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(Pp. 101-122) Textbook

1. Definition of business: an activity of supplying and distributing
services and products
2. Definition of jingles: tunes or music consolidated with short,
attractive and catchy statements
used in advertising primarilyyour business
3. Definition of slogans: (strap lines, tag lines) simple catchy and
memorable phrase or clause accompanying
a logo or brand that encapsulates products’
appeal or the mission of a firm or agency
4. Nature of jingles: Inseparability from slogans
5. Nature of slogans: Independent on their own as means of
communication not only on products but also on
core values, customs, and tradition of a certain
6. Features of jingles and slogans:
* Jingles: stimulating hearing words by the melody equated
with the slogans
*Slogans: showing eye-catching words to both consumers
and viewers
7. Reasons for jingles and slogans to be powerful tools for
effective communication:
a. Hearing and listening impressions towards the tunes of jingles
and phrases and clauses of slogans= lasting in one’s memory
b. Talking and speaking faculties via jingles and slogans=
effective tools of communication
c. Meaning of words put into music= making jingles potent and
d. Nursery rhymes in jingles & slogans= teaching children
correct forms of sentences and
developing their memory skills
e. Jingles= easy to remember
8. Definition of a logo (derived from Greek, meaning reason)
a statement/ sentence or an argument convincing or
persuading a targeted audience by employing reason or logic
9. Types of persuasion accdg. to Aristotle
a. Ethos: an appeal to the credibility of the speaker/ designer in
terms of knowledgeability and experience on his field
b. Pathos: an appeal to emotion by creating an emotional
response to a convincing story
c. Logos: an appeal to reason thro presentation of evidences and
facts in establishing the speaker’s stand
10. Purpose of a logo: to identify a person, an agency, a school, a
product, business or services, etc.
11. Relevance of a logo
a. A strategy rather than an art
b. Implantation of culture of people all over the world
c. Facilitator of communication locally and internationally
12. Ways to design a logo
a. Understanding the need of a logo
b. Planning before designing a logo
c. Finding inspiration
d. Checking out competition
e. Choosing the design of the logo
f. Looking for the right type of the logo
g. Paying attention to color, font and shape
h. Picking the appropriate topography
i. Evaluating logo options
j. Exploring other do’s and don’ts in designing a logo
13. Tips on composing a slogan
a. Starting with a logo which is a symbol or design of an
organization to identify the product
b. Keeping the slogan simple to be understood easily and
c. Making the slogan funny, if possible
d. Using jokes appropriately
e. Staying honest and truthful
14. Emotional triggers of colors in logo designing
a. Black: representing authority, power, mystery, boldness,
elegance, and sophistication
b. Red: conveying passion, love, anger, hunger, health,
excitement and life
c. Yellow: showcasing courage, happiness, warmth, loyalty,
innovation and caution
d. Blue: professionalism, trust, reassurance
e. Green: harmony, natural, renewal, bountiful
f. Orange: vibrant, playful, artistic, energetic
g. Purple: royalty, luxury, celebration, education
h. White: pure, clean, peaceful, spiritual, goodwill
i. Pink: feminism, innocence, path, beauty
j. Brown: reliable, solid, masculine, earthly aura
15. Emotional triggers of shapes in logo designing
a. Symmetrical/Geometric: organization and stability
b. Organic: pleasure, comfort, interest, spontaneity
c. Abstract: literal interpretations of ideas or directions
d. Circles: community, friendship, love, relationships,
unity, perfection, attention, protection
e. Curves: femininity, motion, happiness, rhythm, pleasure
f. Spirals: creativity, growth, evolution,
g. Rectangles: familiarity, trust, order, peace, uniformity
h. Triangles: power, science, religion, law, masculinity
strength, purpose, energy, precision
i. Vertical lines: masculinity, strength, aggression, courage
j. Horizontal lines: community, tranquility, calmness
16. Definition of a poster: an outdoor medium of communication
*any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall
or vertical surface
*a large printed placard, bill or announcement posted to
advertise or publicize something
*an artistic work often a reproduction of an original painting
or photograph printed on a large sheet of paper/ tarpaulin
17. Uses of posters based on the WOVEN APPROACH advocated by
Georgia Institute of Technology
a. Written: forming a foundation to rhetoric process and
multimodality i.e. letting students create artifacts
ranging from essays, research articles and proposals
b. Oral: the core of individual and team presentations for
classrooms, workplaces & the community developing in
the students, listening and speaking strategies for
collaboration, engagement and leadership
c. Visual: communication interpreting how visual rhetoric shapes
one’s perceptions and actions which focuses on
information designs for pages & screens, typography,
images and animation
d. Electronic: communication using sound, images, and text in
digital forms which acquaint students how media
shape images as they consider the psychological,
social, political, economic and ethical dimensions
of digital media
e. Non-Verbal: communication beginning with body language,
eye contact, voice, attire, pacing of information,
physical movement and use of space as factors
that affect response and trust of audience
18. Elements of posters
a. Textual: in a phrase or clause
b. Graphics:
c. Wholly textual or wholly graphics
19. Aims of posters
a. To attract viewers
b. To give information
c. To advertise special events like concerts, films,
or products, etc.,
d. To entice passersby to join any activity like political rally
20. Effect of posters: helping to bring about incredible change in the
social, political, cultural & economic aspects of
human conditions
21. Types of posters
a. Propaganda & political
b. Movie
c. Concert
d. Band/music
e. Travel
f. Educational
g. Religious
h. Many more
22. Importance of posters as classroom activity
a. Developing teamwork and understanding along with
enhancing creative thinking, researching and reading
b. Providing students an opportunity to learn by doing
c. Retaining and recalling events and facts
23. Qualities of a good poster
a. Clarity of words used
b. Relevance or significance in terms of its purpose and design
c. Appeal or its pleasantness on the choice of words and design
d. Readability of the message and graphics

