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer 131

10% of cases, and major bleeding is the commonest A less widely employed nuclear medicine technique
cause of death as a complication of lung biopsy [40]. To relies on the fact that most malignant lung tumor cells
reduce this risk, bleeding diatheses should be corrected, express somatostatin receptors. The radionuclide 99mTc
major vessels should be avoided, and perihilar lesions depreotide, which binds to somatostatin receptors, can
carefully assessed for vascular anatomy prior to biopsy help in the differentiation of cancerous from benign
procedures. To reduce the incidence of pneumothorax, lung nodules. In one study of 114 patients, 85 out of 88
reported in 17.9±44% of case series [40], the coaxial malignant nodules and 19 out of 26 benign lesions were
biopsy technique and avoidance of interlobar fissures is correctly identified [47]. At present no comparative
preferred to reduce the number of pleural surfaces studies of PET and somatostatin receptor radionucleo-
punctured. Tumor implantation and dissemination as a tides have been published.
result of percutaneous biopsy sampling are very rare.

11.3 Staging
11.2.10 Positron Emission Tomography
11.3.1 Staging of NSCLC
Positron emission tomography (PET) has made a signif-
icant contribution to range of tools available to assess
Lung cancer staging provides information about the an-
possible lung cancer. A full description of PET is be-
atomical extent and histological nature of disease, which
yond the scope of this chapter. However in brief, fluo-
helps to optimize therapy, informs on prognosis, and
rine-18 (18F) is attached to deoxyglucose to produce
allows assessment for possible resection. In those in
fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). This is used to assess cellu-
whom surgery is not deemed appropriate, assessment of
lar glucose metabolism. Tumor cells and inflammatory
disease burden aids the oncologist to plan radiotherapy
processes are characterized by a higher than normal
and chemotherapeutic regimens and assists in the as-
level of glucose metabolism. The amount of FDG
sessment of response to therapy.
trapped within tumor cells can be identified by imaging
F decay using a PET camera. Detection is most com-
monly measured semiquantitatively using a standard
uptake value (SUV). This is the ratio of tracer uptake The International Staging System
by the lesion corrected for body weight and serum glu- The current staging system for NSCLC is based on the
cose and compared with background. Lesions with SUV Tumor, Nodal, Metastasis (TNM) classification (Ta-
values greater than 2.5 are generally regarded as malig- bles 11.1 and 11.2) [48]. Stage I tumors are confined to
nant [41]. The use of PET in Europe has increased dra- the lung parenchyma (Fig. 11.3). They do not breach
matically in the past 5 years, but remains limited by the parietal pleura and are not associated with meta-
lack of availability. To help assess whether a detected static spread. IA tumors are £ 3 cm in size; five-year
lung nodule is benign or malignant, PET can be used to survival in this group ranges from 61 to 67%. IB tumors
assess metabolic activity and thus help gauge whether are > 3 cm in size; five-year survival in this group
further action is required. Those lesions that appear to ranges from 38 to 57%.
be metabolically inert are probably benign and may be Stage II tumors are divided into those that are
followed up radiologically. However, caveats to this ex- £ 3 cm in size but are associated with metastasis to ipsi-
ist. Although the sensitivity of PET in detecting primary lateral hilar nodes (IIA) and those that are > 3cm and
NSCLC is generally reported as 95% for lesions ³ 3 cm are either associated with metastasis to ipsilateral hilar
[42, 43], the spatial resolution of PET does not allow nodes or have invaded the adjacent mediastinum, dia-
such high sensitivities for lesions < 1 cm [44]. In a re- phragm, or chest wall (IIB). Stage IIB may extend along
cent study of 136 nodules, 20 were < 1 cm in diameter; main bronchi for up to 2 cm from the carina and re-
all were negative on PET despite 8 being malignant on main suitable for surgical resection. For stage IIA dis-
final histology [45]. False-negative results have been re- ease, 5-year survival is 34±55%, whereas for stage IIB
ported most commonly in BAC and carcinoid tumors, disease it is 22±24% for clinically staged disease or 38±
which are histologically relatively well differentiated. In 39% for pathologically staged disease. It can be seen,
contrast, false-positive results may be seen in several in- therefore, that clinical staging tends to underestimate
fective and inflammatory conditions, notably in tuber- the stage of disease as compared to pathological stag-
culosis, sarcoidosis, histoplasmosis, and rheumatoid ing.
nodules. Furthermore, the serum glucose concentration Stage III tumors include those patients with extensive
at the time of scanning is an important factor in image but resectable disease (IIIA) and those with disease
quality and if raised, causes reduced FDG uptake into deemed irresectable by conventional surgical techniques
tumor cells, resulting in reduced tumor conspicuity (IIIB). Tumors that are classified as IIIA include tumors
[46]. that have N2 nodal spread with no distant metastases
132 III. Clinical Evaluation of Lung Cancer

