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Part1: Social Interaction (3’)

Let’s talk about festivals:

1. What is your favorite festival?

My favorite festival is Tet Nguyen Dan, or the Lunar New Year. It's a time when families come together
to celebrate and honor their ancestors, enjoy delicious food, and exchange good wishes for the
upcoming year. I love the festive atmosphere, the vibrant decorations, and the sense of togetherness it
brings. It's a special time for reconnecting with loved ones and starting fresh for the new year ahead.

2. What are the most popular Vietnamese festivals?

The most popular Vietnamese festivals include Tet Nguyen Dan (Lunar New Year), Tet Trung Thu
(Mid-Autumn Festival), and Tet Doan Ngo (Dragon Boat Festival). These festivals are cherished for
their cultural significance, family gatherings, and traditional rituals. My favorite festival is Tet Nguyen
Dan because of its festive atmosphere, delicious food, and the opportunity to spend quality time with
family and friends, welcoming the new year with hope and joy.
3. Do you like western festivals?
Yes, I enjoy western festivals like Christmas and Thanksgiving for their cultural richness and festive
spirit. These festivals bring people together to celebrate and create joyful memories. I appreciate the
traditions, such as decorating Christmas trees or sharing a Thanksgiving meal with loved ones, as they
promote a sense of community and gratitude. While they may differ from Vietnamese festivals, I find
them equally enjoyable and meaningful.

Let’s talk about weddings:

1. What presents are suitable for a wedding in your country?

Suitable presents for a wedding in my country often include practical items for the couple's new life
together, such as kitchen appliances, bedding sets, or decorative household items. Monetary gifts are
also common and appreciated, as they allow the couple to choose what they need most. Some people
opt for personalized gifts or experiences to make their present more unique and memorable. Ultimately,
the best gift depends on the couple's preferences and needs.
2. Do you think money spent on a wedding is wasted?
It depends on personal perspective, but many don't consider money spent on a wedding as wasted. A
wedding is a significant life event, celebrating love and commitment, and the expenses often go towards
creating cherished memories for the couple and their guests. While weddings can be costly, they
symbolize a meaningful investment in the couple's future and their shared happiness.

3. What is your idea of an ideal wedding party?

An ideal wedding party, in my opinion, involves close friends and family gathering to celebrate the love
between the couple. It should have a warm and joyful atmosphere, with delicious food, lively music,
and heartfelt speeches. Personal touches that reflect the couple's personalities and cultural traditions
make it even more special. Ultimately, the most important thing is for everyone to share in the
happiness of the newlyweds and create lasting memories together.

Part 2: Solution Discussion (4’)

Situation: You're shopping at a local market, and you notice a variety of products from different
countries on the shelves. There are 3 options: buying products from different parts of the world,
choosing among so many unfamiliar products, or sticking to familiar local products. Which one
would you choose? What are the reasons for your choice?


When it comes to shopping at a local market with products from different countries, I believe sticking to
familiar local products is the best choice.

Firstly, choosing local products helps the local economy. When we buy goods made in our own
community or country, we're supporting local farmers, artisans, and businesses. This helps to sustain
local jobs and businesses, which is important for keeping our community's economy healthy.

Secondly, sticking to familiar local products ensures quality and safety. We usually trust the standards
and rules that control products made in our own country. We're also more familiar with the production
methods and ingredients used, which reducing the risk of buying things that might not be safe or good

Moreover, buying local products helps cut down on our carbon footprint. Items that come from faraway
places usually need to travel long distances, which adds to greenhouse gas emissions and harms the
environment. When we go for local products, we can reduce the environmental damage caused by
transportation and encourage more eco-friendly shopping habits.

Finally, buying local products helps us feel more connected to our community and cultural heritage. It
lets us experience the traditions, values, and tastes of our region. This creates a sense of pride and
belonging, knowing that we're supporting local artisans and producers who add to the special identity of
our community.
In summary, sticking to familiar local products brings many advantages, such as helping the local
economy, ensuring quality and safety, reducing our environmental impact, and creating a stronger sense
of community. That's why it's the top choice when shopping at a local market.

- While it might seem exciting to try products from various countries, this choice may have drawbacks.
Firstly, importing products from faraway places usually means they've traveled long distances, leading
to carbon emissions and environmental damage. Secondly, it may not support the local economy as
much as purchasing local products does. Additionally, there could be concerns about quality control and
safety standards in products from unfamiliar regions.

- Choosing unfamiliar products can be an exciting adventure, but it also carries risks. Firstly, there may
be a lack of knowledge about the ingredients, production methods, and cultural background of these
products. This may lead to uncertainty about their quality and suitability. Secondly, it might result in
spending money on things that don't match our expectations or preferences, leading to wasteful

- In summary, sticking to familiar local products is the most practical and beneficial choice in terms of
economic, environmental, and cultural considerations.

Part 3: Topic Development (5’)

Topic: There are several benefits of globalization.

Sample Answer.
Globalization brings about numerous advantages that affect various aspects of our world.

Firstly, it fosters economic growth by promoting international trade and investment. When countries
engage in global trade, they can explore new markets, become more efficient through specialization,
and benefit from producing goods on a large scale. This leads to higher productivity, more job
opportunities, and ultimately, improved living standards for people worldwide.

Secondly, globalization helps create new and improved technologies by making it easier for people from
different places to share ideas and knowledge. When companies worldwide work together and compete,
they try harder to develop better products. This pushes them to invest in research and development,
leading to faster progress in technology. These advancements not only make our daily lives better but
also help tackle important global issues like healthcare, energy, and taking care of the environment.

Moreover, globalization encourages different cultures to mix and learn from each other. When people
from various backgrounds meet through travel, trade, and technology, they get to see different ways of
life. This helps them become more open-minded and respectful towards other cultures. As a result, it
brings people closer together and makes the world feel more connected.

To sum up, globalization brings many good things like making economies grow, creating new
technologies, and mixing different cultures. Even though there are some problems like inequality and
cultures becoming too similar, we can't ignore the good things globalization brings. By using its benefits
wisely and being responsible when we connect globally, we can make the world a better place where
everyone can thrive and get along.

Follow-up questions:

1. Can you discuss the influence of globalization on job opportunities for Vietnamese citizens?
Globalization has brought both opportunities and challenges for job seekers in Vietnam. On one hand,
foreign investment and new industries create more job options. However, increased competition and
automation have also affected some industries, leading to job displacement and wage pressures. So,
while there are more job options, people need to keep learning new skills to handle these changes well.

2. How has globalization contributed to the growth of the tourism industry in Vietnam?
Globalization has boosted Vietnam's tourism by making it easier for travelers to visit, spreading
awareness of its attractions online, attracting foreign investment in hotels and infrastructure, and
diversifying tourism experiences to meet global standards and trends. This has led to more visitors and
economic growth in the tourism sector.

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