24. Steps in poster designing

a. Determining the overall message intended to present
b. Anticipating what audience will remember about the poster
c. Listing probable captions in the form of slogans
d. Translating ideas into visual form
e. Choosing lay out, image and fonts
f. Making posters visually appealing and interesting
Procedure: (By three) (to be posted in FB Page)
Phase 1: Innovation (100 pts.)
1. Create, invent or make believe a business venture
focusing on services like barber shop, dress shop, trucking,
car wash, beauty parlor, laundry shop, care-giving, baby
setting, chicken dressing, janitorial services, tailoring
shop, transportation services (habal-habal, motorcycle,
trisikad, jeepney, taxi, bus) planting & harvesting services,
carpentry services, etc. focusing on services
2. In a poster, design a logo with its appropriate color/s and
shape/s of your chosen make-believe business venture.
3. Compose a striking slogan for it.
4. Provide a setting /scene in your poster to present action
in the making.
5. Format may be landscape or portrait, depending
on your convenience.
Phase 2: Written (100 pts.)
1. In one paragraph, composing of not less than 10
sentences, discuss and explain the
title of your business, its purpose and its importance to your
2. He will discuss the implications of the
color/s, and why the group had chosen such color/s.
3. He will discuss the shape/s and design of the logo and
Slogan, its assurance to attract customers. End wit h
recommendations (3) that are double.
Dateline: May 15, 2024 @ 12:NN.

1. Definition of panel discussion: a formal moderated type of
public speaking activity before
an audience
2. Panel discussion in the classroom:
* a technique to teach students to work as a group
*to improve skills of research, logical organization
of ideas
*to enhance the ability to present thoughts clearly
and effectively
3. Purposes of panel discussion
a. For speakers to share ideas
b. For audience to present or give feedback or ask related
questions that specific speaker answers
c. For speakers to offer ways to solve the problem or give
suggestions on how to solve the problem
d. For audience to become more aware of both sides of the
coin of the problem
e. For audience to become more objective in their
perspectives on whatever the controversial issue has been
4. Role of the moderator: to engage both the audience and the
speakers (panel) in exchanging of ideas
in an educational atmosphere
5. Role of the moderator for a wholesome panel discussion
a. Starting with a goal by telling how the discussion
will benefit the audience
b. Using panelists with diverse perspectives, varying opinions
and backgrounds
c. Encouraging panelists to be provocative, to disagree
with one other for disagreement is fun and interesting
d. Informing panelists beforehand about the topic to be
discussed and about the role they play in achieving the goal
e. Staying consistently on the right side
f. Starting asking simple but provocative and clear questions
that demand detailed responses
g. Bringing the discussion back in and staying centered
on the topic
h. Keeping time allotted for each speaker to give his talk
i. Intervening firmly and respectfully once a panelist
talks too long
j. Stressing the differences of opinions rather than highlighting
areas where panelists agree
k. Ensuring the presence of an interactive activity between
audience and panelists in the form of Q and A
l. Limiting time allotment from 60 min. to 90 max. for the
entire panel discussion
6. Procedure in conducting a panel discussion
a. Moderator: opening the activity by telling the audience the
goal and the topic of the day
b. Moderator: introducing the panelists and giving the highlight
of their brief biography and qualifications for
the discussion
c. Moderator: considering time constraint says to the speaker:
“Moving on to the next question. . . “and other
polite expressions
d. Moderator: providing an opportunity for each panelist to give
his closing remarks
e. Moderator: (At the end of the activity)
Thanking panelists individually, expressing
gratitude for their participation, reinforcing the
productivity of the discussion, and acknowledging
the sponsors and other benefactors of the activity