Table 11.1. The Tumor, Nodal, Metastasis (TNM) Classification and those T3 tumors where spread is only to hilar nodes.
of tumor extent Stage IIIB tumors include any T4 tumor or any N3 nodes
Primary tumor (T) (Fig. 11.4). Although not usually surgical candidates,
Tx Primary tumor cannot be assessed stage IIIB tumors may be considered for extended proce-
Or dures after neoadjuvant chemotherapy [49]. Five-year
Tumor cells identified on bronchial washings but not survival for patients with stage IIIA tumors ranges from
visible on imaging or bronchoscopy
9 to 13% for clinically staged disease or from 23 to 25%
T0 No evidence of primary tumor
for pathologically staged disease; that for stage IIIB tu-
Tis Carcinoma in situ
mors is 1±8% for clinically staged disease.
T1 Tumor 3 cm in greatest dimension, surrounded by lung
or visceral pleura without bronchoscopic evidence of Stage IV represents all tumors with M1 disease
invasion more proximal than the lobar bronchus (i.e., (Fig. 11.5). Five-year survival in this group is 1%.
not in the main bronchus)
T2 Tumor with any of the following features of size or ex-
tent: < 3 cm in greatest dimension; involves the main Staging of the Primary Tumor
bronchus, 2 cm distal to the carina; invades the viscer-
al pleura; associated with atelectasis or obstructive CT is the most commonly used tool in evaluation of the
pneumonitis that extends to the hilar region but does primary tumor. Defining the primary tumor in terms of
not involve the entire lung T staging enables prediction of resectability. This defini-
T3 Tumor of any size that directly invades any of the fol- tion may not be straightforward, as distinction from
lowing: chest wall (including superior sulcus tumor), the adjacent collapsed lung may be impossible and thus
diaphragm, mediastinal pleura, parietal pericardium;
tumor in the main bronchus < 2 cm distal to the carina,
lead to an overestimation of tumor size. Differentiation
but without involvement of the carina; associated at- of central lung cancer from distal collapse can some-
electasis or obstructive pneumonitis of the entire lung times be achieved on CT using bolus contrast enhance-
T4 Tumor of any size that invades any of the following: ment. The collapsed lung tends to enhance to a greater
mediastinum, heart, great vessels, trachea, esophagus, extent than the adjacent tumor. This difference in en-
vertebral body, carina; tumor with a malignant pleural
or pericardial effusion (provided that evidence for ma-
hancement is most marked 40 s to 2 min postinjection
lignancy as the cause of effusion is cytopathologically of the contrast medium [50]. Despite this, contrast dif-
confirmed), or satellite tumor nodule(s) within the ipsi- ferences between the tumor and the adjacent lung are
lateral primary-tumor lobe of the lung not always readily identifiable [50±52]. T1 and T2 tu-
Regional lymph nodes (N) mors are most amenable to surgical resection using
NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed standard techniques. T3 tumors that involve the chest
N0 No regional lymph nodes wall or mediastinum to a limited extent may also be
N1 Metastases to ipsilateral peribronchial and/or ipsilateral candidates for surgical resection, albeit with more com-
hilar lymph nodes, and intrapulmonary nodes invaded
by the most distant extension of the primary tumor plex techniques. T4 tumors are irresectable.
N2 Metastases to ipsilateral mediastinal and/or subcarinal Chest radiography is of little use when assessing me-
lymph nodes(s) diastinal invasion. However, phrenic nerve involvement
N3 Metastases to contralateral mediastinal, contralateral hi- may be inferred by the presence of ªnewº diaphrag-
lar, ipsilateral or contralateral scalene, or supraclavicu- matic elevation. Imaging of diaphragmatic movement
lar lymph node(s) with ultrasound or fluoroscopy can produce similar in-
Distant metastases (M) formation [53]. Noninvasive assessment of an extensive
MX Distant metastases cannot be assessed mediastinal tumor is usually provided by CT. Borderline
M0 No distant metastases invasion by less extensive disease is unreliable [54].
M1 Distant metastases are present Historically, Glazer et al. described three features
that predicted resectability: (1) less than 3 cm of medi-
astinal contact, (2) intact fat plane between the tumor
and mediastinum, and (3) < 908 circumferential contact
with the aorta [55]. The utility of these described crite-
Table 11.2. Staging with respect to TNM grouping
ria can, however, be limited. For example, loss of fat
Stage: Definition (via TNM grouping): plane identified on CT may be due to motion artifact,
inflammation, or tumor infiltration. Newer, faster,
IA T1 N0 M0 MDCT scanners can reduce the effect of motion artifact
IB T2 N0 M0
and partial volume averaging, improving radiological
IIA T1 N1 M0
accuracy. However, no reliable method of noninvasive
IIB T2 N1 M0 or T3 N0 M0
differentiation of local inflammatory reaction from di-
IIIA T3 N1 M0 or T1 N2 M0 or T2 N2 M0 or T3 N2 M0
rect malignant invasion has yet been developed. Thus,
IIIB T4 N0 M0 or T4 NI M0 or T4 N2 M0 or T1 N3 M0
or T2 N3 M0 or T3 N3 M0 or T4 N3 M0
without clear evidence of invasion tumors tend to be
IV Any T, any N, M1 understaged to prevent denying the patient the chance
of a curative resection [56].
S. Padley Chapter 11 Radiological Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer 133

