COT2 Linear Permutation

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Detailed Lesson Plan

Teacher: Grade and 10 INTEGRITY


Learning Area: Quarter: 3 Week: Date:

Mathematics March 5,2024

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key
concepts of combination and probability.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to use precise counting
technique and probability in formulating
conclusion and making decision.
C. Learning Competences / Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learner will be
able to;
1. Define and illustrate distinguishable
2. Find the number of distinguishable
permutation of n objects.
3. Relate the content in real life situation and
give an example.

Subject matter / Lesson Linear Permutation
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Grade 10 Mathematics Teachers Guide pages
2. Learner’s Guide Pages Grade 10 Mathematics Learners Module pages
3. Textbook Pages/SLM
4. Additional Materials From LR
B. Other Learning Resources Printed Material, Power point presentation,
Chalk & Tape

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Reviewing
previous - Good Morning, Ma’am!
lesson or Daily Routine
presenting a. Greetings (Good Morning Class!)
new lesson b. Prayer
c. Knowing each students by
checking attendance
d. Classroom rules and regulation
e. Checking assignment
- What is our previous lesson? - (Students raise a
- So anyone, who can tell me what - Ma’am Linear
is Linear permutation? permutation is refers
- Yes,_____ to the arrangement
of object in a straight
line, where the order
of the objects

- Okay, thank you.

(Indicator # 6 manage classroom structure
to engage learners, individually or in
groups, in meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on activities within
range of physical learning environment.
B. Establishin Motivational Activity: Pick-mutation
g a purpose
for the lesson - So class before we proceed to
our next topic we will have a
game, the game called Pick-
mutation, here is the instruction.
Every student will be given a strip of
paper which will serve as their bet
slip. The teacher will put letters and
numbers inside the box. The students
will write only one positive outcome
on the slip. The teacher will collect all
the bet slips of the students. The
teacher will pick letters and numbers
from the box depending on the given
condition. The students with the same
letters and digits that the teacher pick
will receive a class points.

1st I will pick 2 numbers out of 6
were the number is (11, 2, 14, 8, 7,
2nd I will pick 3 letters out of 7 were
the letter is (J, D, G, P, C, M, L)
3rd I will pick 3 numbers and 2

- Good job everyone, congrats to

all who receive points
- This activity is connected to our

(Indicator # 5 Design adapt and implement

teaching strategies that are responsive to
learners with special educational needs,
that include giftedness, talents and
C. Presenting
examples/inst - So now let’s proceed to our topic
ances of the - Our topic for today is
new lesson Distinguishable permutation.
- Class what do you think is - (Students answer
distinguishable permutation? may vary)

- Please read the definition of - Distinguishable

Distinguishable permutation permutation refers
- Yes_____ to permutation or
arrangement of
objects, were some
of alike and distinct
or distinguishable
with one another.

- Okay, Thank you

- What do you think the different - (students answer
between linear permutation and may vary)
distinguishable permutation?
- Very good

(Indicator # 1 use a range of teaching

strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy
(Indicator # 2 display proficient use of
mother tongue, Filipino and English to
facilitate teaching and learning)
D. Discussing
new concepts - Class look at this illustration
new skills #1
- In how many ways can three
oranges, two apple, two
watermelon, grapes, jackfruit and
mango be arrange?
- Before we found out the total
arrangement of the objects, first
we should distinct.
- Since there are objects that
appear more than once
- What are the thing we should - Orange, apple and
distinct? watermelon
- Very good! - 3 orange, 2 apple, 2
- So how many orange, apple and watermelon
watermelon are there?
- By solving this problem we can
use the formula of distinguishable
permutation which is
p!q!r !…
- In this situation the number of
distinguishable permutations P of
n objects where p objects are
alike q are alike and so on.
- Let’s represent orange to be p
apple to be q and watermelon to - 3!
be r
- Orange appeared three so that - 2!
will be?
- Apple and watermelon appeared - 1!
twice so it should be?
- And mango, jackfruit and grape - 10 objects
appeared once that will be?
- Now, how many total of objects - 10!
do we have?
- So to be arrange our n will be?
- Now, let’s substitute it to our
p!q!r ! s!t !u!

