Test 1 Historical Fiction

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Section A: Reading

Spend 20 minutes on this section.

Here is an excerpt from a story. Read the text then answer the questions given.

In the American wild west, on the great plains, there lived an American
Indian tribe. The plains were full of grass that was as green as juicy apples. Chief
Black Horn was the leader of the American Indian tribe. He was about thirty years
old with long, straight, brown hair.

It had been a long, hot and sunny day and Chief Black Horn was sitting
looking over the plains. He felt very proud of the cattle and land that he lived on.
He thought that his tribe should say thank you to Mother Earth for providing for
them and decides to have a party for her. As the sun went down, it started to get
cold. The tribe made a fire to keep them warm and as the flames eat away at the
wood the Indians laugh and joke happily. Soon the wood pile for the fire ran low
and Chief Black horn sent a squaw to fetch some more firewood. While she was
there, she saw bandits trying to steal the cattle. The squaw ran back to camp and
told Chief Black Horn.

Chief Black Horn was outraged! He and the other Indian warriors mounted
their horses and rode out to the plains.

“Hey, leave our cattle alone!” Little Horn shouted ferociously.

“Oh quit yer yappin ya!” mocked one of the bandits as he un-holstered his
pistol and fired a shot. Little Horn gargled in agony as the blood rattled in his
throat. He fell from his horse and was dead before he hit the ground.

1. (a) From the evidence in this short text, which genre do you think the story
is? Tick your answer .

Story in a familiar setting


Historical Fiction

Traditional Tale

(b) How do we know? Explain why you ticked that genre.

...................................................................................................... [1]

2. Find two phrases in the text that describe the setting.

(1) ...............................................................................................

(2) ..............................................................................................[2]

3. Who was the leader of the tribe?


4. Find two phrases that describe the tribe leader.

(1) .............................................................................................

(2) ..............................................................................................[2]

5. In this sentence , Chief Black Horn was outraged!

Write two other words which means outraged: ,


Section B: Writing

Spend 25 minutes on this section. Recall the feautures of a historical fiction text. Write
your own short historical story.





Section C: Usage

Spend 25 minutes on this section.

Task 1: Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of verb. Choose the answers from the
options given in the brackets.

1. One of my friends ……………………….. gone to France. (has / have)

2. Each of the boys ………………………. given a present. (was / were)

3. Neither of the contestants ……………………….. able to win a decisive victory.

(was / were)

4. Oil and water ……………………….. not mix. (do / does)

5. He and I ……………………….. at Oxford together. ( was / were)

6. Slow and steady …………………….. the race. (win / wins)

7. Neither Peter nor James …………………….. any right to the property. (has / have)

8. No prize or medal ………………….. given to the boy, though he stood first in the
examination. (was / were)

9. Either Mary or Alice …………………… responsible for this. (is / are)

10. Neither the Minister nor his colleagues ………………………… given any explanation for
this. (have / has)

Task 2: Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions.

Since among with by since of at off

1. Is your brother home?

2. There is no unity the leaders.

3. He is a man humble origin.

4. The village is 5 miles the highway.

5. He is to Mumbai.

6. The boy was beaten a stick.

7. He discussed the problem his parents.

8. John was punished his father.

9. Can you finish the work tomorrow?

10. He has been absent last week.

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