Fig. 11.3. T2 N0 M0 tumor. CT sections (with lung and mediastinal window settings, A and B, respectively) demonstrate a large
(> 3 cm) solid spiculated mass in the left upper lobe

contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography was

shown to demonstrate mediastinal and hilar invasion
with a sensitivity of up to 90%, a specificity of up to
87%, and an accuracy of up to 88%, values that are
higher than those for CT and standard T1-weighted
MRI [59]. Another comparison of the two modalities
(CT and MRI) showed no significant differences in their
sensitivities or specificities other than superior MRI as-
sessment of myocardial invasion and extension of tu-
mor into the left atrium via the pulmonary veins.
Therefore, these authors did not recommend routine
use of MRI in patients who initially present for evalua-
tion for mediastinal dissemination [57]. At present, the
role of MRI in the investigation of mediastinal invasion
remains one of a problem-solving tool in selected cases
Current PET scanners do not offer the anatomical
detail provided by CT and MRI; however, they do allow
accurate identification of involved nodes or direct medi-
Fig. 11.4. CT section demonstrating a small peripheral (T1) tu-
astinal extension, especially when undertaken as part of
mor with large hilar and mediastinal (N3) nodal enlargement a combined CT/PET study (Fig. 11.7). PET can also be
used to confirm direct invasion of a tumor into the left
recurrent laryngeal nerve, as in these circumstances it
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be em- can reveal increased uptake in the internal laryngeal
ployed to clarify issues regarding invasion of local muscles on the right side, owing to their compensatory
structures. The integrity of the mediastinal or extra- increased use [61].
pleural fat stripe allows more accurate assessment of tu-
mor transgression [57]; in addition, MRI may demon-
strate endoluminal tumor extension and infiltration of Chest-Wall Invasion
the pericardium and heart (T4) better than CT. The ar- Local chest-wall invasion is not an absolute contraindi-
guments regarding the superior capability of MRI for cation to surgery, but it does require alteration of surgi-
multiplanar imaging have now been largely superseded cal technique. Currently, local chest-wall pain remains a
by MDCT (Fig. 11.6) [58]. However, in one recent study more specific a marker of chest-wall invasion than any
134 III. Clinical Evaluation of Lung Cancer

