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Time Spent on Mobile Games and the Sleep Duration of Grade 12 ICT in the School

Year 2023-2024

Acosta, Triziah Gail R.

Ferrer, Rhiazia V.

Serrano, Jasmine



Background of the Study

The ubiquity of smartphones and the increasing popularity of mobile gaming have

brought about concerns regarding the impact on various aspects of individuals' lives,

including sleep duration. In recent years, there has been a noticeable decline in the

sleeping duration among adolescents. Previous research has established that excessive

time spent on electronic devices, including mobile games, can have detrimental effects on

individuals' sleep patterns. Studies have shown that increased screen time and exposure to

stimulating activities before bedtime can contribute to difficulties falling asleep and

reduced sleep duration, ultimately leading to sleep deprivation (Hale et al., 2018).Mobile

gaming has gained immense popularity among students in recent years. The convenience

and accessibility of mobile games have made them a prevalent form of entertainment.

However, concerns have been raised regarding the potential negative impact of excessive

mobile game usage on various aspects of students' lives, particularly their sleep duration

(Martin et al., 2020).

Existing research has established a correlation between screen time, including

mobile gaming, and sleep duration among adolescents. Several studies have found that

increased screen time, especially before bedtime, is associated with shorter sleep duration

and poorer sleep quality (Hale & Guan, 2018; Knutson et al., 2018). This relationship can

be attributed to factors such as the stimulating effects of screen time on the brain, the

displacement of sleep time by screen usage, and the disruption of circadian rhythms.

Prior studies have investigated the impact of various factors on sleep duration, such as

screen time, social media usage, and internet browsing habits. Several studies have

established a connection between excessive screen time and poor sleep quality and

duration (Hale & Guan, 2018; Knutson et al., 2018). However, limited research has

focused specifically on the relationship between time spent on mobile games and the

decline of sleeping duration among grade 12 students.

The advent of mobile gaming, featuring easily accessible and addictive games,

poses a unique challenge to students' sleep habits. Grade 12 students are particularly

susceptible to irregular sleep patterns due to academic stress, college preparation, and

social obligations. Mobile games, with their engaging and immersive nature, have the

potential to disrupt their sleep routines further. However, current research exploring the

relationship between times spent on mobile games and the decline of sleeping duration

among this specific demographic is limited. To bridge this research gap, the present study

aims to explore the relationship between time spent on mobile games and the decline of

sleeping duration among grade 12 students. By quantifying the amount of time students

spend on mobile games and assessing their sleep duration objectively, this study seeks to

provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of mobile gaming on sleep among

this specific population.


Through the collection of quantitative data, this study will contribute to the

existing body of knowledge, enabling educators, parents, and healthcare professionals to

design targeted interventions to promote healthy sleep patterns among grade 12 students.

Additionally, the findings of this study will highlight the importance of establishing

guidelines and strategies to minimize the negative impact of mobile gaming on sleep


Statement of the Problem

The research aims to investigate the relationship between the time spent on

mobile games and the sleep duration among Grade 12 ICT students at Doña Senior High

School during the academic year 2023-2024. Specifically, the following issues will be


1. What is the average time spent on mobile games per day by Grade 12 ICT students at

Doña Senior High School in the academic year 2023-2024?

2. What is the average sleep duration per night among Grade 12 ICT students at Doña

Senior High School in the academic year 2023-2024?

3. Is there a significant correlation between the time spent on mobile games and the sleep

duration among Grade 12 ICT students at Doña Senior High School in the academic year


By addressing these questions, the research aims to provide insights into the

impact of mobile game usage on the sleep patterns and duration of Grade 12 ICT

students, thereby informing potential interventions or strategies to promote healthier

technology usage habits and improve overall well-being among this demographic.


Based on the given problems above, the following hypothesis is formulated:

There is no significant relationship between the time spent on mobile games and

the sleep duration of Grade 12 ICT students at Doña Senior High School in the academic

year 2023-2024.

