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This chapter reveals the methods of research to be employed by the researcher in

conducting the study which includes the research design, participants of the study, sampling

method, research instrument, validity of the research, reliability of the instrument, data gathering

procedure, data analysis, and ethical consideration.

Research Design

Qualitative research approach will be used for this study. It enables the researcher to gain

an in-depth understanding of the experiences, attitudes, and perceptions of the participants

regarding the research topic. The researchers utilized both descriptive and correlational research

design in conducting the study.

Correlational research design is a type of non-experimental research that aims to explore

the relationship between two or more variables. According to a study conducted by Smith and

Jones (2018), correlational research design involves measuring the degree of association or co-

variation between variables without the researcher manipulating or controlling the variables. This

type of research allows researchers to assess the strength and direction of relationships between

variables, providing valuable insights into how they are interconnected.

According to Gay (1987) the descriptive survey is an attempt to collect data from

members of population worth respect to one or two variables and Babbie (1990) also

recommended the descriptive design for the purpose of generalizing from a sample to a

population so that inferences can be made about the characteristics, attributes, or behavior of the


Participants of the Study

The participants of the study consist of Grade 12 ICT students enrolled at Doña Hortencia

Salas Benedicto National High School - Senior High School SY. 2023-2024. The Grade 12 ICT

program is divided into three sections: Chrome, Firefox, and Torch, each with varying student

populations. Specifically, the section Chrome is comprised of 37 students, the Firefox section

consists of 39 students, and the section Torch encompasses 39 students, totaling 115 students


Sampling Method

The study used purposive sampling for quantitative method and used complete

enumeration as the researcher got the total population of grade 12 ICT students. Participants

were purposely selected based on the following criteria: Grade 12 ICT students at Doña

Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School and Regular mobile game users.
To ensure a suitable sample size for the survey, the researchers utilized Solvin's Formula

to determine the required number of respondents for each section. Consequently, the Chrome

section aimed to survey 34 respondents, the Firefox section targeted 36 respondents, and the

Torch section aimed for 36 respondents, resulting in a total of 106 respondents for the study.

Table 1: Number of participants per section

Section Number of Participants

Chrome 34
Firefox 36
Torch 36

Research Instrument

The research instruments consisted of a self-administered questionnaire tailored to

measure the time spent on mobile games and mobile device usage. The questionnaire was

comprised of the following parts: Part I deals with the profile of the respondents such as sex,

section; Part II asked the questions on the respondents’ gaming profile in terms of their number

of hours spent of playing online mobile games and the respondents average sleep duration in

terms of hours per day; and Part III refers to the respondent’s attitudes towards online mobile

games and sleeping duration using a 5 - point Likert scale ranging from Never (1) to Always (5).
The Likert scale, a commonly utilized psychometric tool, enables participants to express

their agreement or disagreement with statements related to their mobile gaming habits. The scale

ranges from 1 (indicating strong disagreement) to 5 (indicating strong agreement) . (Jebb Andrew

T., Ng Vincent, 2021)

Table 2: The Interval of the 5- Point Likert Scale

Interval Description
4.21-5.00 Strongly agree
3.41-4.20 Agree
2.61-3.40 Neutral
1.81-2.60 Disagree
1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree


The researchers employed Cronbach's Alpha formula, as outlined by L.M. Collins in a

referenced article, to gauge the reliability of their questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha, a statistical

metric, assesses the reliability of an instrument by comparing shared variance among its items to

overall variance. Their study focused on the questionnaire's internal consistency, yielding a

reliability score of 0.8, indicating high reliability. Consequently, they assert the questionnaire's

dependability in eliciting desired responses, enhancing the study's credibility. Moreover, they

affirm its reliability for participant responses, ensuring the attainment of targeted research


The researchers validated their methods by aligning them with a previously published

study and maintaining procedural consistency to mitigate external influences. Additionally, they

sought input from three teachers, who provided scores of 3.4, 5.0, and 4.4, culminating in an

average score of 4.2. This collective evaluation affirms the validity of their research methods and

findings, underscoring their suitability for participant engagement.

Data Gathering Procedure

In our research study, we sought approval from selected teachers at DHSBNH-SH to

validate our questionnaire. We provided a thorough explanation of the research's intent and

assured participants of the confidentiality of their information. Additionally, we requested their

input on the questionnaire's clarity and relevance.

After completing the validation phase, we converted the questionnaire into a Google

Form. This questionnaire, designed based on established scales and guidelines, included items to

measure the frequency, duration, and purposes of mobile game engagement, as well as the

overall time spent on mobile devices. The survey utilized a 5-point Likert scale, where

participants were asked to rate their responses from Never (1) to Always (5). The questionnaire

also incorporated validated scales related to mobile game usage patterns and mobile device
habits. The questions were adapted from existing literature on technology usage, ensuring the

reliability and validity of the instrument.

Data Analysis

To establish the demographic characteristics of the participants, including sex and

section, the researchers utilized a frequency distribution analysis.

To gauge the extent of mobile gaming habits and sleep duration among Grade 12 ICT

students at DHSBNH-SHS, the researchers devised a questionnaire incorporating Likert Scale

items. Descriptive statistics, such as frequency distribution and mean calculations, were

employed to analyze the data.

To investigate the potential correlation between time spent on mobile games and sleep

duration among Grade 12 ICT students, the researchers opted to utilize Pearson's correlation

coefficient (r) as the statistical measure. This approach aims to quantify the strength and

direction of the relationship between these two variables.

Ethical Consideration

To uphold ethical standards throughout the research process, the researcher adhered to

several key principles:

One crucial principle involves providing participants with comprehensive information

about the study's objectives and procedures. This transparency ensures that participants can make

informed decisions regarding their voluntary participation without feeling pressured or coerced.

Additionally, maintaining confidentiality and privacy is essential. The researcher assured

participants that any personal or sensitive information collected during the study would remain

confidential and be used solely for research purposes. Participants were also informed of their

right to withdraw from the study at any time without repercussions.

Furthermore, the researcher implemented measures to safeguard the well-being and

dignity of participants throughout the research process. This included obtaining informed

consent, ensuring voluntary participation, and minimizing any potential risks or discomfort

associated with participation.

Overall, these ethical principles underscored the researcher's commitment to conducting

the study with integrity, respect for participants' rights, and a focus on their well-being.

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