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Data Sheet

SmartStart™ Complete
The Eloqua SmartStart Complete methodology helps guide you through the
implementation phases, from project initiation to rolling out your integrated
marketing automation solution, and includes marketing best practices.

SmartStart Complete Scope:

Eloqua System Provisioning & Project Preparation

o Template & Best Practice Guides –Eloqua configuration templates and guidelines
for project deployment

o Project Planning and Timeline Alignment – Working session in which the overall
project timeline and solution implementation approach, project roles, and
responsibilities are reviewed

2-Day Marketing Automation Best Practices Workshop – The Best Practice workshop
will help your team to better understand how to optimize your marketing automation
processes and usage of the application. Your workshop will be customized based on a
joint review of your Revenue Lifecycle Assessment and Benchmarks and interviews
conducted prior to the on-site workshop. Together we will determine the agenda for
the workshop as well as deliverables from the session. Typically, the session focuses on
a combination of Sales & Marketing Alignment via Lead Management, Contact
Management, Campaign Management, and Effectiveness Measurement. However, we
can focus on one specific area as needed.

3-Day on-site Eloqua Foundations – Working sessions designed to understand your

business processes and to define how the Eloqua platform will enhance your business

o Customer Lifecycle Review – Provides an overview of customer lifecycle stages

and a working session to jointly map the customer lifecycle to your Eloqua

© 2012 Eloqua Limited. All rights reserved.

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o Account & Contact Mapping – Detailed mapping of your account and contact
files into the Eloqua Platform

o Email and Forms Standards Review – Defines standards for landing page forms
and email templates

o Subscription Management Review – Defines requirements for an out-of-the-box

subscription management solution for CAN SPAM compliance

o Default Settings Review – Review standard system settings and gather required

Implementation – This section covers the components of the solution that will be
deployed in this engagement.

o Email Marketing & Forms - Create an email campaign on an Eloqua best practice
template that can be sent to your new Eloqua contact lists. The email setup tasks
also include configuring your default global settings such as the “from” address
and suppressing your competitors from receiving your emails.

 User Creation (up to 5)

 Header/Footer (1) and Default Settings Configuration

 Development of one Global Email Template, one Email Notification and

up to two Forms set-up

o Website Tracking - Implement website tracking on your site to enable tracking of

visits to specific web pages and PDF documents. Deliver Eloqua tracking scripts
and provide assistance in testing of up to 5 deployed scripts.

o Subscription Management – Leverage Eloqua’s out of the box subscription

management functionality allowing email campaign recipients to opt out at a
global level as well as campaign levels. Includes unsubscribe and bounce-back
set-up and configuration of subscription management.

o Architecture Workshop – Eloqua will conduct a workshop that covers integration

options and best practices around use of the API, import/export functions, and
out-of-the-box CRM on demand integrations. A follow-up session will also be
held to finalize the roadmap and answer questions.


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o Data Loading – Loading of account and contact files. Assumes each contact has a
unique email address. A test load, followed by a final load will be executed.

o Lead Scoring Program - Lead scoring is a method of quantifying the value of

leads by evaluating explicit (contact and form information) and implicit (website
and email response activity) data in an ideal contact profile. Your lead scoring
program will leverage Eloqua’s best practice templates and take into
consideration your business processes. One lead scoring program will be

o Lead Nurturing Program - Lead nurturing is a marketing program that

communicates with leads that are not ready to be passed to sales. Lead
nurturing programs can be as simple as a quarterly newsletter or as advanced as
a series of targeted emails based on lead score (if applicable), lead profile, and
real-time tracked responses during the program. One lead nurturing program
template will be delivered.

o Asset Migration Workshop & Migration Activities – This program contains a

workshop inventorying your assets available for migration, education on how to
migrate those assets into the Eloqua platform as well as asset creation in Eloqua.
Additionally, up to five (5) various assets (emails, forms) will be migrated in a
hands-on session designed to enable your team to continue to migrate assets on
an as needed basis.

o In-line Data Standardization Program – Data standardization in Eloqua is an

inline process designed to help normalize and populate specific Eloqua fields as
data flows into the database.

 Leveraging the best practice data standardization template, Eloqua will

provide the following lists, which can be modified by the client before
being configured in the Eloqua system:

• List of New England zip codes to append leading zeroes,

• Common variations of countries mapped to ISO country code and

global region, states/provinces (US/Canada) mapped to 2-letter
ISO codes, area codes (US/Canada) mapped to 2-letter ISO
state/province code, zip/postal codes mapped to state
(US/Canada), and job titles mapped to standardized departments
and job levels.
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 Eloqua Professional Services will also configure 3 additional custom fields

into the standardization process. Client is responsible for providing
standardized lists or providing criteria to configure the product for these
3 additional fields.

IP Warming Best Practices Workshop & Launch Support - The objective of an IP

warming program is to consistently send out emails and gradually increase the volume
of email to make a customer’s IP addresses known to ISPs, thus keeping your sender
score high. Eloqua will conduct a half-day working session designed to bring you up to
speed on this process and present best practices on how to execute an IP warming
campaign. Additionally Eloqua will support the actual launch of your initial warming

Testing & UAT Support – This effort is designed to support the final end to end system
testing of the solution prior to go live. This effort assumes testing is accomplished on
the production instance of Eloqua and/or the CRM solution that may be in use. If
additional testing cycles and environments are needed, please contact your Eloqua
Professional Services contact for scoping.