Fig. 11.5. A CT section demonstrating a right hilar (T3) tumor. ease). C A large soft-tissue mass (in another patient) at the lev-
B CT section through the liver (of the same patient) revealing a el of the right hilum encasing vessels and extending into the
low-density deposit consistent with a metastasis (stage 4 dis- mediastinum at that level (stage 4 tumor)

imaging test [62]. Chest radiography is relatively insen- line of the ribs or into the extrapleural fat. More subtle
sitive in the detection of chest-wall invasion. Although invasion is less confidently assessed [62±64]. Described
advanced rib destruction can be identified, more subtle signs of pleural invasion on CT include: an obtuse angle
changes are not. of contact between the tumor and chest wall, oblitera-
CT can be used to detect cortical bone destruction, tion of extrapleural fat, pleural thickening, and the
but is not as sensitive as radionuclide bone scanning presence of extrapleural soft tissue. Once again the
for this purpose (Fig. 11.8). Chest wall soft-tissue in- presence of inflammatory changes causing false-positive
volvement is identified on CT by the presence tumor signs reduces the specificity of this method. However,
extending through the intercostal muscles, beyond the obliteration of the extrapleural fat with a large degree
S. Padley Chapter 11 Radiological Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer 135

Fig. 11.6. Right upper lobe tumor. CT transverse (A) and coro- encasing the azygos and superior pulmonary veins. Inspection
nal sections (B) with multiplanar reformation on mediastinal of the right upper lobe bronchus on the coronal section shown
(A) and lung window settings (B) demonstrating a tumour in B reveals a soft tissue nodule within its wall, consistent with
mass in the right upper lobe abutting the mediastinum and an endobronchial metastasis

Fig. 11.7. B Coronal positron emission tomography (PET) image tomical resolution with this technique. B PET-CT image of an-
demonstrating a focus of tracer uptake in the right upper lobe other patient with a left upper lobe tumor. A second focus of
(note normal uptake in the heart). B PET-CT image of the tracer uptake is identified at the left hilum, consistent with the
same patient at the same level, highlighting the improved ana- tumor involving lymph nodes at this site

of pleural contact and extensive pleural thickening have gained general acceptance. Furthermore, use of dynamic
been described as CT signs that make pleural invasion expiratory MDCT (viewed on cine loop) has been re-
very likely [65]. ported to be 100% accurate for chest-wall and mediasti-
Techniques such as diagnostic pneumothorax, which nal fixation when compared to pathological examina-
have also been used in the assessment of mediastinal tion, but has likewise not become a common technique
invasion, have been utilized in attempts to improve the [66].
accuracy of differentiation between visceral and parietal There are similar difficulties in the differentiation
invasion and have shown some benefit but have not between benign and malignant pleural adhesion using
136 III. Clinical Evaluation of Lung Cancer

Fig. 11.8. A A bone scan image demonstrating tracer uptake in adjacent ribs. D Coronal magnetic resonance imaging section
the right third and fourth ribs. B, C CT sections demonstrating from another patient demonstrating local chest-wall invasion
chest-wall invasion in the same patient, with destruction of the from a superior sulcus tumor

both CT and MRI [57]. However, in one study of 34 pa- lack of movement of the tumor during respiration im-
tients, the presence of low-intensity material (identical plying adherence. In one report this technique was su-
signal to the tumor) encroaching into the high-intensity perior to CT, with > 95% sensitivity and specificity for
extrapleural fat (on T1-weighted images) identified in- invasion [69]. Another report suggested that biopsy
vasion with 85% sensitivity and 100% specificity [67]. sampling was necessary for optimal accuracy [70].
Assessment of superior sulcus tumors with MRI has A recent study of PET reported 100% sensitivity,
been shown to be superior to CT, which suffers from 71% specificity, and a negative predictive value of 100%
considerable image degradation from shoulder streak in detecting malignant pleural disease, whereas CT was
artifact. Older studies in which MRI was found to have found to be indeterminate in 71% of cases but had
a 94% correlation with surgical and clinical findings 100% specificity and negative predictive value [71]. In a
and CT had an accuracy of 63% are now outdated due further study examining lone pleural effusion, PET was
to the advent of MDCT [68]. MRI reliably diagnoses found to have 95% sensitivity for detecting malignancy
chest-wall invasion and extension into the root of the [72], whereas it is known that thoracocentesis may not
neck, with the added benefit of visualization of vascular prove malignancy in up to 40% of patients with truly
and neural structures. malignant effusions [73].
Several reports, mainly from Japan, have demon-
strated that ultrasound can be used to assess chest-wall
invasion. Disruption of the continuous pleural line has
been thought to represent a useful sign of invasion, with
S. Padley Chapter 11 Radiological Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer 137 Nodal Staging