3! 2 ! 2 ! 1!

( 6 ) ( 2 )( 2 )( 1 )


¿ 151,200
- So the total permutation of this
objects is 151,200

(Indicator # 1 use a range of teaching

strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy

E. Discussing - How many ordered arrangement

new concepts are there in this letters of
practicing - We have 1 M, 4 I, 4 S, and 2 P
new skills #2 and the total of objects is? - 11 Ma’am
- Very good
- By listing all the given we should
identify first the total number of
the variable p, q, r, s and total
number of object n.
- Our p = 1!, q = 4!, r = 4!, s = 2!
and our n = 11!

- Let’s now substitute in

distinguishable formula

p!q!r ! s!

1! 4 ! 4 ! 2!

30 , 916 , 800
( 1 )( 24 ) ( 24 ) (2)

30 , 916 ,800

¿ 34,650
- Did you get it guys?
- Cross your arms to anyone who - (students may
can’t get it response by there
- Make a big heart if you get it understanding)

(Indicator # 1 use a range of teaching

strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy

(Indicator # 3 & 4 use effective verbal and

non-verbal classroom communication
strategies to support learner
understanding, participation, engagement
and achievement)
F. Developing - If you really understand try to
mastery answer this problem in ½
crosswise in 5 minutes
Twelve pigs are available to use in a - AAAA BBBB CCCC or
study to compare three different diets. ABC ABC ABC ABC
Each of the diets let’s say, diet A, B, - 4 A, 4 B and 4 C
and C to be used on 4 randomly - Total of 12 objects
selected pigs. In how many ways can
Therefore p = 4!, q =
the diets be assigned to the pigs?
4! r = 4! and n = 12!

p!q!r !

4! 4!4 !
479 , 001 ,600 !
( 24 )( 24 ) (24)

479 , 001 ,600

13 , 824

¿ 34,650
G. Making  What is distinguishable
generalizatio permutation?
ns and  How do we solve distinguishable
abstraction permutation?
about the
H. Finding
practical A clothing store has shirts in four sizes: small,
applications medium, large and extra large. If it has two
of the small, three medium, three large and two
concepts and extra large shirts in stock, in how many ways
skills in daily can these shirts be sold if each is sold one after
living the other?
p=2 r=1 n=8
q=3 s=2
p!q!r ! s!

2! 3 ! 1 ! 2!

40 , 320
( 2 )( 6 )( 1 ) (2)

40 , 320
¿ 1,680

I. Evaluating Group ACTIVITY

Learning 1. In your own words define
distinguishable permutation
2. Find the number of permutation of
the letters from the word
3. Fine the number of ways of placing
12 balls in a row given that red are
5, green are 3 and yellow are 4.
4. Give example of problems or
situation in real life that involve
distinguishable permutation.
In each example you should:
a. Explain the problem or
b. Solve the problem
c. discuss how can use these
sample situations in your daily
life especially in formulating
conclusions or making

(Indicator # 5 Design adapt and implement

teaching strategies that are responsive to
learners with special educational needs,
that include giftedness, talents and
J. Additional Assignment
activities for Give 2 example of problems or
application or situation in real life that involve
remediation distinguishable permutation.
In each example you should:
a. Explain the problem or
b. Solve the problem
c. Discuss how can use
these sample situations in
your daily life especially in
formulating conclusions or
making decisions.

A.No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B.No. of learners who
required additional
activities for
C.Did lesson work?
No. of learners who
caught up w/ the
D.No. of learners who
continue to require
E.Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F.What difficulties did
I encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G.What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted by:

Jerlyn Garcia Kristian Marcaida
Math 10 - Teacher Cooperative Teacher

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