Customer Readiness Workshop – This session is designed as a checkpoint with your

Eloqua administration team to review and conduct a Q&A session regarding go-live
activities and checklist. Additionally, a review of the Eloqua support mechanisms and
the various points of contact post-implementation will be presented.


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Implementation Team
Having the right resources with clearly defined responsibilities is a critical requirement for a
successful implementation. The table below contains the recommended project roles for your
team and the Eloqua team. Your team and time allocations may vary based on your culture and
project needs.

Project Roles
Responsibilities Time Expected

•Provides overall project leadership 3-4 days per week

Project Manager
•Coordinates vendor support during project

•Acts as project champion – defines objectives 2–4 hours per month

Project Sponsor and measurable targets
•Provides resources and executive sponsorship during project
Customer Team

Functional / Business •Defines content, process and required flows 1 - 2 days per week
Resources •Tests product and process throughout project

•Support the integration points of the solution

1 - 2 days per week
Technical Resource(s) •Assist data mapping for integration process
flows during project
•Setup and maintenance of users, roles and
profiles 1 - 2 days per week
System Administrator •May conduct post-application reconfiguration
and maintenance (including fields, records and during project

Training Coordinator •Coordinates end user training 40 hours over the

course of the project
Eloqua Team

• Provides subject matter expertise, business process and software

Professional Services • Configures software
Consultant(s) • Provides knowledge transfer

•Partners with client project manager to manage project plan, activities, deliverables
and issues
Project Manager •Coordinates Eloqua resources
•Facilitates participation of peripheral Eloqua teams as needed. eg. Product

Responsibilities, Deliverables, and Timeline:

Phase Eloqua Deliverables Client Deliverables

Initiate • Project initiation documents • Project governance structure and meeting schedule
• Kickoff agenda and presentation • Defined project team roles and responsibilities
• Milestone project plan • Ensure appropriate Internet connectivity is available
to end users
• Develop communication strategy/plan


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Define • Detailed project plan • Organization staffing completed/validated

• Configuration design workbook as • Internal migration strategy completed
completed in all service tracks • Training plan & internal support plan validated
• Eloqua integration definitions including CRM • Create data files for initial loads as well as ongoing
mapping worksheet (if CRM Integration interfaces
Package is selected)
• Participate and facilitate internal consensus for final
• Provide import data file specifications and design captured in design workbooks
sample file

Configure • Validated configuration of product within • Review and test all aspects of system configuration
customer’s instance and load test users with and request needed changes
Eloqua profiles • Test email process internally
• Configure email and form layouts, custom • Validate use cases for testing
fields and pick-list values
• Configure CRM integration

Transition • Revise configuration to incorporate • Configuration testing - test the system and describe
customer feedback (up to 2 iterations) needed changes (up to 2 iterations)
• Hand-off template for configuration testing • Configuration signoff
with suggested use cases • All power users complete required and
• Conduct Eloqua training sessions, number of recommended training
classes as defined in contract • Facilitate end-user training - ensure that all users
• Complete service checklist attend Eloqua online basic training course as a
• Knowledge transfer workshops minimum

Launch • Introduction to Customer Success Manager • Customer signoff on live system

and support processes for end users • Identified Customer owners for all global standard
• Collect lessons and feedback templates going forward
• Internal knowledge transfer of customer to
Eloqua Support and Success Management

Post- • Provide release notes of new features in the • Review release notes and ask customer support to
Implementation system as needed implement desired new features
• Provide announcements of all user group • Participate in user community - attend user group
meetings meetings, user conferences, and on-line forums


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Eloqua implementation methodology, standards, and approach will be used

Unless otherwise stated, all Professional Services will be provided and documentation
written in the English language only. The Eloqua platform interface will be in English

Standard output documents and reports are included in scope without modification

Client will assign a dedicated Customer Project Manager as a single point of contact for
the Eloqua Project Manager for the duration of the project

Client will provide proper personnel resourcing and staffing for the configuration phase
from a time investment and efficiency/effectiveness perspective

Client will define and maintain the business objectives and requirements that will guide
the usage of the Eloqua platform

Client will provide Eloqua continuous, administrative access to the Eloqua platform

Client will extract, consolidate, and cleanse data prior to loading into the platform

Any configuration, application administration, and training items that are not specifically
outlined above or in the Order Form (e.g., setting up new users beyond the five (5)
designated users; additional training of personnel) are not included as part of this
service offering

About Eloqua
Eloqua automates the science of marketing – campaign execution, testing, measurement, prospect profiling, and lead nurturing – allowing marketers
to acquire customers, drive revenue and do what they do best: develop strong brands, build creative campaigns, and deliver compelling content.
Eloqua is headquartered in Vienna, Virginia, with offices in Toronto, London, Singapore and throughout North America.

Eloqua Limited For more information,

1921 Gallows Road please call: 866.327.8764
Suite 250 or email:
Vienna, VA 22182-3900

© 2012 Eloqua Limited. All rights reserved.

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