1. A procedure with a set of well proven rules designed to
move business in a meeting while maintaining order and
controlling the communication process.
2. When parliamentary procedure necessary?
2.1 Large attendees with varied opinions about a
controversial issue discussed
2.2 To remain focused and achieved on its objectives
2.3 To allow everyone to participate and be heard
A parliamentary procedure in a meeting usually follows fixed order of
business as arranged and enumerated
in the next exposition:
3. Order of business
3.1 Call to order: The Chairperson says: “The meeting will
please come to order.”
3.2 Roll Call: Secretary calls the roll and the member
says “Present” as his name is called.
3.3 Minutes: Secretary reads the record of the last meeting
or previous copies for members to read
(possibly before the meeting begins).
3.4Officers Report: These are often limited to a report from
the treasurer, but others may report at
this time.
3.5 Committee Reports: First are report from "standing or
permanent committees, then
reports from "ad hoc" (special)
committees are presented.
3.6 Special Orders: Important business previously
designated for consideration at this
meeting is discussed.
3.7 Unfinished Business: Business left over from previous
meetings is reviewed.
3.8 New Business: Introduction of new topics can be made.
3.9 Announcements: Informing the assembly of other
subjects and events is appropriate at
this point in the meeting
3.10 Adjournment: The meeting ends by a vote or by general
4. Definition of a quorum:
The number of members that must be present for
business to be conducted, which is contained in the Bylaws
of the organization
5. Definition of a motion: A proposal that the assembly takes a
stand or action on some issue
6. Types of motion:
6.1 Main motion: Introduce subjects to the assembly for
its consideration
6.2 Subsidiary motion: change or affect how the main is
handled (voted on before the main
6.3Peivileged motion: most urgent usually about special or
important matter not related to
pending business (Ex. “I move to
adjourn .”
6.3 Incidental motion: questions of procedures that arise
6.4 out of the emotions (EX. “ I move to
suspend the rules for the purpose of..”


Read and understand PP. 111 to 112, Textbook
APPLICATION ACTIVITY: (To be posted on FB Page)
DIRECTIONS: 1. Group yourselves into ten members
in each group.
2. Organize a classroom panel discussion on the
topic, “Posters as Tools to Effective
3. Follow the role of the Moderator.
4. Conduct the panel discussion by following
the procedure, stated in the outline.
5. Be sure each member contributes an idea.
6. Criteria:
Efficiency on moderator’s conducting
the activity --- 30pts
Active exchange of ideas among
members- - 30
Way/s of ending the activity - - 20
Clarity of grammar use - - - 20
100 pts.
7. Video your activity and post your output in
your FB Page.
8. Dateline:

PART 4: Read and understand Pp. 113 to 114, Textbook.

Application Activities:) (To be posted on Google Classroom)
Phase 1: With your pair, write a memorandum to your
teacher in Purposive Communication and
explain to her reasons for your failure on
answering satisfactorily the question asked
from you during the graded discussion. As a
consequence, request your teacher that you
be given another activity in place of that
graded discussion. Strictly follow the format
on making a memorandum.
Phase 2: You have agreed with your pair that you will write
A memorandum, addressed to one of you. As
such, you are going to write a memo to him/her
by telling her/him in not less than three
suggestions on what are to be done to replace
the graded discussion that you both failed.
Again, follow strictly the format.
CRITERIA FOR GRADING: (For both Phase 1 and 2)
Format on making a memo to a superior- - 20 pts.
Format on making a memo to someone
of equal rank- - - 20
Grammar &well-constructed sentences - - -30
Coherence of ideas presented - - -30
100 pts.

Read and understand Pp. 115 to 117.
APPLICATION ACTIVITY: (To be done by 5 members in each group
and be posted on FB Page.)
DIRECTIONS:1. Choose the best poster among all of you.
2. Make an oral reporting on the chosen poster.
3. Your main aim on this activity is to attract
consumers of your business venture.
4. Consider optimally your attire, and your
poster to be on PPT large & visible enough for
the audience.
5. Video your activity & dateline for posting is
June 03, 2023 @ 10:00 A.M.

6. Criteria for grading

* Poster designing - - - 20pts
* Appropriate slogan - - - 20 pts.
* Clarity in delivery - - - 30
* Correct grammar - - - 30
100 pts.
PART 5: Read and understand Pp.118 – 122,
Application Activity: Simulating a Meeting with
Parliamentary Procedure
Directions: 1. By groups of 10 members in each group, hold a meeting
by following parliamentary procedure.
2. Follow the following modified procedure:
* Chairperson calls the meeting to order.
* Secretary makes a roll call and tells members
what to say once their name is called.
* After the roll call, Secretary reads at least 3 agenda
which will be decided upon by the group.
* Chairperson discusses each agenda and in between
his discussion, any member may voice out his
2. Use appropriate expressions by the Chairperson,
Secretary, Motion Maker, Second the Motion Maker,
Privileged Motion Maker, and other statements needed
In using parliamentary procedure in the meeting.
3. Criteria for grading:
Flow of discussion among members- - - 25pts.
Chairperson’s know-how’s of conducting
a parliamentary procedure
from beginning to end- - - 25
Secretary’s managing the procedure
of a parliamentary procedure- -25
Use of appropriate expressions by Chair,
Secretary and motion speakers - - 25
100 pts.
4. In all activities always achieve direct eye contact.
5. Video your activity and post your output in FB Page.
6. Dateline:

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