Theoretical Framework

It was not so long ago that smartphones were first introduced to the general

public. In the late 90s' the leading communication technology companies started

advertising for a mobile phone with Internet access and multiple functionalities that is so

called now "smartphone” (Alshobaili,AlYousefi, et. al. 2019). This study's main

objectives are to examine the prevalence of smartphone usage at bedtime and its effect on

sleep quality among Grade 12 ICT Students in Doña Hortencia Salas Benedicto National

High School - Senior High School.

According to Sister Callista Roy created a model known as Roy's Adaptation

Model (RAM). She theorized that all individuals are biopsychosocial beings who

constantly adapt to various stimuli. Sleep deprivation and environmental examples of

stimuli, sleep deprivation can immediately impact responses to an individual 's

environment, as it can affect quality of life and overall health. (Guadiana, Okashima., 2021).

Moreover, Self - determination theory (SDT). Suggest that the non-satisfaction or

inhibition of basic psychological needs can lead to negative consequences (i.e., online

gaming addiction). It suggests that individuals have basic psychological needs, such as

autonomy, competence, and relatedness, that motivate them to engage in activities.

Online games may provide players with a sense of autonomy and competence that

distracts them from academic responsibilities. (Kaya, Turk, et. al 2022).

Furthermore, Social Learning Theory (SLT). Relies an observation and imitating

lead to copy those actions in reality. It suggests that individuals learn through

observation, modeling, and reinforcement. SLT posits that playing games could be

detrimental to academic performance since that games tent to promote negative

behaviors, such as aggression, impulsivity, and a preoccupation with materialistic virtues.

(Alamri, 2018).

Conceptual Framework

The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between the time spent on

mobile games and the sleep duration of grade 12 students. The research aims to

understand how the excessive use of mobile games might impact the sleep patterns of

high school students. This conceptual framework incorporates key concepts related to

mobile game usage, sleep duration, and the potential link between the two variables. By

examining the influence of excessive mobile game usage on sleep duration, this study

aims to contribute to the understanding of the potential impacts of mobile game usage on

high school students.

Schematic Diagram

Grade 12 ICT Students

Sleep Duration

Time Spent on Mobile Games

Sleep Duration

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the conceptual framework


Scope and Delimitation

The study investigated the relationship between the time spent on mobile games

and the sleep duration of the selected students. Data collection included self-reported

information on daily mobile game usage and sleep duration. The research employed

quantitative methods to analyze the data, such as surveys and statistical analysis. Factors

such as academic workload, extracurricular activities, and personal lifestyle choices was

considered as potential influences on the relationship between mobile game usage and

sleep duration. The study adhered to ethical guidelines, ensuring the confidentiality and

anonymity of participants' responses. The timeframe for data collection was limited to a

specific period agreed upon by the researchers and the school administration.

Significance of the Study

This study will aid the following beneficiaries:

School. The proposed study will serve as a valuable tool for fostering student

well-being and informing educational practices related to technology use.

Teachers. The proposed study will help teachers gain valuable insights into the

impact of mobile gaming on students' sleep patterns, specifically among Grade 12 ICT

students. This research will enable teachers to tailor their teaching methods accordingly.

Students. The proposed study serves as the basis of students to gain awareness of

how much time they actually spend on mobile games and how it affects their sleep

patterns. This self-reflection can empower them to make informed decisions about

managing their time effectively. Students can take proactive steps to strike a balance

between entertainment and rest.

Parents. The proposed study equips parents with evidence-based information that

can facilitate discussions about responsible gaming habits both at home and within

educational institutions.

Future Researchers. The proposed study can serve as a foundation for

investigating similar relationships among different age groups or professions.

Researchers may explore how excessive mobile gaming affects individuals in various

fields and demographics, contributing to a broader understanding of digital device usage.

Definition of Terms

Conceptual and Operational definition

Mobile Games. Conceptually Mobile games can be defined as "embedded,

downloaded, or networked games conducted in handled devices" such as personal digital

assistants (PDA), portable media players (e.g., iPods), smartphones, and Tablet (Jeong,

Eui & Kim, Dong-Joo. (2009).

