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1 Code of Ethics & Conduct

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 The Code of Ethics & Conduct details the guiding principles and policies related to conduct and
behavioural standards all employees are expected to abide by throughout their employment with TSFE.

1.1.2 TSFE shall ensure that its Code of Ethics & Conduct is clearly communicated to all employees.

1.1.3 The following Module details TSFE’s Code of Ethics & Conduct.

1.2 Code of Ethics & Conduct

1.2.1 Employees shall always act in TSFE’s best interest and shall maintain the highest standards of
behaviour and ethics at all times.

1.2.2 Non-Disclosure & Confidentiality All employees are required to adhere to the conditions and provisions of the Confidentiality
Agreement as stipulated in the Employment Contract or any other agreement required by TSFE. Employees shall not disclose or use for their own benefits any information obtained during or
subsequent to their employment with TSFE. Confidential and private information related to TSFE shall not be used for any purpose other than that
for which it was gathered. Employees shall deal with event sponsors / stakeholders with the highest levels of professionalism,
confidentiality and respect. Proprietary and confidential data belonging to TSFE or to clients may not be removed from the work
premises. Employees must ensure that confidential information, in their possession is not accessed by
any outside party or organization. Employees are not to discuss prospects; contracts or their values, with anybody from outside TSFE. Employees must ensure that confidential information, in their possession, is not accessed by any
external party or organization. Any employee who misuses or divulges confidential business-related information will be subject to
Disciplinary Action.

1.2.3 Conflict of Interest TSFE employees shall not engage in any activity or situation that will result in a conflict of interest or
a potential conflict of interest between the employee’s personal interest and their obligations and
duties towards TSFE. A conflict of interest arises when an employee or member's of the employee's family are engaged in
any activity, contractual relation, contracting work or that may interfere or adversely impact the
employee's duties or responsibilities. An employee must disclose any potential conflict of interest to the Senior Manager / Head of
Operations and must report any event that an employee is engaged in an activity or situation that will
create a Conflict of Interest. All information given by the employee will be treated as confidential and only made available to Top

Version 1 September 2010 Page 1 of 7 In order to avoid a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest, at no time should an
employee solicit or accept personal gifts from sponsors or other parties with whom TSFE has ongoing
business or professional relationship. Employees may accept ordinary business gifts, without
significant value. Monetary gifts to employees cannot be accepted at any time and should be returned immediately. In the decision as to whether or not to accept any gift, employees should use good judgment and
avoid in all cases any actual conflict. Because a refusal of a gift could offend, the employee should
immediately report to their Line Manager, who is responsible for making a decision on whether to
retain or return.

1.2.4 Protection of TSFE Assets TSFE property and assets, tangible and intangible, shall only be used for the benefit of TSFE and not
for personal gain. Employees are not authorized to remove or relocate TSFE property from the premises without getting
the approval of the concerned Line Manager and Manager – HR & Admin. Use of TSFE property, including computers and office equipment, for personal gain is strictly

1.2.5 Dual Employment The terms of employment stipulate that TSFE employees are not permitted to have part-time private
work outside TSFE whether during or subsequent to TSFE working hours. Employees found to be in violation of the terms of employment regarding outside employment will
be subject to Disciplinary Action.

1.2.6 Conduct Outside TSFE The manner in which the employees interact with outsiders will largely reflect TSFE’s culture and
values. Hence the employees will be required to realize the importance of the role of being an TSFE
representative. While interacting with outside entities, sponsors, etc., employees will behave in a courteous and
proper manner. They will not say anything or act in any way that will offend the outsider’s feelings or
cause damage to TSFE’s reputation. Outside the office premises, the employees will not indulge in any acts that will adversely affect
TSFE’s corporate image and reputation.