Lung cancers normally spread to the ipsilateral hilar
nodes, then ipsilateral mediastinal, contralateral medi-
astinal, and supraclavicular nodes. Although nodal
spread is most often sequential, metastases to the medi-
astinal nodes in the absence of hilar nodes is seen in
33% of cases [74]. Detection of Nodal Enlargement

Chest radiography is generally insensitive for nodal
staging. However, the presence of enlarged hilar or
paratracheal nodes has been shown to be specific (92%)
for N2-N3 disease [57].
In a recent study, it was found that use of ultrasound
(with or without fine-needle aspiration, FNA) had three
times the sensitivity of clinical palpation for the detec- Fig. 11.9. Right supraclavicular lymphadenopathy. CT section
tion of involved supraclavicular nodes. The detection of demonstrating (arrows) a lymph node mass in the right supra-
clavicular fossa
these nodes establishes an N3 nodal stage, placing the
patient in an inoperable category (Fig. 11.9). Previous
studies have reported a prevalence of 12% for involved
supraclavicular nodes when evaluated by palpation nal within nodes is not a useful predictor of involve-
alone; on postmortem, however, their presence has been ment, a recent study has reported that short-tau inver-
reported in up to 37.5% of cases [75]. Thus routine use sion-recovery imaging produces a sufficient signal dif-
of ultrasound and FNA to detect supraclavicular adeno- ference between normal and pathological nodal tissue
pathy has been suggested as a method to improve the to detect metastases with 93% sensitivity and 87% spec-
accuracy of preoperative staging and reduce the overall ificity [80]. The previously cited advantage of MRI over
number of staging investigations required. CT in nodal detection due to the ability to distinguish
Lymph node assessment on CT is achieved primarily small nodes from vessels without the use of intravenous
by measuring lymph node size. Currently, the short-axis contrast medium has been effectively negated by the
diameter is considered the most useful predictor of me- advent of MDCT.
tastatic nodal involvement [76, 77]. However, the use of Many studies have examined the efficacy of PET in
size as a discriminator of metastatic lymph node in- nodal staging of lung cancer. In a meta-analysis of 29
volvement has several pitfalls. Firstly, there is a normal studies encompassing 2,226 patients, PET was found to
variation of lymph node size throughout the mediasti- have a mean sensitivity of 79% and mean specificity of
num; thus, standardization of an upper limit of normal 91% for malignant nodal involvement [80]. Accuracy
is inherently inaccurate. Secondly, the diameter of indi- for mediastinal lymph node staging has been reported
vidual nodes varies with orientation to scan plane. as 85±96% [81, 82]. It has also been suggested that
Furthermore, the presence of enlargement is not diag- whole-body PET demonstrates all lymph node stations
nostic of metastasis and may be due to reactive hyper- and so may obviate the need for mediastinoscopy in
plasia, infection, or coincidental inflammatory condi- some cases. This is because the negative predictive val-
tions. In addition, normal-sized nodes do not preclude ue of PET for N3 disease is identical to that for medias-
the presence of metastases, especially in cases of adeno- tinoscopy (96%) [83]. Thus, patients with a negative
carcinoma where up to 25% of resected normal-sized PET result could proceed directly to surgical resection,
nodes have been demonstrated to contain metastases whereas those with a positive PET result should under-
[78]. Despite these problems the use of lymph node size go mediastinal lymph node sampling [84].
as a staging tool is standard CT practice. A 1-cm short- One study comparing conventional workup and con-
axis diameter is used as the upper limit of normal and ventional workup with the addition of PET in 188 pa-
has been found to be associated with 64% sensitivity tients demonstrated that significantly more patients in
and 62% specificity for detecting malignancy based on the non-PET group underwent a ªfutileº thoracotomy.
a station-by-station surgical/radiological correlation Futile thoracotomy was defined as thoracotomy for be-
[79]. The negative predictive value of this measurement nign stage IIIA-N2 disease or stage III disease, or pa-
is in the order of 85%. tients with recurrence or death within 1 year of surgery.
The accuracy of MRI, despite its improved contrast In this study, 42% of the conventional workup group
resolution, is limited by the same constraints of overlap underwent a futile thoracotomy, compared with only
of features of benign and malignant causes of node en- 21% in the PET group. In most cases, PET detected N2
largement. Although it is generally felt that an MRI sig- and N3 disease that was otherwise not apparent [85]. A
138 III. Clinical Evaluation of Lung Cancer