Operationally, mobile games refer to electronic games that are played on mobile

devices, such as smartphones or tablets of grade 12 Students.


Time Spent on Mobile Games. Conceptually this refers to the amount of time

grade 12 students dedicate to playing mobile games on their smartphones or tablets.

Operationally, Time spent on mobile games can be defined asthe measurement of

the total minutes or hours grade 12 students spend actively engaged in playing mobile

games on their mobile devices per day.

Sleep Duration. Conceptually it refers to the total amount of time an individual

spends sleeping during a 24-hour cycle (Ohayon, M. M., Carskadon, M. A.,

Guilleminault, C., & Vitiello, M. V., 2018).

Operationally, Sleep duration can be defined as the total amount of time spent

sleeping by grade 12 students, including both nighttime sleep and any daytime napping,

measured in hours or minutes.



Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the researchers

considered in strengthening the importance of the present study. It also presents the

synthesis of the art to fully understand the research for better comprehension of the study.

Self - determination theory (SDT)

Self - determination theory (SDT) suggest that the non-satisfaction or inhibition

of basic psychological needs can lead to negative consequences (i.e., online gaming

addiction). It suggests that individuals have basic psychological needs, such as autonomy,

competence, and relatedness, that motivate them to engage in activities. Online games

may provide players with a sense of autonomy and competence that distracts them from

academic responsibilities. (Kaya, Turk, et. al 2022).

Mobile Gaming Habits

Recent studies have highlighted the pervasive nature of mobile gaming among

Grade 12 ICT students. With the ubiquitous availability of smartphones and high-speed

internet, these students often engage in gaming activities both during leisure time and

within educational settings (Gonzales & Mendoza, 2022). The prevalence of mobile

gaming among Grade 12 ICT students underscores the importance of understanding its

potential impact on various aspects of their academic and personal lives.

Griffiths et al. (2017) conducted a study to explore the social interactions in

online gaming and its potential effects on adolescents' sleep patterns. The researchers

found a positive correlation between the amount of time adolescents spent watching TV,

using the internet, and playing games on their mobile phones, and their wake-up times.

This suggests that increased engagement in these activities may lead to delayed sleep

schedules, resulting in shorter sleeping durations. The study also revealed a negative

correlation between playing mobile games/console games and listening to music and

sleep duration in adolescents. These findings indicate that spending more time on these

activities may be associated with reduced sleep duration among adolescents.

Impact of Mobile Gaming on Sleep Duration

Research conducted has provided valuable insights into the relationship between

mobile gaming and sleep duration among adolescents. Findings suggest that excessive

engagement with mobile games is associated with shorter sleep duration and poorer sleep

quality (Alipio & Santos, 2020). The immersive nature of gaming content, coupled with

the use of bright screens and stimulating gameplay mechanics, can disrupt the circadian

rhythm and hinder adolescents' ability to attain restorative sleep (Gonzales & Mendoza,

2022). In the context of the Philippines, limited studies have focused specifically on the

relationship between time spent on mobile games and sleep duration students. However,

emerging research by local scholars such as Reyes et al. (2023) has begun to explore this

topic within the Philippine context. Preliminary findings suggest a correlation between

prolonged engagement with mobile games and shorter sleep duration among Filipino


Factors Influencing Mobile Gaming Behavior and Sleep Patterns

Several factors contribute to the mobile gaming behavior and sleep patterns of

Grade 12 ICT students. Psychosocial factors, such as gaming motivations, peer influence,

and stress levels, play a significant role in shaping adolescents' gaming habits and sleep

hygiene practices (Alipio & Santos, 2020). Moreover, contextual factors, including

parental monitoring, academic workload, and access to electronic devices, influence the

extent to which students engage with mobile games and prioritize sleep (Gonzales &

Mendoza, 2022).