1.2.7 Hiring of Relatives A relative is defined as any person who is related by blood or marriage. Relatives of TSFE employees also employed by TSFE may only be hired if they do not occupy
positions within the same line of authority. There shall not be a reporting relationship or supervisory relationship between relatives. If the relationship is established after employment, the individuals concerned will decide who will be
transferred within 30 days, or a management decision will be made for them. Where conflict or the potential for conflict arises, the parties may be separated via transfer or
termination, even if no supervisory relationship exists.

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1.2.8 Dress Code All employees are expected to dress in a smart and professional manner. Male employees should
wear national dresses or formal black suit, white shirt and tie. Female employees are expected to
dress decently and professionally. The appearance of employees should reflect the professional and customer-friendly protocols of
TSFE. Employees are expected not attend the office in informal or semi-formal outfits, or accessories (e.g.
jeans, t-shirts, sports gear). All employees are expected to conform to the generally accepted formal dress practices of TSFE.

1.2.9 Smoking Policy TSFE is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment. The TSFE office premises
are strictly non-smoking at all times.

1.2.10 General Ethics Principles TSFE will treat all its employees equally and without any favour or discrimination whether due to
colour, gender race or religion. The employees will be required to interact with other employees within the framework of policies and
guidelines of TSFE. At no time will any employee exceed their authority limits, without the prior
approval of their Line Manager. Employees are expected to show proper deference to their Line Managers and consideration to
colleagues and subordinates. They will also, by informal interaction, attempt to resolve
misunderstandings, differences of opinion, etc. amongst themselves or with the assistance of Line
Managers, before initiating formal action. Employees are required to abide by the rules and regulations of TSFE, and execute the orders and
instructions of their Line Managers. Any behaviour to the contrary will be subject to disciplinary
action. Employees must devote all official time to perform their duties accurately and faithfully, and must
not leave the work place without the permission of their Line Manager. All TSFE employees shall conduct themselves in a manner that promotes and maintains a
professional environment. Employees should aim to keep a high level of performance and behaviour
as deemed acceptable by TSFE. Proper conduct is a condition of continued employment. Improper
conduct may result in disciplinary action potentially resulting in termination. Senior personnel will
counsel those employees who do not follow TSFE’s standards. The standards expected are those of:
1. Competence
2. Good Time-Keeping
3. Courtesy
4. Commitment
5. Confidentiality
6. Safety Consciousness
7. Honesty and Integrity All the above regulations if violated by an employee will result in some form of disciplinary action
and the procedures followed have been documented in the section on Disciplinary Action.

Version 1 September 2010 Page 3 of 7 All employees should conduct the duties and responsibilities that are assigned to them precisely,
honestly and within the required timeframe. Employees should also conduct any duties, which are
assigned to them by their superiors and any other official assignments they are asked to do.

1.2.11 Line Manager Responsibilities The Line Manager will be responsible for advising employees of TSFE policies regarding work rules
and personal conduct through: HR Policies and Procedures Manual. Counselling employees who do not comply with the policies and take appropriate disciplinary action. The Line Manager will be responsible for ensuring appropriate action is taken regarding any
employees who violate TSFE work rules. Violations of TSFE Rules and Unacceptable Personal Conduct Employees are expected to promptly report any suspected violations to TSFE Management Violations of TSFE rules and unacceptable personal conduct are divided into four categories. The
following list includes many, but not all, possible violations:
Table 8.1: Lists of Possible Violations

Category A

 Failure to comply with security requirements established by TSFE.

 Failing to report a serious contagious disease that could endanger other employees.
 Pretending to be ill.
 Ignoring common safety rules or practices.
 Failure to abide by the dress code guidelines in work areas.
 Failure to immediately report a personal accident or injury occurring whilst working.
 Creating a safety hazard by deliberately hampering passageway, fire exits or equipment
 Failure to report absence from work to their Line Manager during Sick Leave.
 Smoking within TSFE premises.

Category B

 Causing the injury of another person due to carelessness, negligence or horseplay.