further large meta-analysis of PET, CT, and endoscopic Liver Metastases
ultrasound (EUS) has shown that the sensitivity and Up to 12% of patients with lung cancer have been re-
specificity of PET for mediastinal staging is greater ported to have asymptomatic liver metastases at initial
than for the other two modalities [86]. However, an- work-up [93]. Whilst clinical assessment and laboratory
other study showed PET to be inferior to EUS with tests are known to have a low positive predictive value
FNA [87]. for liver metastases, deposits are usually detected on
EUS is a relatively new technique that visualizes aor- contrast-enhanced CT (Fig. 11.5). CT detects colorectal
topulmonary, subcarinal, and posterior mediastinal tumor metastases in the liver with an accuracy of 85%
nodes. Anterior mediastinal and paratracheal nodes are when compared with postmortem studies. Conventional
not as well demonstrated due to the presence of air in ultrasound is significantly less sensitive than CT for de-
the trachea. Endosonographic features of neoplastic in- tection of hepatic deposits. MRI is at least as good (and
volvement include round rather than oval nodal shape, probably better) than CT, but the cost and limited ac-
sharp nodal borders, and inhomogeneous hypoechoic cess to MRI tend to confine its role to characterization
internal echo texture [88]. EUS also allows FNA to be of previously identified lesions.
performed through the endoscope, and can also assess
the operability of the primary tumor and of nodal me-
tastases. In one study the sensitivity of EUS was found Adrenal Metastases
to be similar to that of PET but its specificity was far Incidental nonfunctioning adenomas of the adrenal
greater (100% for EUS and 72% for PET) [87]. glands are present in 2±10% of the adult population.
At the present time mediastinoscopy and mediasti- Adrenal metastases were present in 6.9% of patients
notomy remain the most widely employed techniques with NSCLC in one meta-analysis [94]. Thus, in patients
for mediastinal lymph node sampling. They have a high with NSCLC the presence of a small (< 3 cm) solitary
sensitivity and specificity for detecting malignant dis- adrenal nodule presents a reasonably commonplace di-
ease and, although invasive, are indicated prior to tho- agnostic difficulty. Overall incidental adrenal masses
racotomy when other forms of imaging suggest nodal have been shown to be more commonly due to adeno-
involvement. ma than metastasis with ratio of 68% (17/25) to 32%
(8/25) [95]. However, for lesions > 3 cm in size the con-
verse is true. Adenomas are normally well circum- Extrathoracic Staging scribed, homogenous, and have a density of £ 10 Houns-
Lung cancer is commonly associated with widespread field Units (HU) on unenhanced CT owing to high lipid
hematogenous dissemination at the time of presenta- content. Following administration of intravenous con-
tion. Detection of metastatic disease precludes surgical trast they display little enhancement. Several useful al-
resection of the primary tumor. Disease quantification gorithms for characterization of incidental adrenal
at extrathoracic sites is useful to assess the response to masses have been developed (Fig. 11.10).
therapy on sequential scans. Currently, there is a lack of When CT has failed to characterize an adrenal nod-
consensus regarding whether or not to perform extra- ule, then MRI may be undertaken and can be used to
thoracic screening in patients who otherwise have po- characterize a nodule as an adenoma on the basis of
tentially operable disease. The frequency of extratho- signal characteristics that reflect high adenoma lipid
racic occult metastases in one study was reported as content. In one study this technique was demonstrated
18% overall [89]. However, the accuracy of the imaging to have 100% sensitivity and 81% specificity [96].
modality in question, the effectiveness of laboratory PET has been shown to have high sensitivity (100%)
and clinical screening at excluding disseminated dis- and specificity (80±100%) for adrenal metastases of
ease, and the requirement for further confirmatory tests more than 1 cm in size. Adrenal masses smaller than
that have repercussions on economic and logistic con- 1 cm are not reliably assessed with this technique. In
siderations are all factors that influence practice. addition, some PET-positive benign adrenal adenomas
Some staging protocols take into account the histo- have also been reported [97].
logical type of the tumor. At presentation, SCLC is com-
monly widely disseminated, whereas SCC is less likely
to have detectable metastases than any other histology Brain Metastases
for any given TN stage [90±92]. Brain metastases are more frequent when the primary
Most patients with lung cancer in the UK have initial tumor is greater than 3 cm in diameter [98]. Isolated
staging with contrast-enhanced CT of the thorax, which central nervous system metastases are uncommon in
is routinely continued down to include the liver and NSCLC and are generally associated with abnormal neu-
adrenals. If suspicious lesions are seen at the time of rological examination [99, 100]. Truly asymptomatic
scanning a delayed-phase scan may be performed. If brain metastases are thought to occur in 2.7±9.7% pa-
identified later, the patient may return for a further CT tients [16] and are more common with SCLC and ade-
or MRI characterization. nocarcinoma than with SCC [95, 101, 102]. MRI is more
S. Padley Chapter 11 Radiological Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer 139