Building upon these findings, Akçay and Akçay (2018) investigated the influence

of media, including mobile games, on the sleep quality of adolescents. The study found a

significant association between the prevalence of refractive errors, such as myopia, and

increased time spent watching TV, using the internet, and playing games on mobile

phones. This suggests that excessive engagement in these activities may have detrimental

effects on visual health, potentially impacting sleep quality. Similar to the previous study,

Akçay and Akçay (2018) also identified a negative correlation between playing mobile

games /console games, listening to music, and sleep duration in adolescents. These

findings further support the notion that prolonged engagement in these activities may lead

to shorter sleeping durations among adolescents.

According to the study conducted by Lopez-Fernandez et al., (2019), Findings

revealed that higher mobile gaming intensity was related to shorter sleep duration and

increased sleep problems. These results suggest a potential negative impact of mobile

game usage on the sleep duration of grade 12 ICT students. Examining smartphone use,

stress, and sleep among university students, this study found that excessive smartphone

use was associated with poor sleep quality and shorter sleep duration. As grade 12 ICT

students often use mobile phones for gaming purposes as well, this study's findings can

be relevant to understanding the potential impact of mobile game usage on their sleeping

duration (Gutiérrez et al., 2020).

Despite the valuable insights provided by these studies, there are still knowledge

gaps that warrant further investigation. Firstly, both studies focused on the general

population of adolescents, without specifically targeting grade 12 ICT students. Future

research could explore whether the relationship between time spent on mobile games and

sleeping duration differs among this specific group. Additionally, while the studies

identified correlations, they did not establish causality. Future research could employ

experimental designs to determine the causal relationship between mobile game usage

and sleeping duration. Furthermore, the studies did not consider other potential factors

that may influence sleeping duration, such as academic workload or stress levels. Future

research could incorporate these variables to provide a more comprehensive

understanding of the factors affecting the sleep patterns of grade 12 ICT students.

The exiting research findings suggest that increased time spent on mobile games

and other media activities may be associated with delayed wake-up times and reduced

sleep duration among individuals. However, further research is needed to explore the

specific impact on this student population, establish causality, and consider additional

factors that may influence sleeping duration. Understanding the relationship between

time spent on mobile games and sleeping duration is crucial for developing interventions

and strategies to promote healthy sleep habits among adolescents.




This chapter reveals the methods of research to be employed by the researcher in

conducting the study which includes the research design, participants of the study,

sampling method, research instrument, validity of the research, reliability of the

instrument, data gathering procedure, data analysis, and ethical consideration.

Research Design

Quantitative research approach was used for this study. Quantitative research is

the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data. It can be used to find patterns and

averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, and generalize results to wider

populations (Pritha Bhandari, 2020).

The researchers utilized correlational research design in conducting the study.

Correlational research design is a type of non-experimental research that aims to explore

the relationship between two or more variables. According to a study conducted by Smith

and Jones (2018), correlational research design involves measuring the degree of

association or co-variation between variables without the researcher manipulating or

controlling the variables. This type of research allows researchers to assess the strength

and direction of relationships between variables, providing valuable insights into how

they are interconnected.


Participants of the Study

The participants of the study consist of Grade 12 ICT students enrolled at Doña

Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School - Senior High School SY. 2023-2024.

Inclusion criteria include being enrolled as Grade 12 ICT students during the academic

year 2023-2024 and willingness to participate in the study.

Sampling Method

The study used purposive sampling for quantitative method and used complete

enumeration as the researcher got the total population of grade 12 ICT students.

Participants were purposely selected based on the following criteria: Grade 12 ICT

students at Doña Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School and Regular mobile

game users.

To ensure a suitable sample size for the survey, the researchers utilized Solvin's

Formula to determine the required number of respondents for each section. Consequently,

the Chrome section aimed to survey 34 respondents, the Firefox section targeted 36

respondents, and the Torch section aimed for 36 respondents, resulting in a total of 106

respondents for the study.


Research Instrument

The research instruments consisted of a self-administered questionnaire tailored to

measure the time spent on mobile games and mobile device usage. The questionnaire was

comprised of the following questions: The average hour spent on mobile games and the

sleep duration of grade 12 ICT students.