 Quarrelling, shouting, or using loud abusive language in the work place.
 Willfully or negligently causing or contributing to the damage of TSFE property.
 Using TSFE time, materials or equipment to do unauthorized work.
 Impugning the reputation of other employees.
 Engaging in improper conduct on the job, which is contrary to morality and decency.
 Leaving the workplace during work hours without permission or without notifying their
Line Manager.
 Failure to report to the office without adequate or proper justification.
 Holding of, participating in, or attending any unauthorized meeting during work hours.
 Deliberately damaging any TSFE property or equipment.
 Abuse of TSFE telephones and communication facilities.
 Abuse of TSFE’s courier account.

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Category C

 Threatening, intimidating, harassing or coercing other employees.

 Insubordination or gross disrespect of senior personnel.
 Unjustified refusal to testify or be a witness for TSFE in any official TSFE
 Refusal to perform assigned work in a timely manner.
 Operating machinery or equipment contrary to established operating procedures or
without the consent and / or knowledge of the authorized Program Manager / Manager /
Senior Manager.
 Intentionally detaching, refraining from use of, or rendering inoperative mechanical
safety devices.

Category D

 Attempting to inflict bodily harm, fighting with other employees, or otherwise

assaulting an employee, or anyone else on TSFE premises.
 Maliciously committing an act resulting in a material / reputation loss to TSFE.
 Repeatedly disobeying the instructions of the employer.
 Absence from duty without notification for more than 15 consecutive days, without any
 Being convicted of a crime affecting honor, honesty, or morality.
 Being found by subsequent medical examination, to be drunk or under the influence of
drugs during working hours.
 Use of fraud, including misrepresentation of credentials, qualifications, and previous
employment for the purpose of obtaining work with TSFE, or falsifying any TSFE
documents or records.
 Disclosing confidential information belonging to TSFE or its sponsors / stakeholders.
 Giving or distributing any information or documentation concerned with TSFE, its
activities or sponsors / stakeholders divulging information to any third parties without
written approval from TSFE.
 Soliciting, offering, or accepting bribes or anything of value in TSFE for services.
 Theft or gross misuse of TSFE property, including computers and the personal property
of other employees.
 Carrying and / or unauthorized possession of firearms or any deadly weapon.
 Accepting monetary gifts or financial favors from TSFE sponsors / stakeholders or any
other entity with whom TSFE has ongoing business.
 Violating TSFE’s security and copyright regulations.
 Belonging to a political group or organization, working for, or distributing / advertising
political information.
 Disobeying or purposely breaking the rules set by TSFE.
 Deliberately engaging in activities, contractual work or any other situation that
adversely impacted or may impact TSFE.
 Working for another organization inside or outside the work hours of TSFE without
prior written approval.
 Refusing to carry out duties assigned to them by TSFE or management.
 Having personal interests that contradict TSFE objectives and goals. Categories A, B & C will normally result in verbal warnings, written warnings and possible
suspension prior to termination. Category D will result in immediate termination of employment.

Version 1 September 2010 Page 5 of 7 In addition to the violations and unacceptable personal conduct listed in the categories, there may be
violations of work rules established in specific areas. The employee’s Senior Manager / Program
Manager / Manager is responsible for explaining specific rules in the work area, which are in addition
to the work rules and guidelines already established. Any employee who violates any of these policies will be subject to disciplinary action.

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2 Employee Separation
2.1 Introduction

2.1.1 The purpose of this chapter is to set the policies and procedures pertaining to managing and facilitating
the separation of employees from TSFE in a professional and equitable manner, whether voluntary or
involuntary, and in compliance with the contractual and legislative requirements.

2.1.2 This chapter covers policies and procedures related to the following:
1. Notice Period
2. Compensation in Lieu of Notice Period
3. Employee Initiated Termination
4. TSFE Initiated Termination
5. Pension for UAE & GCC National employees
6. End of Service Benefits
7. Final Settlement
8. Service Certificate
9. Repatriation Expenses

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