Fig. 11.10. Diagnostic flow diagram outlining a proposed sys- from Dunnick and Korobkin 2002 [109]. HU Hounsfield units,
tem for management of incidental adrenal masses. Adapted MRI magnetic resonance imaging

sensitive than CT for the detection of brain metastases

and is the modality of choice for brain imaging when
available (Fig. 11.11).
Screening for brain metastases is contentious. One
study compared a standardized clinical neurological ex-
amination with CT of the brain and concluded that CT
was not indicated in patients with a normal clinical ex-
amination [103]. In a further study, gadolinium-en-
hanced MRI detected occult brain metastases in 6 out
of 29 patients with lung tumors greater than 3 cm in di-
ameter on CT [98]. These MRI findings were deemed to
have altered the treatment and follow-up, and this study
suggests that for primary tumors of more than 3 cm in
diameter (especially if adenocarcinoma or large-cell car-
cinoma) MRI of the brain may be indicated as part of
the routine staging. PET imaging does not alter this
conclusion since normal brain has substantial metabolic
activity, and focal abnormal cerebral accumulation of
labeled glucose due to metastasis is unreliable, with a
sensitivity of only 60%. Thus, it should not replace tra-
ditional imaging modalities for this purpose. Bone Metastases

The frequency of otherwise occult bony metastases de-
tected on initial work-up is reported to be between 3.4
Fig. 11.11. Brain metastases. Contrast-enhanced CT section
and 15% (Figs. 11.12 and 11.13) [93]. In patients with demonstrating two metastases in the right cerebral hemisphere.
symptomatic disease, a radionuclide bone scan (which Note the halo of low attenuation around the lower of the two
detects osteoblastic activity) is often utilized as an ini- metastases, consistent with vasogenic edema
140 III. Clinical Evaluation of Lung Cancer

PET has been found to be 92% sensitive and 99% spe-

cific for bone metastases compared to bone scintigraphy
(which has a specificity of 50% and sensitivity of 92%).
However, as standard CT and PET studies do not include
the lower limbs, they do not provide a full skeletal survey.
Some would argue that if PET replaced radionuclide bone
scanning, whole-body studies would be required [84].
However, isolated metastases below the knees are dis-
tinctly uncommon and distal metastases are usually part
of more widely disseminated disease. Lung Metastases

These are not common at presentation but are seen in ap-
proximately 20% of cases at postmortem. However, in one
Fig. 11.12. Bone metastasis. CT section showing destruction of retrospective study it was found that at presentation, up
vertebral body and replacement of normal bone with tumor to 52% of patients with lung cancer had multiple lung
nodules, which in most patients (78%) numbered greater
than 50. The size also varied from 2 mm to 30 mm (80%
were < 10 mm). The primary associated histology was
pulmonary adenocarcinoma and the survival rate was
commensurate with stage IV disease [104].
As pulmonary metastases indicate stage IV disease
and render the patient inoperable, preoperative detec-
tion is important. In these days of MDCT, nodule detec-
tion is usually not problematic. More frequently the
problem is accurate assessment of the nature of a possi-
ble metastatic nodule. Characteristic benign calcifica-
tion within such a lesion is the exception. Most lesions
are of soft-tissue density and studies that have tried to
further evaluate these lesions have lead to inconsistent
results. PET scanning may be useful to assess the likeli-
hood of metastatic malignancy or a second primary in
indeterminate cases.