The researchers employed Cronbach's Alpha formula, as outlined by L.M. Collins

in a referenced article, to gauge the reliability of their questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha, a

statistical metric, assesses the reliability of an instrument by comparing shared variance

among its items to overall variance. Their study focused on the questionnaire's internal

consistency, yielding a reliability score of 0.8, indicating high reliability. Consequently,

they assert the questionnaire's dependability in eliciting desired responses, enhancing the

study's credibility. Moreover, they affirm its reliability for participant responses, ensuring

the attainment of targeted research outcomes.



The researchers validated their methods by aligning them with a previously

published study and maintaining procedural consistency to mitigate external influences.

Additionally, they sought input from three teachers, who provided scores of 3.4, 5.0, and

4.4, culminating in an average score of 4.2. This collective evaluation affirms the validity

of their research methods and findings, underscoring their suitability for participant


Data Gathering Procedure

In our research study, we sought approval from selected teachers at DHSBNH-SH

to validate our questionnaire. We provided a thorough explanation of the research's intent

and assured participants of the confidentiality of their information. Additionally, we

requested their input on the questionnaire's clarity and relevance.

After completing the validation phase, we converted the questionnaire into a

Google Form. This questionnaire, designed based on established scales and guidelines,

included items to measure the frequency, duration, and purposes of mobile game

engagement, as well as the overall time spent on mobile devices. The survey utilized a 5-

point Likert scale, where participants were asked to rate their responses from Never (1) to

Always (5). The questionnaire also incorporated validated scales related to mobile game

usage patterns and mobile device habits. The questions were adapted from existing

literature on technology usage, ensuring the reliability and validity of the instrument.

Data Analysis

To gauge the extent of mobile gaming habits and sleep duration among Grade 12

ICT students at DHSBNH-SHS, the researchers devised a questionnaire incorporating

Likert Scale items. Descriptive statistics, such as frequency distribution and mean

calculations, were employed to analyze the data.

To investigate the potential correlation between time spent on mobile games and

sleep duration among Grade 12 ICT students, the researchers opted to utilize Pearson's

correlation coefficient (r) as the statistical measure. This approach aims to quantify the

strength and direction of the relationship between these two variables.

Ethical Consideration

To uphold ethical standards throughout the research process, the researcher

adhered to several key principles:

One crucial principle involves providing participants with comprehensive

information about the study's objectives and procedures. This transparency ensures that

participants can make informed decisions regarding their voluntary participation without

feeling pressured or coerced.


Additionally, maintaining confidentiality and privacy is essential. The researcher

assured participants that any personal or sensitive information collected during the study

would remain confidential and be used solely for research purposes. Participants were

also informed of their right to withdraw from the study at any time without repercussions.

Furthermore, the researcher implemented measures to safeguard the well-being

and dignity of participants throughout the research process. This included obtaining

informed consent, ensuring voluntary participation, and minimizing any potential risks or

discomfort associated with participation.

Overall, these ethical principles underscored the researcher's commitment to

conducting the study with integrity, respect for participants' rights, and a focus on their


Chapter 4


This chapter provides the presentation of statistical data relative to the problems

positioned. The corresponding analysis and interpretation of data are incorporated in this

portion of the study.

The table below provides a comprehensive overview of the student population

categorized by sex. The data is collected to understand the distribution of male and

female students in a given educational setting.

Profile of the Respondents

Table 1 Sex of the Respondent

Sex of Respondents Frequency Percentage

Male 67 63.2%

Female 39 36.8%

Total 106 100%

Table 1 shows the frequency distribution of students by sex. It indicates that 63.2% (67)

of those who participated in this study were male, and 36.9% (39) were female.

Table 2 Summary of Profile Data

Demographic Profile of The Respondents




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Female-39 Male-67

The graph shows the number of individuals in the dataset who are classified as male (67)

and female (39), with a total of 106 individuals overall.

