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2020: A Historic Year for Every Filipino

2020 is a very controversial and eventful year that the world has battled, this jam-
packed and adrenaline rush of a year it is safe to say that this year is indeed, not for the
faint of heart. The year 2020 started like every other year that has passed but it
definitely ended like no other, from the wrath of natural disasters, from the effects of
man-made calamities and the most prominent reason that cause the year itself to turn
upside down, is the attack of the virus COVID-19, the Philippines is one of the those
country who suffered the biggest casualties and negative effects caused by the virus,
because of it, many hidden problems and lapses risen from all around the country, to
the lack of health facilities, all through the shortcomings of the current government and
the leaders before them that showed just how vulnerable the country is from this kinds
of unfortunate tragedies. The pandemic stroked the heart of the people to unimaginable
heights, making them carry out inhumane actions and cause more problems than the
country can bare at the time.

Looking back on 2020 is surprisingly

hard knowing that no soul would want
to remember the tragic year that has
passed, from the Taal volcano
eruption, the shutdown of one of the
biggest media companies, the
corruption of government agencies
through all kinds of controversies that
the Philippines have gone through not
to mention those lives that were lost because of the strong Typhoons that hit the land
that made the people question the capabilities of the leaders and the President himself,
and the new normal in education that has become a burden for those who is already
suffering from poverty and unemployment. The events that matter to me the most would
be the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Governments shortcomings in the responses and
assistance, “the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a

newly discovered coronavirus.” According to the World Health Organization the virus
causes mild to moderate respiratory illness but can also be cured without special
treatment, the serious threats apply to older people who already developed medical
problems in the past, making it formidable disease to the sick, the WHO stated that the
virus is transmitted primarily through droplets of saliva and discharge from the nose,
because of that the world was more or less forced to wear masks and face shields for
their own good when going outside, and most of them remained indoors and distanced
themselves from one another even amongst family members, and when most of the
people are inside, the income of the people is also affected bringing hardships for most
of those families who only get by, day by day and when the people lose their jobs and
income the economy is directly affected causing abnormal rise of poverty. It is the
government’s duty to give the needed response in a time such as this, it is where the
leaders are expected to come up with the best solution that can help its people stand
back up again, but those who are most needed in this time of hardships is nowhere to
be found. Amidst the pandemic natural disasters did not laid back in giving the country
more problems to set eyes upon, and those families who are in their lowest state are
those who were greatly affected and
even lost their lives to these horrible
typhoons that hit the Philippines in its
most vulnerable state, and the people
find the government lacking in the
responses and rescues that they
believed were supposed to be there in
those times. Is it really the President’s
fault? Is one person responsible for
those lost lives? Does he really have the option to save all of them at that time? I
believe that the President indeed has shortcomings, but he is not the one expected to
rescue all those poor souls. Social media was flooded with calls of help with the cries of
those who are not able to do anything for the people who needed them most then there
were hashtags like #NasaanAngPangulo, for me the hate that the people are giving
towards is somehow empty rage, blaming the highest in position for not doing

everything there is to be done, unnecessary anger towards the President only caused
continuous flames in the heart of the Filipino making them hate the man more, is there
really something he could have done? Let us leave it to the smart people and those who
know a lot about it. The coronavirus and the typhoons were not the only event that the
people find the leaders of the country lacking, there are also projects that was indeed
utterly laughable to the point that it was used in creation of memes and jokes in social
media, the White sand in Manila bay attracted mixed reactions and comments from the
people, they said it to be unnecessary and a waste of money and time to prioritize the
bay rather than the more important subjects in the meantime, which is very much true
knowing that the sand is now almost non-visible anymore because of most of them
getting engulfed by the sea which is truly tragic.

My 2020 was literally a roller coaster of a year, from personal perspectives this is
definitely my most remorseful yet unforgettable year, the social media is full of garbage
more than ever, the occurring events such as crimes, disasters and the pandemic is
regrettably horrible and sad, and yet the education system is not on my comfortable
side as well, but it is what makes the 2020 also a year of trials and chances, the year
tested us on who we can and will become in the future, because the future is a big
mystery and can hold almost anything possible in our imagination and as a Filipino this
year was a test of our love for the country and its people.


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Esguerra D.J (2020) Retrieved from


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