Fig. 11.13. Lung metastasis. CT section through the base of the 11.3.2 Staging of SCLC
lungs demonstrating a small nodule at the right base, consis-
tent with a metastasis
SCLC is normally regarded as a systemic disease. At the
time of presentation surgical resection is viable in less
than 5% of cases, as up to 80% cases have already metas-
tial investigation. Although it is 95% sensitive, false tasized [105, 106]. Classification is based on a two-stage
positives from coexistent degenerative disease occur in system proposed by the Veteran's Administration Lung
many cases. Plain film radiography is then suggested to Cancer Study Group, which divides patients into limited
differentiate degenerative from metastatic disease. Meta- and extensive disease groups [105]. Patients with lim-
static bone disease on plain radiography most com- ited-stage disease are conferred a survival advantage.
monly manifests as lytic lesions. However, significant Limited disease is defined as that which is confined to
loss of bone is required before plain radiography de- one hemithorax (but including ipsilateral and contralat-
tects these metastases. eral mediastinal, and supraclavicular nodes). To assess
Screening for asymptomatic bony metastases with disease stage in these patients chest radiography is sup-
radionuclide scintigraphy is not currently recommended plemented with CT of the chest, liver and adrenals, and
owing to its high false-positive rate. Whole-body MRI brain. Bone scintigraphy and bone marrow aspiration
could also be employed as a staging tool, but despite in- to evaluate medullary disease are also performed. Liver
teresting studies of the potential for whole-body MRI to and bone metastases are present in up to 30% of patients
replace scintigraphy having been published, this tech- and brain metastases in up to 15% of patients. The use of
nique is not yet widely employed. PET has not been extensively examined in SCLC. In one
S. Padley Chapter 11 Radiological Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer 141

series, apparently limited disease was upstaged to exten- To this approach could be added MRI scanning in cases
sive disease in 7 out of 24 patients [107]. of superior sulcus tumor, and PET scanning to help as-
Extensive disease is that which extends outside the sess nodal staging in difficult cases and to help differ-
boundaries of a single radiotherapy field. MRI of the entiate cancer from an adjacent collapsed/consolidated
brain, body, spine, abdomen, and pelvis has been lung. PET also has a role to play in the more difficult is-
shown to compare favorably to conventional techniques sue of detecting important asymptomatic metastases
for the detection of extensive disease. In addition, it has that, if discovered, would divert patients from a futile
been found to delineate bone metastases not detected attempt at curative surgery.
by bone marrow aspiration or bone scintigraphy. The
disadvantage of whole-body MRI, however, remains the
length of acquisition time and cost.
Isolated bone metastases are uncommon. When Key Points
other extrathoracic metastases are found then radionu-
clide bone scanning or bone marrow aspiration or MRI l The diagnosis of lung cancer may occur during
are indicated [16]. coordinated investigation of symptoms or inci-
Central nervous system metastases are common at dentally on imaging performed for other reasons.
presentation and are a common site of disease. Routine l Once identified the tumor should be staged using
CT evaluation of the brain is indicated as approximately the TNM system.
5% of patients with brain metastases are asymptomatic, l Currently diagnosis and staging rely predomi-
and aggressive treatment with chemotherapy and radio- nantly on chest radiography and computed tomo-
therapy can improve prognosis and decrease morbidity graphy (CT) scanning.
if the brain is the only site of extrathoracic disease l Use of positron emission tomography for staging
[106]. disease is increasing in concert with availability.
An alternative approach, to avoid an exhaustive l Use of magnetic resonance imaging remains con-
search for extensive disease, is to allow clinical symp- fined to problem-solving in cases of uncertainty
toms to direct imaging, terminating on the discovery of on CT (e.g., superior sulcus tumors).
extensive disease.

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