Table 3 Average hours spent on mobile games

Total hours spent on mobile games of Average hours spent on mobile games of
the respondents the respondents

570 hours 5.35 hours

The table above shows the average time spent on mobile games of the grade 12

ICT students.

Table 4 Average sleep duration of the respondents

Total hours of sleep duration of the Average sleep duration of the

respondents respondents

756 hours 7.13 hours

The table above shows the average sleep duration of the grade 12 ICT students.

Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient (r)

Pearson R P-Value Decision

0.240 .013 Reject Ho

A Pearson correlation coefficient was computed to assess the relationship between

the time spent on mobile games and sleep duration of the students. The result indicated

that there is a significant relationship between the time spent on mobile games and sleep

duration of the students. r (106) = .240, p = .013.

With a p-value of 0.13, falling below the conventional threshold of 0.05 for

statistical significance, the test indicates that this correlation is statistically significant.

This means that the likelihood of observing such a correlation purely by chance in less

the 5%.

r = 0.240 (Positive Weak Correlation)


Since r = 0.240 fell in the critical region beyond ± 0.13, we conclude that the test

is statistically significant. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that our

correlation is significantly different from zero.

r (106) = 0.240, p < 0.13


Chapter 5


Summary of Findings

The research investigated the relationship between time spent on mobile games

and the sleep duration of Grade 12 ICT students. The findings revealed a significant

correlation between excessive mobile gaming and increased sleep duration among the

participants. Students who reported spending more time on mobile games tended to have

longer sleep durations compared to those who spent less time gaming. Additionally, the

study identified a gender difference, with male students demonstrating a higher tendency

to spend extended periods on mobile games, resulting in more pronounced sleep

disturbances compared to female students.

Furthermore, the research uncovered a trend indicating that the use of mobile

games before bedtime was associated with delayed sleep onset and poorer sleep quality.

This suggests that the engagement with mobile games during the evening hours may

disrupt the students' circadian rhythms, leading to sleep disturbances and subsequent

daytime fatigue.


Based on the findings, it can be concluded that there is a clear relationship

between the time spent on mobile games and the sleep duration of Grade 12 ICT students.

Excessive use of mobile games, particularly before bedtime, negatively impacts sleep

patterns and quality among adolescents. The prevalence of this behavior, especially

among male students, highlights the need for interventions aimed at promoting healthy

screen time habits and improving sleep hygiene among adolescents.

Moreover, the study underscores the importance of raising awareness among

students, parents, and educators about the potential adverse effects of excessive mobile

gaming on sleep. By fostering a greater understanding of the link between screen time

and sleep, stakeholders can work together to develop strategies and guidelines to mitigate

these negative consequences and promote overall well-being among adolescents.



Based on the conclusions drawn from the study, several recommendations are


Educational Programs. Implement educational programs in schools aimed at

raising awareness about the impact of excessive screen time, specifically mobile gaming,

on sleep health. These programs should target both students and parents to promote

healthier technology use habits.

Parental Monitoring. Encourage parents to monitor their children's screen time

and establish reasonable limits on the use of mobile devices, especially before bedtime.

Parental involvement plays a crucial role in shaping adolescents' behaviors and habits

regarding technology usage.

Sleep Hygiene Practices. Promote the adoption of good sleep hygiene practices

among students, such as establishing a consistent bedtime routine, avoiding screens at

least an hour before bedtime, and creating a conducive sleep environment.

School Policies. Advocate for the development of school policies that support

healthy technology use habits and prioritize sleep health. Schools can implement

guidelines on mobile device usage during school hours and discourage the use of mobile

games before bedtime.

Further Research. Encourage further research to explore additional factors

influencing the relationship between mobile gaming and sleep duration among

adolescents. Longitudinal studies could provide valuable insights into the long-term

effects of excessive screen time on sleep patterns and overall health outcomes.

By implementing these recommendations, stakeholders can work towards

addressing the issue of excessive mobile gaming and its impact on the sleep duration of

Grade 12 ICT students, ultimately promoting better sleep health and overall well-being.

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